Jewish Scene
'Jews monopolize American policy'
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 08.10.07, 18:38
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87 Talkbacks for this article
61. Richard , NY
charles ,   petach tikva IL   (10.11.07)
Give the names please . That's all i'm asking you . Otherwise shut up with your stupidities .
62. #61, You shut up and
Richard ,   New York, USA   (10.11.07)
do your home work. He who seeks will obtain.
63. Richard NY
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.11.07)
Poor guy , you can't give names ?
64. Zionist Thought Police
Dovy ,   Toronto   (10.11.07)
Abe Foxman and Alan Dershowitz are two of the main attack dogs of the Zionist Thought Police. They suffer from acute paranoia and hysteria. Of course the Zionists have great influence, and Abe and Alan know it. But again the troublemakers want to look like the victims!
65. Foxman is a part of the Jewish Lobby
Don ,   UK   (10.13.07)
So of course he's gonna come out and say its anti-semitic because its the most effective way to silence critics. Dawkins is extremely anti muslim and anti christian and hardly ever says anything critical about Jews.
66. Dawlins
Michael ,   Melbourne Australia   (10.15.07)
So Terry from Israel says to criticise Israel is to be anti-semetic? Hmmm. Oddly Dawkins does not criticise Israel, or even US policy, all he says is that Jewish lobbies have been able to influence US policy. Hardly an outrageous suggestion, unless of course you think there is something wrong with that. Don't Jews have the right to influence US policy?
67. A scientific vacuum
Raphael ,   Netanya   (10.15.07)
Nobody ever analyzed the power of arab muslim lobbying, its connexions to neo nazis and oil industy. I feel a huge knowledge gap concerning the corruption circuits this lobby built within the media, the politicians, the diplomats, the universities.
68. #62 richard dear
what you fail to comprehend is that in essence, us politics and foreign policy are INDEED CONTROLLED BY OIL AND MOSTLY THE ARAB NATIONS WHO OWN IT. oil has been the number one prize to be had by usa presidents and politicians from time immemorial, where all foreign policies were, are and will be based on this marvelous black gold opportunity. american politicians and presidents have been more in bed with saudi arabia than with the israeli lobby in the usa. in fact, oil and energy needs controll most ellections and usa foreign policy. this is why every us president has been pandering to arab nations and trying to forever appease them in the name of this black gold necessity. forget about the influence of aipac. it doesn't even come close to the influence of the arab lobby and the golden cuffs they have on usa foreign policy in the middle east and the arabian penninsula. the usa has needed arab oil and support one hundred times more than jewish/israeli support for elections and for policies outside the us. just observe the un policies and their stance on israel. just observe the un resolutions against the jews/israel to understand that jews in essence do not control a thing. a more truthful analysis would be that jews control the brains in every major country in terms of science, medicine, technology and the humanities. most nobel prizes are given to jews of any nationality. most patents are introduced by jews. most discoveries in high tech and general communications and technology are done by jews. most advancements in medicine, drugs, scientific research are executed by jews. thus, it is more accurate to assume that, in fact, jews control the brain of civilization and its advancement rather than politics and usa foreign policy. considering the minimal amount of jews in major parts of the world and especially in the usa, i don't see how they can influence ellections in great numbers. after all, there are more muslims in the usa and elsewhere than jews with full voting rights and citizenship in these countries. by their sheer greater numbers they can have more influence than all the jews put together. the arab lobby is 100 times more influencial than the jewish lobby and its possession of the greatest gift to civilization, namely oil, is the one true motivator in usa foreign policies. do you know how i know???? because i sit on the board of such a lobby and am constantly aware how usa oil companies and their supporting arab states influence politics on a daily basis. in short, the usa will sell the jews down the line for oil and for continued relations with their arab compatriots.
69. God does not exist and Dawkins is his prophet
Salomon S Mizrahi ,   Sao Carlos/SP/Brazil   (10.15.07)
Dawkins preaches atheism with the same stamina fundamentalists preach for their gods and religions. Dawkins is the ayatollah of atheism
70. Dawking doesn't exist.
Ephraim ,   diaspora   (10.19.07)
In the eyes of the Almighty, blessed be He, Dawkins doesn't exist. Just as Dawkins doesn't believe in Him, He doesn't believe in Dawkins, so why all the stir? To those with a soul, it doesn't matter what Dawkins thinks because there is only One Almighty Elohim, blessed be He, and He is in control regardless of how things may appear in this world. So we should all make sure that we are serving Him. So, let's all be brothers!
71. Anonymous # 68
charles ,   petach tikva IL   (10.20.07)
Most of Nobel prizes are not awarded to Jews . "only" 17 % are given to persons who are certainly Jewish . This is of course a great number , Jews accounting only for less than 0.25 % of world population . This year the three economy prizes are Jews
72. Ephraim
charles ,   petach tikva IL   (10.20.07)
Lets all be brothers ? fine . But include in your brotherhood the vast quantity of secular atheists . If you do , then i'll consider religious people also as my brothers . Now only a small part of them who are tolerant deserve to be called my brothers
73. #68, Not true!
Richard ,   New York, USA   (10.21.07)
The Arabs do not own the major oil companies, and they do not control the media, the Federal Reserve, the US government, the US military, Wall Street, or educational institutions. So what are you telling me, except lies?
74. #51, Democracy?!
Richard ,   New York, USA   (10.21.07)
There is no democracy in America or Israel. The politicians are bought and paid for by those with the money. They do not represent the people.
75. Thank you Christy
Danusha Goska ,   USA   (10.21.07)
Christy, thank you for your posts about self-identified "leftists" who are anti-Semites ... I know those people. And thanks for the humor, as well.
76. Jews running world
Guy Montag ,   Oceania   (11.06.07)
Finkelstein now is drawing a big target on The Guardian!!! You are next!! Try to get elected in America to anything and NOT "stand of Israel"
77. Dawkins and anti-Semitism
Richard Mendales ,   State College, US   (11.08.07)
This is not terribly surprising, since Dawkins has also made remarks concerning Catholics that are not merely critical but abusive. It brings to mind G. K. Chesterton's remark that when a man ceases to believe in God, the problem is not that he will believe nothing, but that he will believe anything.
78. zionist propoganda
academic   (11.21.07)
the only pathetic thing is the tired anti-semitism slander you have to throw around as you have no real argument to stand on.
79. 'Jews monopolize American policy'
Mark Spinelli ,   Baltimore, USA   (11.27.07)
I find it ironic that Europeans who harp on the myth that Jews control American policies are they same people who criticize America as being a right wing Christian nation. Which is it?? Either we're controlled by the Jews or the Christians. How can it be both? I also find it equally ironic that a man from Britain would be so concerned about the "influence of religion in America" when is own country and the entire European continent is practically living under Sharia law right now. Perhaps Prof. Dawkins should examine his own bakyard begore he worries so much about the United States. When Europe is living under Muslim law, they will still be complaining about Jews and Christians controlling the United States. Europeans woudl be commical if they weren't so deadly in their fantasy notions about other countries.
80. A case of projection
Selma ,   Miami, Florida   (11.27.07)
Another case of Europeans projecting their issues onto America, and now they are doing it on US soil. Oh, what a brave man! Imagine the guts it takes to debase Americans on their own sorry! I'm sure if I went to the Middle East to preach against Islam, let's say even in a "calm" place like Jordan, I would be killed by a crazed mob on the spot. And in Europe I'd probably be treated even worse, as Theo van Gogh found out. Even in America's most aredent religious fervors they have never conspired to do the kinds of things the Muslims and the Europeans have done in the name of religion. Dawknis is a pathological narcisist.
81. He's as atheist as my left butt cheek
JK ,   Dallas, TEXAS   (11.27.07)
Shouldn't this moron be more concerned about the muslims taking over his own country???????? this dude isn't an aetheist, he's a politically correct marxist asshole.
82. anti semtitism
xtiml palitill ,   los angeles   (12.06.07)
it is a eveil thing for sure. I am not anti semtic, but afetr reading the talmud and realizing israel dominates american media,press and policyI tend to despise the lies and deceitfullness of the zionistas,and consider it amusing when the cry of anti semtism excites the gentile dullards who look no further thn the jewish press for their dasily idiocy information,. bla blah blah.
83. re: Dawkin's says"Jews Monopolizing USA Foreign Policy ?
Kathi Grace ,   Williamstown, NJ US   (02.03.08)
Isn't it natural for groups with similar cultures to be drawn toward each other? Isn't it just as natural for many members of each group to "scapegoat" other groups as a way to avoid responsibility for that member's individual failures in life? When members of religious groups engage in such biased blamings (including atheists whose religion is limited to what I can see and measure rather than what I can imagine) it is only because the individual wants control of the whole world and has not yet learned that every one else who is afraid wants the same thing. All that gathering and blaming is driven by unconscious fear from the person or persons who must blame rather than face their own limits and fears. It is just part of the human condition. OUR internal conflicts create our interpretation of the "external world". The external world usually fails to meet our internal expectations b/c only we create our internal expectations. We are all of the same (or similar) chemistry/spirit what ever you choose to call it and we will continue to love/fear others until we resolve our own unconscious conflicts. Wouldn't that be heaven?
84. So Dr. Dawkins is an "antisemite"?
Mr. Anonymous ,   San Juan, P.R.   (04.12.09)
Thanks Dr. Dawkins for your honesty. I don't know if I can agree with you in all your criticism on religions and if "God" exists or not. But thanks for attacking the modern pharisees who control USA's foreign policies. These bums make people hate Jews more. If my comments are "antisemitic", so be it. AND ISRAEL CAN ROTE IN HELL!!!
85. Judophobia? - not at all
Olga ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.26.09)
When I first saw first pharagraphs of your article, I got at first very desappoined with Dawkins. I thought he had failed into the same failure with all those european Leftists, "united in hate" I got hardly startled and disappointed - at first. But after one day had passed I suddenly realized that all those speaches of as Rabby Barkman so Rivka Lubitch are nothing but usual hysterical orthodox religios wows against atheist. Certinaily his position seemed to orthodox Judaist as pure Judophobia - but Judophob he is as far as he is ANYreligion-phobe - and don't forget - that cammunism-socialism that was in the USSR was just some special sort of religion as well. That's why there is not so much a difference between opposing ANY orthodox religion-ideology and opposing that king of social organization. The main problem is that any religion - even buddism, ref the history, real history! - always tends falling into some kind of orthodoxy among common middle-minded peoples. and any orthodoxies are the same - btw even the "human rights' whatchers" one. the latter is described is " united in hate" - but so is the Marketing orthodoxy as well, just the machanism is somewhat more adjusted... the key question is that in course of all its hystory there were no secular Judes (especially while they were living in exile, that prevented them from assimilation and nation desappearing hence) Since the moment of the Israel State creation the secular Judes occured, just here. those stauing abroad got persisting in religion-promotion. It's fatal too And that were those religios-orthodox peoples, whom Dawkins were speaking about. Look "So if atheists could achieve a small fraction of that influence, the world would be a better place." So whose part you'd take? sincerely yours, Olga Jerusalem
86. Number 34 Come oooooon
Dina ,   Sudan   (01.25.10)
I'm Muslim and I'm Sudanese and I'm a girl. I am glad to say no one has ever indoctrinated me with religious or political views. I have read A LOT about my own religion, country and the situation in Israel. First off misogynism in Islam is frowned upon. A woman is treated as something precious to be cared for and protected. She has been given rights in inheritance before even the chrisitians of the time began respecting women. Women play an important role in society and that has always been recognized in Islam. Unfortunately the misogynistic behaviour is just a mix of ignorance and tribalism. Ever since education became one of the things to focus on in the muslim world the respect for women has risen greatly. They still have years to go considering that millions of Muslims are stricken by poverty and illiteracy...two problems that baffle me since most Muslim countries are resource rich. Actually it doesnt baffle me, the corruption and greed is immense. So like I said the Muslim society is far from the place that it should be. Second, what you said about the oppressive regimes is so true it hurts. It goes to show that no matter how far the US has come there will always be that touch of racism. You said the genocide problem in Sudan was the Arab Muslims. Ok, fine. What about Rwanda and Congo? As far as I can tell no one bothered with them despite their lack of Muslims. How about Bosnia and Chechnya? Full of intervention. FYI The genocide in Darfur has NOTHING to do with religion its about land and rights. You know how I know? Because the people of Darfur...surprise, surprise...are MUSLIM too! The Christians and Animists are in the South and that freakin war is over...for now. As far as this article goes...who cares? Stating a fact should not be deemed anti-semitic. Jews are powerful whereas Arabs and Muslims are not. They are in fear of getting on America's which is why they don't get involved with Israel. Their issues with Israel can subside if Israel stops their human rights violations, withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza and give them sovereignty. But why on Earth would they do such a thing while America supports them regardless of the number of UN resolutions they ignore. Most people dont care about the Jews or the existence of Israel. They are a part of this world and thats not going to change. All they care about is that the Palestinians are treated as human beings and given back their rights. I am one of them.
87. #79
Susan ,   Montreal, Canada   (12.17.11)
You are one smart dude. A rare find on the net (or anywhere else for that matter) nowadays.
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