Poll: 37% of Israelis willing to cede sovereignty in Jerusalem's holy sites
Published: 09.10.07, 08:24
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64 Talkbacks for this article
31. Pretending to negotiate peace to continue to receive funding
Sam ,   Canada   (10.09.07)
Palestinians and Israelis making a show of peace negotiations to continue receiving funding from the West.
32. as the right creeps toward its own Massada
avramele   (10.09.07)
there are only 2 uneasy accomodation with our neighbors wiht painful concessions on both sides - with neighbors who are sometimes our enemy and a garrison state that will fight war after war sacrificing our bravest and best...never truly winning nor losing... the latter destroys our soul the former for many is a sane risk worth taking
33. 17 obviously the 'lord' talks to you like he does bush!!
you are freakin nuts ,   , rebecca   (10.09.07)
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (10.09.07)
What the headline should have been is that 63% are against any division of Jerusalem. But true to its biased reportning and representing our enlightend hellenistic secular zionist friends,they ofcourse would headline it this way. Ynet you make us proud how you present us to the world. You should rename yourselves moron and co.
35. 30 - Where is your evidence?
Bruriah Sarah   (10.09.07)
Where is your legal, archeological, historical evidence that the land belongs to the PA arabs? Secondly, arab Israelis enjoy more rights than in arab lands. Isn't that why you are living there?
36. to # 35: what does that has to do with my comment???
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (10.09.07)
It's true Israeli-Arab enjoy more political freedom than arabs in arabic countrries.... I never denied that. Still i do not see the relationship with my comments about having palestinian nieghbohood run by palestinians as part of comprehensive peace..!!!???
37. jerusalem poll
elliot ,   point roberts,usa   (10.09.07)
more than a poll i think you need a definitive map of the city limits.... the 37% are not all arabs-half are the self-destructive and hopelessly naive who provide much of your news! many say they still want moshiach when polled?
38. #27 Kyle - Glad you're back!
39. Real Headline: 61% of Israelis are AGAINST Ceding Jerusalem
Malcolm   (10.09.07)
What a joke....YNET is showing it's cards. they are playing for Olmert and Livni once again. Any real journalist would NEVER EVER take a NEGATIVE minority number like 37% and turn it into a POSITIVE headline. But here we see what agenda the editors of YNET want. They are aligned with the paltry 37% of the far left and Arab community. They want to push the Olmert/Livni/Ramon agenda down the publics throat.
40. Yakov (28) asks good questions.
sk ,   USA   (10.09.07)
If Ynet ever wants to be a reputable paper, it will be precise and the survey methodology and include the full question texts as well. It would then be the ONLY Israeli paper to do so and what have a competitive advantage as a result. But it would have to cede some of its ability to manipulate the public.
41. avramele, you are equating the pipsqueeks ...
sk ,   USA   (10.09.07)
next to Israel with ROME? I thought you had a secular education.
42. 39 Malcolm: YNET wants to stay in business in a country
where the government can shut them down or put people into detention without charges, indefinitely.
43. Even these cooked figures say *** 0% *** want the Pals ...
sk ,   USA   (10.09.07)
to have exclusive sovereignty over the TM and Western Wall. Only 16% want the "Pals" to have even joint sovereignty. But honest ilmert, birdbrain livny, tongue-in-cheek ramon, "shades" yosef, and rightwing leftist lieberman propose doing PRECISELY this. Talk about dishonesy in journalism.
44. True Jews vs Fake Jews
Brod ,   USA   (10.09.07)
True Jews are those who know the GOD of their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Fake Jews are those who have abandoned their GOD. Could the 37% represent the Fake Jews? If so, they do not represent Israel.
45. 33: The Lord speaks to people primarily through the Bible.
Rivkah   (10.09.07)
Joseph and Daniel in the Bible said if the Lord speaks to a person in a dream or a vision, it happens twice or thrice. That is how one has assurance of the voice of God since the devil can imitate God's voice, but God allows him to do that just once on a particular thing. So waiting for the second or third confirmation is advised. The Bible says not to give holy things to dogs or swine, which I presume are people who are not in God's camp because they want to harm the people in God's tent. I rebuke you in the name of the Lord and I hope you become aware of the gravity of mocking things that are prophetic and holy warnings such as Jerusalem and the consequences of dividing that city.
46. East Jerusalem and west Jerusalem is NOT the same city!
Yerushalmi ,   Ramot   (10.09.07)
what the heck Shuafat and Abu Dis got to do with us? no one can divide jerusalem beceuse she is already divided... to all the "know it all" Americans Jews - you are welcome to come and see it for yourself.
47. does Israel honor its agreement?
The first public meeting between King Hussein and Prime Minister Rabin took place in Washington, on July 25, 1994 (in the Hebrew month of Av, Jewish Year 5754). Out of this meeting emerged The Washington Declaration, signed by Prime Minister Rabin and King Hussein, with President Clinton serving as a sponsor and a witness. Among the points upon which they agreed: 1- Both states agreed to seek a just, lasting and comprehensive peace based on UN Resolutions 242 and 338, which demand a partition of the Biblical borders of the land of Israel. 2- Israel will respect the special role of the Hashemite Kingdom over Muslim holy shrines (the area of the Temple Mount) in Jerusalem.
48. #15,16 JRS For TAV; agreed?
49. Another poll: 28% of Israelis Say Amir Didn't Kill Rab
LEE ,   NY, USA   (10.09.07)
you can read about it here: If we're running the country by polls rather then principals then I guess that means Olmert, Ramon & Co. should start negotiating his release.
50. So why not reunite it under our own control Yerushalmi?
Daniel ,   Formerly Israel   (10.10.07)
And please don't start quoting international law to me, because according to international law Israel has the right texpell the Palestinians from the refugee camps and annex all the territories (and south Lebanon to boot if the Lebanese government doesn't reign in Hezbullah).
51. Yes it doesn #47
Daneil ,   Formerly Israel   (10.10.07)
The Temple Mount is under the control of the Muslim Waqf and usually guarded by his men. Up untill 2000 Arab access to the Temple mount was not restricted (while under Jordanian rule Jewish access to the temple mount was NOT ALLLOWED). In 2000 Israel's Prime Minister dared to tour the Temple mount, which prompted the Arabs to riot following Ramadan prayers on the temple mount, prompting Israel to limit Temple-mount access to people too old to riot. As for the second part of the agreement, as part of the Oslo occords Israel withdrew from most of the cities of the west bank and gave the Arabs official civil and effective military control over them; the result was a terror wave that stopped only when those cities were retaken, then started again following a second pulout, and stopped again only when the cities were ringed with checkpoints. I'm sorry my friend, but nowhere in that agreement does it say that the Arabs are allowed to slaughter us with impunity.
52. This is absolutely disgraceful
Adam ,   USA   (10.10.07)
The fact that this many Israeli's think they should give up Jerusalem is downright idiotic! What the hell were you fighting for in the 67' war then? Why risk so many casualties of paratroopers dying to retake the city? Do you even realize that before the 67' war when you retook the city no Jews or any other faith were allowed to worship at the holy sites on high holidays or even on normal days! Do you realize that before Israel controlled the city RIGHTFULLY the Arabs desecrated these holy sites and did not take care of them and tried to get rid of any archiological evidence that the sites were purely Jewish? You guys must be nuts for 37% of you to say you would support giving up Jerusalem!
53. 5 Hanz do yourself a favor and read some real history.
freedom ,   canada   (10.10.07)
There is far, far too much rhetoric in Middle politics. There have been many parts of the world that have been lost in wars, the defenders keeping the land. If you have a problem with that I can list the many areas in the world in detail. There is no occupation of Jerusalem, that to me is only rhetoric and Im certainly not a practicing Jew. What are you?
Menachem Ben Yakov ,   Jerusalem Israel   (10.10.07)
.... could stand , one upon the other , on the shoulders of a single Jew, there would still be some stupid enough to bellow, " land for peace ".
55. #51 Are you a moral Zionist. Then, answer these questions
As part of your education about Israel (youth group, synagogue, Hebrew school, Hillel, etc.), you were told that the Jordanians desecrated Jewish holy sites and cemetaries between 1948 and 1967, but that Israel respected Arab holy sites. Now you learn that the Israeli government had a deliberate policy of destroying Arab towns and villages (around 500 of them), including sixty mosques, many of great archaeological value, over the objections of Israeli archaeologists. Your reaction is: A. To feel outrage that you were lied to, and to acknowledge that Israel lost the moral high ground on this issue. B. To accept responsibility for the actions of Israel, to discuss ways of commemorating the towns and mosques, to issue an apology to the Palestinians and Muslims. C. To say, "Look, all emerging nations try to obliterate the past of their enemies; we are no different from anybody else. So maybe wiping out the towns was not nice, but that's the way the world works." D. To say, "Those ghost towns and empty mosques posed a serious security threat to the State of Israel, and we were perfectly justified to wipe them out. Anyway, if the Arabs hadn't attacked us, they wouldn't be ghost towns" If you answered A or B to all three, then you are an adult and moral Zionist. Pat yourself on the back, and feel bad about being a bleeding-heart. If you answered C, then you are an amoral Zionist; or to use the jargon, you believe in realpolitik. We won; they lost; let's eat. You may use the language of morality (C), but that's just for outward consumption and inward self-justification. The bottom line for you is that even if Jews act immorally, the only thing that really matters is that are alive to act at all. If "being moral" entails national suicide, then forget about morality. If you generally answered D, then you are an immoral Zionist. Or you are a moral Zionist, whose conception of morality is that of Tony Soprano or Meir Kahane. In the professional jargon, it's called "Mafia Morality." This usually means that you do an enormous amount of hesed work, that you always have guests for shabbat, that you give a lot charity to Jewish causes, and that you would do anything, anything for anybody who is a member of the tribe. But that if somebody is not a member of the tribe, then he or she has worth only in so far as she is good for the tribe.
56. to #51 Morals???
R.Alkalai ,   USA   (10.10.07)
One has a moral obligation to protect one's life, family, and the survival of your people- that is commanded of us in Torah. It is not a question of being a moral or an amoral Zionist. One who seeks to put you and your family, or people in harms way, or threatens to do so, is considered- in every society- an enemy. No sane person, or society permits such threats. Although many of the Jews of Israel were once taken as slaves from their homes and lands, 2 tribes remained- Juda and Benjamin. And, just because one's family may not be as great in number, does not mean that they no longer own their family's house and lands. The majority of the arabs came in as migrant workers after the Ottoman Empire. History documents very clearly the massacres perpetrated upon the Jewish people by these people. The Mufti of Jerusalem made it a point to try to wipe the Jews out. The Jordanians tried as well. They also destroyed many of our temples and cemmetaries. They even went as far to use our grave stones as paving for their latrines. But we survived, and just as Hashem promised, our exiled family members began to return home- back to our family's homes and lands. Israel has belonged to the Jews for well over 4,000 years. Artifacts such as Cave of the Patriarchs, King David's tomb, Herod's palace, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Temple Mount. . You cannot hide the history and artifacts of an entire civilization that has spanned, and survived throughout the millennia. You cannot argue with the archeological facts in the ground. That is why arab leaders get upset when we dig- they know what will be found- ancient Jewish artifacts. Here is a link for you that will show you actual photos some of some of our ancient artifacts, and also those of other cultures and nations of the time, that cross reference us : You cannot hide, nor deny the truth. You can never destroy us- no matter how hard you try. So, don't offer us moral arguments about the virtues of Zionism. Hashem has decreed it a virtue, and all of Israel is HIS sacred bequeath to the Jews. Remember this: Hashem Blesses those who Bless Israel, and Curses those who Curse Israel.
57. Ooops! I owe an apology...
R.Alkalai ,   USA   (10.10.07)
My post was meant to cross reference a few posts, but was meant be primarily directed at #5. Sorry- it has been one of those days!
58. #56 artifacts; proof in retrospect
that means Zionists firstly grabbed land, expelled, looted, and destroyed. Then after that all, they searched for artifacts to prove that there were there people affiliated to the tribe of Israelites. The artifacts are even denoting Israel and their kings are people not geographical site. Even the interpretation of the Home Land was not the same to those ancient people whose thoughts of Home Land is spiritual. Spirituality reigned high in their mind than you can ever think. Maybe G-d made them unchosen to observe anti-goyem.
59. #1 Read the Article...
Aharon   (10.10.07)
It says only Jewish Israelis were polled. Stop being so ridiculous.
60. #58
R.Alkalai ,   USA   (10.10.07)
After reading that twisted post of yours, one can only surmise that Hashem made you a very jealous, individual with an intense hatred for the Jews, and an absolute intolerance of our existence. You, are the classic example of WHY we should never allow Jerusalem to be divided, or the fate of Israel, and our people to be in anyone's hands but Hashem's and our own people.
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