Rabin's grandson: Extreme right trying to paralyze democracy
Meital Zur
Published: 23.10.07, 13:52
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. #20 It's called halloween fever
Ilan ,   Ariel   (10.23.07)
The media likes to set an agenda and it can pass up a little necrophilia in order to score some points against Bibi and the right. They are merely doing the easter thing that the church did in Europe. We killed their god and they want us to pay for it.
32. Marcel you say all this as you worship south beach
Mike ,   Israel   (10.23.07)
33. Robert from "USA"
Mike ,   Israel   (10.23.07)
The key word here is "extreme right" you say the rest are giving up, amazing how you see the country that you dont even live in. Extreme right needs must obay the law even if they dont like it or agree with it, they do the oposite they protest with violence, the comit murder, they dont pay taxes. the list goes on and on dont you dare preach your fantacy you have no clue what your talking about. Normal people no matter if they are right or left obay the law period. extreme right or left is just that extreeme. I dont agree with many things, i dont pick up my weapon and kill someone in the name of God or any other name, how ever i will pick up my weapon to protect my country no matter if hes wearing a black mask or a kipa.
34. Let's put this all in perspective ...
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (10.23.07)
PM Rabin is not a candidate for sainthood. He was a military leader & later a politician. His actions as both should be judged objectively - he made mistakes & errors of judgement like all leaders. He was not a monster nor could anyone say he was purposefully un-patriotic. My personal opinion is that he was by far superior to our current PM who I will not describe out of respect to the Ynet censor who has heard enough of my poor language. On the other side of the issue, we have a murderer, an assassin. No matter his motivation, murder is murder. Despite conspiracy theories floating around, I think it is clear that he is guilty. No amount of argument can change that simple fact. Be that as it may, some may wish to use the distasteful campaign for a murderer's release for their own agenda. They would like to slander the entire spectrum of right-wing citizens. This is as foul as the attempt by a small group of unsavory fanatics to free a murderer. There are many bizarre conspiracy theories floating around the world - that Jews perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, for example. It should be evident that there is no shortage of lunatics in the world. But belief in peculiar & even distasteful theories is not terrorism nor is it subject to legal action. No one should be using this unfortunate incident for a narrow political agenda, not on the right nor on the left.
35. #32 Mike
Marcel ,   Floirda   (10.23.07)
So thats what you have on your mind. The godless,faithless left of Israel are headed for hell sooner than later. Repent while you can and turn from your wicked ways to Hashem because only he can save you from what is coming.
36. Every year at this time of year we hear endless talk of
Al   (10.23.07)
Rabin and all,,,,, Its time to give it a rest... First off 1500 Jews are dead as a result of Olso...That is a fact.... Israel is in the throws of what I call the swirl into the drain stage. In fact Israel is heading to a very terrible state. Its time to wake up from this pathetic pandering and blaming stage. Israel is in the midst of a horrible event to come. Past Heros or villiams will not make the sky clear...Its time to wake up to reality. Iran is knocking!!
37. #33
Robert ,   USA   (10.23.07)
As I read your reply I can't help but be amaze at how selective your indignation is. First of all I want you to be aware that much of what I'm going to write is going to be self-censored because, while I could say anything at all against the Jews, there are limits to what I can say about other groups. So read between the lines. I'm addressing your statements. They protest with violence, you say - The Jews? When, how often, with what degree of violence? They commit murder - How many times? How often? How severe? How sadistictly? They don't pay taxes - Really? There are entire towns and villages that do not pay taxes, that are bankrupt and the state has to bail them out. And they aren't Jewish. Obey the law - Did you try to be sarcastic or what? It's the state that is violating laws in their attempt to silence the right and to break their spirit. They are crushing dissent, they are arresting people without charge, holding them in jail, they are assaulting peaceful children protestors, they are violating Jewish human rights without even batting an eyelash. Jews don't count because they don't have the lobby other groups have in Israel, they don't have pro-Jewish rights watchers. Your leftist state is a violator of the law, of international human rights law. Your leftist state is, without authority, ready to dismantle the country and divide its capital. It was your leftist state that authorized the savage beating of people who were committing the sin of holding on to their homes. And the perpetrators were given a promotion. The instigators are still in power. And that's your state. What about other groups that squat on Jewish land, disobeying the law? These are not just a few, they are hundreds of thousands. And how they obey the law? Why is the IDF and the police kept busy 24/7 trying to prevent violent acts? Like terror? So although we both disagree with violence in the name of God, p-l-e-a-s-e keep things into perspective. There are some fellows you would label as extreme right who may talk the talk but are very unlikely to take things into their own hands. There's still some semblance of free speech left in Israel. So do not call them the enemy within. They are not your enemy. They want your country to be whole, to be for the persecuted Jews of the world. The real enemies want your country to be given away. Notice the difference. And yes, I live far from Israel, but even from here there are truths that are so clear, so obvious, that nobody who has paid attention to the history of modern Israel and current affairs can argue against. Someone would have to be blind not to recognize that there are parts of Israel where you would not dare to go for a stroll.... What does that tell you about violence - real violence, Mike? To use a single case of murder to tarnish an entire group is worse than unfair. Look at your country's statistics. Read Arutz Sheva's news briefs. It's all there for the world to see - who is your enemy, who is really commiting violence.
38. #37 Robert - That was pretty good.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (10.23.07)
Thanks for an excellent talkback.
39. Hypocrites
JonnyGee ,   Heartland, USA   (10.23.07)
The leftist Israeli governments release Arab terrorists all the time. What's the difference?
40. Right and left both running amok
Sam ,   Canada   (10.23.07)
Israeli politicians are more interested in getting the votes of the extremists whether left or right than imposing justice and order.
41. Dear Robert USA
Mike ,   Isreal   (10.23.07)
Robert, Protesting with violence is not a question of how often, rather once is to many, you see unlike your Country most in Israel (I would like to think) consider raising a hand against a uniformed solider following orders to be inexcusable. No matter who’s hand that is, and just so you know even worse when it’s a fellow “Israeli”. Taxes – The fact is they don’t pay taxes, only because these settlements are not recognized, therefore there is no structure to provide for or to collect taxes. As for you comment of “entire towns and villages not paying”, I think I do know what and who your talking about and when its politically the right time these issues will and should be taken care of. However it is still a fact that illegal settlements DON’T, But rather exact a heavy toll on our resources. Obeying the Law – Absolutely no sarcasm here. You lost me here when you say “state violating laws in their attempt to silence the right and to break their spirit” Your comment is out of line the Right wing just for your information is represented in the Knesset more than the so called Left resulting in more power. As far as dividing the Capital, I’ll remind you that in 1979 Menachem Begin gave back the Sinai and dismantled legal settlements for the hope of “peace”, now most would call Begin a right winger. The authority given to the State or any other state is by the very people that voted. I think its called a democracy, after all its you and your country men that are fighting for that very idea. As I said I don’t see groups right or left black or white, kipa’s or black masks, I see the law, if as you say other groups are squat or break the Israeli law, they must be dealt with however in today’s environment Israel as a Nation must tread very carefully on how and when matters are dealt with, if you cant Understand this then you truly need to read recent history. Your comment of IDF and police kept busy 24/7 trying to prevent violent acts, I’m afraid you lost me on this one. I’m not certain what you are trying to say. So I’ll skip it. Your next comment on some people just talking the talk, hey I have no problem with that as a matter of fact Israel which I’m sure you’ll disagree with is one of the few places on Earth where you can still say as you please. But I do draw the line when the talk is turned into harming my Soldiers or the innocents. The real enemies Robert are the ones that either want to harm my people or the ones that want and will do anything to change Israel to what they interpret in there daily readings of the Torah. Lets talk about real violence, your implication is that I’m not aware of it. The only places where you cant walk or go for a stroll is East Jerusalem and other little villages and towns and that is only because they don’t like the way you look or smell. But having said that the USA is full places where I know you cant stick your head out after dark. Lastly a single case of murder is a lifetime to the families involved, take for example 9/11 in your country. Would you say it’s the beginning of WW3 on a “group of people” As far as you reading Arutz Sheva’s, for your information it is a extreme right wing radio station that up until a couple of years ago did not have a license to broadcast only after the threat of violence by its followers where they granted a license. My response to you was not selective. I only addressed the issues you brought up whether you agree with the facts or not they remain the facts.
42. Rabin murdered more (Atlanta and Oslo)
Paul ,   France   (10.23.07)
The grandson of Rabin should get a reality check. Yitzhak Rabin fired at the Irgun boat and cause many Jews to die. His later involvement in giving guns to terrorists and the Oslo accords which encouraged terrorism and armed the enemies of the Jews led to many more deaths. What Yigal Amir did was wrong but he killed one person - Rabin killed more.
43. 41 - What the Torah Says
Bruriah Sarah   (10.23.07)
The Torah says that we are to love one another. It also says that G-d promised Abraham that the Jewish people will survive and that the land of Israel belongs to them. Which part of the Torah do you have a problem with?
44. #35 You have no creidibility here since yu told us 2 days
ago you hated Jews. ,   Go away now.   (10.23.07)
45. 37 & 41
37 was well written 41 was a weak response
Jewish CANADIAN ,   Toronto   (10.23.07)
I read these tbs with mounting horror. If the fascism and sick fanaticism exhibited here is representative of Israeli and Jewish opinion then God Help Us All.
47. The end of Israel
Rami   (10.23.07)
People of the kind of Ygal Amir if they succeed in their goals, can bring to the end of Israel, let's fight them with all our might, if we want Israel to survive
48. Amir
chris ,   Toronto, canada   (10.23.07)
...should have been executed!
49. hey, don't knock him - he's one of the few
Alon   (10.23.07)
Labor sons and grandsons who actually served in the army - ok, so he's wrong here too, but let's cut him a break - I mean, with Rabin as his grandfather and Leah as his grandmother - how smart can he be?
50. rami #47
eddie ,   london UK   (10.23.07)
Proposition:People of the kind of Ygal Amir if they succeed in their goals, can bring to the end of Israel, Factual Analysis: People of the kind of Beilin, Peres, Rabin, Barak, Olmert did succeed in some of their goals. Oslo, Camp David, Gaza., The results: The Oslo war of terror, hundreds dead. INtifada of Barak?Arafat. Thusands Dead. Gaza - missiles daily. Next phase - withdrawing form Judea + Samaria and Jerusalem. Result: AN indefensible thin Israel. A wall which missiles can fly over. Hamas/ Al qaeda on W Bank. Conclusion: People of the kind of Rabin/Barak/Peres Olmert, ramon if they succeed in their goals, can bring to the end of Israel.
51. #46 what racism?
elchonon ,   chevron   (10.24.07)
Did you perhaps mean #23 rami nazareth who said that rightists and settlers are a fifth column.. anytime some "right winger" says that about arabs all you englightend leftist liberals scream "lynch him! traiter! incitment to violence" No Mr canadian, the views and sentiments here are purely sane and completely rational.. The views voiced by you and your ilk on the left are totalitarian and oppresive... And to be clear, everyone on YNET knows my views on this... I am not championg for amir... I am merely pointing out the double standards how you see fit to smear the right yet... see no moral problem campaigning for arab terrorists... Freedom is not free, ben artzi does not want democracy or freedom.. he wants to forcefull quit those who he disagrees with...
52. #21: Where is our censor?
Martin Gold ,   Rishon LeZion Israel   (10.24.07)
Well, well well. #21 is of course one of ours, but that is the direction that our government is going when they keep our boys in and let the terrorists out to join the enemy army and butcher our people. You should all read it because that is what is really happening.
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