US to transfer $410 million to PA
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 24.10.07, 09:12
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31. #29
Richard ,   London UK   (10.24.07)
The money should be monitored, absolutely correct. Perhaps you could use the same 'monitors' who so diligently 'monitored' Haliburton as they screwed the US taxpayer for billions. .
32. #9 richard
as an israeli, i agree with your hopeful talkback. however, past experiences have shown the world that all these millions and billions always end up in the hands of terrorists and the corupt pa leaders and the palestinian man on the street never sees a penny of this financial aid. how would you explain all the billions given so far and none ended up improving the lives of the common palestinian man on tghe street???? it's ok to give money and support, and i believe that the palestinians as a people, if they improve their economy, infrastructure and life style, then yes, the terrorists will be less attractive to them. it all starts with a better economy. however, this aid ALWAYS ends up in the wrong hands of their leaders. the palestinian leardership has had decades to use this aid for positive economy and infrastructure. unfortunatelly, they prefered to use it for suicide missions, explosives and bombs and missiles. what needs to be changed is their education. period.
33. #32
Richard ,   London UK   (10.24.07)
so how do you suggest the Palestinians are 'educated' By making the wall a bit highter? Of course money was used for purposes it was not intended for but surely the small home - made rockets and suicide belts don't cost millions and millions. Much of the money donated is used to feed a population that is imprisoned in Gaza and to pay the wages for the very few who have work in the strabgled economy Palestinains are forced to live in. Millions and millions of dollars and Euros have gone into rebuilding infrastructure that has been blown apart or bulldosed by the IDF. If, as you say, the aid always ends up in the wrong hands then it's up to the people (in the US, in Palestine, in the EU, in Israel) to ensure that this time the money is used for its intended purpose. But not doing anything is defeatist . Educate Palestinians by all means but give them the schools and the infrastructure for them to realise their future.
34. #23 richard
does haj amin al hisseini ring a bell. this arab terrorist and his gang of arab terrorists killed hundreds of jews in jewish palestine. the haj was a virulent anti semite who engaged with hitler to find a final solution to the jewish presence in jerusalem and jewish palestine. and this before 1946. so, yes, there was arab terrorism prior to 1946.
35. #34
Richard ,   London UK   (10.24.07)
Yes i do know who this person was. And whilst i do not challenge your description of him I do question your exagerated claim that he was 'engaged with Hitler to find a Final Solution to the jewish presence . . . . ' That rather overestimates his influence. And anyway I was talking about Palestinian 'terrorism'. Was that around before 1946?
36. The pay off..
John ,   Raleigh   (10.24.07)
Let's do the "path-of-peace-pays-off" deal again. We can all sit around and reminisce about Arafat. We may even nominate Abbas for a peace prize. Wow, that would be super, maybe even better than Gore. No hospitals or schools with this money just big bank accounts and more guns, what a super idea. I’m sure it didn’t work the first time because Arafat died prematurely. Yeah, that’s it. That must be it. Bugs bunny said it best, “What maroons.”
37. #35 richard
please, do not ever show your total lack of knowledge about the plans haj amin al husseini and hitler had for the jews of palestine. never! you sound absolutely mentally challenged when you claim that it is an overestimation to suggest he was the main influence in palestinian arab terror on jews prior to 1947-48. the haj was DIRECTLY responsible for recruiting arab and albanian terrorists and trained them in ss tactics during ww2 with the help of ss officers who traveled to jewish palestine at that time. the haj was in constant contact and visits with hitler and lots of correspondence and letters between the two are on record as to their intentions for jews living at that time in jewish palestine. if you were to read accounts of his activities in the many many books on the subject, you may find that your "overestimation of the haj importance by me" is rediculous! and doesn't support the history you claim "you know" are you not calling the arabs that perpetrated the hebron and jerusalem massacres where thousands of jews were killed, palestinians? who do you think these arabs were living around jerusalem and in jewish palestine if not the fake palestinians's ancestors, which were mostly comprised of nomads and arab migrant workers from neighboring arab lands that came to enjoy the fruits of labour of the already settled jewish cities and settlements of that period? the same terror continues to be perpetrated by their offsprings today. these arabs were always terrorising jews living in jewish palestine systematically simply because they didn't want them there. they couldn't stand a jewish presence in their midst even before israel was born. spare me the logic of your arguments. i am not buying.
38. #12 Your rants are getting as boring as Marcels.Every site
you say the same ,   thing..Yawn,yawn.   (10.24.07)
39. Disgraceful
Scott W. ,   Wilsonville, OR USA   (10.25.07)
I am a staunch supporter of the Israeli state but if our country had to eliminate ALL foreign aid, including Israel, it would be worth it to never see another cent of my hard earned tax dollars sent the Palestinians. There will no doubt be repercussions for this.
40. US to transfer $410 million to PA
Donna ,   Spokane - USA   (10.25.07)
I'm an American and I have to tell you this is stupid and sick. ( Also note, that I am not Jewish.) Israel has made enough concessions already and now we have to support those who are trying to kill our only ally. I just cant believe this - we have AMERICANS in need and were giving money to terrorists. Forgive us, Israel - my heart is with you all the way. DONT DiVIDE JERUSALEM and dont give up any more land.
41. $410 Million to the wolves
Brod ,   USA   (10.29.07)
How in the world did the wolves manage to get America to give them $410 million? Didn't the wolves rejoice and dance in the streets when 3000 Americans were murdered in cold blood by Saudi thugs on 9/11? Whoever engineered and approved this should be held accountable by the American people.
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