Jewish Scene
American Jews act to prevent division of Jerusalem
Ronny Sofer
Published: 28.10.07, 22:47
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31. #Sarah
israeli ,   israel   (10.29.07)
I live in Jerusalem and I have no wish to be the recipient of daily Qassam (perhaps even Katyushas) salvos which are bound to happen once a single inch of East Jerusalem is placed under PA/Hamas control. And West Jerusalem is not the only one to be within range, the Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv highway will also be within range, as well as Ben-Gurion airoport. For all those who think Jerusalem is Palestinian, go read a history book (not the one in the PA curriculum). Nobody except Jews and Christian pilgrims cared about Jerusalem until Jews started rebuilding the city (Sir Moses Montefiore in 1860). That is why the Wakf is bulldozing the Temple Mount area, because they know they have no history there and they are trying to destroy ours. Imagine the Italians bulldozing the Roman forum or the Greeks bulldozing the Acropolis. I guess that if Jews or Israelis took an interest to Timboktou the Palestinians would immediately claim precedence! And start bulldozing it to prove it. Give us a break!
32. To those 18 organisation
If you want this then come and live in Israel or take your fingers away , the people in the region knows what they need more than you .
33. first place to start...
Harriet   (10.29.07)
is the WHITE HOUSE. President Bush axed the embassy act 8 times after promising that on his first day in office to pass it. Bush does not recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and this comes from a supposed friend of Israel. To make matters worse on the anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem the Bush administration sent NO ONE to the official ceremony. The White House deserves puplic humiliation for this and there is no better place to start this campaign. Bush, a wolf who wore sheep's clothing. Make no mistake. And to those who say other sitting American presidents did not sign the embassy act either. Well we knew how they felt. Bush pretended the exact opposite....
34. #4 So can someone in TA evict Jews from Gush Katif
Ilan ,   Ariel   (10.29.07)
If the diaspora Jews have no say since they do not have to make the "sacrifices" then how is it that someone in Tel Aviv can decide for the people living Gush Katiff or the Shomron must leave their homes. Where is their sacrifice?
35. To Paqid Yirmeyahu in 27
Thank you for calling me stupid. Let's get serious: What I was saying is that Palestine, an ancient name mentioned even by Herodotus the father of History, is a land that has been inhabited by Semitic People of Arabia whether Hebrews, Canaanites, Nabateans.... Todays Palestinians are an outcome of all that and cannot be erased because of what you are talking about. Also, I conclude from your talkback that all Jews descend from the Israelites?? I am not really sure about that. But what I know is that this does not give the non native Jew a right to expel a Palestinian. I hope you get the point. Stay cool my friend, or my cousin actually, and take it easy. Forgot to mention that Herod the Great was also of an Arab ancestry.. What do you say about that?
36. To # 11 I understand! (Please read in full).
James K. ,   Leesville, LA, USA   (10.29.07)
I understand, `cause I'm kinda in the same condition. Except I hafta' use the computer at the library. As far as the rest, it sounds like something I could have wrote! All I want to say is hold on, be encouraged; And as far as aliyah, or anything else for that matter goes, I can give you my e-mail address: . Send me an e-mail how to contact you, and if I get any information that might help you, I'll let you know. James
37. JERUSALEM, not Shenkin, eternal home of the jewish people!
aaron ,   ra'anana   (10.29.07)
38. Censored again?
Canadian Otter   (10.29.07)
Dear Ynet, why would the following information violate your terms of use? It contains no encitement, slander, racist slurs, or inappropriate language. Would you print it please? Thank you. Judea and Samaria Arabs who had been living illegally in Jerusalem to be given residency in the city. The government decided at its weekly session Sunday to empower Minister of Interior Meir Sheetrit to grant residency status to Arabs from Judea and Samaria who have been living in eastern Jerusalem illegally for twenty straight years (since 1987). The decision also pertains to the illegal aliens' children
39. 35 Herodotus & the Philistina region of Southern Syria
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (10.29.07)
Most history books will tell you that Julius Caesar crossed the English Channel in B.C.E. 54 to invade Great Britain, but nobody in B.C.E. 54 called it the "English Channel" or "Great Britain"; to Caesar and his legions that body of water was named the Mare Britannicum. Our texts simply call it the English Channel to make sure modern readers know where Caesar was. Before 135 C.E., there is only one single usage of the description 'Philistine Syria.' The very fact that 'Philistine' nowhere refers to Israel until 135 C.E., along with the vast redactions we see in other Greek writings, including the Christian New Testament, is clear testimony that the usage is the same type of anachronistic explanation widely used ever since man learned to write. B.C.E. 5th century (453) is when Artakhshast-Artaxerxes I gave the order to rebuild the Beit ha-Miqdash, against the wishes of the Samaritans -- who weren't called "Palestinians" either. Herodotus referred to "the whole region between Phoenicia and the Lebanon mountains in the north and Egypt in the south," as later Greek writers certainly understood it. To Herodotus' contemporary B.C.E. 5th-century Greek readership, the whole area would have been "Mediterranean Syrian satrapy of Persia," not 'Philistine Syria.' It is later Greeks for whom "Mediterranean Persia" would have been neither clear nor nationalistically acceptable. It was only these later Greek-speaking Roman Hellenists -- after 135 C.E. -- who would have insisted that Israel be redacted to southern Syria, the Philistine (today's Gaza) side of Syria -- 'Philistine Syria'; redacting history TO CORROBORATE THEIR OWN RENAMING for the post-135 C.E. Greek readership. The physical evidence supports Judea, not "Palestine." According to the Ency. Judaica ("History," 8.624), in B.C.E. 4th century coins and seal impressions bear the Aramaic inscription יהד (Yahud = Judea), not the Greek "Philistia." Hmm, Herodotus was Greek, as was his readership. Could there be some connection? Duh. 'Philistine Syria,' used only the one time, was NEVER used to refer to a country or nation or people before 135 C.E., when the Romans deliberately named it after Israel's worst enemy, as I explained in my previous message. Your second message was more thoughtful. I've seen many scholars use it without thinking, for example James Tabor. However, there's just no excuse for this thoughtless, contra-scholarly habit. To insist that the ancient name was "Palestine" despite all of the contrary evidence is unscholarly to put it charitably. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
40. To #4. I did come and was greeted with
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.29.07)
the unfriendly Israeli Philistine culture of you retarded leftists and all the people here that are more concerned with money than anything else. If that weren't so then the conflict would have been over long ago.
41. Palestinians existed in theory from 1964, in practise from
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.29.07)
1984. Their culture as separate from other Levantine Muslims began in 1993. What seperates them from say Syrian Sunnis is that they are more active in their plot to destroy the Jews here and are more extreme in their value of Jew killing over their own lives.
42. Herod Arab?
,     (10.29.07)
His father was an Edomite, descandant of biblical Esau. According to the Bible, Esau and Jacob were Abraham's sons. The fact that muhamad decided to rewrite the Bible in the 7th century CE, after thousands of years of Jewish history does not mean a thing. Not to mention the fact that attempts to rewrite history are pathetic if not donwright fraudulent. Herod's mother was a Nabatean. Nobody can tell for sure who the Nabateans were. But then I guess speculating on the subject is ok. Just goes to support all the other speculations about the Palestinian people, culture, language, etc. Just look at the names: al-Iraqi, al-Masri (the Egyptian), abu-Hassira (abu-Hatzera, a common Moroccan name) etc.
43. #35 - You can keep telling yourself the world is flat...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (10.29.07)
... but it won't make it any less round! You claim that "non-native" Jews had no right to "expel" Palestinians. Let me deconstruct this piece by piece, OK? 1. Between the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 CE and 1948 CE, Jews have had a continuous presence in the land of Israel. This community has existed in cities like Hebron and Safed through the Roman Occupation, the Arab Occupation, the Christian Occupation and, finally, the Ottoman Occupation. Judging from this, anyone with an eye on history would be hard pressed to call Jews "non-native". 2. The land that Israel was established on in 1948 was either purchased directly from the Ottoman sultans or given to the Israeli government by the British upon the establishment of Israel's independence. Let's never forget that it was the Arabs who started the 1948 war and that the refugee situation caused by that war is the direct result of a failed genocide against the Jews. 3. Palestinians self-identify with Arabs, a Hamitic people with no connection to the land of Israel who happen to speak a Semitic language, Arabic. Genetic studies of Palestinians show them to be genetically different from Arabs. These studies have actually shown them to be a missing genetic link between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews, which indicates that the Palestinians are descended from Jewish converts to Islam and Christianity. If you deny the Jewish link to what you label Palestine, you inevitably deny the Palestinian link to Palestine, regardless of whether you like it or not. I can't wait to hear your response!!
44. to #36 and #11
JL ,   israel   (10.29.07)
being poor in the richest nation on the earth is nothing like being poor in a ratty rundown corrupt middle eastern nation...
45. Apparently yes, Herod is an Arab!!
46. 43 I think you got the number wrong?
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (10.29.07)
I made no such "claim that "non-native" Jews had no right to "expel" Palestinians." You must be addressing someone else? PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
47. 35 Herod & Racist View
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (10.29.07)
You wrote: "Todays Palestinians are an outcome of all that and cannot be erased because of what you are talking about." Learn some logic. Your assertion is a baseless assertion and a non-sequitur. Today's Arabs living here are an outcome of all that but this DOESN'T in any way imply that today's Arabs are "Palestinians," and certainly not Philistines. Since Philistines were of Greek descent, "Palestinian Arab" is self-contradicting. Neither do I wish to "erase" them. They belong with their fellow Arabs, among our 22 neighboring Arab countries -- yet, it is exactly their fellow Arabs who pen them up and keep them impoverished and simmering in hate because they want to someday use them to re-Arabize and re-Islamize the Holy Land as soon as they can eliminate Israel from the Middle East. If you want to assert that "Palestinians are an outcome of all that," the first thing you'll have to do is demonstrate that they are historically Philistines or Palestinians; and historically they were neither. Then you get really absurd: "BECAUSE of what you are talking about." You offered no counter argument whatsoever! You just nakedly asserted your own non-existent personal authority; confusing your opinion as if it were axiomatic. Thankfully, most readers are educated enough to find that non sequitur "reasoning" laughable. That YOU aren't "really sure" about Jews descending from Israelites betrays your fundamentally mistaken -- racist -- view of Jews. That's like differentiating between "born-Arab Muslims" and "converted Muslims." Israel and Jews have always been defined by the berit of Torah. Being "born" into the family assured a child the advantage of being trained up in Torah but the example of Esau-Edom, being born of the same mother as Yaaqov-Yisraeil, demonstrates that the berit of Torah -- not birth, DNA, genetics or race -- have always defined Israel (and later, Jews). Herod, whom you asked about, was a descendent of Esau-Edom. His family was forcibly converted under the Maccabees (John Hyrcannus). Consequently, his "conversion" was questionable. Judging from the trouble he got into with the Romans, their sycophant king Herod and their puppet Tzedoqim (Hellenized to "Sadducee") kohanim, none other than Ribi Yehoshua almost certainly called attention to Herod's secular -- contra-Torah -- ways as proof his "conversion" was a fraud and the Edomi was unfit to be any "king of the Jews." Ribi Yehoshua's Kohein cousin, Yokhanan "ha-Matbil" Ben-Zekharyah Ben-Tzadoq ha-Kohein, was beheaded for it. So, it's no stretch to grasp that as a primary reason Ribi Yehoshua, a Perushi (Pharisee) was executed by the Romans and their sympathizers -- king Herod and the Tzedoqim. Herod obtained his "kingship" by bribing the Romans, NOT by any legitimate "Jewish" claim. He had no claim whatsoever to genuine kingship in Israel because he wasn't even a descendent of the Tribe of Yehudah, much less a direct descendent of Dawid ha-Melekh. But he was rejected as a Jew because he rejected the berit of Torah, NOT simply because he had converted. Doubtless, many Edomi lived a Torah life and were absorbed as Jews. Although, like Ribi Yehoshua, I also see evidence today of many "seculars" who adamantly and belligerently reject the berit of Torah and are, therefore, of Edom and Bilam -- like Herod, unworthy of being called a Jew. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
48. Sara # 4 and others
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.29.07)
Exchange my apprtement for something "begalut" ? Why do you think that i made Alya in 2001 ? To be at HOME , even after a long life there . To others : in the same way we can use Christian support , why not Jewish support for an United Jewish Yeroushalaim ? All support is welcome . Remember one thing , when Barak offered them something ressembling in 2000 , their answer was : intifada , murder and other of their specialities . Why should they react otherwise today ? Yeroushalaim is HISTORICALLY ours . Our capital was NEVER the capital of an arab nation or whatever you will call it .
49. #46 - Paqid, I got the number right...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (10.29.07)
Don't worry, it's not you who is saying nonsensical things that need clarification. My beef was with Mr. No-Name in TB #35.
50. Jewish Emergency Action Alert - Please forward
Andras Bereny ,   Kfar Tapuah, Samaria   (10.29.07)
Jewish Emergency Action Alert - Please forward As top PA negotiator Ahmed Qureia (Abu Ala) threatens war over the upcoming Annapolis "peace conference" sellout, it is more important than ever to raise public awareness against more deportations and more ethnic cleansing of Jews in general and religious Jews in Eretz Israel in particular. So called "settlements" (Jewish towns and villages in biblical Judea and Samaria) and individual "settlers" (mostly religious Jews) and their families are to be protected this time around by all: By Jews and members of the general public alike, by Israeli and Diaspora Jews and by friends of Israel and of the Jewish people. Please contribute to the success of this most important of campaigns by wearing the slogan "Jews don't expel Jews" on your body. Please go to and buy at least one item from the many on display. Also, please forward this message to your friends, relatives and contacts for maximum diffusion. Remember the images and sound tracks of the pogroms in Gush Katif and Amona? Don't let it happen again! Thank you Andras Bereny Kfar Tapuach, Samaria 44829 Israel
51. 43 Joe: Oops. Please excuse my 46, re 35
Paqid (16) Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (10.29.07)
I got too busy and confused. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
52. paqid , fake Jew , read Haaretz
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.29.07)
there you will have the Shabbat times . Again with this ribbi yehoshua . say it jesus is your god , a TRUE Jew does not talk about jesus you , in the same way as this other goy called josh , adore and have your mouth full of . return where you belong , in your baptist church . How is your deceiving website ? still as fake as you are ?
53. Andreas , how do you dare !
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.30.07)
compare the disengagement from Gush Katif and settlements to pogroms . You probably don't know anything about those pogroms where thousands of Jews were murdered , their houses set at fire , women raped and babies killed in front of their mothers , and this only because they were JEWS . Your hate is blind , to compare Israeli policemen and soldiers to those murderous gangs . Your statements makes only that normal Israelis will distance themselve from your hatefilled "people"
54. #53 - Charles, the truth hurts
David H   (10.30.07)
Were you there? Don't disparage this source just because it's Christian. I'm not a Christian but the pictures are worth thousands of words. A pogrom is not defined by numbers alone. It is defined by the hatred towards a particular group of Jews and the violence it engenders. The expulsions fit that description.
55. David , learn hitory
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.30.07)
Were those Israeli policemen and soldiers there to kill ? murder ? rape ?
56. #55 - And your conscience allows you defend them?
David H   (10.30.07)
Didn't you see the picture of a boy in a coma? People suffering injury for simply defending their homes? For being Jews? Many of the perpetrators were people who brought certain "traditions" into Israel. They were not all of them Jews. Wake up Charles! Don't let your hatred of the religious blind you to the truth. Listen to that conscience of yours. Or maybe you don't believe in having a conscience, just as you don't believe in God. Just how severe does it have to be the injury to Jews, the humiliations perpetrated on young girls, the loss of homes and property, the abusive language - Just how f-ing bad does it have to be to be defined as a pogrom. Where is your self-respect? Ghetto Jews would consider themselves lucky if they were not actually killed, or if the casualties were low. That's old world thinking. But these Jews were not in someone else's country. They were in their own country, Charles. They were in Israel. Citizens of a Jewish nation. And just because they were not killed, just left bleeding or beaten into a coma, then it was not so bad, no need to be outraged? Is that how little you value them, their dignity and their human rights?
57. Angel Gabriel is coming with message for all religions
God will send a Messianic Angel to tell ALL Jews, Muslims and Christians so they understand completely. The Angel Gabriel will tell all that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews in perpetuity and will never be divided. He is coming.
58. David H
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.30.07)
Our elected governement had decided to leave this region . They were offered many solutions , but they were waiting for a miracle so that they could stay . They opposed this disengagement , resisted and attacked our soldiers , calling them with the worse names . Do you think that our soldiers did it with pleasure ? Sad that there were wounded , but who is to blame ? For me it is those who did'nt obey the law , the Israeli Jewish law . And again , comparing this to a pogrom is INSULTING all the TRUE pogrom victims .
59. #58 How sad
David H   (10.30.07)
How sad that there are still people who think that a law must be obeyed - no matter how unjust. If the German citizens had opposed the elected government in 1933 and the LAWS that were subsequently enacted - they would have done the RIGHT thing. Obeying a law is not a virtue in itself. And that's ghetto thinking as well. Whatever the law was, it had to be obeyed or else. We have learned a lot since 1933 - We know that a human being with a conscience does not have to obey a law just because the "elected" government says it has to be so. We are creatures of conscience and sometimes - when the stakes are too big - we have to choose between obeying the laws enacted by inmoral governments or the laws of human decency. I already know which ones you would choose, Charles. Back to 1933, we could have said that the Jews were also strongly advised to leave Germany. Some did. Those who didn't were severely punished because "they didn't obey when they were told to leave". They lost their lives. But they were told, weren't they? How very sad that you are so closed to any ideas that contradict the rigid thinking where you have imprisoned yourself.
60. David , I choose the Human decency
chales ,   petach tikva   (10.30.07)
Who tell's me not to protest a Jewish governement and in a way that endangers babies . I was choked to see those mothers[ ? ] protesting with their babies . How can a mother endanger her child ? They were told that they had to leave , they knew it . They could have been relocated in good places , without problems . They could receive big aid for this , but they refused , and now , sad to say they are maybe in troubles . Again your comparison , A Jewish governement and a nazi one . How can a Jew do this , and by writing this do you think to receive support from more Israelis ? You are blind , looking for personal interest against the interests of our country . Don't come and tell me that now we have quassams , i'll ask you how many deaths and wounded would we had by staying there
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