Playing with fire
Maher Najer
Published: 29.10.07, 14:25
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. Rights
Susan ,   Kfar Saba   (10.30.07)
Well, Maher you're right. People do have a right to clean water. But people also have a right to go to sleep at night or walk outside without having to worry about a bomb falling on their head.
32. LIES!!! Why is it Israels responsability to help enemies?
freejay ,   Israel   (10.30.07)
33. #30
Richard ,   London UK   (10.30.07)
They'll disappear a lot quicker if you 'exterminate' them. Go on, why don't you just say it - exterminate - that's what you really want isn't it? The Palestinians who were forced to leave their villages were not 'squatting' as you wrote. they had lived on that land for generations and generations.
34. KKKelly # 30
Lev Bronstein ,   Moscow, RU   (10.30.07)
I agree with #33 Richard, why don't you just admit that your final solution is to exterminate the people whose land you want to steal. I must say that the overwhelming tone of the Jewish comments in this forum make one wonder whether the Nazis were actually defeated or just converted to Judaism and moved to Israel.
35. To Richard #33
JPS ,   Efrat   (10.30.07)
They had lived on whose land for "generations and generations"??? Come on Richard. You know the answer to this one. Where do Jews come from, Antarctica? Timbuktu? Siberia? Come on Richard, you can say it... Jews were forced to leave their homes generations and generations ago from where? From Israel. From Jerusalem. And who took their land? Lots of people over the last 20 centuries, but most recently the Palestinians. Your argument disappears so much quicker when it's exterminated by the truth. That's not what you really want, but sometimes the truth is hard to swallow, even for you Brits who also took your turn here in the Holy Land.
36. So JPS, how far back should we go?
Lev Bronstein ,   Moscow, RU   (10.30.07)
Surely you know that the Hebrew tribes did not originate in Palestine, but were a wandering tribe from Mesopotamia (roughly Iraq). So since Abraham was not from Palestine, those who descended from Abraham cannot call Palestine their homeland as it was already the homeland to others long before Jews even existed. For instance, it was the home of the Canaanites long before Jebus (Jerusalem today) was conquered by King David and many other before that.. You must also remember that Jews were only one of many people who lived in Palestine, so it never was, Jewish land as they only occupied it for a very short period before being defeated and forced to return from whence the came, so it is utterly preposterous for Jews to claim ownership given that their roots lie elsewhere.
37. #36 Lev Bronstein , Moscow
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (10.31.07)
You're such a joker! Ok, let's say for a moment Abraham was not from Palestine. History has it that Abraham had two sons: Israel (the Jews) and Ishmael (the Moslems) therefore his descendants, those who call themselves Palestinians don't have a leg to stand on...DO THEY NOW? Also, the Jews were in existence since Abraham and the Jews again received the Torah on Mount Sinai which if my schooling in geography is correct, places Mount Sinai in Israel. Pass the vodka!
38. Cutting Off Power vs. ....
Christy ,   Boston, MA   (10.31.07)
Some other way for Israel to fight back. You don't expect Israel to allow the rocket fire from Gaza to go unanswered? It's up to the Gazans to stop the Qassams. Until that happens, Israel is within her rights to fight back. Stop the Rockets and you'll keep the power on. It's that simple.
39. Lev Bronstein, delusional revolutionary
Arthur ,   SF, CA   (10.31.07)
YOU - should certainly remain where you are. Maybe for you history started with Trotsky-like BS which you guys successfully exported to other countries. The cost of your exports stands at hundreds of millions of lives. So - just shut up. We certainly know where our home is - and your historical reminder is nothing but trash. So long, comrade!
40. Sorry dude, but they voted in hamass..
Micha   (10.31.07)
now they pay the consequences. The people in general want the destruction of Israel. Israel just wants to lives in peace. The Jews always just wanted peace. The palestinian arabs got Jordan, and the palestinian Jews have Israel What don't you get?
41. Jews have lived in Israel for centuries..
MIcha   (10.31.07)
so the argument is moot. The fact is, the area was divided as have many areas in the past. Jordan is palestinian arab territory..Israel is Jewish territory. What don't you understand? I know, you want to exterminate the Jews...right right.say it...saayyyy it... what type of idiotic baiting is that? You Jew haters are so predictable and repetitive. Go back home and enjoy your life. stop trying to provoke and provoke...boring.
42. #33 Richard. Get literat and read some unrevised history...
Stewart ,   USA   (10.31.07)
Most Arabs were ask to stay, but the Arab armies told them if they did not leave, they would be destroyed with the Jews. They made their choice believing they could come back when the Jews were destroyed. Didn't happen. You Brits are loosing your whole country by giving into the Islamofacists in Britain. Why don't you worry about that. The big joke is that you antisemites are being devoured by the very people you support. Well antisemites aren't very bright anyway.
43. Qassam
Serge ,   Antwerp, Belgium   (10.31.07)
It is in Hamas hands to avoid humanitarian disaster. Stop shooting Qassams and no drop of electrity or fuel. Besides stopping deliveries of water was never voted. If you need spare parts why don't you smuggle them through your tunnels ?
44. To Lev #36. Some MORE Wrong Assertions.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (10.31.07)
You say :".. it is utterly preposterous for Jews to claim ownership (of Jewish Homeland, since 136 AD called by the Romans by the name Palestine) ..". IN 1360 B.Chr. Moses the Law Giver led the Jews out from Egypt on the order of Yahweh, the Supreme Lord. IN 1320 B.Chr. the Jews entered the Jewish Homeland called Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria, nowadays known as the West Bank -- being given to them by Yahweh, the Supreme Lord. SO, Lev, it is preposterous from your side not to accept the Jewish ownership of Palestine -- given to them, i.e. the Jews, by Yahweh. MOSES the Law Giver has recorded the words and orders of Yahweh, the Supreme Lord. IF you discredit Moses the Law Giver -- than you ARE taking away the foundation of the Christian religion. ALSO the Koran contains 700 verses from the Torah. So, IF you discredit Moses the Law Giver -- the Bible and the Koran will become USELESS. IF you discredit Moses the Law Giver -- 2.5 billion Christians and 1.0 billion Muslims worldwide will have NO legs to stand on. SO, Lev, it is utterly preposterous for you to discredit Moses the Law Giver. You say :".. Palestine (i.e. Jewish Homeland) ... occupied (by Jews) ..". TO inhabit land given by God -- is NOT called occupation -- it is called legitimate ownership. So, here you are wrong AGAIN. BTW there are some MORE wrong assertions in your TB. You should take your History teacher to task for teaching you STUPID things. A stupid teacher produces stupid students.
45. #18 a vocal hypocrite generalizing
46. To Lev #36. Some MORE Wrong Assertions.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (10.31.07)
You say :".. it is utterly preposterous for Jews to claim ownership (of Jewish Homeland, since 136 AD called by the Romans by the name Palestine) ..". IN 1360 B.Chr. Moses the Law Giver led the Jews out from Egypt on the order of Yahweh, the Supreme Lord. IN 1320 B.Chr. the Jews entered the Jewish Homeland called Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria, nowadays known as the West Bank -- being given to them by Yahweh, the Supreme Lord. SO, Lev, it is preposterous from your side not to accept the Jewish ownership of Palestine -- given to them, i.e. the Jews, by Yahweh. MOSES the Law Giver has recorded the words and orders of Yahweh, the Supreme Lord. IF you discredit Moses the Law Giver -- than you ARE taking away the foundation of the Christian religion. ALSO the Koran contains 700 verses from the Torah. So, IF you discredit Moses the Law Giver -- the Bible and the Koran will become USELESS. IF you discredit Moses the Law Giver -- 2.5 billion Christians and 1.0 billion Muslims worldwide will have NO legs to stand on. SO, Lev, it is utterly preposterous for you to discredit Moses the Law Giver. You say :".. Palestine (i.e. Jewish Homeland) ... occupied (by Jews) ..". TO inhabit land given by God -- is NOT called occupation -- it is called legitimate ownership. So, here you are wrong AGAIN. BTW there are some MORE wrong assertions in your TB. You should take your History teacher to task for teaching you STUPID things. A stupid teacher produces stupid students.
47. playing with fire
Dana Rothschild ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.31.07)
Dear Mr. Najer, This civilian population, who is "facing a reality of collective punishment" choose this Hamas governement.... this 1,5 million "of men, women, and children who reside in the “hostile territory” of Gaza" choose Hamas as their leader... Gaza is not a histile territory? Did I missed something? Gaza is friendly territory? So long as the residents of Gaza don't protest against the Qassams falling on Shderot, they are part of it... before you ask us to remind our government about "playing with fire", maybe you will remind your government to stop shelling rockets on Israel? Because you understand... reducing fuel and elektricity to Gaza is the consequence of the Qassams over Shderot, not the opposite... Stop Quassams, stop terror, and you will get all the elektricity you want... and don't tell us every other day, that we play with fire, if you don't get what you want. This is a known truth, that you can't eat the cake and still have it in one piece....
48. Hamas, mother of humanitarian right
Raphael ,   Netanya   (10.31.07)
Click: http://controcorrente.ilcannocchiale.it/?id_blogdoc=1656886
49. Hey Richard....ponder this.......
jack bauer ,   a few stats 4u   (10.31.07)
9-11 not related to islamic terrorism according to 45% of U.K. moslems, and 7-7 Bombings that killed 52 commuters on the U.K. transport system not related to islamic terrorism, claim 60% of U.K. moslems: 25% believe goverment was responsible for 7-7 bombing. With those kind of numbers you should prepare yourself to live under sharia law. You claim it will never happen.....but the birthrate, and their right to vote will assure islamofacist victory within your lifetime. You already talk very much like one of them, and I for one being in your shoes would not be so keen to curse jews and praise those same islamofacists living all around....YOU
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