Jewish Scene  Rabbi Levi Brackman
Haredi men in pursuit of spiritual excellence
Rabbi Levi Brackman
Published: 17.11.07, 17:04
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31. Point 3: The unmentioned reason of why so many full time ...
Lemmings Hotline ,   sd usa   (11.19.07)
religious scholars. Its because that Torah Judaism was almost wiped out by 1) the holocaust and 2) by assimilation etc in America and 3) secularization in Israel. Therefore the leaders of the last generation decided to swing the balance the other way, forcing everyone into scholarship.
32. Dear Lemming - point counter point
Josh   (11.19.07)
Whos fault is it that they are so closed a society that they have horse blnders on and cant communicate enough to be a light to all nations? The Rabbis. What major religious practice did the Jews follow during the destruction of the temple? Hellinism. What major pratice did the Jews follow during the mentioned: "1) the holocaust and 2) by assimilation etc in America and 3) secularization in Israel." (You can add the first and second crusade)? Rabbi cultism. Because Rabbis have taken away Torah by making it so complex that people must study 8 hours a day just to comprehend their additions and because they have added such expensive complexities to Torah and magic, including those that provoke Hashem, people are walking away from Torah. All we have left are either Jews with Rabbinic lies and magic (which is forbidden) or Jews not doing Torah at all (which is forbidden). Both ends of the scale are doing something that is causing G-d not only to not protect us, but even after the curse of Disporah, we are being chased and persued. History proves it. It is not Torah being taught but the cult of Rabbi that makesd Torah remote, replaces its concepts with their own and keeps the Jews from thinking for themselves. You shall be a nation of judges not a nation of lemmings.
33. Reply to #22 read the posting
Simon ,   TA Israel   (11.19.07)
I think its quite clear from my posting. No i am not unemployed and no i dont cheat on taxes. Call me old fashioned but i actually work 5 days a week for a living, go to the army , contribute to the state, not only from the tax money my company pays but also as a volunteer for various orgainsations involved with the community. So why am i expected to pay for these religious parasites exactly ?
34. No. 28 SL
NYC Girl   (11.20.07)
It's a very different situation with ultra-Orthodox Jews in New York than it is in Israel. In America, our taxes don't go to support them, and they frequently hold jobs. Have you ever seen the buses that are filled with Hassidim commuting to jobs in the Diamond District? Also, military service is not an issue for them here. So, that being the case, it's not difficult to understand the tremendous amount of resentment these Haredim engender among so many Israelis who, understandably, see these full-time students as a drain on the resources of the State.
35. No. 16 Avrom
NYC Girl   (11.20.07)
While your son's accomplishments are certainly laudable, he's not the one the complaints are aimed at. First of all, he also received a secular education, so he obviously hasn't cut himself off the from real world, and since he's only 19, and presumably not yet married, he's not asking the government to support himself, a wife, and sometimes as many as 9 or 10 children while he spends the rest of his life studying. In fact, I can assure you that even the most ultra-secular Israeli would have no problem with somebody like your son.
36. Let them do what they want don't ask me to pay for it
Mordechai   (11.20.07)
I have no problem with haredim learning all their life and living on Mannah from heaven or from donations voluntarily given by Levi Brackman and those who agree with him. Just don't use the Israeli government to force people to pay for them. G-d decides how much money they will have each year so He will support them even when the Israeli government does not
37. Dave
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.20.07)
Great from you : every Nobel prize winner had a profession . No connection at all ? Yes , there is . As Jews have always promoted studies , during generations and generations , this has an impact on the capacity of the Jews to have great results in any field of sciences
38. little "convert [ ? ] josh : again disgusting
charles ,   petach tikva   (11.20.07)
Now you attack the memory of six million Shoah victims . They died because they were living an religious Orthodox way and respecting Rabbanim . Ashamed to tell to what sect you belong , but not to write such horrors regarding my , not your , people's victims . Rot disgusting hateful guy , that's your sect , no wonder that you were rejected everywhere , even by family
39. #8
Steve   (11.22.07)
Very eloquent. Took the words out of my mouth.
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