Arab lecturer refuses to teach reservist
Shmulik Hadad
Published: 19.11.07, 14:19
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107 Talkbacks for this article
61. Sad, but not surprising
David ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.19.07)
This is no worse than having nazi gangs in Israel and in the IDF. We've lost our sole and don't have the guts to deal with such blatant attacks. Deport the nazis and fire the bastard.
62. # 56
Dr. Ahamd ,   Nablus - West Bank   (11.19.07)
Tha't why we need to talk and talk are quoting so many examples about how arabs do not beleive in peace and they are dreaming of destroying your country..ok . did you watch the hundreds of thousands who were demonstrating in Gaza, do you believe that they were paying respect to Arafat, no my dear no ! they were demonstrating for peace and for a change...forget about politics and leaders and is all about the daily needs that change the situation and make the change we all dream to is about the 600 roadblocks in the streets of West is about the is about is a bout the 11000 you remember between 1995 -2000 , when the palestinains feel for the first time that they can travel 15km without a single roadblock ? it was amazing......your government should try to ease the situation on the civillians and that's why it is Avi Dechter and Gideon Ezra who graduated from Mosad are now leading the government to release prisoners and remove settlements and wall !
63. #53
Dara ,   Israel   (11.19.07)
The IDF uniform is a symbol of protection to all those who are citizens of this state irreguardless of race or religion. I am 100% positive that Cohen did not enter the class with the idea of "upsetting" the lecturer. The fact remains he was wearing his uniform because he either returned from serving his country or he was going to right after his lessons. If an Israeli Arab does not see it that way it's unfortuneate, however, if there is a special day to recognize a garment recognized as Arab and a symbol of violence by the majority of the population of Israel, why should a Jewish person be denied the right to enter a classroom with their IDF uniform? If an Israeli Arab does not like that the IDF uniform represents freedom for so many of us in Israel, they are more than welcome to leave or teach in an Arab facility. I hate to remind you, but it is a democracy here and the MAJORITY rules, no matter how upsetting that might be to the minority.
64. English Guy
Jellybean ,   Chicago   (11.19.07)
May I be frank with you? How would you like it, if you were wearing a uniform and an American or fellow british professor refused to teach you? Mocking you, staring at you etc.. I'm sure you would feel quite uneasy and would want an apology. If that is the case you would be no different than this solder. In comment # 41 he was not holding you personally responsible, but holding your country and fellow british citizens accountable. Which makes this no different from what the international community does to the United States. For once try to put yourself in someone else's shoes and think how you would feel. I have read your previous posts, and it seems you are Anti-Isreal and Pro-Arab. That's fine but really I think I can speak for everyone on this, no one likes people like yourself your better off going to Al-Jazeera there you meet many more of your Arab friends..but I feel that you will not because even though you are a fellow arab you are still a non-believer, an infidel and most important and Brit. By the way just because you write well does not mean you think well. Somestimes I think you are a few fries short of a happy meal.
65. Dr. Ahmad
Jellybean ,   Chicago   (11.19.07)
First of all I can see your point, however may I remind you, that this lecturer in teaching in Israel, and teaching in an Israeli institution. That solder has a right to wear his uniform to class. He is serving Israel and if anything more than likely protecting its citizens even the lecturer. The lecturer is there to teach not press his potical beliefs upon his class. If this lecturer does not like Israel or what it represents, then I suggest you send him a welcome aboard package to the west bank and gaza. That way he is with his fellow arabs and he can brainwash others Palis with his beliefs. You also mentioned racisim. Racisim works both ways Arabs hate Jews I think more so that Jews hating Arabs.. Lately I see Israel making connessions, I don't see the PA doing anything..if anything they do nothing! I suggest Arabs need to learn to accept that Jews exist and will be here for a very very long time. However it is people like yourself you needs to teach that to your children instead of hate, violence. Teach children tolerance instead of being a martyr.
66. #37 english guy
i don't see in any of your talkbacks you refering and harshly judgimg the arab professor's use of the word yehudon....a derogatory name for jews! where is your condemnation of this?
67. #60 and public threats
English guy ,   London UK   (11.19.07)
Well - you live in Singapore and say to Dr Ahmad of Nablus "it is you Arabs who have been busy... murdering my children." Well, without resorting to hyperbole, can you state how many of your children have been murdered? Or are you using another crass generalisation? Your whole note to Dr Ahmad is hectoring, belligerant and racist. It seems very strange that for someone who always writes with a Singapore dateline, you state that "I will not allow this lecturer go that easily" - whatever that particular piece of garbled English means. Your tone of voice "You Arabs remember that!" has distinct overtones of a good (by which I mean, card carrying party member) lecturing "You Jews". It would behove you to read your notes aloud, while wearing an SS uniform and see just how great your similarity is to a pscyhotic Arab-hating racist piece of half-baked drek.
68. occupation??????
the only occupation this arab lecturer should be refering to is THE OCCUPATION OF HIS ARSE IN A JEWISH ISRAELI UNIVERSITY THAT GIVES HIM HIS DAILY BREAD AND BUTTER TO FEED HIS CHILDREN AND LIVE IN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY WHERE HE MAY SAY WHATEVER INAPPROPRIATE THING HE WISHES. this "so called occupation" has given him a life and opportunity in israel that he would have never enjoyed under arab rule, as well as this freedom to criticize those that feed him and have given him this opportunity. i wonder as a non jew and as part jew what opportunity do jewish or israeli students get in any of the arab muslim countries to study in or to take part in their educational facilities???? i wonder if a jewish or israeli lecturer set foot in these countries or speak as this lecturer spoke. the only scenario i envision is that this jewish lecturer will be hanged by the tallest crane in saudi arabia and iran, to say a few. israel is a nation for the jews and its people are jewish israelis. in uniform or not, they are entitled to their own education, their own say and their own policies. please, arab lecturer...if you do not like the rulkes, haste your arse to england or europe or even gaza and west bank where your ideas will be welcome and where, i am sure, that wearing a kefiyeh on a student's head or hamas uniform, will not bother you in the least. as well, the behavior or lack of of the rest of the students in the classroom is shameful beyond explanation. there is no difference between you and this soldier and the only reason this lecturer accepts you into his classroom is because your body copvering is devoid of any resemblence to your country is shameful! silence has never created anything but defeat. and you showed your defeat and cowering in front of an antisemite. shame on you!
69. Arab lecturer refuses to teach reservist
Nili ,   Jerusalem Israel   (11.19.07)
Shame on any Israeli organization who pays someone to treat our soldiers with such disrespect. Would we even have a country without them? These kids are out there risking their lives so we can stroll the streets--they deserve our utmost in respect and support. Come on Israel--get off your duffs and start taking some pride in being Israeli!!
70. Disgusting...
Micha   (11.19.07)
like having the KKK teach at an all-black college. this type of behavior by liberals/leftists is truly despicable and needs to be stopped, NOW!
71. @63 English guy , London UK (11.19.07
ben ,   singapore   (11.19.07)
English guy you are such a mess for an English brain.Not so clever after all, only enlish by half pass six education not by birth.Now is it too hard for your english brain to accept simple truth that Israelis live all around the world an not only in Israel.Can you count the number of hairs on your head? And that you ask for the number of my children who been mudrered? Yes my note to Dr Ahmad is meant to be to him not to you idiot English guy :-)Making youself a lapiz -lazuli in a language laboratory. ? eh ! Every Israeli is precious stone to me- diamonds but unlike lapiz lazuli- like you are and your Dr.Ahmad and that Arab lecturer.What a patron of empathic denials you all make when my childern been named called at the college.I suppose you are suffering from a rhapsody of arab rhetoric with putty brains- anti semitism? Well your raffish sales wont work with me at least !I dont buy it ! When I was in Cambridge, I use to call you psychotic Jew hating English who were also schaden freude . The Brits are half boiled potatoes because those brits there thought I was a Persian.See how great the similarities you bunch of mules trace with the Arabs. Stay muddled as most english man in UK are a muddle and mules:-))) ben singapore
72. Nameless #9
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.19.07)
Arab definition of arrogance - A Jew that doesn't bow down. Must be the worst crime the Arabs can think of. Signed A very Arrogant Israeli
73. Dont blame arab lecturer instead blame ....
Doyou See ,   Can   (11.19.07)
post Oslo Israel leftist education ministers
74. #67
Richard ,   London UK   (11.19.07)
Well said Englsh guy. the reaction to this story, the venom, the hatred, the racism only proves that these talkbackers are as complicit and as bigoted as those they choose to condemn. It's ridiculous that you all get so outraged by this lecturers behaviour. Why don't you show some outrage towards the pathetic living conditions under which the Palestinians are forced to live because of Israel's actions? Why don't you show some outrage towards the WALL being built around the West Bank? Or the road blocks? Or the strangled economy? Now that's something to get outraged about. The IDF is an occupying Army by the way - that's why it's called the occupied territories.
75. #64
Richard ,   London UK   (11.19.07)
By the way, Al- Jazeera broadcasts all around the world and has major news centres in Kuala Lumpa, Washington, London and Doha. Funnily enough, the only country Al -Jazeera is not permotted to broadcast is in the US, 'the Land of the Free'. perhaps your Government doesn't want you to hear an alternative version of the news? Perhaps your government prefers you all to keep on munching burgers and wasting oil and getting fat?
76. #71
Richard ,   London UK   (11.19.07)
Cambridge? I presume you were working on the railways or something as I'd hate to think that an Oxbridge graduate wouldn't know the difference between 'potatoes' and 'potatos' And how can you 'be schadenfreude'?
77. Fire the Traitor
EgyptJewRefugee ,   Geneva, Switzerland   (11.19.07)
This Israeli Arab should be fired on the spot and boycotted. He should move to Gaza or Judea. If we Jews in the Arab countries would have behaved like this we would have been hung.
78. #37 Englishguy: Antisemitism in the UK rising
Liliane ,   Brighton, SX, UK   (11.19.07)
#37 English Guy is a good example of the rising antisemitism British Jewry is experiencing.
79. #71 and Cambridge
English guy ,   London   (11.19.07)
At Cambridge? Well, perhaps that's why you cannot understand an Oxford man. Additionally, no one educated at Cambridge would make as many mistakes as you do with English (schaden freude ??? or Schadenfreude??). Additionally, it is even the case at Cambridge that students answer questions as opposed to giving semi-hysterical fascist rants. you would have been sent down. So - the question was, since you spoke of "my murdered children" - how many of your children were murdered? Not how many Israeli children as like unto the lapiz lazuli. As far as the ranks of drivel-producing ethnocentric murderous bigots go... I'm entering your name for the Guiness Book fo Records. Strange, though, isn't it - that whenever a tolerant person appears on these talkbacks, the simple brainwashed zombies of zionism immediately start screaming "anti-semitism, rhapsody of Arab rhetoric". Indeed, it is people like your evil self who, 1984-like, manage to twist any discussion of equality to equal death camps, and any mention of tolerance to equal gas chambers. Until you debate the subjects at hand and stop crying death camp at every broken finger nail, then you (NB: singular "you", not generalisation) are simply doing a dream dance with your own demons. Thank the good lord you are not in the Middle East and can only vent your racist spleen on the poor yellow people of Singapore and not the good brown folks of Palestine. And the question was: how many of your children have been murdered, as you stated in your previous post.
80. a hero an everyday event in israel
marcia lewis ,   miami fl us   (11.19.07)
Lt Cohen is a hero and deserves the utmost respect as does evry tzahal soldier let the prof espouse his ideas in the pleasant surroundings of azza!
81. #78
English guy ,   London   (11.19.07)
What a stupid little comment that was. Is it really an example of the rising antisemitism in Britain to suggest that Singapore Ben's use of the word Mozzies is demeaning? I suggest you write us all a little essay explaining your fascinating and most idiosyncratic logic. I look forward to reading a bit more of your crap.
82. #79 and #74
israeli ,   israel   (11.19.07)
Being educated at Oxford and Cambridge does not buy anyone an IQ. In plain English it makes one neither smart nor clever. But it does put some wind beneath those arrogant wings. Funny how English guy can spell Schadenfreude yet mispells lapis lazuli. Who are we to blame? Oxford or Cambridge and Richard #74, if we were to complain about all those, how would we keep you barking at our heels? Don't forget we need to you to provide some entertainment with your stiff lip upper class English.
83. Fire and deport this Arab!
Avraham ,   NYC   (11.19.07)
84. Mr. English Guy
Hadas ,   US   (11.19.07)
I guess history books are re-writed as in George Orwell's 1984. If you happen to be in another country I suggest that you will pick up a history book. You'll be surprised at what you discover about he British occupation of the entire planet (including the Middle East, Australia, Africa and North America), the slave trade and brutality and lack of any morals of your ancestors that was used against their own people as well as other nations and races including blacks and jews. As we say in Hebrew, the apple does't fall far from the tree. I guess you also don't have a mirror to see yourself. Too bad.
85. To the English Guy Again
Hadas ,   US   (11.19.07)
Here are a few links that you should find helpful in removing any doubts about your nation's past: 1. Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt 2. Strangers in the Land: The Rise and Decline of the British Indian Empire by Roderick Cavaliero 3. link to a list of all British wars so you can see for yourself how much damage your nation had brought to this world. I would not be so proud if i were you.
86. English Guy - Here we go Again
Hadas ,   US   (11.19.07)
I really feel sorry for your lack of education so if you have a pc and some spare time please visit this link as well. It will tell you all about the British Empire. I am sure you can find a lot of information in the library as well if you only make the effort. Hope this is helpful to you. Good luck!
87. I hope to hear that he has been fired - tomorrow !
redmiike ,   tel aviv   (11.19.07)
no ifs buts and maybes - fired! why was he allowed to teach if he kept making similar statements? I won't give up on this until he's fired! Please do more than just posting here! Phone the college tomorrow ! Protest and until this 5th columnist is fired !!
88. Hadas - Don't Bother
Joe ,   USA   (11.19.07)
The English aren't concerned with their history. If they were, they wouldn't be so quick to get on their soapbox and preach as if they were holy. These are the same people who built concentration camps in their African colonies, not long after the Nuremberg Trials.
89. if his employers say he teaches reservists he teaches them
zionist forever   (11.19.07)
OR GO GET ANOTHER JOB WHICH WOULD BE THE PREFERED OPTION. Another example of the fact that Israel has a growing arab fifth colum that needs to be put down. This man has no right to decide who he will and will not teach as long as he wants a job teaching anybody. Its for the collage to decide who is allowed to study what and what the dress code is and if HIS EMPLOYERS say its ok for reservists to come along dressed in uniform then he is still entitled to the full education package as the students not in uniform and if this arab doesnt like it then let him go get a teaching job in Gaza. I am sure he would be considered by Hamas refusing to teach evil zionnist soilders.
90. what will olmert have to say over the issue?
zionist forever   (11.19.07)
How long will it be before till Olmerts new love Abbas says he wants it made law in Israel that arab teachers have a right to refuse to teach soilders or policemen and Olmert bows down and says WHAT A WONDERFULL IDEA YOU HAVE MY MASTER WELL ALL YOUR IDEAS ARE WONDERFULL THATS WHY I WORSHIP YOU THE WAY I DO It wouldnt surprise me in the slightest if this happened.
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