Jewish Scene
Mea Shearim's 'egg brigade' to prevent touristic infiltrations
Neta Sela
Published: 29.11.07, 18:41
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98 Talkbacks for this article
61. Try going to Mecca if your not a muslim.
G.A. ,   Fort Worth, TX   (11.30.07)
This is childs play compared to the Religion of Peace.
62. the anti charedi talkbacks are intolerant
izzy d   (11.30.07)
the talkbacks are churlish and childish, in other words immature. the orthodox are taking a stand against an issue that directly effects them and causes anguish and spiritual pain. beside the fact that they are basically being treated like zoo animals, all they are asking is that immodestly dressed persons not venture in the neighborhoods know to be orthodox enclaves. not an unreasonable request. yet we see talkbacks reacting with fury, suggesting vengeance? "lets egg the orthodox!!!" you are being intolerant of a foreign ideal that causes you no direct discomfort, yet you are suggesting violent measures to combat it. thats pure hypocrisy, signature move of the far left liberals. intolerant of perceived intolerance is hypocrisy.
63. Keren this kind of behavior must be condemned
AK   (12.01.07)
If Western tourists are now welcomed by Haredi Jews, any Jews, with eggs and dirty diapers, this kind of behavior will kill - it will the very real support that Israel needs and with which support Israel may find herself in even bigger trouble it faces now. Those religious fanatics are not free from oversight and control and their community can very nicely and quickly dampen their combativeness if only their rabbi tells them to simmer down or find elsewhere to live and pray.
64. To Christy: Gated community? Like a ghetto?
AK   (12.01.07)
65. #27, tzoni, you sound like those Muslim apologists
AK   (12.01.07)
There is always a 'but' somewhere. 'We condemn terrorism, but.…' Muslims also never plan those rage orgies, they're just 'getting carried away' as you put it. You plan pelt people with eggs and excrement, but it is not your fault… it just happens because you're provoked. Shame on you for defending indefensible behavior.
66. Gedalia, should I remind Haredi Jews how to dress in my city
There are Haredi Jews living in non-Jewsh cities and countries, should we impose our stadard of dressing on them? Should I tell a Haredi Jew I encounter in my town to conform or leave? In my town we don't wear earlocks, should I demand he cuts his; we uncover our heads when we get inside, should I demand that a Haredi Jew uncover his head in my 'house'? Same goes for Israel. Should secular Jews have the right to bar the entry of a Haredi Jew into any non-haredi place until he 'conforms' his dress and hear style? Don't tell me that you never venture beyond Mea Shearim?
67. Hanukkah
Jon Klement ,   St. Charles, MO, USA   (12.01.07)
This is how God's people are supposed to act? Throwing used diapers and eggs at people? There must be another way.
68. #62 - Izzy, stop with your lashon ha-ra...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (12.01.07)
Izzy, ad hominem comments are lashon ha-ra, and labeling other talkbackers as "churlish and childish" neither abrogates the points talkbackers are making, nor does it reflect positively on the person who uses ad hominem arguments. In case you were unable to notice, my talkback titled, "Guys, let's start egging the Ultra-Orthodox!!" was SARCASTIC in nature, and, after having both read the article and my talkback, the logic I used in justifying egging Ultra-Orthodox is the exact same logic one woman quoted in the article used in defending her position on the issue. This is called IRONY. Irony and sarcasm are the two vehicles I used in my talkback to highlight the HUMOR in the whole debacle and the ILLOGIC of Mea Shearim's residents' policies against outsiders. Also, comparing the residents of Mea Shearim to zoo animals is a false analogy. Unlike ghettos of the past, nobody forced these people to live there and nobody continues to force them to live there. They live there of their own free will. The streets and sidewalks (assuming there is no legal exception to Mea Shearim) are paid for and maintained by the very same society Mea Shearim's residents claim to be immodest. What the residents of Mea Shearim fail to understand is that modest dress is a question of minhag and relativity. I don't ask Ultra-Orthodox Jews to leave the Fairfax neighborhood because I don't want my children to be Ultra-Orthodox. I don't label them as "immodest". I welcome them as much as I welcome non-Jews in this neighborhood because I fulfill the mitzva of loving my neighbor. The only intolerance found in this issue is Ultra-Orthodox intolerance. If you are too blind to see it, you need to spend a little more time studying Torah...
69. "insufferable inconvenience"
David P. ,   Central Coast, USA   (12.01.07)
if they attack the tourists, tourists should retaliate with their fists
70. Purim's real time to go, not Hannukah, if you want a show
David P. ,   Central Coast, USA   (12.01.07)
71. 56
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (12.01.07)
all i know is that the convert paqid speaks in the name of orthodox judaism and tries to draw people into something that few jews, if any at all (i'm still waiting to find one), would agree with, all under the pretense of being "orthodox". he can believe whatever he wants, but he can't persuade without being abusive or hateful. and this in the name of torah's religion. believe me, i've read so much about jesus from the perspective from this and that jewish perspective, it frankly bores me to death. i'm only interested in what the biblical text says and means. beyond that, it's all just opinion that rarely has much, if anything, to do with the actual text. nice of you to offer, though. maybe i'll browse it if i get the time.
72. "Attention Hellenists"
Phillip ,   brooklyn   (12.01.07)
To put a a sign with the heading "Attention Hellenists" only shows that these people are nuts. The Hellenist age ended over 1500 years ago. Talk about living in the past puts it lightly.
73. cliche of "intolerance"
izzy d   (12.01.07)
to demand that the orthodox be tolerant towards others of different faith is quite ironic. after all on what grounds do you claim that "tolerance" is superior to their beliefs. in other words, what allows you to claim "tolerance" supersedes "intolerance"? and plz no tiresome and meaningless cliches like "freedom" or "diversity" as these words mean absolutely nothing other disingenuous vagueness. by demanding that the orthodox adhere to any norm of secular like behavior ie "tolerance or "diversity" is intolerant in itself. at least the orthodox believe in something bigger then themselves unlike the massive ego and narcissistic behavior of the liberal leftist. uhhhh, how about.. i dont TREATING THEM LIKE ZOO ANIMALS AND NOT GOING INTO THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD???!!!! decency trumps diversity.
74. Haredim are fellow jews: leave them alone.
debra ,   usa   (12.02.07)
75. How about a little respect.
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (12.02.07)
Although there is no way that I can approve of the methods used in Mea Shearim. I can see their point. I would not like it if a bunch of disrespectful goy came into my neighborhood and turned it into a tourist attraction and defiled all I considered sacred. Give these people a break. Just stay out. If you can't do that, then at least have the common decency to pay their mortgage payments. If you are going to take their homes and turn them into a place of celebration of your pagan beliefs then pay for it. But better still, stay out or treat their beliefs with respect! I am disgusted at the way those who are suppose to be sharing Yeshua with the world and with the Y'hudi, are so ignorant of what they are doing. Those who call themselves Christian need to turn to their Hebrew roots and learn who Yeshua is! Put some clothes on and learn about the Hebrew people and their beliefs and customs or stay out of Israel. I would be angry too! I agree that the way they are handling it is not right, but what alternatives do they have? And, please don't come back to me with all your canned responses on morality because if you had morals this subject would not even come up because you would respect those of Mea Shearim. Their lives and homes are as important to them as yours are to you. You are sinning! Do T'shuvah, learn what that means!
76. Let them throw eggs! If that is the only way they can remain
Rivkah   (12.02.07)
separate, let them throw eggs. The book of Ezra tells the descendants of Jacob not to marry outside of their families, not to marry Gentiles, not to marry the people of the land who are not a part of Jacob's heritage. If they are sooooo tempted by the Gentile followers of Jesus who have as valid a covenant as the one Jacob's descendants have with Jehovah, then they have to provoke problems to maintain their separation. If people think they are loveable, they might want to be LIKE them or to JOIN them. Heavens! The horror of it all. So let them throw eggs so that they can be hated or forgiven but avoided so they can maintain their separation without temptation.
77. Don't people coming to Mea Shearim buy
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (12.02.07)
Judaica in the shops there? I know tourists that wanted davka to buy their things in Mea Shearim because they thought something their would certainly be kosher, unlike things on main street shops. Well, if they don't want business, I guess we should pass this information on.
78. 72 Your msg exposes your ignorance
Paqid 16 Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (12.02.07)
The Hellenist Age ended centuries ago but the Hellenist religion, which is Christianity, persists -- as does the ignorance of its adherents that their syncretic religion is the offspring of Hellenist idolatry. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
79. #72 - Isn't Christianity the Roman
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (12.02.07)
religion? As in Holy Roman Empire of times gone? Greeks have their own brand of Christianity, to be sure, but during their days as an empire they weren't Christian
80. "You can't fight progress", re #60
Johnny ,   Stockholm Swede   (12.02.07)
You wrote that: "You can't fight progress.......". Yes you can. Islam based countries have proven this.
81. This story is 100% lies
Business Owner ,   Mea Shearim   (12.02.07)
I have never heard of any such group operating in my neighborhood. We have shops and businesses here & welcome tourists! What is the source for this bogus story? Anonymous unnamed sources, much like the "Palestinian eyewitnesses" who report atrocities that never happened. Shame on YNet for publishing this dreck!
82. They couldnt hurt a fly
Hilly Abe ,   Ramat Bet Shemesh   (12.02.07)
How can you use a photo of some young boys who have obviously nothing to do with the violence - The one with the gruff look is having a serious phone conversation with a friend and the other two Chassidishe boys look harmless. Just what the germans did in their charactures of the Jews before the war
83. To # 82
charles ,   petach tikva   (12.02.07)
Have you seen their nice faces when throwing stones at police officers ? Or when they stone passing cars ? those are the bad , the very bad , ones
84. Given that seculars beated Amona kids to pulp......
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (12.02.07)
what's the difference ????
85. #79 Learn History
Phillip ,   new york   (12.02.07)
The Roman Empire in the West ended around 375-400 C.E. The East Empire ended 1400's. The Holy Roman Empire developed in France/Germany 700-800 C.E. It was a Christian Empire that appeared hundreds of years after the fall fo Roman. You may not like this... but Christianity was founded by Jewish people. It was nutured in Judea before spreading to Rome. Have a great day and read a history book.
86. #73 - Izzy, you can't have it both ways...
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (12.02.07)
You titled your first talkback "the anti charedi talkbacks are intolerant", then you slam using the term "intolerant" as being a cliche. Which is it, Izzy? Is "intolerance" merely a cliche or does the term still hold value, as you demonstrated in talkback #62? You claim: "to demand that the orthodox be tolerant towards others of different faith is quite ironic. after all on what grounds do you claim that "tolerance" is superior to their beliefs." I will tell you on what grounds "tolerance" is superior to their beliefs. "Tolerance", as expressed in the mitzva "Love your neighbor as yourself" is superior to "intolerance", the non-fulfillment of said mitzva. If they believe they have the right not to fulfill ONE biblically mandated mitzva, then what stops them from not fulfilling ALL biblically mandated mitzvot? I challenge you to answer this question. As for demanding what you label Orthodox (and what I label Ultra-Orthodox, seeing as I am Orthodox myself) to adhere to a norm of secular behavior such as "tolerance" or "diversity", this is not intolerant. IT IS A BIBLICALLY MANDATED MITZVA. IT IS BINDING HALACHA. The fact that this biblically mandated mitzva has become a secular value is something we should praise haShem for, not disassociate ourselves from seeing as it has become a secular value. As I said before, I am Orthodox. My parents are Orthodox, my grandparents (z"l) were Orthodox, their parents (z"l) were Orthodox, and so on and so forth. "Loving my neighbor as myself" is not the result of the "massive ego and narcissistic behavior of the liberal leftist," IT IS BINDING HALACHA. Like I said before, Izzy, it looks like you need to study Torah a little bit more...
87. easy solution
Mahlon Drumgoole ,   Newark NJ   (12.03.07)
This should not be an issue. Since the people of this neighborhood do not want tourists, they should petition the government to block all entrances to Mea Shearim. Only residents and guests would be allowed to enter this area. there is no reason that tourists should enter a neighborhood that hates them. I know that I wouldn't go to a place where I am not wanted. I feel sorry for the businessmen in Mea Shearim that will be hurt. Maybe they should relocate their businesses.
88. #87 - Good Post
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.03.07)
There is also no reason come to think of it, for garbage collectors, fire fighters, ambulances and the like to come there either.
89. #85
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (12.03.07)
Of course Christianity started in Judea, no problem with that. I'm just saying that it wasn't Helenistic! The Romans oppressed both Jews and Christians. Curious that in the end, it chose Christianity itself.
90. Joe , LA
charles ,   petach tikva   (12.03.07)
I a secular , as you know , can only agree with you . I can , and do respect tolerant believing persons , they deserve it , even i don't agree with them . Being tolerant means also accepting other ways of life . And this in both directions .
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