Decision time on Iran nearing, Livni says
Roni Sofer
Published: 07.12.07, 12:45
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31. #23, Further Reasonings for You
Robert ,   New Jersey, USA   (12.08.07)
Forgive my excursion into gutter language. I don't suffer fools gently. Mahmood, Islam - your faith - is mired in the medieval dark ages. Whatever peaceful aspects of Islam there may be have been hijacked by the same fanatics who hijack airliners invented by Western minds and fly them into buildings designed and built by the same genius. Radical Islam - as practiced by the monkey president and others you doubltess admire - is a religion of nihilism. It creates nothing. It can only buy or steal the genius of the West and endeavor to use it as a weapon to destroy that genius. What for? To recreate a Taliban society where women cannot seek education past their 8th year, must wear burkas head to toe in public, and a man who dares shave his beard a centimeter too short is beheaded. Be proud, Mahmood, defender of this faith. You use a computer an American invented to send emails on the Internet another American invented to decry Americans (and Israelis of equal genius). Do you not see the piquant irony of all this? We will survive, nee triumph! The Caliphate will remain a dream of you and your idol, the puppet monkey president and his string pullers, the ayatollas. Radical Islam mistakes the restraint of the West as weakness. Tsk tsk! Dangerous illusion! The restraint of the West is a sign of superior strength and confidence, just as Arab braggadocio is a sign of insecurity and infantilism. Be assured, a religion mired in the 7th century will not overtake the West any more than a Neanderthal could overtake a Cro Magnon. Relax, have a coffee (oops, I concede - Arabs did discover that!), get on the right side of history.
32. iran israel
sas ,   israel   (12.08.07)
she is right she is the wrong person tp represnet us,. while u r away we only KNOW NOtHING except tp dry blow dry your hair! M. LIVNE go home an stay home. your trips broad are only costly an produce nothing else/ Face REALITY n resing. u r a 100% faiure in the\governmentl
33. Something some of you are forgetting
Steve ,   UK   (12.08.07)
Even if Iran builds a prototype weapon, it has to test it before it starts producing them to stockpile. That test will be the giveaway, and when Israel gets wind of a test detonation, how many of IT'S nukes do you think will start pointing at Tehran? Stop worrying, Iran is the one in the corner. All we need now are people in government who aren't as stupid, or as shamless a liar, as Bush and Olmert.
34. All truly valid reasonings, Robert
Cameron ,   USA   (12.08.07)
Disturbing it is to see how so many in the Islamic World embrace the ultimately dead-end, and as you said, infantile and nihilistic behavior of these ding-dong Islamic movements. One can only wonder at what kind of cultural & psychological demons Islamic communities wrestle with as the world races into the 21st century. It is our misfortune to be a captive audience to Islam's struggles & contortions as it comes to terms with it's own shortcomings and failures, and having to deal with infidel realities that loom ever larger for all Muslims with each passing day. Those who pull it together, and those who do not.
35. Lev Bronstein#21
Brod ,   USA   (12.09.07)
You don't know what you are talking about. You sound more like an Antisemite spewing your anti Israel crap. Perhaps in Russia you do not have access to books pertaining to the region. You are also out of touch on the repeated threats of annihilation by Iran's President Ahmedinejad in his speeches in Tehran, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. Shortly after 9/11, former Iran President Hashemi Rafsanjani told the crowd at Tehran Stadium that a single nuke would do the job of annihilating Israel. Presently, Iran is feverishly working on their nukes.
36. Don't really Blame Livni..
Ibrahim ,   Egypt   (12.09.07)
Livni... You have to know that The American intelligence report on Iran has been changed the whole Equation....don't believe Condoleeza rice....the last US report means USA don't want to attack Iran... sovereign nation of more than 70-million people....The global economy is going towards the China and Russia...according to the international economics study centers and Think Tanks...China and Russia will overtake the United States as the largest economy in the world. ....and USA has a lot of internal problems ...e.g health , unemployment, a serious debt problem for world bank, wars in different locations of the world, New Orleans catastrophe, fires burn in California parks and I see the USA problem is pure economic loss...and USA don't want to lose much more financially in war against Iran that will be easy to start but hard to end that may include many countries....especially Iran is strategic allies with China and don't really blame Livni...Israel is alone...anyone who is ultra newbie like me or expert will say the same....
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