Jewish Scene  Rabbi Levi Brackman
The Jewish outreach absurdity
Rabbi Levi Brackman
Published: 01.02.08, 08:01
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33 Talkbacks for this article
31. why ignore Chabad?
GS ,   Midwest, USA   (06.03.08)
Chabad has always wanted to do things alone. They have their own publishing houses and their troublesome method of arriving in a small town and boxing out the other small shul, competing for attendees and funds. It happens all over the place! They believe they are the nucleus of the Jewish People and the rest of us are the outer shell. It's actually part of the Torah they learn! No kidding! They only share that with "insiders" though. The messianic issues don't help mainstream orthodoxy want to participate with them either, but that's besides the point.
32. who was on first?
thanbo ,   Brooklyn, NY   (06.04.08)
Kiruv is a lot older than Chabad's kiruv, or NCSY, or any of the modern organizations. In the US, at the turn of the last century, the Jewish Endeavour Society was a kiruv group working among the children of immigrants, trying to get them interested in Judaism. Mordechai Kaplan was one of their big star speakers, before he went OTD 15-20 years later. R Yisrael Salanter was a kiruv macher, trying to bring the Jews back to conscious observance. R' SR Hirsch was a kiruv macher, raising Judaism to a high intellectual level for a German-speaking public. Moshe Rabbeinu was the first Kiruv Pro, hired by God to bring the Jews back to the minimal observance mandated to the Avos. So all these arguments about "Chabad was there first" "No it wasn't" are just stupid. Put your energy towards impressing nonreligious Jews with the beauty and strength of the Torah, instead of sniping at each other.
33. Dear Yehuda #2, Have you ever seen Jews really come ...
Stewart ,   USA   (07.01.08)
together on something it there was not a real threat. If their wasn't a real external threat, we'd tear ourselves appart as we so often have. We are the original, "each under his or her own fig tree" people. I mean you need a lot of fig trees. As far as praying for God to bring us together, I'd be careful what you pray for. He would probably have to do it with a cattle prod. Remember that great portrayal of Mosses by Charlton Heston with all his impressive flowing hair blowing in the wind. We'll that just can't be true. Mosses would have torn most of his hair out in frustration by then with what he had to put up with. :-).
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