Truth about lethal icon
Frimet Roth
Published: 07.02.08, 09:27
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. Our Shamful Nation!!!
Yoav ,   Tel Aviv   (02.08.08)
May be it's time for us to have some compassion and mercy. May be we should end the occupation instead of proving that we are a nation of laws that respect human lives. Yet, we keep remembering how the Nazis have treated us "like animals" and now we're treating all palestinians like animals who have no worthy lives. When we'll change the way we think. It's time to look around us not inside us....we should be ashame of our actions against innocent palestinians. When was the last time we initiated an investagation for killing innocent palestinians. NEVER!!!! Let's be true Jews who follow the true Torah!!!
32. Very Interesting Article
Christy ,   Boston, US   (02.08.08)
I've followed the story of this 'shooting' off & on on some websites. The consensus of what must have happened has always been in Israel's favor. It's great to read a concise, factual, story that backs up what many have believed. Israel leaders: Stand up for your country in this matter! Proclaim Israel's innocence loudly.
33. 28 Israeli
Leah   (02.08.08)
I agree with you on one thing. Neither side is completely without blame for this conflict,but overall I still feel Israel's enemies mainly the Palestinians are much more at fault for the conflict continuing. Israelis have tried to make peace at least several times by giving ,or trying to give land to the Palestinians,but the probem is the Palestinians want it all. The majority of them do not even recongnize your countries right to exist. Don't take my word for it though. They say that themselves, even the so called *moderate* Fatah faction,who by the way claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that killed the 75 year old woman the other day. Also,Israelis are not out to kill as many Palestine civlians as possible. Palestinians are when they fire rockets into your country everyday and try to sneak in suicide bombers. Finally,Muhammed Al Durra was not "murdered" he was an unfortunate,innocent victim, who was caught in the crossfire between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers. If you want to hear about a child being murdered maybe you should read about 2 year old Merav Hatuel, who was shot in the face, after watching her pregnant mom and elder sisters also shot at point blank range.
34. Yoav
Leah   (02.08.08)
What about the Palestinians showing a little compassion and mercy as well? Did you even see the way the Palestinians in Gaza, celebrated and handed out candy to celebrate the suicide bombing that killed the elderly Jewish lady the other day? Even if that was only a small minority,I would like to know why more Palestinians don't condemn that kind of brazen cruelty which seems to be an integrate part of their culture. Why is it folks like you only seem concerned for the human rights of Palestinian civlians? Don't you think Mrs. Roth's daughter had a right to her life as well as the 14 other innocents who were murdered by the suicide bomber at the Sbarro cafe and the countless other Israeli civlians killed in suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism?
35. #31 well said, Yoav
observer   (02.08.08)
36. ............
layla ,   jerusalem   (02.08.08)
while iam reading the article i want to post two things but after i finished and know about the auther i want to tell the third thing and it will be the first ..... any mother had lost a son or a daughter want to justify the death in many means and for many years /and they look to the event and compair it for any new or past one ... but the two other posts are first do the second lebanon ware do the worst to israil than the durra killing second about the hate of the others // it is not becouse of one event it is becouse accumulative events and this will apear more and more for israil ocuppying the people and it apeared more for america after ocupying iraq
37. cut! print it!
Steve   (02.08.08)
Anyone who believes Palestinian claims as credible is gullible beyond all reason and unable to engage in rational discourse. There is propaganda and there is PA fantasy. Virtually all PA claims of atrocities from Jenin to al-Dura are shoddy fabrications which serve to dupe simpletons.
38. #26 and vituperative
English guy ,   London   (02.08.08)
As you object so thoroughly to the Archbishop of Canterbury's thoughts, do you also object to the fact that ruling of the Beth Din are given some "standing" in UK courts of law in matters of pesonal status, inheritance etc. Or is it simply that you hate Moslems so much that you cannot bear the thought of religious equality?
39. #38, work those lies
Danny   (02.08.08)
In English law any two parties can MUTUALLY agree to have a third party arbitrate and one of those third parties can be Beth Din. This is NOT the same as giving Jewish Law some "standing" in UK courts - because when you are in arbitration, you have agreed to step outside the law. Note that muslim courts or a random "arbitrator" would have the same status. But then again, we know you won't let facts get in the way of a crappy argument.
40. who killed Dura
Bashar ,   Jordan   (02.08.08)
Wither it is Palestinians or Israelis who killed the boy, is insignificant to the whole conflict thing, dealing with the root-causes of the problem is what is the most important thing, that is, end the occupation as well as the terrorist attacks (from both sides), if its not done, then its inevitable to have an endless similar stories
41. Bashar and other "root-causers"
Hans-Peter Moeller ,   Darmstadt DE   (02.08.08)
Bashar, I guess you mean what you say when you say we have to deal with "root causes". That sounds like something everything would agree with. But in the context of the endless wars of the Arabs against the Jews, it's nonsense. Just one piece of data makes it clear just how misleading your point is: in 1967 when every Arab army in the world turned its weapons in the direction of Israel and announced their determination to end Israel's unacceptable existence. Do you remember? I do. I also remember that there were exactly ZERO occupied towns, villages and lands at that time. Read it again: ZERO occupation. No part of the Arab side's logic has changed since that time. They want now what they wanted then. Only they cover the weakness of their genocidal argument by pretending it's about this thing called occupation. It wasn't and it isn't. It's about getting Israel and its Jews out of an Arab neighborhood by hook, by crook or by terrorism. Some of us onlookers can see that.
42. #40, but it does matter
Danny   (02.08.08)
firstly, because truth should be important. Secondly, Al-Dura turned a flare-up into the Second Intifada. The two reporters who covered it and the reporters who spread the flames are directly responsible for the death of thousands of people.
43. #40 Bashar
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (02.08.08)
How can it be accomplished? You have to wonder if Jordan could not to a better job of "adminstrating" the WB until the Palestinians are in a position to do so? And what about HAMAS? They are 100 per cent against what you are proposing.
44. Bashar Nr. 40
leon ,   Grand Rapids USA   (02.09.08)
Bashar is absolutely right.....the root cause it ISLAMOFASCISM, and that's the reason for the conflict world-wide.
45. opinion
Bashar ,   Jordan   (02.10.08)
no. 40, it is surely important, and its mostly perceived through the eyes of the beholder, which sometimes makes it relative, sad but true No. 43, there is no way Jordan would administer WB, the king doesn't want that nor the people of Jordan, strategically not a valid point Hamas, are against that, no doubt, but Hamas doesn't represent all the Palestinians, if you looked on the emergence of hamas, you might understand why they have so much backing by their own ppl, I am no expert in that, but i would say frustration, lack of hope, etc... bottom line, if there is hope for better life, then pals. wont back hamas no.44, do you think killing all fanatics is the solution? it is never and will never be, sad but again true, why there is a rise in ISAMOFASCISM? again, ponder through the root causes and you might be able to understand Is it Islam? Facts say that good religions survived and nurtured through history, all the bad and evil ones disappeared, because they weren’t good enough, so I don't think its the religion, big difference between any religion and its followers its very easy to point fingers, while its not to find solutions
46. Funny Reaction From Some of You
Thomas   (02.10.08)
When Israel was accused of killing this kid, it was OK to say that murderous IDF deliberately shot a child in his fathers arms. Now that this acusation is in doubt, the new response is, "it doesn't matter who is responsible, a little boy is dead." So it matters if the Israelis killed him but if the Arabs killed him, the Israelis are partly at fault anyway.
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