German in the Knesset? Some say no way
Amnon Meranda
Published: 11.03.08, 12:18
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. Once again
Drouch   (03.11.08)
Once again our elected officials are waisting our tax money on their stupidity. Qasams are flying over Sderot and Ashkelon and honorable idiots are discussing what language should be spoken in Knesset !?! Lets save us some time and money and ban every European language in Knesset after all they all have some history of hatered towards Jews . RIght!?!
32. how is Merkel's privileged speech going to be?
observer   (03.11.08)
She is going to state that the "rest of the holocaust aid money" is going to be allocated for the poor not for purchasing weapons, even is going to be not for WMD. that's in case there is a rest. Olmert's promise to Merkel to abandon nuke was no slip of tongue.
33. Get over it!
Simon ,   Jerusalem   (03.11.08)
Get over it - the behaviour of these insane MK's already have the country in a mess, we need some young blood who are going to move our country forward not backwards! Out with Olmert and out with the lunatics that think they are MK's but little children dressed up for Purim as MK's! Enough already!
34. Pay Attention
roary   (03.11.08)
German people are not a problem and certainly not the language. arabic and persian not problems. let us look at the people. many people near and dear to me started life speak and wrote german first. some survived and far to many did not. German is a evolving culture as are many. focus on bad people, please.
35. She should speak in German. Absolutely
Oleg   (03.11.08)
I have read responses here and find many of them disconnected from the reality and full of wishful thinking. The Nazi Germany has committed crimes against us and others. The Germany of today admits to that and has repented in the ways that are available to the state to do that: through the truthful interpretation of the history and the financial compensation. That some Germans are anti-Semitic is irrelevant, since the German state does not stand for it. That is it. What else can be demanded? Absolutely Merkel can and should speak in German in Knesset. That is normal. To demand additional consideration as responses here suggest is not. The World does not care much about any special needs of anybody including Jewish ones. The only right thing is :to learn the lessons (one of them not to be weak as our parents and grandparents were in WWII) and move on. So enough. She should speak in German.
36. hatred
darryl ,   israel   (03.11.08)
but its ok to ask more money from them God what a bunch of racists you are how much hatred there is in your hearts no wonder there is antisemitism in the world what an arrogant people we are
37. german in the knesset
Tobias ,   Germany   (03.11.08)
In 2000, German president Johannes Rau was allowed to hold a speech in the knesset --- in German language. In 2005, the new German president Horst Köhler was permitted to hold a speech in the knesset, too - again in German language. Now the same discussion like 7 years ago and 2 years ago arises again - and probably with the same result. It would not be very reasonable to make a big step backwards and prohibit the use of german language in the Knesset, after two other German politicians already spoke there in German. After Rau and Köhler already spoke in the Knesset in German language, the only logical decision can be to grant Merkel the same right. Of course, everybody who doesn't want to listen to German words, should have the right to go out and avoid listening to the speech.
38. 2Tobias(#37)
Russian ,   Israel   (03.11.08)
Tobias, I'm a russian jew and my father was a soldier in WWII. So probably I'd have a double reason to dislike deutsche Sprache. If only I were as narrow-minded as these guys. Please don't mind it, every nation has a right to have its own idiots, and idiots have right to be proportionally represented in parliament.
39. German or Yiddish?
Ariel ,   USA   (03.11.08)
It is the reason why European Jews stop using Yiddish (The most beautiful language on earth). It is because it is to close to the German one? The only responsibility today’s Germans have in relation to the Holocaust is never to forget.
40. What Unmitigated, Infantile BS!
Bill Foonman ,   Jacksonville, USA   (03.11.08)
This leader is a friend of Israel. Of course she should be allowed to deliver her speech in her own language. Do these nitwits want her to deliver it in Hebrew or through some stilted translation? She is honest and competent which is more than be said for most Israeli politicians. Let her say what she has to say without creating a childish fuss. Israel has bigger issues to deal with.
41. Merkel you are welcome
Daniel ,   Hasharon   (03.11.08)
What happen in the past was horrible; You are not to blame for what your elders did. We should forgive but not forget. Today Germany is a true friend to Israel. You do your best to assist us in difficult time. Always trying to mediate between us and our foes We need many friends like you in these difficult times
42. Don't allow her to even land in Israel
Stefan ,   Heidelberg, Germany   (03.11.08)
Tell her, she can't come to Israel, tell her, only a plane full of money, military hardware, and anything else free will be allowed from Germany to land in Israel. Call her a Nazi, a murderer, and anything else that makes you feel good. Be as nasty, negative, condescending, to the German population as you can. Let it be shown on German television. So that we may see what our undying loyal assistance to the state of Israel has gotten us. I want all of Germany to see, what we have gotten in return for doing what no other nation or people in human history has ever done. That is, admit to war crimes, crimes against humanity, compensation, monuments, aid, assistance, support to the people out fathers oppressed.
43. #42 Stephan...Take it easy Brother!
Dr. Dave ,   NYC   (03.11.08)
If you read the above Talkbacks you can easily surmise that with the exception of a tiny few, Jews & Israelis have absolutely no qualms with today's Germany. In fact many, like myself, appreciate the bridges that have been built between the two nations. Having Merkel come to Israel and address the Knesset in German is just one more barrier. There are ALWAYS voices of dissent in Israel as there are anti-Israel voices in Germany. So cool it BROTHER. We are in a new FREE world and we're in it together. Our COMMON enemies are those who cling to the Middle Ages & want to destroy it.
44. Don't be a hypocrate
Rami ,   Nazareth, israel   (03.11.08)
If german aid, german weapons and german money are kosher enough, then german language in the kenesset should be as kosher... period.
45. Terry #12
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (03.11.08)
get the fact straight.....Israeli-Arabs and arab MK do not want Israeli gone... they might agree with israeli's policies and might express than in an unacceptable way.. but they see thier future in Israel and do not want it gone...
46. TO: #42 Stefan
Ariel ,   USA   (03.11.08)
As a Jew I have to say that you are absolutely right. Nobody can blame the actual or future generations of Germans for the wrong doing of their fathers. I know Merkel will
47. to Stefan, re: "dont allow her.."
Oleg   (03.11.08)
Stefan, you are a bit scandalizing the issue. Just because a couple people in Knesset have expressed their opposition to Merkel speaking in German, it does mean that the rest of us agree with them. The vote in Knesset proves that and many comments here as well. As far as that being an issue at all - a reasonable person can understand "why". In the future it will not be . The most of us know and accept that the post war democratic Germany has done what it could to repent and that is a right thing to do in relationship to Israel , to Jewish people and don't forget - for the future generation of Germans. So just calm down, if you are a reasonable and a good natured person and if you are not - get lost then. I would say stronger , but a moderator might not let it pass.
48. Let her speak
Avi ,   Norwich, England   (03.11.08)
Todays Germans are not responsible for the Holocaust. Merkel has proved a good and decent friend of Israel. I have several german friends here at university, and we all get on really well. Sure we discuss the Israeli/Palestinian issue, and sometimes we disagree, but all of them agree that Israel has a right to exist. In fact i would say that skinheads aside, relations between Jews and Germans are mature and adultlike, with each side recognising that given the horrendous history of the Holocaust, there is no room for dishonesty. Both sides must say exactly what they feel, and in the end this produces much greater understanding and trust. And anyway, Angela Merkel is a well educated lady. If i was a MK, i could never be so rude as to walk out when she starts to speak. Glad to hear that most MKs are still gentlemen.
49. Angela Merkel should be required to have a DNA test first...
Rivkah   (03.12.08)
to prove she is not Adolf Hitler's genetic daughter. The East German Stasi secret police files show she is not who she says she is and was not born when the adoption birth certificate says. It is a common practice to change the birth date to protect the identity of the birth mother in adoptions. A DNA test can prove she is not the daughter of the Lutheran minister and his wife, as well as who her real birth parents are. The articles I have read say she is the biological daughter of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun Hitler's youngest sister Gretl. Anyone who thinks Adolf Hitler died in the bunker instead of a double should read the book "Escape from the Bunker" which says Adolf Hitler was drugged by Martin Borman and carried out of the bunker and lived to an old age in South America.
50. #49 in that case, Merkel should have been granted
observer   (03.12.08)
the birth-right to claim the lives of a couple of million Jews. Ancestral heritage has to be respected!
51. 4, Dr. Dave: History repeats. What has been is what shall be
Rivkah   (03.12.08)
King Solomon said. Roman Catholic priests speak Latin as well as other languages. If you think those who speak Latin are less murderous than the ancient Romans, read the book "Vatican Assassins". The word Palestine and Palestinians predated the Romans. It is in the Latin form of the words in the Bible in the book of Zephaniah, for for Philistine. The Romans took the ANCIENT enemy of the Jews and Judea and used the Latinized name of the ANCIENT enemy to taunt Jews with the name Palestina or Palestine. The Philistines (Palestinians) were and are the enemies of the Jews. That has not changed. The Spanish Inquisition is alive and well in America where the former editor of the Wall Street Journal, Paul Craig Roberts, calls the US Justice System, the American INJUSTICE System. As the number of people with Spanish surnames increases, the injustice in America increases. Gee. I wonder if that is a coincidence. Ezekiel the Prophet warns about a land called Gomer. Is that Germany or Poland or Georgia in Asia Minor? All those posibilities have large German populations. Gee. Is that because what has been is what shall be? Is that because history repeats? Germany sold Israel subs to make a buck, the same reason they built the underground bunkers and underground cities of Iraq for Sadam Hussein. Russia was Germany's biggest trading partner when Germany attacked Russia in World War II.
52. 50 observer: She is being promoted into a position to do
Rivkah   (03.12.08)
just that, I believe. Why else would a frumpy old woman from EAST Germany be elevated to the top position of the G8 nations, the Chancellorship of Germany, and a German made Pope for the first time in over four hundred years? Do you really think the elite behind the scenes who engineered World War II for profit have magically become less anti-semetic? The German emigrants I have met in America who grew up under Hitler Germany are remarkably anti-semetic, rabidly so if you get them to talk about it. They were brainwashed in Nazi Germany as children and CANNOT change their mindsets. Any one of them would be a mass murderer of Jews if they could. Inge Mingus who works at the Fashion Gallery in Lemoore, California, told me the only good Jew is a dead Jew and she wishes Hitler killed all the Jews. She worships Adolf Hitler when she lets her guard down because she was brainwashed as a child in the Hitler school system which is still the law of the land in Germany.
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