Forecast: Arabs to comprise 25% of population by 2030
Yael Branovsky
Published: 25.03.08, 20:01
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32 Talkbacks for this article
1. 10 million, great..keep going
David ,   Boston, USA   (03.25.08)
As for demographics. From the hospital births and future demographic data, I believe this reflects the peak of non Jews as a percent of the Israeli population. After that the trend reverses and 30 years later the Jewish percent will be back to around 80%, with both the ultra orthodox growing significantly and even the secular Jewish population growing. I just hope there is enough throught to infrastructure, water resources, energy resources, etc.
2. so wat do we do about this?
Daniel   (03.25.08)
3. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George W ,   Washington DC   (03.25.08)
The great Arab Get-Knocked-Up-To-Destroy-The-Zionist-Entity conspiracy continues! (If that was remotely true, it would be a hell of a lot easier to get a date in Arab towns.) Of course, these numbers assume you let go of the territories. If there aren't two states there's gonna be one, and you'll be outnumbered with no one to blame but yourself. If the Arabs in Israel really scare you, you should integrate them into your economy and end this disgraceful separate-and-unequal school system you have for them, along with ending all of the ridiculous job discrimination. All over the world, there's nothing that drives fertility down like educated employed women.
4. Equality for all
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (03.25.08)
Israeli-Arabs see their future in Israel and have no problem with the fact that it is a jewish state. What the Israeli-Arab public wants is equality in jobs and rights.. Israeli-Arabs should be brough from the margins into the collective israeli society, this will only make Israeli stronger and more secure..
6. #2 ever heard of transfer?
yep, that is the only rational solution. We can force them to leave leave our land and send them off to their new homeland in gaza or the westbank . And I don't see any problem with that. The same was during the partition of India between muslims and hindus. A second possible solution would be what MK Lieberman proposed: transfer them with the land and empty land from the west bank as a compensation.
7. political correctness must end and we take action
zionist forever   (03.25.08)
Time for us to do be brave forget political corecttness and take action to keep the arab population under control. 1) Obviously alliyah we need to encourage more of it and get rid of the non jewish economic migrants. They either send their money home to family abroad which isnt good for the economy or they will marry Israelis have a kid and become automatic citizens. There are Israelis out of work lets start making efforts to get them to take these jobs. 2) We make it much harder for palestians or non arab migrants to marry Israeli arabs for convenience. We dont automaticly give them or non arab economic migrants citizenship if they marry an Israeli or have a child with an Israeli there must be a minimum time limit like 10 years of being together before they get citizenship that will distinct the mariges of convenience from the ones that want to marry for love. Nether pearent or children get autimatic citizenship & before they do they are considered migrants who we can expell anytime and must be willing to expell them not turn a blind eye to law breakers because they have married and had a child with an Israeli citizen. 3) Stop issuing work permits to palestians we provide thousands of jobs for them that should be given to Israelis. 4) We provide insentives of some kind to encourage Israeli arabs to take a 1 way trip to some other country. 5) Arabs & ultra orthadox are the 2 groups that have laregst families in Israel. Lets offer insentives to arabs that choose to have smaller families. 6) Some laws on revoking citizenship for certain crimes are long overdue. We have a growing fith colum in Israel, MKS who dont recognise the country has a right to exist, cheer when Israeli soilders are killed or illigaly meet and do deals with enemy leaders. Treachery should be a no second chances crime the court will decide your prison sentence but an automatic part of that punishment is you loose your citizenship its not something thats give back after you have done your time. Israel has become obsessed with political corectness and lets try and make arabs feel more welcome. Livni was talking about having STATE OF ISRAEL written on the menorah in arabic as a gesture of good will to the arabs make them feel wanted. Lets do everything thats legal to get as many arabs as possible to leave. Dont make goodwill gestures to make them feel welcome we make bad will gestures to encourage them to leave out of choice.
8. Jewish population growth chart
Aviva ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.25.08)
9. Very hard to predict demographics
trumpeldor ,   eurabian delice   (03.25.08)
I do not agree with the figures Jew births are steady,muslim ones are flattening who could predict russian 1 million new Israelis after Berlin wall fall??? With islam on the rise ,many europeans Jews will come Many religious jews from USA want to come too! The future is not bleak !
10. Rami from Nazareth is right
JPS ,   Efrat   (03.25.08)
The strongest Israel will be one with a strong democracy and equal rights for all - Arabs and Jews. I don't really care about the right-wing talkbackers on Ynet - they're a loudmouthed bigoted minority. Our real problem is in the Knesset and it still has two sides. One is the racist paranoid Jewish leadership who fail to grasp that empowering Israeli Arabs will make Israel stronger. The second is the paranoid hamula-ized Arab leadership who make "Arab unity" the oxymoron that it is. The Jews have to get over their racism and give Arabs an equal share of democracy - and yes, that means jobs and a fair share of taxes and resources. The Arabs have to stop stabbing each other in the back and unite behind democracy - the more time that they spend supporting the crooks who run the PA, they more miss the boat. In 22 years the Arabs *should* have 30 seats i the Knesset. So what. Today they should have a party with 24 seats.
11. instead of ethnic cleansing...
Bertram ,   Bristol, U.K.   (03.25.08)
why not offer incentives for Jews to have kids? Heaven forbid we should encourage the mitzvah of p'ru u'rvu.....
12. The answer
Proud Jew ,   Israel   (03.25.08)
36 TERRORISTS pardoned just for being from Fatah's terrorist party. 6 months JAIL TERM PLUS 200 hours of community service TO JEW for making referendum whether to expel Jews from Gaza and Samaria, or to expel hostile Arabs from Israel.
13. 25% of the Population by 2030......
A.C.Guard ,   USA   (03.25.08)
......and that will be the end of Israel as a Jewish state and the beginning of Israel ( the name will be changed ) as a Muslim state.
14. To 12 Jewish terrorist should have been deported
Ran   (03.25.08)
This american settler should have been deported back to America. Israel doesn't need any more racist immigrants from America. Israel should prohibit all American Jews from immigrating because they all support the racist right.
15. #6 Taking out the right of voting from arabs could help too.
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (03.25.08)
Israel has two chances:or keep being hypocrite and politicaly correct and end up with its own demise ,OR IT ACTS TO RESOLV THE MATTER!
16. #3 You speak as a mad chicken.
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (03.26.08)
You have never been in Isreal and are speaking out of you rear back. ARABS HAVE AN EXCELENT LIFE IN ISRAEL!
17. #13
Doron   (03.25.08)
I think #1 is right on the money, and that the jewish population will make a slight U shape in the percentage of total population, but will start heading upwards once the haredi population begin to form a sizable portion of the population. The only question is will the haredim fight in the army and work in the economy? if they will, israel will be very secure for the future. if not, then it will be trouble.
Michael Diamant ,   Stockholm, Sweden   (03.26.08)
Someone should really get fired for this. If you check the report on CBS own webpage the assumptions for fertillty are proven wrong by CBS own data for 2006 and 2007! First, Jewsih fertilty is higer and on the rise! For 2006 it was 2.75 and for 2007 it will be above 2.8 according to CBS montly bullentein of statistics. Second, the Druze birthrate is dropping much more dramatic and will for 2007 be around 2.49 and continuing to drop. Christian is stable around 2.1. Total Muslim TFR is harder to predict but was 3.97 for 2006 and will probably around 3.90 2007. Bedouin fertility will this year probably already be under 7. So what will 2030 look like? More Jews, less arabs. Because the sensitivity of this matter and the political dessisions that will be made because of it , accurate data would be good.
19. RE #14, "Prevent American Jews from immigrating"
Jake   (03.26.08)
I am sure you would make an exception for your buddies like George Soros, Noam Chompsky, and Norman Finkelstein (who payed a visit to Hizbullah recently and expressed his wishes for them to inflict another "defeat" against Israel). I am sure you would love to have them move to Israel, as they are in line with your "anti-racist" agenda.
20. direct result of Israeli gov't policy promoting arab populat
dante ,   uk   (03.26.08)
the Israeli government gives subsidies to large arab families, allows infiltration of arabs, assists in "reunification" in Israel of arab family members from outside Israel. it is the product of the government of hollow men, a government that does not believe in Israel.
21. and remaining three will be pro-Arab!
Jack ,   San Diego, USA   (03.26.08)
22. Note, the 25% don't include the Ghetto Palestinians
Mandela   (03.26.08)
There are a few more millions of Palestinians behind the wall; they continue to 'live' under Israeli Apartheid rule without any rights, not even counted in.
23. Welcome to Israbia
Observer   (03.26.08)
24. Israel is a Jewish Democracy?
Math   (03.26.08)
When it is 25% it might be too late for an Israeli democracy.
25. Israeli state model not build for this
Dudi ,   Israel   (03.26.08)
25% is way beyond a small minority. Systems that don't adapt to changing realities will eventually collapse.
26. Scary
Agnostic Israeli Jew   (03.26.08)
Scary I have nothing against non-Jews living in Israel, on the contrary. If those 25% were Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Japanese etc - I wouldn't mind AT ALL. My problem is specific to Israeli Arabs. Why? Let's forget for a second they often aid outside terrorists, and focus on social issues: Homophobia, honor killings, welfare, no relation to the European culture (as found among Ashkenazi Jews) etc. My problems with Israeli Arabs are the same ones I have with Jewish Shas-voters, so please spare me the racism accusations.
27. The solution - annexing Arabs towns to Palestine.
Tahl ,   Israel   (03.26.08)
This is the perfect solution: Israel gets rid of non-Jewish citizens who always keep saying they don't like it here, and that they feel more Palestinian than Israeli. In towns like Um-El-Fahm or Tira, these Israeli-Arabs would join their brothers in Palestine, all this without the negative connotation of the "transfer" idea, because there is simply NO transfer in here. The Israeli Arabs get to keep their lands, homes and towns. The border simply moves beyond them, so there is no racism or any mistreatment here. This would definitely improve the demography in Israel, by lowering the percetage of non-Jews (again, not by expelling or transferring them). Another great thing about this solution - is that all the territories given to from Israel to Palestine would be exchanged for major Jewish settlements in the West Bank, like Ariel or Maale Edumim. Hence there would not be any transfer - not for Arabs and not for Jews. The Israeli-Arabs get to join the nation they've always identified with. Israel's Jewish % would increase, and Israel would get international legitimization for annexing the settlements. Perfect solution.
28. # 12 Don't You Think Israel Should Also
stop taking donations from racist US Jews, allowing them to buy Israel bonds, and petitioning the US government to back your country. Perhaps the Satmars are right and Zionism is the worst thing to happen to world Jewry. Thanks for opening my eyes Ran. I feel relieved from every having to defend your country when it's described by other Americans as a racist, apartheid state Whew! I was only making myself look bad anyway. p.s. When the aid diminishes to nothing, don't come here.
29. Tax all citizens that do not serve in the I.D.F.
jason white ,   afula,israel   (03.26.08)
or other security services.Each person in the family should pay a defense tax.And remove the child allowances for families that did not serve in the I.D.F. By not giving more to soldiers that finish their services we export our youth. We need to keep the youth here with a free university education, an apartment and tax free auto.
30. Majority for how long?
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (03.26.08)
We Jews are not smart as the non-Jews think. For how long will we be the majority in Israel? For another 60 years? Or less? We're finally back in our own country after 2000 years, and we may lose it again due to a low Jewish birthrate plus the refusal of the vast majority of Galut Jews to make aliyah. Many of the secular hate the religious, but if it weren't for the religious, we'd be even a smaller percentage of the population. What a tragedy.
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