Iranian general: Israel will be eliminated if it attacks
Dudi Cohen and agencies
Published: 15.04.08, 12:24
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31. #28 it seems like YOU completeley missed the point.
show me one article (evidence) that israel has threatened iran with an attack, would ya? on the other side, achmedinejad (since he's president of iran) has threatened israel with its destruction, and i quote him say: "wipe israel off the map". now, before you lose another point in your miserable life, go seek help. do youself the favor.
32. hey but god is on our side right, the Rabbis say so.
b   (04.15.08)
33. To #25
Sheridan   (04.15.08)
Yes, I'm sure, because what you linked is not true. Plus the world is not going to let Israel to use nuclear weapons at all. You may use, but in this case you will be wiped out within those 21 days, because the rest of the world will turn against you immediately. If you're going to use it, you will get the same back from Russia and also from the U.S. So, I'm still sure that Israel will surely loose in this sort of situation. That's the fact.
34. To #29
Sheridan   (04.15.08)
I didn't hear about Project Shimshon and I bet you didn't ever heard about Project Perseus. So, please don't tell fool things. Thank you. If Israel will let just one nuke into the sky, they will get many back within minutes from different countries. Nukes are not going to ensure Israel's safety. Plus, the nice radiation cloud will be blown back to Israel too. That's a natural fact. I'd like to know you really want to be exterminated by other nations or you'd simply would like to live in a nuclear wasteland or you're simply want to show your "almighty" power, that about nobody cares? Well. For me it's really matter. Not my country will be nuked in any cases. I just don't want to see innocents being killed by the acts of two foul governments, whose members will surely survive, regardless who will get the nuke.
35. Some important facts...
Cy ,   Reading, Berks   (04.15.08)
1. Apart from a small number of fanatical RG's and possibly Ahmadinejad nobody in Iran wants a direct war with Israel, the US or anyone else for that matter. All this rhetoric is designed to fire up the Iranian public into a frenzy to distract them from the serious problems at home 2. This group though will be emboldened once the inevitable happens and Iran test fires a nuclear bomb (whether home made or a N Korean clone some say by summer 2009 3. With the threat of nuclear arms Ahmadinejad if he is still around will threaten Israel, US, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq indeed anyone they feel they might be able to exact a heavy political or financial price 4. HOWEVER all is not as it seems. Ahmadinejad and his cohorts are so fanatical if allowed they will try to get rid of Khatami to gain ultimate control over Irans war machine. Khatami though esconced far away from the action is WELL AWARE of this predicament and the moment he feels threatened or feels that Ahmadinejad has crossed the blue line will send him packing and this will be his best excuse to start a new relationship with the rest of the world. 5. The moral of the story? DONT DO A THING. The best gift for Ahmadinejad would be a preemptive attack on Iran. Ahmadinejad must be praying for an attack every night. SO DONT ANSWER HIS PRAYERS. LET HIM STEW, because TIME IS NOT ON HIS SIDE
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