Obama wins Oregon, moves to brink of nomination
Associated Press
Published: 21.05.08, 07:42
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BLAIR GREEN   (05.21.08)
2. The ELS and King James Bible codes do not
Rivkah   (05.21.08)
indicate Obama winning the nomination or the election. The King James Bible codes say Hillary Clinton will win the nomination and the election, but Bible codes prophecies do not come to pass if one factor is altered. Benjamin Netanyahu would have died in Jordan if he had gone there in July in a certain year, the codes said. So he cancelled his trip. If Obama steals the nomination from Clinton which Clinton has already won if the delegates from Michigan and Florida were counted, then he will lose the election in my opinion. McCain cannot defeat Clinton unless she is defeated at the Democratic Convention for the nomination by skulduggery. I would not feel too comfortable if I were Obama since the Clintons can be ruthless in their quest for goals. J.R. Church's 1994 lecture on the Clintons to the Atlanta Prophecy Conference he called, "Tickling the Tail of the Dragon" outlines some of the trails the Clintons left behind in the wake of their ambition. It is bloody, indeed. Don't be surprised if a plane Obama is on crashed with a lot of notables on it. That is what happened to Clinton Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and 32 CEO's after Brown threatened the Clintons if he (Brown) got indicted.
3. You use the ELS like your daily HORRORSCOPE!!!
King James ,   England   (05.21.08)
4. Obama would be well advised to ask Clinton to let him
Rivkah   (05.21.08)
be #2 on the ticket since having a Black in the Vice President position would be a protection for a woman President from assassination. The Clintons get what they want and there are dark powers in Eastern Europe, Red China, Arkansas, and Washington, D.C. that have assisted in removing those who stand in the Clintons way of getting what they want. J.R. Church believes Bill Clinton is a Rothschild by his birth father. Others believe Bill Clinton is the illegitimate son of Winthrop Rockefeller, Sr., the American Rothschilds. The Rothschilds do not own the Club of Rome or Committee of 300, but they are certainly members and are so influential they were not murdered by Adolf Hitler in World War II to my knowledge even though they are Jews. Bill Clinton is as powerful and devious as Franklin Roosevelt. HIllary Clinton sees herself as a sort of Eleanor Roosevelt. I'd be quaking in my boots now if I were in a close race with the Clintons. They win and Arkancide is the name of one of their games.
5. #4 I for on will NEVER let a Clinton back in the White House
sandra ,   CA   (05.21.08)
6. #3 KJE: ELS codes are wisdom for those who see it that way.
Rivkah   (05.21.08)
Many people have asked why current events and Hitler and many historical people are not in the Bible. They are there, encoded in equidistant letter sequencing. I can assure you it would have been much more horrifying for former Prime Minister Netanyahu to have been killed in Jordan than for him to heed the warning he could be killed and not go, thus preventing the ELS code prophecy. Sadly, Prime Minister Rabin knew of the code about himself and ignored it: "Rabin. Traitor. Fire. Fire." He should have examined what he did that the Lord considered treason to God or to Israel and reversed it if possible or avoided doing whatever it was. That could have spared his life. But like you, Rabin poo-poo'ed ELS code warnings. The ELS codes are not MY daily horrorscopes. The codes are a gift from the Lord for those who heed them. Some women think having a child is a burden or a curse when the Lord sends the child as a blessing. It depends on how you view a situation. You should be seeing the warnings as a daily blessing.
7. 5 Sandra: How will you prevent it? The Clintons are in so
Rivkah   (05.21.08)
thick with the mafia that Hal Lindsey says owns the two US Presidential voting machines, how do you stop the phony totals from electing whoever the mafia chooses. Take heart. John McCain's wife is a mega-millionaire whose father was given the beer concession by a Mafia don; so the McCains might have some pull on those mafia owned voting machines.
8. 5 Sandra cont'd: It was the WHOLESALE beer concession in
Rivkah   (05.21.08)
Phoenix, Arizona, that Cindy McCain's father was given for being a loyal friend to a Mafia don, I read. President Harry Truman was described as a small time mafioso in Missouri before he ran for public office. Daniel in the Bible said God rules in the kingdoms of men and sets up over them the basest of men. Daniel and Joseph in the bible were in high office and were not despicable which is unusual.
9. #7 You have no idea how I just soo don't care bout billary.
sandra ,   CA   (05.22.08)
10. 5 Sandra: So how is Obama connected to the mafia since he is
Rivkah   (05.22.08)
running for President and the mafia needs assurance their operations will not be interfered with too much, so they want their man/woman in the office? Obama is a good friend of Jesse Jackson. Jesse Jackson's brother is one of the mafia dons for Chicago. Mafia connections to the oval office occupant is one reason why Mexican federales with military vehicles and machine guns mounted on them can cross the US border with impunity to protect illegal drug runners, while US Border Patrol agents are tried and sent to prison for doing their jobs.
11. 9 Sandra: I have a clue. It is difficult to understand why
Rivkah   (05.22.08)
some people rise to such high positions. But I believe God gives people the leaders they deserve. If the people who are called by God's name (true believers) would stop sinning and turn back to the Lord, He would heal their land and give them better leaders. Israelis complain about their leaders, too. But do the abortion rates go down? Things that offend God like baby killing (abortions) and sexual perversions and fornication and murder and perjury and forgery and child abuse and elder abuse are bad enough among the unbelieving people of a nation. But when believers do such things and do not repent and turn from their sins, God in his holiness has to do some things besides be merciful. God will overlook the sins of the unbelievers because he knows their fate is eternal torment. But His children have learned the ways of the world. This is an example of how perverted the world has become: college fraternity boys in America target virtuous females to drug and gang rape them. When the rape victim of a "panorama" in which many males watched the gang rape, go to the police, they cannot remember who attacked them after one person they remember being with because the girl passed out. When a lot of different DNA is found in the girl, she is accused of being immoral and the rapists get off. Look at the LaCross team of Duke Univeristy and the Kobe Bryant rape. Multiple DNA was found in the victims who were then discredited. At Duke University, the watchers were accused and got off because their DNA was not in the girl. She remembered them, but others raped her. She was accused of being immoral as was the Kobe Bryant rape victim. God hates that. Olaf Hage, a radio personality from Maine, tells parents not to send their daughters away to school or allow them near college fraternity boys. He said it is better for girls not to go to college away from home than to go and get corrupted morally. Imagine how enraged that makes the Lord after parents put their heart into a girl's virtue. Hillary Clinton is reported to be a lesbian who had her lesbian lover killed in a shootout at a restaurant in Georgetown, which caused Monica Lewinsky to go public in fear of being murdered according to Olaf Hage. Vince Foster and Admiral Jeremy Boorda did not kill themselves. The evidence shows otherwise. The Clintons, at least Bill, claim to be Christians. They don't act like it. I think a lot of things they did brought terrible judgments on America. Obama and McCain are scary, too. What is the answer? The bible says we are not of this world. We belong to another kingdom if we know the Lord. Like Daniel in the Bible who was castrated in captivity caused by the sins of others, not himself, prayed for his nation in captivity as well as for himself. He said to the Lord, "We have sinned". He asked forgiveness for the nation. That is about all each person can do: pray and clean up one's own life. I wish there were better people to vote for; but the process is so expensive and grueling, few people who are worthy of the office want to run for US President. Ron Paul and Tom Tancreado would be honorable in office, but did not have the funding or the influence with the mafia to get votes for themselves to be reflected in the voting machines the mafia owns. In New England, voter exit polls indicated a big voter turnout for Ron Paul, but few if any votes showed up on the machines which were corrupted. God will pull his own out of this world before Armageddon, so we will be spared the worst judgments coming on the world.
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