Gaza decision in days
Alex Fishman
Published: 07.06.08, 13:48
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31. 7,11: Read "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" and "The Great
Rivkah   (06.07.08)
Controversy" to get a clue on what the Roman Catholic Church is really like. Revelation in the Bible calls it the Great Whore that sits on seven hills, deals in the souls of men, has harlot daughters (Protestant Sunday churches), and is dressed in red and purple and is DRUNK WITH THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS. The Vatican has made agreements with Communist countries, trying to survive in a world that is half atheist regimes under Communism, telling the Communist Party that people would work harder if they had religion. If attacking the WTC towers with Muslim pilots trained by the Red Chinese was the first phase of Red China's war plans against America according to the book, "Unrestricted Warfare" written by two Red Chinese Colonels in the 1990's, it would not surprise me if the Roman Catholic Church as well as the Muslims and Chinese were involved because of the DATE of the attack which was the same DATE as the Cromwell attack on Catholics in 1641. Muslims and Roman Catholics like to repeat history or avenge events on the same DATE as incidents occured in previous years. AV 9 on the Jewish calendar was the same DATE both Temples of the Jews were destroyed. September 11 was the same DATE of the attacks in 1641 and 2001. Expect another St. Bartholomew's Day attack on the same day in August some year. Ultimately, the devil is the master conspirator. If you do not believe that, you are without a clue on how and why wars happen.
32. 27: The viper is....
the Roman Catholic Church. The head of the viper is the Pope. The den of vipers is Vatican City. Burning the den is to nuke it. The political antichrist or beast will hate the whore that rides on its back and will burn the whore with fire, the Bible says. The symbol of the EU is a whorish looking woman riding a bull (beast). The beast (bull) hates the woman and will burn her with fire.
33. 24: Yeshua knew in advance that Judas would betray him with
a kiss. Before that happened he spoke of the disiples and that one would betray him. They asked themselves, Is it I? Yeshua knew who and how and when he would be betrayed by Judas, but the plan was to be crucified to graft on the Gentiles to the Jewish faith by becoming sin for them. Actually, it was a specific group of Gentiles or people who thought they were Gentiles that Yeshua came to reconcile to Yahweh: the lost house of Israel that became parts of Europe, Britain and the British Commonwealth, and America. They had lost the sign of God's ownership of them: the Saturday Sabbath. The Apostles were sent to the lost house of Israel where they were scattered, not to Africa or Asia or South America etc., initially. All the sacrifices of animals were a shadow of the sacrifice of Yeshua to reconcile the lost house of Israel to God who had divorced them.
34. Don't forget to call each arab building is Gaza to warn them
David ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.07.08)
that we'll bomb that particular building as we've done in the past. Oh, and also the leaflets telling them the date, time and duration of the invasion, that way they can set up their women and children as human shields and get the world to blame us for being cruel.
35. Before any action against Gaza
Piier O'Grullo   (06.08.08)
throw out Olmert government
36. Bad Idea to retake Gaza What for?
37. Be real. Why risk soldiers life?
Clausewitz   (06.08.08)
It will be better to impose a REAL blockade and respond every Kassam or mortar with ten kassam and mortar. Impose a no land 2 Km wide inside Gaza and shoot to anyone to enter there.
38. what this means
In the old time Israel didn't think two times to attack the Palistinians with or without reason , now the situation is diffrent .. this long thinking shows that Israel is afraid , they know that they are alone now , the USA suporting Israel by some nonesence words nothing more , the last Lebanon war showed how is the IDF are mentaly defeated before the fight ... it's the begining of the end ... like Jesus said ... from dust to dust .. like this you started and so you will end ... you didn't learn from your history .
Dan ,   USA   (06.08.08)
Why is Olmert telegraphing the punch ? Number 1. is he hasn't any idea how to fight a war. and number 2. is he wants to get as much political milage out of the threat as possible to perhaps save his own hide for a few more months. He is disgusting.
40. decision
alex   (06.08.08)
Why are you waiting for Olmert. He knows nothing about military affairs, not one clue. His friends Laid, Ramon, Livni, Peretz and Trugenman know nothing about military affairs. Ashkenazi should make a plan and do it. Never mind Olmert, the coward. Never mind the listless depressive, he has given up the fight since 1994 Oslo deranged him.
41. Just get on with it, whatever you're going to do.
42. #26,33 the facts; Judas didn't tell, but Olmert tells
observer   (06.08.08)
thank you both for supporting my point
43. #34 thank you David for supporting my point of don't tell
observer   (06.08.08)
SILVANA ,   GLASGOW   (06.08.08)
45. The time for military action against Gaza is long overdue.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (06.08.08)
According to former Public Security Minister Uzi Landau "Every time there is a terror attack, we react to the attack itself... We have to change our way of thinking. The solution must be based on ensuring that the terrorists realize that they will gain nothing diplomatically by their terrorism... Our military action against them must concentrate on their leaders, from Ismail Haniye and down to the terrorists in the field. We must also act in the areas in which they smuggle weapons." To understand what Hamas wants : http://xrl.us/bktwe
46. To Rivka
Willy ,   J'lem   (06.08.08)
Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
47. #46Nothing against Rivkah, but that was really funny!!
Rueben ,   Israel   (06.08.08)
48. 46 Willy: No. If you think lead poisoning is a problem in
Rivkah   (06.08.08)
children which is pretty far off topic, you should look to chocolate which has a lot of lead in it but is rarely blamed for lead poisoning. The reason for banning lead based paints in many places is not that children ate paint chips of window sills. It is because equipment to see through walls is obstructed in the view by metal, such as lead in paint. You are not a very bright fellow and should read some more before you perish from a lack of knowledge. The Bible says, "My people perish from lack of knowledge." I try to impart knowledge that has been time consuming and expensive in obtaining and you mock that. Perhaps you should read Zechariah's prophecies and see what peril you are in. Two thirds of the Jews will die in the coming years. More than that will die in the rest of the world, so mock on, fool. To survive, you must draw close to the Lord because as Zephaniah, another Prophet, warned, those who seek meekness and righteousness are the ones who will be hid from dangers in the coming terrible times after Israel signs a covenant with death Daniel describes dividing Jerusalem. The Bible says those who seek God early will find him. That is your only hope. But a fool says in his heart there is no God. What is a cause of destruction: following vain persons, people who think there is no God.
49. 44 Another foolish post from Silvana of Glasgow who doesn't
Rivkah   (06.08.08)
even know the history of the British people or that history repeats. There is nothing new under the sun, Solomon wrote: what has been is what shall be. But with you, that means nothing since the simple pass on and perish from lack of knowledge.
50. 44 Silvana: Are you Roman Catholic? If so, the pergatory
Rivkah   (06.08.08)
you are taught you will go to for a season is actually hell you will never escape from. But unlike Mary Walsh whose essays about God's truths versus the devil's counterfeits is beyond your understanding since you do not read the Bible. Mary Walsh was a Roman Catholic nun long ago who read the Bible and was horrified to learn how far from the truth of God the Roman Catholic church doctrines are. But why find that out now since you think knowledge is mental illness instead of a tool of survival. You will learn plenty when you go to hell, but then it will be too late. Fortunately, that will be your problem, not mine.
51. What Islamists want ?
AlbertoGa ,   St.George, UT   (06.08.08)
The naive Wold think small. It is about time that countries as Spain recognize that they are next...If the Hamas and Pals are given to their devious dreams. To them, Islam has to conquer it all. Israel is just the start, Spain is next...etc, etc. Ideas of conquest is fresh in their fanatic Islamic Agendas. Please read Mr Bernier addendum #45...Very instructive
52. #45 Uzi is right, I know him & his family personally. He
would make a GREAT ,   PM. Rueben, Israel   (06.09.08)
53. Rivkah, you forgot your love potion again!
So a nasty girl! And then she is going to talk rot, off the subject and having it off ...
54. Israel Gains Nothing, Hamas Gains Everything
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (06.09.08)
One poster thinks Hamas is making peace, the other side pending a war. Let's be real about this. A temporary truce ONLY benefits Hamas (or Hez). Look, Israel's attacks will in deed stop, but Hamas will continue to beef up it's arsenal, train it's soldiers (in Iran), regroup, and increase it's defenses. Israeli gains are minimal, no more Kassams fired into Sderot. Hamas is NOT doing this for Israel's benefit, it's to prepare for their final Jihad, (including Hez, Syria, and of course Iran's nuclear threat). Then it will strike, with a unified force of countries and terror groups. That's their motis. But I admit, they do go about things cleverly..too clever. They may be outsmarting themselves..but only if Israel doesn't take the bait. I am concerned about Olmert's retiscence and gullability.
55. # 12
Ali ,   Gaza   (06.09.08)
The war is still going on since more than the 60 yrs, still there is no Victor and vanquished ..in contrary the Zionist project now is in a danger and face real threats more than ever since !!..you can see the Iran and Hizballah and the islamic resistance hamas and the others ,, If you really interested in a truce, you should accept the conditions.
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