Omri Sharon released from prison
Roni Lifshitz
Published: 25.06.08, 15:27
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23 Talkbacks for this article
1. Maybe you'll go visit his dad and fill him in..
Jim   (06.25.08)
I doubt it... Lowlife that he is.
2. Omri free
David Feigenbaum ,   Netanya, Israel   (06.25.08)
It sure pays to be "highly connected" and a "Leftist". His sentece was reduced from 9 months to 7. Then he only served 5 months. Just think what would have happened if he was a "rightist" teenager jailed for protesting against the government. He would have served an indefinite time in jail without even being charged. And our courts wonder why we have no faith in them...
3. He certainly didn't lack for anything to eat in there!!!
miriam ,   migdal, Israel   (06.25.08)
4. Wouldn't it be a hoot if when Olmert resigns that they put
Omri in his place!! ,   NOT!!! Rueben   (06.25.08)
5. #2 - wha???
Tomer ,   Hod Hasharon - Israe   (06.25.08)
I'm no fan of Omri Sharon, but at least he admitted his crime, and served his sentence quietly. That's different from the screaming "rightist" teenagers who don't give there names, refuse to co-operate with the legal authorities, and ignore the law of the land
6. Corruption so when Palestinians say we buy weapons from
Omar ,   UK   (06.25.08)
Israelies then its soooooooooooooo true, this country is full of corruption
I love Israel ,   Nitzan   (06.25.08)
I think they should take his fat father out of the hospotal and lock his fat ass up also 4 what he did to Gush Katif!
8. #5Ah,he was caught red handed.There was no way he could deny
it.That does NOT ,   make him a saint.   (06.25.08)
9. Omri, you have aged so terribly. Now we can get back to
Rivkah   (06.25.08)
razzing each other about posts on YNET. What fun that will be when you have time every now and then.
10. 1 Jim: What a lowlife you are for saying such a thing.
Rivkah   (06.25.08)
Omri visited his father almost every day of the week except for Shabbat when he was not in detention. Now the other people who made the same errors as Omri should be charged; but no, he was singled out because he was a Sharon. It is more fun for rabid people like Mr. Mazuz to go after big game than little. What headlines for him would charging little people with worse crimes get for him? I wonder what the people of Israel would be complaining about if Ariel Sharon had refused to evacuate the Jews from Gaza and the EU had followed through on its threats to boycott all Israeli products and produce. Like South Africa, Israel would have a Palestinian for PM like South Africa has a Black which has caused South Africa to become the child rape capital of the world. Israel would be the Jew rape capital of the world: child rape capital, woman rape capital, Jew murder capital of the world. Think about that. When the enemies of the Jews finally have their way, the Prophet Zechariah says two-thirds of the Jews will die. Then you will understand what Ariel Sharon was trying to protect his people from that they are so unthankful for.
11. I wonder how Omri will handle Olmert? You know he has got to
have ALL the dirty ,   little sectets on em   (06.25.08)
12. omri released
elliot ,   point roberts,wa   (06.26.08)
at last good news from israel!
13. the whole scandal was that his dad would be able to do
"dissengagement" he should be put to death not 5 months living on the tax payers money
14. How quaint that the "Big House" is painted in stripes.
Rivkah   (06.26.08)
Stripes are a symbol of punishments and imprisonments, like the lashes of a whip.
15. #9 Rebecca, nice that you noticed. Some R&R is needed for
sure. ,   irmo, Israel   (06.26.08)
16. 15 Irmo: More than R&R is needed. Prisons are toxic places
Rivkah   (06.26.08)
and tests need to be done to find out what slow poisons were absorbed that were in the food/water/air or were on surfaces or clothing. In America, jail and prison garments in many or most places are washed in a radioactive isomer solution so if the person escapes, the skin shines, even in the night. That radiation is absorbed into the skin and body and can cause serious illnesses if not chelated out with something like Detoxamin EDTA rectal suppositories once weekly for a year while taking vitamin/mineral supplements to replace to good heavy metals in the body. Radiation is a heavy metal. Other toxic heavy metals a hair sample (pubic if not head hair) sent to with a prescription first sent for a kit, can show many other toxic heavy metals from food, water, or the air: arsenic, aluminum, nickel, cadmium, lead, etc. as well as heavy metal radioactive isomers. There is the problem of virus and bacteria and parasite infections in jails/prisons, so I would suggest taking for parasites once a week as a routine precaution: 3 cloves capsules, 7 wormwood capsules, 2 L-ornithine capsules. The cloves and wormwood kill the parasites and the L-ornithine neutralizes the ammonia the dying parasites give off that causes nausea if not neutralized. Viral and bacterial infections that are chronic and not acute can be addressed after the initial acute infection with Vitamin O stabilized liquid oxygen ( 2cc in a cup of cold water of juice (not hot water) daily for life. There will always be exposures to pathogens and keeping one's TISSUE (lymphatic system) oxygen levels elevated is helpful in protecting the body. That is 1934 Nobel Prize for Medicine information, but the Nobel laureate formula is more expensive, Cellfood, available on the Internet if not in healthfood stores. Colloidal minerals and vitamins in Airborne fizzy tablets or Emergen-C powder packets is helpful, too, in boosting the immune system. Cleaning the nose is rarely done and that is where most infections start. XLEAR nose spray should be sprayed into the nostrils twice daily since the xylitol in the spray prevents bacteria and viruses from adhering to the cell walls in the sinuses so the pathogens can be washed down the throat into the stomach acid and out the GI tract.
17. 15 Irmo: Is irmo a computer or shorthand anacronym?
Rivkah   (06.26.08)
18. #17 Rebecca dear, read irmo backwards. Now do you know who
it is? ,   irmo, Israel   (06.27.08)
19. 8: We all like sheep have gone astray. The Bible says no
Rivkah   (06.27.08)
one is good but God. A saint is someone who knows God and who has repented of sins. Omri was immediately repentant, like King David when he erred and that was brought to his attention. This is a man who grieves over errors and goes on, unlike you. You nearly killed your mother when you were born and yet, you think you have done no wrong. Your mother went through the valley of the shadow of death to give you life and you are required to provide for her if she needs your assistance. You owe her a great debt. Omri gave his mother the attention he should have given the accounting because she was dying. If you don't think that is distracting, you have not walked in his shoes and are not worthy to. When my mother was dying, I fought like a wild animal with a brother who had medical power of attorney and physicians who wanted to put her down like a dog in a pound. It took all the strength and attention I had to protect her from scoundrels for two months before someone murdered her in the hospital by pulling the stomach food tube out and then cutting her open eleven inches and neglecting to sew the incision back up so she would die of shock. Keeping an elderly parent safe from the wolves who want their organs and belongings is a 24/7 task at times. I hope you go through that, you dog. See how well you can balance accounts and the shortcuts you take to be with your mother to protect her. But then, maybe you don't love your mother.
20. 7: The EU told Ariel Sharon they would boycott all Israeli
Rivkah   (06.27.08)
produce and products unless the Jews were pulled out of Gaza. People like you would be screaming about no market for your veggies in Gush Katif more loudly than you are screaming now about having to leave there. There were no happy answers because the enemies of Jews will not honor their agreeements such as the Balfour Declaration that gave the Jewish Homeland borders from the Jordan River to the Sea including the Golan and Gaza. You are like the Hebrews who whined to Moses: "take us back to Egypt. We miss the cucumbers. We like being slaves." Well, I guess you can take the Hebrews out of Egypt but you can't take the unthankful Egyptian ways our of the Hebrews. Gypt comes from the way Egyptians treated Hebrews. It was not Ariel Sharon who gypt'd the Jews in Gush Katif. It was the EU and the UN and the Arab Alliance and the USA. If the Jews had not been pulled out they would have died when the Prophet Zephaniah says all there will die. Wait until whatever happens in that prophecy and then go back and pick up the pieces. God knows who the land belongs to and He remembers in His timing, not yours.
21. 18: I'm a little slow at puzzles. Thanks for the clue.
R.   (06.27.08)
What are the restrictions for the next two months?
22. 18: I looked up irmo in Wikipedia's anacronyms and
R.   (06.27.08)
you will never guess what they have for that: "In Regard to Marriage Of"... so it is a good thing you gave me a clue.
23. 18: Our beloved of ha'Shem is still alive. How sad the
R.   (06.27.08)
people do not get to see him in a picture in the papers since they ask to see him on YNET. People miss him, as I do. He is so precious to ha'Shem as revealed in the ELS Bible codes at His being alive is a protection for many people because of ha'Shem's love for him. King David said he never saw the children of the righteous go hungry; so you and your brother are protected in that way, too. Maybe we can meet someday if that does not put you at risk. I wish your family could move to America, but America is doomed. It is safer in Israel, but I will need a place to go when all hell breaks loose here which could be anytime before 2010. War with Iran and then the notable horn breaks (USA). I am digging in here, expecting civil unrest, getting the place painted with NO BURN PAINT and shutters over the windows, etc. The news reports a thousand nuclear warheads and other parts are missing from USAF arsenels which is why the Chief of Staff of the USAF was fired. I wonder if that indicates patriots will fight a UN takeover or if subversives will attack America from within. I have been abandoned by so many in my concern for the beloved of ha'Shem we have in common.
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