Anti-Semitic Iranian performance subsidized by Germany
Eldad Beck
Published: 26.06.08, 09:39
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31. #22
Ram ,   London   (06.26.08)
Maybe Israel should match NZ by waiting another 90 or so years for its conscience to develop so they can appease the Palestinians like the New Zealanders are now doing? There is just one problem Mr Morris. Whereas the Maoris appreciate and welcome the settlements they are receiving and will not attempt to drive you into the sea so they can have the whole island such is not the case with the Palestinians. You Mr Morris are clearly a hopeless anti-semite.
32. Muslims always say the hate Zionists only
Ze'ev ,   Haifa   (06.26.08)
If so let me ask why Jews (not Zionists) are legally discriminated in Jordan and Saudia? Where is the god damn human rights watch on that? As to our Macedonian friend, let me remind you that Hitler was elected democratically. People who do not believe in democracy find it very convenient to use its freedoms for promoting anti-democratic agenda.
Andrew ,   Miami,FL   (06.26.08)
34. #27 - SIMON - WTF?!
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (06.26.08)
Stay on point for a change.....this has nothing to do with the freakin' haredim - these are people who HATE all of us - gay or straight. Who say our country should be wiped from the map. If they come at us - you and your gay family will be hugging every black hat from here to Eilat in the joint defense of our lives. Thats the GD difference. Your knee jerk gay rights response to EVERYTHING is downright embarssassing. Are there no other issues that concern you?
35. Zionists are idiots
Said ,   London   (06.26.08)
You zionists actually think that the muslims hate you because of who you are, rather than what you do. Tell me, what other people would accept to give away more than half of their land to a foreign minority? Would you Israelis accept the same deal? Had Israel been created on half of Germany, then you would have had no problems with Arabs or Muslims. But I suppose that's beyond your ken...
36. #35-- Oh how well u misunderstand
Peace ,   TLV Israel.   (06.26.08)
U hit it right on . Its not u r land to give away. read history. yes u were here for a few years, I come here to get it back u have a problem with Moses and God. U r my elder brother yes. My Wife and children are mine alone, u go for them i get you its that simple. thats whats happening here now. And yes this land was never yours. as per history u r today sitting on 9/10 of my land. Peace to mankind Peace And Shalom
37. # 35 Muslims are Idiots
They didn't give away half of anything. They sold land to Jews and lost other land in wars they started. I could believe your lie about hating "zionists" because of their behavior if Muslims didn't have a history of oppressing Jews before Zionism.
38. Modern Nazi sympathizerSS.
There are many of them, from NZ to Greece, not to forget Germany, of course. The strength of Jews is that they never give up. Ignore those lazy and barking cowards. They will never win. They are not able to fight and will be under Muslim power too soon, so they want to be prepared. NZ currently have no land dispute and safer place for the time being, but they won't cost a penny without US and UK. Shalom to Israel!
39. To 22 part II
Dude   (06.26.08)
"f Israel wants to be accepted by the circle of Arab nations then perhaps its time to consider the human rights and welfare of the people Israel itself encircles." You mean the fact that Israel has set the example for human rights in the area? The fact that when Palestinians were under direct Israeli rule infant mortality rates plunged, life expectancy rose, and the economy boomed. Or the fact that Israel is still the only country in the area where Arabs (especially Arab women) can vote, run for office, and have no obligation (either directly enforced or culturally enforced) to dress in any manner? "Most people can read between the lies of the zionist media." *rubbing my hands together and cackling all the while* Yes, yes indeed our brainwashing methodologies are continuing as planned. Our control of the media is excellent. With our incoming Jewish PM in NZ, control of the last frontier of Oceania will be COMPLETE! DO YOU READ WHAT YOU WRITE? ZIONISTS MEDIA?!?! Do you sieg heil everyday as well and phone conference with KKK members!? "The next stage will be a blokade of Iran and you can bet the zionist media will be crowing that a blockade is better than a bombardment." Foretelling the future war plans! The vast right wing and zionists conspiracy continues. But Peter, lets just keep ignoring the Iranian Presidents calls for Israels destruction, wiping out of the populous, and denying the holocaust. If we just ignore it, it'll be just like NZ, Sheep and happiness! "Nevertheless such an action will lead to unpredictable results. Don't say you were not warned. " Let me say this, the result of an Ariel Bombardment will be difficult to predict. But an Iranian nuclear test WILL NOT. In the end Mr. Morris, Israel ironically exists exactly because of you and your ilk. Because we as Jews cannot entrust our security to anyone else. The fact is that if you thought it would help you listen to your BBC radio in the morning, I'm pretty sure you would go around with death squads hunting down Jews, the same way your forefathers did to the Maori's. Now be careful to limit your exposure to the Zionists media, it causes logic to permeate through.
40. #1, Fancy living on occupied Maori territory
Jake   (06.26.08)
colonized by Brits, but discovered and named by the Dutch after one of their own provinces (Zealand) ...and then having the gall to dare to say that the formation of Israel was a huge blunder, and falsely attributing all sorts of mishaps to it. How do you do it?
41. To #26. Greece, EU and Cyprus."Different opinion"
eli ,   germany   (06.26.08)
Just few facts for your knowledge that I "dare to say": 1. Many Americans say: Turkish Muslims oppressed your people and occupied part of Cyprus, but you did nothing. Just cowards. 2. Many Germans think that having Greece in EU is a heavy burden for key countries. Greeks are lazy and not producing, but rather sucking money from EU. 3. Many Muslims believe that Iranian invasion to Europe will start from Greece. I personally support of all positions listed here. This is mine "Different opinion"
42. #22, you make no sense
Jake   (06.26.08)
"Most people can read between the lies of the zionist media. The next stage will be a blokade of Iran and you can bet the zionist media will be crowing that a blockade is better than a bombardment. " So what's the problem that? Sounds like a fairly mild response to a country that daily calls for Israel's destruction and supports terrorism dedicated that end, don't ya think. Secondly, give yourself a big pat on the back for making a "settlement" to the Maoris. You already took their land and you ain't gonna give it back, so what gives? You can't compare yourself to the Jews, who merely returned to their original homeland, ancient Judaea (whose name appears on countless world maps before the beginnings of modern Zionism) and the Land of Israel.
43. Guess what...
Jew   (06.26.08)
anti zionism is anti semitism. It denies the Jews the rights to their own state. There are how many f---ing muslim countries???? and you have to single out the 1 Jewish country. Hmmmm...interesting. How bout we kick your ass right now. THE JEWISH UPRISING IS UPON US.
44. #24, the term "anti-Semitic" was coined by Jew-haters
Jake   (06.26.08)
from 19th century Germany as a respectable scientific-sounding name for JEW-HATRED, not for haters of Arabs. Jews did not coin this word. We would prefer to identify these scum for what they are: JEW-HATERS. The Nazis were more than happy to host Jew-hating Arab leaders in Berlin during WW2, and train them in military tactics on how to kill Jews more efficiently.
45. Democritos, #26, perhaps you would care to elaborate
Jake   (06.26.08)
"of course there are still some media owned by zionist jews like Die Welt, cause... some people did not finish what they had started" Oh please, exercise your 'freedom of expression', and tell what you mean exactly.
46. shocking
Ilana   (06.26.08)
The worst thing is an anisemite thatis Jewish. First you generalize about Israelis- as other nations have dangerously done in the past. Second you ignore all the achievements this country has accomlished in 60 years. Being here we have saved countless lives- not just Jewish, and who knows, what the future holds for Jews around the world- including the U.S. Don't spit in your own soup. Shameful!
47. #22 Peter Morris
Raoul ,   Israel   (06.26.08)
Peter Morris is a case of total lack of understanding - and worse - of the historic purpose of Zionism to provide sanctuary to a long-suffering people. He only sees the suffering of one side. All this in a cloak of self-righteousness. He will tolerate a Jewish PM, but overtly threatens riots on the streets if he shows any empathy for the sovereign, UN legitimized state of Israel.
48. #35: The Land of Israel was not yours to give away.
Jake   (06.26.08)
49. #32 Jordan and Saudia have no Jews
observer   (06.26.08)
but Jews are filling the world with complaints that Jews are being discriminated in Israel. Without that complaints, Jews will lose a lot of support.
50. #44. So why use the term Anti-semitic
Chocko ,   NY, USA   (06.26.08)
And I think the biggest users of the term are Jewish groups in particular. So maybe a bit of education is in order.......
51. To Said + Peter Morris
Ben ,   London   (06.26.08)
Said - The jews were never a foreign minority but a ill treated dhimmi. The Jews have real root to the land while the word Palestinian mean nothing! When has it be a Palestininan country? What was its capital? Who are the Palestininan? On what you call Palestine there has been Jews leaving there way before Islam existed and there even has been an Israeli Kingdom. Druzes, Bedouins, Bahais ... like the jews wold not want to live in Palestine! Whether you can comprehend it or not Israel is the Jewish people's mother land and Jerusalem its Holiest place. Other religions can leave side by side in Israel as oppose to any other arabic countries. You guys make me sick with your sense of justice! Peter - You live on occupied Maori land, period! You have nothing to do there whatsoever. After 150 years you have not fixed the problem and are still trying to rip them off. And because of the fact that the Maoris are less in number than the Palestinians that does not make it more OK to steal their land. And because they are less in number is one of the reasons why you have less problems than Israel. The Jews have Jerusalem like the muslims have Mecca. It is their homeland whether you like it or not.
52. anti-Semitic?
English person ,   London   (06.26.08)
There was nothing in the article which indicated that Larijani's speech was anti-Semitic. He spoke against Israel, said it was a failed experiment. Where is the anti-Jewish element in that?
53. #49 You fill YNET with nonsense
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.26.08)
Jordan prohibits Jews from becoming citizens and owning land. Saudi Arabia forbids the practice of any religion other than Islam. In the tiny country of Israel, Jews can do what they want, including complain.
54. To Germany
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.26.08)
Please don't allow these Iranian cockroaches to use your country to spread hate. The Iranians mock you on your soil.
55. #5 Only A Jewish Homeland in Palestine Was Mandated By UN
World Citizen ,   the world   (06.26.08)
The country of Israel was not mandated by the UN. Israel came into existance after it declared its independence from the British Mandate of Palestine. You may think little of this distinction but it is big issue in the eyes of international law. The UN mandate was also only valid if the Jewish colonists in the land designated for them did not infringe on the rights of the indigenous population. Those inhabitants were the Palestinians. And the Palestinians were either Semitic/Arab Christians and/or Muslims and remnant Sephardic Jews. All of these peoples had lived in Palestine for hundreds of years under the rule of whichever empire had possession of the land. The most essential facts about the creation of Israel are this: When Israel declared independence it seized more land than what was mandated by the UN for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The zionist colonists that seized control of the land have never respected the personal and property rights of the indigenous population. It is these two facts that are the basis of your country's sad history and never endings troubles with the rest of the world. The sooner Israelis recognize the injustices they have metted out for 60 years the sooner they might have a chance for true and lasting peace. Until then your country will be in constant turmoil.
56. i have always despised germany and i always will.
debra ,   usa   (06.26.08)
57. #52
Chocko ,   NY, USA   (06.26.08)
Damn it...Thats my point..... Why cant anyone answer it.... I didnt see anything either so I asked the question and all Im getting is that Semitic is a makey up word by Jew haters, yet Im only seeing 'Anti-Semitic ' being used by Jews... Whats the story guys....
58. Wow....A lot of time on your hands Dude
Chocko ,   NY, USA   (06.26.08)
Long Talkback. Got bored about the part about especially Arab women.... Anyway. Maybe your idea of how they are treated under your rule is part of the problem... Maybe they dont want to have a higher life expectancy, Maybe they dont want to be ab;e to vote and take part in your society.. Maybe they dont want a booming economy.....I really dont know.... I know if I was an Arab, I would be glad to be under Israeli rule... But Im not, so I cant say what they want..... What I do know is that you should not be able to decide what is good for them or what is right for them...They should be able to make that decision for themselves......And as long as that is your attitude. This problem aint going away anytime soon....... No matter how right you think you are.... BTW.... Cant wait for the 12" version of your talkback....
59. #53 I worked for Years in Mecca with Christians
observer   (06.26.08)
with a majority of Christian nurses and paramedics and some Christian doctors. No one complaint of discrimination or forbidding the practice of religion. I was wondering why Jews did not come there, only then I realized the magnitude of hatred they carry to Muslims. They place where I was working was only about less than 10Km from Al-Haram; the holiest place for all Muslims.
60. divorced from reality
leo solomon   (06.26.08)
to #1 New Zealand can afford to be divorced from the reality that has beset the rest of the world.Iran's missiles cannot travel so far and besides -why would they bother wasting any?You are probably at the bottom of the islamists list for conquest so -enjoy your kiwi fruit and sheep and your naivety in the peace that your remotness affords you.
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