Official PA paper: Israel poisoning prisoners
Roee Nahmias
Published: 07.07.08, 23:45
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45 Talkbacks for this article
1. are you sure its not true?
2. Bunch of mirage-viewing, blood-libelling barbarians
Jake   (07.08.08)
From the Mohammed al-Dura case to the Jenin "massacre" to Suha Arafat's press conference. Arab prisoners being poisoned in Israeli prisons? Tell that to Samir Kuntar, who is about to be released after enjoying conjugal visits and pursuing a university degree from a luxury jail cell. Tell that to Marwan Barghouti, who was in constant cell phone contact with his Fatah Tanzim terror cohorts from jail. I will bet anything that Hamas prisoners would prefer to be in an Israeli prison than a P.A. one.
3. these are our "peace partners"?
tom ,   toronto, canada   (07.08.08)
4. Ha, this is a page right out of Baghdad Bob!!
Rueben ,   Israel   (07.08.08)
5. Why print unfounded propaganda?
Jay3 ,   Israel   (07.08.08)
You should be ashamed of yourself YNet for printing Palastinian accusations that have no basis for fact. Far from professional journalism and totally irresponsible!
6. yeah and whats new
7. What is more amazing is how the media spreads these lies
Jack ,   USA   (07.08.08)
This trash has been rehashed over and over again. It is called lying. Remember when Arafats wife made a similar claim at a meeting with Ms. Clinton. The bigger and badder the lie the more it is repeated.
8. Who need injections for hair loss?
Jeffrey ,   Boston   (07.08.08)
Mine has been falling out naturally for years!
9. Al-Quds University in east Jerusalem
Great White North ,   Canada   (07.08.08)
Al-Quds University in east Jerusalem Is this not incitement from within? are there no laws against this?
10. Lab results on rats are more reliable than on Pal prisoners.
Jack ,   San Diego, USA   (07.08.08)
11. Lying Scum Who Should Shoot Their "Leaders"
GZLives   (07.08.08)
And what do these scumbags do to their prisoners ? Throw them from rooftops, behead them?
12. ynet true to form-printing paliwood propoganda
Arie ,   BaGolan   (07.08.08)
13. Absolutely correct Jay3. Media just inflates the big lie!
Stewart ,   USA   (07.08.08)
Liberals only print this stuff because to them it's not the veracity of the claim, but the seriousness of the charge that determines guilt. Printing unfounded rumors is not very responsible and only shows a lack of invertigative integrity.
14. Incredible Nonsense
R.Alkalai ,   USA   (07.08.08)
Sounds like the Arabs have been studying Dr. Mengele's experiments and other concentration camp records for new material. They must have run out of ideas. Notice how they have been trying to paint Israel as Nazis? First they try to take Jewish lands. Then they call themselves "Palestinians" ( the name given to the Jews by the Romans), And then, they claim that Israel is their land, no Jews were ever there, and the Temple did not exist And now, they are trying to paint the Jews into the Nazis. The truth is, their Grand Mufti Hussien, met with Hitler- many times to plan the murder of the Jews Here is the truth, and with the photograph to prove it:
15. Just don't eat the cantaloupes!! Last year they said we put
the AIDS virus in it ,   Dumb@sses!!!!   (07.08.08)
16. poisoned prisoners
alexi   (07.08.08)
As usuals arab charges are full of arab crap. they are born liars, first of which is that there was a country of paelstine. What do you think hamas is-the old egyptian moslem brotherhood. orlev and eldad will have the solution. israel has been taken to the edge by olmert, an incompetent cowardly PM, so as soon as a new likud PM takes over, watch out. Livni does not impress anybody with her political horizon concept. Israelis don't want it. Prepare for round 2.
17. as a psychologist
i can tell you that as an arab israeli with a degree in criminology and psychology from haifa university, and who has been employed by the israeli prison systems as a psychologist, often enough, people that accuse others of heinous acts are, in a way, doing a "psychological transferance", meaning, that those who accuse others of such vile actions themselves are the ones that did, do and will do all these acts they are accusing others of doing. i am a prison inmate psychologist in one of the israeli prisons and it amazes me, as an arab, to see the civil behavior and treatment for all palestinian prisoners in our jail system. the food is good, the bedding is more than adequate, there are cell rooms that would put most university dormitories to shame. there are jobs in prison, there are various libraries, phone services, contact of prisoners with all international bodies including the red cross and their own lawyers, there are conjugal visits and constant regular visits by family members, their children see them on a regular basis and their rights under any prison regulations are upheld and honored. there is never torture in my prison while inmates serve their time as in any usa jail institution. treatment is always humane and standards of fairness and humanity upheld. i cringe every time i look at barghutti or samir khuntar and then compare their "luxury" to the fate that israeli prisoners of war or kidnapped soldiers receive at the hands of the arabs who hold them. many israeli soldier prisoners of war have come home without noses, nails, fingers, ears, hair, smashed heads causing brain damage, burned testicles due to electrocutions and physically maimed due to extensive periods of beating, mutilation and torture. the arabs from my personal experience have no standard for fair pow's treatment. once in their hands, you can kiss all rules good bye and may even consider yourself a dead man. some jewish soldiers committed suicide and left notes saying "i didn't reveal anything under torture". those who miraculously made it home via prisoner exchanges in the past have come back half dead, brain damaged and useless for life after their ordeal. it is really a shame and very ironic that the perpetuators of the most heinous tortures and crimes and murder and mistreatment, should accuse israeli prisons of what they (the arabs) are doing on a constant basis. how ridiculous to even think we are using arab prisoners as guinea pigs in our prison system. how false and how degrading this false lies and propaganda is. it is a shame to even believe such things. it is a shame that arabs in israel and other arab countries would stoop so low and invent such rumors. it is not true, so stop it already. stop with the fake stories and the propaganda. stop because you are ridiculing yourselves and most civil people know why you are doing this and saying these things. if it wasn't for liars and manipulators like you, we israeli arabs will have no problem, no trust issues, no second class issues and no distrust. you and your propaganda are choking us and making life for israeli arabs intollerable. leave us alone and go tell your ridiculous stories to the stupid people who may believe you. i am sure that is i asked for employment in a pa or gaza prison, i would be crazy from the things i would witness there. shame on you!
18. In America, prisoners who sign a medical authorization form
Rivkah   (07.08.08)
when they enter the jail or prison, sign away their rights to refuse medical experiments on them. They can be used like rats in a lab. That is the price of getting free medical and dental care in a prison. Sounds like Israel might have a similar policy, but it is unlikely that only Muslims lose their right to refuse medical experimentations. Like in America, it is probably a cost of confinement unless the prisoner refuses all medical care during the detention. My suggestion is that people who are released from jails/prisons have a hair and fecal heavy metals test that can be done with a prescription sent to in Ilinois which is not covered by insurance. For parasites that might have been contracted, Dr. Hulda Clark of Canada in her Cure for All Diseases books suggests weekly dose of 3 cloves capsules, 7 wormwood capsules, and 2 L-ornithine capsules. As parasites die, they give off ammonia which the amino acid L-ornithine detoxifies. People should also take 2cc Vitamin O stabilized liquid oxygen in a cup of filtered cold water daily for three months. Raising tissue oxygen levels helps to boost the immune system according to the 1934 Nobel Prize for Medicine.
19. wishful thinking
pete ,   bat yam   (07.08.08)
Too bad the shabak does not really do stuff like this!Well not exactly like this but similar, imagine sending back prisoners whose minds have been altered so that when a terrorist suggests to them to kill Jews they go out and kill terrorists instead. Imagine altering their behavior so that when they touch a bomb they blow up terrorist cells and leaders? Now that would be complete rehabilitation and deter demands for prisoner swaps!
20. Yup. And Farfour was murdered by the mossad...
Vogelgryff ,   Geneva, Switzerland   (07.08.08)
21. BS....
YOEL ,   Raanana, IL   (07.08.08)
What else? I'm verz disappoited to read antisemitic accusations from our ennemies. And maybe are we using prisonners' blood for preparing Matzos?? Oh, I forgot Pessah is already gone... maybe just experiments because we just hate them? It's time to stop playing with this kind of ideas, and not accept their propagation by people discussing with us about peace. The first step for peace is Education, and stoping hatred incitement.
22. PA children are raised in an atmosphere of hate and lies.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (07.08.08)
With regard to the schools, Palestinian Media Watch cites, for example, a new 12th grade Palestinian textbook introduced last year which describes Israel’s founding as a “catastrophe unprecedented in history” in which “racist” and “imperialist” Jewish Zionist gangs stole Palestine, dispossessing its rightful, Arab owners. The conflict is presented as a religious war and the text conveys to students that Israel’s existence and the actions of its Jewish creators are crimes which must be undone. Promotion of violence against the non-Muslim world at :
23. but we are pigs and monkeys
israeli ,   israel   (07.08.08)
How could this kind of research possibly benefit us? Besides, one should just take a look at released prisoners - look at Quntar - as fat as can be after 30 years in jail. Remember the prisoners released to Jordan some time ago? Again, as fat as can be. Does any of them look poisoned? And how slow does this poison work? 40 years? 50 years? And Jake, #2, you can bet PA members alsp prefer Israeli jail to Hamas dungeons.
24. Good idea
Harry ,   Yemen   (07.08.08)
You know, that is not bad an idea.
25. Wish this lie were true, sadly just a lie.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (07.08.08)
26. No, Rivka 18. They don't sign away their rights for free ..
Stewart ,   USA   (07.08.08)
.. medical care in prison neither here in the U.S. or in Israel. They get free medical care regardless. They only sign releases if they wish to take part in research or if they wish to get a non necessary medical procedure or experimental one.
27. to # 1yes, I am sure it's not true
Toby ,   usa   (07.08.08)
it's the same antisemitic tripe that you will find in any Jew hating group think. of course, true believers and Jew haters like you will want to believe that it is true.
28. Thank you #17 for telling the truth
Jay3 ,   Israel   (07.08.08)
29. #17 Israeli Arab psychologist.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (07.08.08)
Thanks for telling the truth - I would be pleased no end if more from your community would step up & tell the truth & not just parrot the propaganda & lies about this country. If more of you had the courage to publically & vocally denounce all the efforts to demonize us, your community would not be viewed with the mistrust it has sadly earned. I know from experience that Arabs who speak out against the less pleasant aspects of your societies face intimidation, threats, ostracism, & even physical violence. But, if you don't speak out, your societies will never change & will remain mired in fear & repression.
30. Actually it is a good idea
Leah ,   Israel   (07.08.08)
Especially as we are going to be giving live prisoners for probably dead soldiers we should give these prisoners some sort of poison that would have a remedy to nutalize the poison if our soldiers come back alive and if they dont we should allow the prisoners that we handed over to die.
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