Official PA paper: Israel poisoning prisoners
Roee Nahmias
Published: 07.07.08, 23:45
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31. #17 speaker's mistaken identity
observer   (07.08.08)
((many israeli soldier prisoners of war have come home without noses, nails, fingers, ears, hair, smashed heads causing brain damage, burned testicles due to electrocutions and physically maimed due to extensive periods of beating, mutilation and torture.)) did you examined them from the psychological or physical aspect? in which Prison(s)? ((some jewish soldiers committed suicide ))... as an Arab psychologist concerned with Arab Muslims prisoners, don't you know that an Arab Muslim prisoner would never commit suicide because it is part of his Islamic faith? do you really think that a Muslim suicide bomber thinks that he will get 72 virgins because he commits suicide or because he takes out Jewish souls? are you really a psychologist? then, have you ever read about Stockholm syndrome; a hostage speaks in favor of his captors even long after he/she being freed.
32. #31 , and your point is?
Adi   (07.08.08)
33. #32
flash   (07.08.08)
observer never has a point. He thinks he has a point but thats a view only he shares. Personally I think he may suffer from mental dillusions.
34. #1 Well, the burden of PROOF is on YOU!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (07.08.08)
Oldest trick in the hat you moron! Are you sure that Ahmedinejad is sane? Of course NOT! Then he is mad! Are you sure that Hamas does not steal Palestinian money? Of course you cannot be sure - then it must be true that Hamas steals Palestinian money! See? It goes both ways!
35. #31 Can you PROVE he is NOT what he is?
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (07.08.08)
On the other hand, what claims professional assets do you have "observer" - other than, of course, of being an Islamo-Leftist agitator whose pastime is to spread lies, disinformation and generally making a fool of yourself in public forums. You are speculating - nothing more - and as we all know, speculation is no proof of fact! As a matter of fact, I too speculate that you work for Hezbollah or Hamas, hailing from an Internet cafe, so of course, anything you say connected ot Israel or Jews is pure Muslim propaganda. That alone tells everybody how your comments should be regarded.
36. As a physician
Marie-France ,   Brussels, Belgium   (07.08.08)
I always felt that medical experimentation on humans is forbidden. This article has changed my opinion. I still feel that experiments on humans are forbidden in general, but I allow one exception. This journalist of al-Hayat al-Jadida should be caught by the Shabak and subjected to the same kind of experiments we generally perform on rats.
37. #35 are you really Doc ?
observer   (07.08.08)
38. 26 Stewart: You are naive, sadly. Not only do American
Rivkah   (07.08.08)
prisoners agree to pharmaceutical drug company medical tests by signing a medical authorization treatment form, they sign away their right to release in 72 hours on bail. Many are released on bail within 72 hours of signing the medical authorization form, BUT that signature gives the govenment the RIGHT to detain them in a lockdown mental facility indefinitely. Ask Patsy Willis of Hanford, California. She commited no crime other than saying a swear word in her mother's home after forgetting to take her medicine for Tourette's Syndrome. Her mother who is paranoid called the police and Patsy ended up in lockdown in Fresno for over a year because she signed a medical authorization form at the jail. That happens to many people. Look through the archives of articles in American Free Press newspaper and Free American magazine. If you are taken to a jail for any reason, like suspicion of drunk driving or using a cell phone while driving or whatever, you, too, can end up in a lockdown faciltiy for over a year if the government decides to and even your family will not be told where you are. Unless transferred around to different jails or put in a lockdown mental facility, you would have to be charged within two weeks. During the Clinton administration, a sitting US Congressman who was investigating misuse of authority by the FBI was abducted and held a year in one facility after another, being transferred every two weeks, without his family knowing where he was and with a name that was not his own on the records. You think the American government is nice and plays by laws. Order former FBI Los Angeles Chief Ted Gunderson's lectures from the Prophecy Club of Topeka Kansas and learn about the ROGUE ELEMENT of government in America who are above the law and break the law even with murder without fear of punishment. After retiring from the FBI, Ted Gunderson was targeted by his own government. When someone tried to shoot him through the windows of his daughter's apartment in Los Angeles, no one would investigate. So he moved to Las Vegas and found the police to be ROGUE COPS there, too, who targeted him and attacked him without followup investigations. So he moved to Nebraska and found some safety from the government. Wake up, Stewart. America is a police state.
39. Rivka, There you go again. Your not even reading the ...
Stewart ,   USA   (07.08.08)
the comment correctly. I said with their permission. They have to agree to medical testing. Also much of what you qoute is highly suspect. The Prophecy Club? Now there is a real winner for accuracy. These guys have a wonderful reputation for the truth. I lived in Topeka, KS in the '80's so don't tell me about them. "A sitting congressman ... held for a year." Oh, yeah and it doesn't even make the news, and his congressional collegues and constituents never utter a word. What are you smoking? Listening to Radio Havana Cuba to much? I'm sure there are some incidents with individuals, but a good ACLU lawyer or any good lawyer will have this broken up so fast it won't be funny. Believe me, I've had to go through this with some one. Even in the backward state of Louisiana, our republics northern most banana boat republic, you can get a state lawyer to contest any type of incarceration including nursing home and mental hospital within around 2 weeks and they try to call back even much sooner. The real problem down here is with private nursing homes abuse the system and holding competent people for profit. Also there is no problem suing someone here for false imprisonment (get an out of state lawyer if you have to). You seem to be deluded into thinking a handful (out of hundreds of thousands if not millions) of cases someone represents the whole. Your also extrapolate on a case with a minor. Totally different matter. Oh, and as far as the police state. How come I and all my friends own guns for either hunting or self protection and would have no problem getting any gun or pistol we want. Sounds like a real police state to me. I got to go see my doctor now. I hit the floor so hard laughing about the sitting congressman being missing for a year, abducted by the government. Believe me if they wanted to get someone they'ed take his plane down. Oh, remember the miscarige of justice against the Mississippi Govenor? 100 attorney generals have protested this and it was all over the news including 60 minutes. We have some real lulus for cops in some places, BUT THAT MAKE THIS IS A POLICE STATE?
40. P.S. The operations words here are "Rouge Elements"
Stewart ,   USA   (07.08.08)
There are all sort of rouge elements in any government organization, but that is why you have courts and laws. Rouge elements represent all sorts of financial and corporate intrestes in any government. That's nothing new. As far as Gunderson is concerned, if they really wanted to get him, he'd be dead by now. It'd be really interesting too see what this is all about. You say they wouldn't investigate? How do you investigate a drive by shooting with no witnesses. You pretty much have to get a private investigator. Oh, and Gunderson is a private investigator involved in some drug cases. You don't think a private investigator is going to get shot at?
41. to # 40
moriah ,   sacramento, USA   (07.08.08)
You mean "rogue" elements. Rouge is a cosemetic that women put on their cheeks to make them rosy ;-)
42. Thanks Moriah. I'm and engineer and couldn't spell if my...
Stewart ,   USA   (07.09.08)
life depended on it. Sometimes I dash these off way too quickly thinking they have a copy editor, gardian angle looking out for me at YNet. No such luck.
43. 39,40 Stewart:Before you utter such disbelieving statements,
Rivkah   (07.12.08)
you should watch Ted Gunderson's lectures for the Prophecy Club. He is not a fool and was the Los Angeles FBI Chief. You should also read some of Craig Roberts books and watch his lectures from the Prophecy Club. He is not fool, either. He is a retired Tulsa, Oklahoma, police detective and USMC Reserves Retired Colonel. I have gone to many of the lectures in person and checked out the credentials of speakers, and you speak with words without knowledge, not they. Not knowing the dangers of the rogue elements of the government at the State, Federal, and local level is foolish. Wait until they ring your doorbell between midnight and 4 AM like in Nazi Germany and haul you off to a Gulag Archipelago in America that was built and established by the Rex 84 law under President Reagan. Your family will not know where you are and it will be a criminal offence for anyone to reveal where you are. You will be incarcerated under a fake name and may never get out. Oh, and CIA agents tell the evangelists there are guillotines at the FEMA Rex 84 camps, too. The biggest one is under Denver Airport, a third the size of the Panama Canal. Who do you think is going to be beheaded as described in Revelation of the Authorized King James Bible? Someone besides you? There are FBI agents who have looked at the round up lists and found their names on it. There are prisons at hub airports like Atlanta with staff and no prisoners. The Reserve military and National Guard have been trained in Internal Passport procedures where checkpoints will be manned with concertina wire chain link fence enclosures and machine guns. You don't get out, pal. You die. No crime. You are the wrong color or wrong religion or you sent an email to the wrong place or your child was reported to be a subversive so the whole family gets axed or you are a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim or an illegal or whatever category is rounded up and murdered.
44. 39,40 Stewart: There are admittedly over 25,000 prisoners
Rivkah   (07.12.08)
who were kidnapped by the US government who are not even in American detention centers in the continental USA. This is admitted in the mainstream news media. Those prisoners are in prisons in the former Southern Russian Republics, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, and a lot of other places. How do you get out and get home? How does your family find out where you are? This is happening now and it is not just to Islamics. There are credible witnesses that entire planeloads of American military officers and others were handcuffed to plane seats and taken somewhere. The former head of the US Army, John Shalikashvili had a made up resume, like Barak Obama's birth certificate that has half the seal missing in the middle of it so it cannot be traced to a file in Hawaii. It is scary to have knowledge of rogue government actions, but at least if you know you can be on guard and possibly escape before capture or have a way to end your life if you are captured rather than to suffer years of torture.
45. Stewart: The former EDITOR of the WALL STREET JOURNAL
Rivkah   (07.12.08)
Paul Craig Roberts calls the Justice System in America the US INJUSTICE SYSTEM because so many people are FALSELY charged with felonies and misdemeanors ALL ACROSS AMERICA. It has not happened to you, but it has happened to me. It has happened to countless numbers of people in America. I was called a dirty Jew and arrested without a warrant and charged with false felonies and misdemeanors by a rogue cop who hated Jews. That cost over $200,000. in legal and moving and other expenses to leave the area because staying there was so dangerous, my attorney told me. The school teacher who lived across the street was falsely accused of trying to drown a foster child and lost her teaching license after being dragged out of a classroom on a bogus charge she could not disprove. The child was not even in her home when the alleged event occured. She signed a plea bargain and gave up her career because the police and district attorney's office threatened to attack her husband with false accusations if she didn't. District Attorney frame machines are sending people to prison for decades on made up stories from children who are upset about not getting to use illegal drugs in a foster home or on a scouting trip. So they say the scoutmaster fondled them and he goes to prison for decades with no evidence! Paul Craig Roberts cites such cases in a reprint of an article by him in the November 2007 Free American magazine. I knew the school teacher (Nancy Grayson) for 17 years before she was attacked with false charges by a rogue foster worker who did not care about truth. Nancy had been a foster mother to many children. Then I was attacked. I hope you are, too, so you wake up!
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