Did Revolutionary Guards doctor missile photos?
Published: 10.07.08, 21:47
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. is Isreal happy to not uncover the technical difficulties?
observer   (07.10.08)
suppose Iran said it Has doctored them to cover up, so what?
32. #6; Israel did not lie.
Jake   (07.10.08)
The first country to introduce nukes into the Middle East was the USSR in submarines to the Egyptian coast in the 50s. When Peres keeps repeating something, he might actually have a good reason for it, something your mind can never seem to comprehend..
33. Iran’s civilian nuclear program fits nicely
Swami Meshugananda ,   Seattle, US   (07.10.08)
Iran’s civilian nuclear program fits nicely with their ballistic missile mass transit initiative.
34. AND...they didn't even launch the NEW Shihab-3!
Enzo ,   london,uk   (07.10.08)
Former Israeli missile defense chief Uzi Rubin, said Teheran has not yet test-fired the Shihab-3 model with a range of 2,000 kilometers. "From what I saw, this is an old version of the Shihab-3" Oh dear oh dear...
DOOMHAM ,   PARASITE-UK   (07.11.08)
Iran was hoping that they could conduct these tests and let others report it...given that it was a failure instead of accepting, that not all such things go smoothly, they set about to con and deceive , making the incident actually even more a disaster. I have no doubt the leadership of Iran is stupid enough to start or create circumstances for war...but absolutely no idea what to do after it begins. They are history already. This just another pathetic episode of the runaway Iranian train headed straight for the abyss. The war they cannot survive and win.
36. #9: That's A Good Thought, Phil, But . . .
emanon ,   USA   (07.10.08)
You argument is valid, but it only holds true for a rational person. You forget that these terrorstinians WANT TO DIE! Look at how many have blown themselves up for their religion already! What, you think a little radiation will deter fanatics from becoming martyrs? Even their own mothers desire the deaths of their children. Now if Israel would build a bomb to spread pig entrails as fall out . . . Hmmm . . . . Another moral dilema.
37. Ahmadinejad lands on the moon?
Fradi ,   NY, US and A   (07.10.08)
They are competing with the great photoshop satan, ya know.
38. 6 Let me see chan man.. Right, the country that
freedom ,   canada   (07.11.08)
took so many Americans hostage, when that Democratic president was in charge. You read your history book, let me know. Ill give you some lessons on middle easter history.
39. 21 Persian smoke show? You never cease to make me laugh.
freedom ,   canada   (07.11.08)
A lost little soul, missing the real point of all of this. If Iran wants to join the real world as a upstanding citizen, it should really be spending its money from its non renewable resources much like Dubai does. Once the oil is gone, there will just be the sand. Remember OIL powers the IRANIAN treasury to the tune of 85 percent. The regime will say good bye if even someone takes over its oil installations. I dont think that would happen to be honest. Peaceful coexistence in the middle east is very possible, but people must accept others as they are and not talk of wiping people off the map. God bless all.
40. Defender to the End
Robert ,   New Jersey, USA   (07.10.08)
Persian Kitty, your tenacity in squeezing the square peg of Iranian military adroitness into the round hole of truth knows no bounds. Sure the Iranians are faking. Sure the US knows the ragheads really are capable of launching glorified firecrackers and is quaking in its boots. Any country that uses Photoshop to doctor images, then sends them out for public consumption is a government scared to its core. The US perfected such toys in 1950. That's when most of these these mullahs and their shills like Persian Kitty were peeing in their diapers. Photoshop didn't exist. We didn't even show off our technology. Fact: a country that has the confidence (HAS the goods) doesn't need to trumpet its phallic insufficiencies by regularly pulling out their little long round projectiles.
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (07.10.08)
Then why the worries? The Iranians failled to fire the missiles,faked the launch photoes,the IRGC released the photoes and not the the national media.So, let us get on with our individual tasks...................the Iranians have a long way to go.Can someone pass this information to Bush to stop worrying about the Iranian missiles and not to ask Iranians to stop testing them.Atleast we as readers will know when they perfect the system when the photoes are being analysed in future.Back to business,fellow readers.
42. I'm shocked, Iranians doctoring photos???
Danny   (07.11.08)
Isn't that Reuters, France 2 and AP's job?
43. #21, yes of course
danny   (07.11.08)
The Shehab 3 is notoriously unreliable, in most of the tests it failed. Of the rockets it did show being launched, most were Zezal rockets ie renamed FROG missiles from the 50s, barely able to hit Iraq from Iran let alone Israel. That - and the fact a subservient, lazy, incompetent world press laps up any propaganda - is why they doctored the photos. The fact of the matter is the Iranian army is poorly equipped, poorly trained and what equipment it has is falling apart. Can they send waves and waves of children to fight, yes. Can they run a "resistance" if the US decides to occupy Iran, yes. Can they win a shooting match? Of course not.
44. Who's stupid enough to get into a "shooting match"?
Persian CAT   (07.11.08)
Did the Viet Cong get into a shooting match with the US military? Did the Hezbollah get into a shooting match with the IDF? You do know the outcomes of those two "conflicts" and what happened to the aggressors, don't you? I'm afraid you'll have to find another video game to play, if you expect to see a "shooting match" between Iran and the US.
45. Psychological Warfare
YK ,   Israel   (07.11.08)
Interesting that they doctored the photos. Ever thought that maybe they did it on purpose? 1) There have been rumblings of possible strikes on Iran 2) Iran wants to avoid a strike on their facilities 3) Iran purposely does a bad job of doctoring photos and provides "clues" that their long-range rockets don't work properly, even though they really might work very well 4) Iran avoids an Israeli/US attack and can run the future war to its own timetable Could be...
46. This looks shopped.
David Mudkips ,   Israel   (07.11.08)
I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
47. #44, we do know the outcome
Danny   (07.11.08)
In Vietnam the Viet Cong were wiped out by 1971 and the North Vietnamese army took over. It was so badly hit that it took it two years with the resources of both China and the USSR to get it back to the level where it could beat the South Vietnamese army which that stage had been abandoned by the US. The result of the last war with Hizbollah - even with an incompetent leadership, poor military leadership and an early end forced on Israel, the IDF was still well inside Lebanon, Hizbollah were firing next to no medium/long range missiles and Hizbollah has gone out of it's way not to pick a fight with Israel. If Iran is so confident and the outcome so certain, why do they regularly lie about their abilities? Why doctor photos?
48. #45, here's a much more likely reason
danny   (07.11.08)
The Mainstream media are lazy, incompetent frauds. They will reprint any old arab/iranian BS uncritically. This - like the scandals of the Lebanon War - are points in case. The media does print these photos, it was the amateur websites that pointed out the fraud.
49. #41, wait so now they CAN'T fight back
danny   (07.11.08)
but weren't you all apocalyptic about the effects of an assault on Iran? Make your mind up
50. Israeli docs
will you be so clever in treating the injured people as you are in treating a doctored photo
51. Hope Iranians immigrate
Jew   (07.11.08)
it's their only hope. otherwise there will be lots of dead in Tehran. It's a shame they can't overthrow their own govt. oh well. And, tova from UK? she's not many people here are so goofy/
52. Iran has one big mouthed dwarf.
PETRA ,   usa   (07.11.08)
And a few russian missles that they can't hit a barn with. If Iran had the capacity to strike Israel, she would have done so long ago. Iranians will suffer as much if not more than the Iraqis. Seems they should have an early vote and loose their ass for a mouth 'leader'.
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