Letter to the Lebanese people
Uri Orbach
Published: 17.07.08, 07:59
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31. hizbollah's human shields
Robins ,   jerusalem   (07.17.08)
Those lamenting lebanese civilian deaths conveniently forget that hizbollah launched rockets against israeli civilians using lebanese civilians as cover. Don't try and cover up the real evil here - hizbollah's cruelty
32. Mr. Uri, and all jewish people...
Fadi ,   WORLD   (07.17.08)
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? WAR is WAR... But I love SHALOM.... for all people.
33. Letter
Marilyn ,   USA   (07.17.08)
In this situation there are no excuses. Also, even though Israel did not get back the two men that they so desparately wanted-they still won in my eyes. They took the high road. As for the other side it was like how low could they stoop?
34. layal Beirut
sharon ,   ashkelon   (07.17.08)
In a war civilians die, remember who started the 2nd lebanon war, you were just luky we are the moral nation that we are and did not use our full capacity and wipe you all out. Soon we will do that so beware!
35. To the author
Elana ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.17.08)
as you say Hizbullah has taken over Lebanon. As Olmert has taken over Israel...
36. #23 When coward Nasrullah's fighters...
Daniel ,   Israel   (07.17.08)
... take cover under women’s frocks, how could IDF help them?
37. Faisal, that's exactly what the article is about
Ben ,   London, UK   (07.17.08)
Lebanese people have killed many Israelis as well. When Mugniah was killed nobody rejoiced in the street of Tel Aviv. You just bluntly justified that arabs are people of hate. The article criticise the arabic cynicism to have a hero whose deed was to have voluntarily killed a little girl. No Israeli has ever killed voluntarily any arabic children. This is not part of the jewish culture. Why did the Palestinians rejoiced when Saddam's army killed, tortured, raped and looted Kuwait? What did the kuwaiti people did to the Palestininans? You have to recognized that there is something truly messed up in cheering about someone else's misery. Well, instead you justify the unjustifying.
38. Re#1faisal
Psalms 83 ,   Selah   (07.17.08)
From the inception of the current state of israel ,its arab muslim nieghbors have had as its goal the removal of israel....the arab nieghbors never had any intention to live in peace with israel.... many of the causuties on both sides were sacrificed for this selfish muslim goal of the removal of Israel. the last Lebanon war was started needlessly by those with the same goal ... the 2 dead kidnaped israeli soldiers certianly werent the instagators of that war..... ...read carefuly the 83rd psalm... written 2900 years ago....it prophcies the end results of this current conflict. The celebration of a child killer as a hero in any society is certianly is a mark of depravity for those that celibrate ....
39. Re:11How many children bruied alive under debris on IAF aggr
Psalms 83 ,   Selah   (07.17.08)
How soon folks forget one of Hizbelahs battle tactics is to place thier rocket lauchers and gun inplcements near places where there are a large number of civilians and childern thus insuring that when israel makes a strike on those site a large number of women and childern are killed ....thus giving israel a seemingly black eyeinternationaly ..... by the way that type of tactic is a war crime.....
40. The text is good. Well put Mr. Orbach!
Johnny ,   Stockholm Sweden   (07.17.08)
41. Why have kept Kuntar alive?
s ,   Tel Aviv   (07.17.08)
so that we could get our prisonners back alive too? Someone caught by Hizbullah will come back dead. We should not keep their prisonners alive. We should go and kidnpa as many as we can and kill them all. There will never be anyone that will come back alive from there. And yes, they can play the same game, then can kidnap soldiers here, only here they are soldiers, there they are all fighters hiding behind kids. Going to war with them serves no purpose. We have to be much smarter than that and play their game even if it is not approved by the international community. If the internationsl community wants us to play by the rules, they have to demand that others do that too. If 1200 innocent people died, it is because of Hez thought it was worth it by doing what they did. Sad that most people in Lebanon don't really understand who is doing this. At least, in Israel, we are not afraid of saying what we think. Nassrallah is the one who caused all these deaths, as he said "it was for you" (i.e. Kuntar). He knew that the kidnaps would cost him a lot but he has turned into a hero. How brainwashed are you, Lebanese people. Sad!
42. Elana - will any Lebanese talk like you?
s ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (07.17.08)
I guess not. We have a democracy and are allowed to criticize our government. It is good and it is bad. At least, they stand uinited. israel's weakness is that they are their own ennemy. While I may not agree with all our government does, I think that Israel does not need ennemies, it has its own ennemies within our country, a people that does not stand united. Sad.
43. From Iraq to Algeria to Sudan killing civilians is the norm
Sam ,   Canada   (07.17.08)
Killing Israeli civilians just seems an extension of what the Arabs are doing to each other in their own countries. Jews debate each other no end but they don't kill each other. The vast majority take no pleasure in the deaths of enemy civilians,
44. Thank you for this article.
robin ,   israel   (07.17.08)
Even if it brought out anti-Israel sentiments. The answers showed that the writer did strike a chord on the other side. Israel did not start the Intifadas, nor did they start any of the previous wars. It is not Israel's fault that the surrounding Arabs and Muslims (not all Arabs are Muslims and not all Muslims are Arabs, but they do seem to have a partnership) feel all the land from Africa to Iran belongs to them and that there is no room for a tiny Jewish population. Israel doesn't intentionally kill children. If the so-called Palestinians (again I remind you that the name Palestinian comes from the word Philistine) had the courage to actually honor the peace agreements there would be no deaths. But surely when Hamas fires qassams they are expecting a military reaction. Or do all Arabs, Palestinians and Brits expect that because they believe all this land in the Middle East belongs only to the Arabs and Muslims that Jewish people should just lay down their arms and die? Is it as simple as that? This is actually the answer we want you to publicly proclaim, because when you do, that is when we will tell you, "It ain't gonna happen."
45. Your letter was great, but . . .
vered ,   israel   (07.17.08)
You might have added: if Israel, God forbid, was ever destroyed, it would still live on through it countless contributions in all areas to the world and to society. Can Lebanon, Gaza and the Palestinian "almost" state say the same? If they were destroyed, what would they be remembered for?
46. The difference...
s ,   Tel Aviv   (07.17.08)
Is that there was a legitimate war triggered by Hez's kidnappings and taunting. During a war, there are casualties. Lebanese POWs were caught alive, kept alive, fed, and cared for, visited by the red cross, according to the international law. Israel's POWs were caught alive and killed. International law has double standards.
47. 44. Yes, it is as simple as that
s ,   Tel Aviv   (07.17.08)
That is what they believe.
48. ur wrong about "what about ur army"
john ,   lalallalaaland   (07.17.08)
ok u r so stupid. the reason palistnien are killed is because the terorists hide among them and use them on human sheilds. the army does not delibratly target children. it follows the geneva convention. the terrorists dont follow any code of war, they target children and other innocent civilians. they are DISGUSTING PEOPLE. they told their press one of the soldiers(may they rest in peace) was still alive, just to torture the soldiers families.
49. israel has a right to defend itself
hhhh ,   hhhh   (07.17.08)
ok they were hundreds or thousands of innocent israelis killed or injured without a chance of full recovery during the intifatas.and they were targeted, civilians targeted. the arab terrorists are cowards. y cant they stand up fight the army. because they perfer taRGETING YOUNG INOCENT KIDS. that samir kuntar shot the father in front of the girl and then killed her. the only reason inncoent palistinean civillians are killed, is because the terrorists are coward and hide among the inncoent ones. do some research before u write something so ignorant on the web. and also what about the threats to wipe every jew into the medittaranean and wipe israel off the map? hm? exactly.
50. to all u people who hate israel:
only ,   jacksonvilled   (07.17.08)
to all u people: those terrorists dont just kill israelis. their dream is to wipe out everyone who isnt one of them. u all are luky that srael is there to protect humanity. remember 911? i was visiting new york that day i saw those lunaticts fly a plane into the towers. basicly wat im saying is: if u were jeans and a tshirt ur an infdel.
51. I am ashamed
John ,   USA   (07.17.08)
I am ashamed to be Lebanese today. And I am very very sorry about what happened to your dead soldiers. hezballah is a deadly desease that has taken over in Lebanon. My condolense to the families of fallen soldiers.
52. Israelis decrying Arab culture
Said ,   London, UK   (07.17.08)
You are no better! You elected a terrorist as Prime Minister - Menachem Begin - who murdered British civilians in the King David Hotel bombing, then you elected a convicted war criminal as Prime Minister - Ariel Sharon - who was tried by none other than Israeli courts and found guilty! What does that say about your own culture?!
53. Do you remember Qana
Chris ,   Lebanon   (07.17.08)
I don't support or proud of what Quntar did, but do you rememer what ur army did in Qana 1996?? 100 lebanese civilians killed by your army shells...I will never forget the pictures of that todler whose head was smashed...Even UN peace keepers were crying... I this is a war crime, what do you call it ???
54. To 22 & 23: Just like the Arabs you are...
Dude   (07.17.08)
Whatever crimes you commit you blame it on Israel. I now know without a doubt that all that was written is true, because all the falsities created by the Arab world are a reflection of what it does to others and its own citizenry. And now time to respond to your BS statements, which every left winger and embarrassed Lebanese is now trying to hop onto to save face. To 22: "Its funny how the greatest terrorist state in the world deems itself worthy of preaching to us about how morally superior they are." Really? So no criticism of Kuntar? No criticism about the fact that a child killer is a national hero and received such a welcome? And you dare talk about morality? "No wonder the world hates you:" If its the part of the world that you are from, I'm fine with it. "you slaughter innocents," Really? The greatest slaughters of innocents have always been Arab on Arab. Hama, the Iran-Iraq war, the Kurds, the persecution of Christians, the persecution of Jews, the Lebanese army decimating a Palestinian refugee camp with no real success in actually killing terrorists, and lets not forget the Lebanese civil war! There are plenty more! Go read your history. The fact is that more Arabs were killed in those conflicts stated above than in all the conflicts with Israel combined! Secondly Israel doesn't hide in a civilian population, while your 'resistances' strategy is entirely BASED on that! " with no remorse," I understand that you think Jews use babies blood to make matza, but think about it for a second... "and then expect everyone to cry about one or two soldiers you lost in a war." Actually that's not it all, this a complete and utter obfuscation of the real issue! The death of the soldiers is an accepted part of warfare and a matter that the families will handle privately, while everyone sympathizes with them or at least people who aren't kuntar-like monsters (like you). THE REAL ISSUE IS THAT LEBANON HAS TAKEN A MONSTER LIKE KUNTAR AND MADE HIM INTO A BRITNEY SPEARS LIKE CELEBRITY! If you cannot see the depravity of such an action then may G-D have mercy on your soul because nothing could be more barbaric, grotesque, and reminiscent of the Nazi's!!!!!! "Israel is the one that first started kidnapping Arab soldiers (read your history for once!), don't cry about it now that you get a taste of your own medicine! """ TWO POINTS SAID: 1: Even if when did capture them it was always DURING WARFARE. And it was during conflicts that Arab world perpetrated onto us! 2: They Also they had red cross visitations. Also if you didn't notice Kuntar GAINED WEIGHT WHILE BEING IN AN ISRAELI PRISON. WHILE ISRAELI PRISONERS ARE ALWAYS RETURNED DEAD!!!! THINK ABOUT IT! To 23: ".. Israel and IDF is no better than Kuntar! " Pathetic attempt to save face "I am a pure anti-Hezbollah Lebanese guy and Kuntar is NOT my hero. " And that's why you obviously went and protested this entire event and not trying to connect Israel to this event to help alleviate any blame for such a grotesque display. "With all my respect to your article, when you say half the truth, you loose your objectivity and become vulnerable to tough critics. If you are really a good fellow, just write few lines about those children who IDF buried under the rubble 2 years ago in Lebanon... Waiting for your reply Uri! " Heres my reply! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfFWr8hxh3I
Gideon   (07.17.08)
Gideon   (07.17.08)
57. Said UK
Dan ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.17.08)
Look what Arabs do to each other - Assad in Hama killed 20,000, Hamas throwing Fateh workers off the tops of buildings in a coup in Gaza, Saddam murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's, Lebanese civil war, and on and on; and surrounded by these types of people you expect Israel to behave like Switzerland? Imagine what they would do to Israel if we were not strong? To be hated by people in the world like you is a badge of honor. Israel is not perfect but you and all Arabs need to look in the mirror my friend.
58. Terrorist murder in the name of Islam.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (07.17.08)
If you are Moslem, you have to behave according to the rules of Islam which are set down in the Koran and which are very different than the teachings of the Bible. Islam was born with the idea that it should rule the world. Islam has to fight the Jews and the Christians and this fighting is called Jihad. Jihad means war against those people who don't want to accept the Islamic superior rule.
59. The Blame game
Chopper4 ,   Cape Town South Afri   (07.17.08)
Too many of the posts are blaming each side. The facts point to Hizbullah using civilians as their pawns. Instead of blaming Israel you ppl should be standing up to hizbullah, the same way you stand up against Israel. If Hizbullah and Hamas and those that hate Israel with a passion were not around the ME would be peaceful. Israel has never targetted innocent civilians on purpose...Hizbullah, Hamas, Fatah and all other Iranian proxies have. Look at the facts, funny how you guys forget about the terrorists using schools, mosques and civilian ocupied buildings as their bases. The fact that you guys do not stand up for your rights against these terrorists show your true colours. by the hate you show, shows how successful the terrorists are. Scary thing is you do not realise that another war is brewing and Israel is not the instigator.
60. the state of lebenon has declared war on israel
Avi ,   New York, NY   (07.17.08)
This just proves that the reason arabs hate jews in not because they are “displaced” or because they have no homeland, or because of Israeli “aggression” or “occupation” they simply hate jews because they hate jews. Creating a so called “Palestinian state” will not change anything, because the whole “Palestinian issue” is just an excuse to kill jews. They killed jews before ’67 and they will kill jews after a “Palestinian state” has been created. They are not people they are animals they all are baby killers because they all glorify baby killer. We saw yesterday it is not just hisbulla, it is the entire people of lebenon. Any other country, when you see the president, PM, and speaker of the parliament all representing the tree main groups in lebenon attending a rally for the destruction of Israel, hugging a mass murderer of Israelis, in any other country this would be considered as a declaration of war.
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