Explaining Israel's PR failure
Martin Sherman
Published: 18.08.08, 23:53
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31. # 15 Ron
Martin Sherman   (08.19.08)
1. You write: "…there is no such policy movement from elite groups as you speak about. there maybe interference and they might add weight to certain opinions but they surely did not convince Sharon of changing policy 180 degrees nor did they convince Rabin of the same. Both realized this by themselves" Oh really?! While it is of course true that any individual can change their mind, such genuine and voluntary change of heart in the case of Rabin and Sharon (particularly Sharon) is difficult to swallow. Not only did both of them (particularly Sharon) warn vehemently against the policies they later embraced, rejecting them as untenable and unacceptably perilous, but: (a) the dangers which formed the basis of their initial opposition to these policies DID in fact materialize as predicted; (b) their original warnings against the policies they later adopted, DID turn out to entirely accurate. One can thus but wonder what motivated this dramatic change of heart to support it. It certainly cannot be ascribed to a clear sighted, sober re-assessment of the situation – since the policy subsequently adopted failed spectacularly – as they themselves foretold!! So why indeed should elected leaders abandon well-founded positions for such disastrously unfounded ones? Since neither international or US pressure or international pressure can be invoked to explain OSLO or the DISENGAGEMENT(both were initiated by Israel), the only other explanation - apart from dementia and treason (and I am sure you endorse neither of these) – must "other sources of pressure". I submit that it would extremely difficult if not impossible - to identify any other such sources of pressure – apart from those I point to. Indeed in the case of Sharon – this has become almost the conventional wisdom explanation for his conduct. 2. You write: "I will not even mention the academia since it is ridiculous to believe that they have any real power…" Perhaps you should refer to Talkback # 18
32. # 29. It's the politicians, Stupid!
Martin Sherman   (08.19.08)
Dear Aryeh, You write : "No amount of Hasbara can overcome the bad POLICY decisions of the current Israeli government. Actions are more important than words. Israel has surrendered to both Ham[a]s and Hizbullah and continues to pretend that Fatah is her friend. Don't expect any other country to take a stiffer stand than we, ourselves, do. " Quite right – I totally agree!! But surely what you are saying is merely a REFLECTION OF THE RESULTS- rather a REPUDIATION OF THE EXISTENCE - of process that I specify???
FO ,   Belgium   (08.19.08)
Israel's case is as strong as steel. The international community trough the LEAGUE OF NATIONS, recognized the 24th of July 1922, by a unanimous vote of its 51 members, "the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the grounds for REconstituting their national home in that country. The resolutions of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS gave the Jewish people the irrevocable right to settle and to create their National Home (understand STATE), between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan, including the Golan Heights. Due to aricle 80 of the Charter of the United Nations, all this is valid till this day. Left Zionism (if such a thing exists at all) betrayed the Herzl's vision that had as goal the founding of the Jewish State, to put an end to the Jewish problem in the world. Left Zionism had no understanding neither for a state nor for massive immigration to Palestine, which would have meant accepting middle-class immigrants. Leftism and Elitism(?) prefered to flirt with Marxism. Their results are known: by refusing the concept of a Jewish State and the refusal to combat the British Mandate that betrayed the LEAGUE's resolutions, they failed totally during the Shoah. Nobody never asked himself, how is it possible that the full text of the resolutions voted the 24th of July 1922, the most important document concerning the Jewish people in modern times, do not appear in Zionist literature or history books? These facts were simply swept under the carpet. So, dear reader, you will understand, that the main argument of Israel's uprightness, an argument of steel, will never be exposed by the left or those who think be part of Israel's elitism. Rather losing the battle then tell the truth. This is the explanation of Israel's PR failure!
34. public relations
sad ,   israel   (08.19.08)
35. Israel's bad PR Job
Millicent ,   Israel   (08.19.08)
Could a major problem be that Israel doesn't have Government reps that 1) Speak English at a mother Tounge level(very useful when talking to World Press), To get Israel's points across to World Media, Israel must have representatives able to speak not only English at mother tounge level, but French,German, Chinese ,Japanese etc. 2) Maybe the Gov should hire an American PR person or British spokes person that actually has experience in dealing with International diplomacy issues! Inshort the right person for the right job, not a friend of theminister who got elected!
36. Even Simpler Answer
David ,   Jerusalem   (08.19.08)
It boils down to a lack of belief in our own cause. To be on message you have to believe your message. The courts, media, and universities are filled with people who don't believe in their own self-interest, or the justice of their own cause. You can't win anything like that, media or otherwise.
37. Hasbaa
Yoram ,   Israel   (08.19.08)
I can well understand Mr. Shermans diatribe against the all powerful elites he aobously disagrees with. BUT Mr. Sherman, if they are indeed so powerful how is it that the presence of Israeli Jewish civilians in Judea & Sameria continues. An elite you describe would long ago have stopped the process of building communities east of the Green Line, and ended this wasteful endevor. Yoram Getzler
38. Not living in a perefect world
S Freedman ,   Jerusalem   (08.19.08)
Shimon Peres once remarked that a good policy requires no hasbara,while a bad policy can't be helped by hasbara. That may be true in a perfect world,Israel has yet to realize that we don't live in a perfect world.
39. Israel Has Failed Because It Is A Failed Democracy
World Citizen ,   the world   (08.19.08)
You cannot compare yourselves to the governments around you. The civilized world judges you against the standards and norms of democracies in the West. Israel is a country without a constitution. israel is a country that only has rights and previleges for Ashkenazi Jews and treats the rest of its citizens, the Christians, the Israeli-Arabs, Ethiopian Jews, Sephardic Jews, and people of color as inferiors or even non-humans. This attitude will never be accepted by a just civilized world. A country that attacks and systematically bombs a civilian population (killing over 1000 innocents) as Israel did two summers ago in Lebanon cannot buy a good reputation. All the money of the Jewish oligarchs in your country, London and the United States cannot sway world public opinion in your favor. The truth will beat out money every time. The answer to Israel's public relations disaster is simple. Start acting like a civilized country if you want to be treated like a civilized country.
40. None of you get it do you? They will not print...
Sheila ,   Jerusalem Israel   (08.19.08)
What our excellent hasbara and press experts print!!! Yestrday for example there was a notification to all foreign press in the area that Gaza had become a dangerous kidnap area for them - they don't care! They enjoy the life of Israel and the prime time news of Gazan poverty!!!!
41. #31, academia and press
Danny   (08.19.08)
Most of the press I know who cover the ME do read quite widely if selectively works by "academics" and this helps to give them a shade of "objectivity" and also inform their world-view. In return you'll see that academics will widely quote if selectively press articles. So it may not be a conspiracy, but it is a feedback system. Another example of a feedback loop is with the "cluster bombs in Lebanon", a single reporter made up a story about the number cluster bombs based entirely on hearsay, "human rights" organisations picked up on it and then later the same reporter reported that these organisations had "confirmed" his original reports when in fact they had simply regurgitated his report. It is common place to quote that "millions" of bomblets/bombs were dropped but the reality is that less than 1,000 strike sites have been found in over two years and that cluster bombs in the same period have killed less than a third of the "civilians" that Hizbollah killed in a couple of weeks earlier this year. Anyone who thinks there is any basis to this is welcome to email me at black_sheep1972@hotmail.com and I'll supply the links. The fact this story was manufactured in Israel by an Israeli reporter in an Israeli newspaper is a prime example of what Mr Sherman is talking about.
42. #10 That's right so let the Arab world give back all the
rachel ,   usa   (08.19.08)
land to the 1 million jews kicked out of arab countries
43. #11 Thanks , I think you are right ...I wish more would
rachel ,   usa   (08.19.08)
think like you ....
44. #39 what a bunch of bull and you know it ...
rachel ,   usa   (08.19.08)
What is YOUR agenda ....telll us ?
45. #17 You don't know the history of israel
rachel ,   usa   (08.19.08)
only what you have been told . Get an education . and the wall just like the Great wall of china ...is to keep people safe from barbarians.....
46. # 39 By which standard...?
Thomas   (08.19.08)
By civilized world, you obviously mean the Christian world. The one that built its success on the exploitation and oppression of people of color, raping and robbing foreign countries in the name of gold, glory and the Gospel. I know all that's ancient history for you. But the rest of the world can see how America reacted to the plight of the residents of New Orleans the rioting of Muslims in Europe due to discrimination in jobs and housing. Let's not forget the hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by coalition forces against countries that did them no harm. The world doesn't wear the blinders you have on.
47. appeasement is the root cause of the problem
sandgroper ,   Australia   (08.19.08)
maybe it's the lawyers, the media, the academics, or the politicians...maybe a combination of them all.......but the bottom line, as Martin Sherman has pointed out, is that the "... obsessive ... delusional and desperate quest for the one 'last mythological concession,' ...is the explanation for Israel's abysmal performance in the fight for public opinion.... "
48. Israel's PR problem can be summed up in 3 little words.
Olmert,Barak,& ,   Livni. Rueben   (08.19.08)
49. # 39 World Citizen, The World - (i)
Martin Sherman   (08.19.08)
Dear World Citizen, I wonder if you have any idea how utterly absurd, and infuriatingly hypocritical what you have to say is. What world is it that you live in? A serious reality check is urgently called for. 1. You write " Israel is a country without a constitution" So is Great Britain. On the other hand .the USSR had one - as do many of the most fearsome & fratricidal tyrannies across the globe. Where would you rather live?? Saudi Arabia, the Congo or the UK? Or even… Israel??? It is not a written constitution that ensures human rights but the prevailing values of the society. If a written constitution is not concordant with these values it will remain nothing more than meaningless piece of paper. However, in Israel, the lack of a formal constitution has not prevented strong action being taken against the highest office holders in the country – including the president, prime minister, and a serving director of internal security – proving that very strong (perhaps excessive) constraints exist on the abuse of power – which is after all the major function a constitution is supposed to fulfill. 2. You write: " israel is a country that only has rights and previleges for Ashkenazi Jews and treats the rest of its citizens, the Christialns, the Israeli-Arabs, Ethiopian Jews, Sephardic Jews, and people of color as inferiors or even non-humans. This attitude will never be accepted by a just civilized world ." Oh really?!! Surely you must know that in Israel non-Jews (including Arabs) not only practice their religion freely but have been elected to parliament, appointed to high-level diplomatic and judicial positions (including to the High Court), and promoted to very senior ranks in the police and the military. In fact an Arab member of the Israeli parliament was appointed as the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset a post which could in certain circumstances could even result in his becoming acting President. Moreover, an Arab currently serves as a minister in the Israeli government. As for Sephardic Jews, one was elected president (with admittedly regrettable results);one is now a very serious candidate for leadership of the ruling party;, at least three have served as Ministers of Defense (not always with spectacular success); many have been appointed ministers; and elected to parliament (as has at least one Ethiopian Jew); at least two have served as Chief of Staff of the IDF; at least two have commanded the IAF; many are successful businessmen, and well-known media personalities; others are stars in the entertainment sector and in sport …. Not bad for "inferiors" and "non-humans" Try comparing this to the treatment of non-Muslims (or even Black Muslins – see Darfur) in any one of Israel's adversaries,
50. # 39 World Citizen, World -(ii)
Martin Sherman   (08.19.08)
Dear World Citizen (cont), 3. You write: "You cannot compare yourselves to the governments around you. The civilized world judges you against the standards and norms of democracies in the West. Israel is a country without a constitution. A country that attacks and systematically bombs a civilian population…The answer to Israel's public relations disaster is simple. Start acting like a civilized country if you want to be treated like a civilized country." Let me see if I understand you. Because our neighbors are some of the most despotic & repressive regimes in the world (of which you purport to be citizen) they should be judged by standards… more lenient?? They should less subject to – even immune from - criticism?? How does that work?? And since when has refraining bombing civilian targets been a hall mark of "civilized countries" or "democracies in the West"?. I assume you remember Dresden and Hiroshima. But even if you wish to exclude examples of how "democracies in the West" responded to tyranny in WW II, how about NATO bombing of civilians in Serbia (for almost three months) and Afghanistan – countries which posed no immediate or direct threat to the national security of the attacking nations? So how about judging Israel by the same standards as NATO members – unless of course you exclude them as well from the ranks of "civilized countries"?? Which of course only leaves China (Tibet??) and Russia (Chechnya -- and lately Georgia??)
51. PR failure and Israel's "Annointed"
Mark F Sharefkin ,   New York, USA   (08.19.08)
Very similar to "ours", as skewered in Tom Sowell's book "The Vision of the Annointed"...the author of this article will love "Vision..."
52. Mestechkovii Israeli Leadership
Michael ,   Moscow, USA   (08.19.08)
To wage a comprehensive PR campaign in today’s world you got to be at list intellectually in par with your adversaries. Moreover, when talking to any foreigner one got to know an opponent’s language and cultural background. In short, you got to be a man of the world. Unfortunately that’s not the case of any Israeli leadership – past or present. None of these individuals used to live in a big city till age 40 let alone spoke any European language. Let’s take a look: Golda Meir: grew up in a Ukranian mestechko(stetl). Spoke fluent yuddish. To her credit she attained some English while living in US – although she did not work there. Shimon Perez: grew up in Polish/Belorussian mestechko and then in kibbutz. Did not see a big city till probably age 40. Speaks heavy accented Hebrew. There probably no language in the world he can call a mother-tongue. Ariel Sharon: grew up in Georgian(Caucuses) village. Did not speak good gruzini nor Russian language. Did not learn Hebrew on intelligent level. Did not live in a big city till at least age 40. Yitzhak Shamir: same as Shimon Perez – illiterate mestechkovi Polish jew Yitzhak Rabin: grew up and educated in a kibbutz and a military boarding school. Did not live in a big city till at least age 40. Spoke little English which he attained while on assignment in US (as ‘jobnik’). Tzippi Livne: has no credentials. Worked as a so-called Mossad agent in France. Her work description included an apartment upkeep and utility bills payment in Paris for 4 years(!). Yet she did not learn any foreign language back then either. Her occupation is a politician. The list can go on but you got an idea.
53. Israeli Approach all Wrong
Larry ,   zefat israel   (08.19.08)
Israel is way too soft ,always apologising to the media.Take these sentimental boat people sailing to Gaza this week to support Palestinians,Israel should Blow these Boats out of the water.The problem is Israel for some time now has stopped acting like a sovereign state.We will never be respected if we act like ghetto jews.Better to be feared than loved...much better.
54. #24 Dear Martin -
Suncountry ,   U.S.   (08.19.08)
Israel has two strong suits for Hasbara: 1. Technology achievement. Israel21c used to cover this beautifully, but in their new format, I can't even find technology info anymore. ATID has a good "Fortnightly" link that covers it well. It gets out anyway in biomed and military venues and publications... the JCCs in the U.S. have huge empty spaces in their hallways that could house Israeli technology displays... 2. The schlichim that the Jewish Agency sends out and the people who are on assignment to work in the U.S. with companies like Intel are absolutely fabulous. They are doing a great job and the broader their outreach, even outside the Jewish communities they are visiting (not hard to get outside the Jewish communities when they are assigned outside NY or LA), the more friends they and Israel will have for life. Hasbara will not be able to change the cold spot that even reasonable people have toward the Palestinian's (self induced) plight. So I think Israel needs to focus on the two overwhelming plusses above.
55. Sad
Thundercloud65 ,   Oklahoma City USA   (08.19.08)
Israel simply can't continue to bank on Western guilt and sympathies. A nation that was born to be a home to an abused people is seen by the world as grown into an abuser itself. Stop your occupation, stop trying to justify that occupation with religious history, start dealing on the table and do what you agree to do in treaties. If you pull back to the former borders and the Palestinians do not respect peace, then it would be obvious to the world that you were right and you would win the PR war. Until then you remind us that the rule of force is usually the road to hell.
56. 55 - 'giving back' with no guarantees = indefensible
historian ,   Tel Aviv   (08.19.08)
UNSCR242, although most people conveniently ignore or forget this fact, recognized that the 1967 borders (which were, in fact, armistice borders, not negotiated borders and thus, not legally binding borders) were INDEFENSIBLE. That is why the resolution calls for return of terroritories, but not THE territories. It also calls for SECURE and DEFENSIBLE borders. When 242 was drafted, returing to the pre-june 1967 armistice lines was seen to be unfeasible, so it seems stupid now, in light of heightened terror, to use the modern day, knee-jerk reaction and say ' if israel withdraws, everything will be better'. Based on what? The fact that even 'peace partner' Fatah doesn't recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and that their military wing also shoots rockets and tries to wage terror attacks despite alleged cease-fires? You're asking Israel to put its safety at (internationally admitted) huge risk just to see what happens. And if disaster strikes, then PR will be on Israel's side, you say? What is a PR victory worth if it results in a massacre of Jews? Maybe that's good enough for you, but it's certainly not good enough for me.
57. Israel's PR should be given to a private firm
S Freedman ,   Jerusalem   (08.20.08)
The Jewish people excel in PR,the Saudis will confirm that .A hard hitting no holds barred intensive offensive. Go for the crown jewels.Swift and sweet.None of the Women in Black crap.
58. public diplomacy is 2-way communication
david fields ,   jakarta, Indonesia   (08.20.08)
Dear Martin, As stated in the subject line what you need to understand is that public diplomacy is 2 way communication. Not one way and not showing contempt to other peoples ideas and thoughts, not to stress the meaning of values... For other countries and people it is very difficult to communicate with israelis as it appears from the first moment that they dont give a s..t of what you think, they are right whatever... and in addition, if someone else thinks they are "better" than all others anyway, shows contempt and ridicules the values of the counterpart, what is the point of even talking? no wonder the message does not go through these are personal encounters with the prime of israeli diplomats, which means its a long way to go before israel can achieve anything in public diplomacy. PD is engagement, and you dont engage people by that behaviour.
59. to 33
neima ,   jerusalem   (08.20.08)
pr .is between people .. humans not papers and net or tv .the same of the battle is not between laws and un papers it is between humans .. you can change the rules but how to change people .. how to change me from arabic moslem palastinian to israili jew with a hebrow toung ... if you can change this to that may you can own the pr
60. 45 rachel
17 ,   jerusalem   (08.20.08)
may be i do not know the others or their history .. but i know my history very well and i know that iam not barbarian and my mother was so kind with all the people with different races or religion . speak about your right before attaking the others
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