The veiled continent
Eitan Haber
Published: 27.08.08, 17:02
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49 Talkbacks for this article
1. wtf? where's the story in this? all i got was....
rani ,   au   (08.27.08)
bla blah muslims... blah blah bible holocaust.
2. from inside Europe
Septimus ,   Rome   (08.27.08)
I would not be so pessimistic as the author write, neverthless there are things to say about the actual situation in Europe, who is being colonized by muslims since 30 years now. The real danger does not come from those wealthy emirs coming from the gulf states to buy goods, but rather from the bulk of the poor migrant workers, or social security abusers, flocking at the door of Europe and giving a skyrocket of crime rate iin our cities. This is that demographic threat that is more dangerous for the stability of our continent than a few rich visitors The real fact is that Europe is being colonized by muslims with our governemnts doing nothing to prevent that. Europe is a democratic society. Migrants gets nationality, thus poll rights. By doing so they are creating a political force, they have lobbys, and they find support in the political parties, mainly leftists, but also in center-right parties as well. This is the real cause inside the sometime pro palestinian stance of some european politicians. At least there are more and more real europeans who awake to the threat posed by the muslim colonization of Europe and when Europe will awake.. The rats will have to leave the boat
3. moslems buying europe
elliot ,   usa   (08.27.08)
europe was anti- semite before any moslem had any pwer over it---let them build more casinos,bars and spas for tourists
4. Have you been living under a rock for the past 50 years?
Al   (08.27.08)
Duh...The Arabs have the oil, the Jews have stories. Here in Quebec we have been overrun by Arabs..On my own block several weeks ago I heard The Allah Akbar chant coming from a neighbours window. (It was warm that evening). I find it ironic for the French Quebecois always hated the Jews so they invited the french speaking arabs to Quebec. Little do they know this will come back to bite them in the ass. The same can be said for Europe...and you know what I couldnt care less.
5. Read the book "While Europe Slept"
Stu   (08.27.08)
While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within (Paperback) by Bruce Bawer Publisher: Broadway (September 11, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 0767920058 ISBN-13: 978-0767920056
6. #3 Excellent Point
MARK ,   BOSTON   (08.27.08)
The Non-Muslim Anti-Semites can blame Anti-Semitism on their Muslim population. Europe uses its Muslim poulation- cheap labor,scapegoating just like it does to the Jews. Europe has not changed. It is returning to its very dark past.
7. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance
skitter jay ,   highland park IL usa   (08.27.08)
you people need to learn some tolerance, follow the american model, here we all tolerate each other and nobody cares who you are or where you came from. Once Obama becomes our president there will be peace in the middle east and tolerace will rule the world. Once again: tolerance, tolerance, toleracne. God bless you all
8. Is this article supposed to be a joke?
John   (08.27.08)
It's like written by a 5 year old.
9. Veiled continent?
moriah ,   sacramento,usa   (08.27.08)
Europe is receiving their punishment for their treatment and hatred of Jews. Bye, bye EU....
10. Filipino's?
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (08.27.08)
Aww come on, the best example you can think of is Filipino's? Dude, you are sad joke at best. 90% of Filipino's are Catholic, not Muslim and I seriously doubt that 5% of Islamic Filipino's men are "...following his veiled woman on the streets of Paris, London, Rome, and Berlin, while carrying her shopping bags." Muslims in Europe are more often then not poor and cling to religion because they do not integrate, not because they have money. Those that are there with money are rich Muslim tourist aristocrats who eventually return to their country and "...unpack their suitcases and take out the perfumes they bought at the duty-free store..." This article was very poorly thought up of and represents the wannabe improvised writing style of Israeli journalists.
11. How did Islam penetrate our societies ?
Robert Bernier   (08.27.08)
Before 9/11 Muslim terrorists were building global networks again under the American and European radar. We had other things to consider like pacifying Mideast potentates for the oil under their sands. It didn't matter that countries like Saudi Arabia were spreading Wahhabiism (strict Shariah Islam) which taught Muslim children that Islam is not only superior to all other religions but, one day Islam would eliminate these "false" religions under "Shariah" law and Islam would dominate the world. These children grew up and became brainwashed like "Manchurian candidates". They filtered into other countries with the help of foreign services of the West - like the U.S. State Department. Each of the Western nations had their own foreign services who allowed Muslims to flood into their nation even to the point of subsidizing their housing, education, medical care and much more. Nothing was withheld to pacify the Muslim Arabs because they had oil under their feet. So our American Universities are clogged with Arab Muslim "students", opting for classes in Nuclear Physics, Chemistry and Biology - all of which would eventually benefit the military terrorist organizations in their country of origin. Colleges are building foot-baths for Muslims to wash their feet before they pray - a minor concession as described at : http://israelagainstterror.blogspot.com/2007/12/long-before-911-long-before-1948.html
12. Racists Creeping Out To Fan The Flames Of Hatred
The Better Jake   (08.27.08)
The free market is news to you all? what a shock?! People with money buying stuff. Duh!!, or is it there color that bothers you the most? So Europe is being "invaded" by hard working immigrants that support the pensions of its aging population, cry me a river. Is that worst than Europeans colonizing & robing the Palestinian Natives for decades? Or is it worst than European colonization, murdering, & ripping off Africa and the ME for centuries? The sickness in your hearts is clear, but there is no expectation of shame from a shameless people.
13. Haber just discovered something ....
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (08.27.08)
That everyone else has seen coming for at least the last 30 years. Here's a clue, Mr Haber - Take a look at TheReligionofPeace website, then go to JihadWatch. From these two sites, you can find links to many, many more sites. Then write this article again.
14. yes, let's keep bein' jews in Israel, not abroad
avi gleitzer   (08.27.08)
15. So many racists out there
Erica ,   tel aviv, israel   (08.27.08)
Why exactly is seeing women in veils so terribly desturbing exactly? And why do we just assume that their "conscience" is insufficient? This article is a xenophobic joke with seriously racist undercurrents as are most of the talkbacks.
16. Sad
Adnan ,   India   (08.27.08)
It's sad to see how bigot one can be. Do you object to nuns' dress or the fact that religion stops them from marrying. But veils offend you. You, Jews, seem to have so much hate against Muslims, as if Holocaust was perpetrated by Muslims. What's your problem?
17. #2 You underestimate the power of those rich Arabs
Debbie   (08.27.08)
They are influencing our politicians, our media (they are buying those too), our universities... Yes, those millions of Muslim voters are something to be alarmed about, but the more hidden influence of rich Muslims with an agenda is just as dangerous. Maybe even more. Why? Because voters - as you may have noticed - are mostly ignored by their governments, who have their ears bent by the rich and powerful, who in this case now happen to be Muslim.
18. oh... haber
basima ,   jerusalem   (08.27.08)
i like to read your articles ... but you finished all to return to velied cntinent
19. And the point of the article is...?
Libneniyyeh ,   Beirut/Canada   (08.27.08)
...get used to it. Everywhere.
20. #1 Rani
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (08.27.08)
This is an excellent article depicting what is happening all over Europe. Rani, do you want to know where is the story? The story is that one day soon, there will be an uprising all over Europe. People will finally get FED UP to be led by their noses by the Arab...why do you think the name has changed from Europe to Eurobia. Wake up and smell the (Turkish?) coffee!
21. People are waking up!
Not important ,   USA   (08.27.08)
So what I gather from your comments is that it's ok for Jews and Israelis to take over a country or continent but not other nationals/religions. And God forbid be it Muslims. What a hypocrite!
22. The change is coming faster than any imagined
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (08.27.08)
While some once thought radical changes wouldn't be evident until mid-century, I think it's now clear the "tipping point" will come much sooner, likely within a generation. And France's push for a Mediterranean Union, like the entry of Turkey into the EU, will only accelerate the trend. Those who look at the Muslim sector across Europe that is "only" 3% or so fail to see the impact of the much higher presence in critical urban centers - London, Paris and Marseilles, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Rome, Malmo, etc. These are the "wedge" settlements that push for "accommodation" and "sensitivity" to the demands of a population disinclined to assimilate to local values, more inclined to push their own. A squeamish native population unsure of its own value and worth are letting this happen. Some will accuse me of being an Islamophobe, but it's hardly a phobia if it is based on history, facts, and rational analysis. In another generation, the Europe we know will be no more.
23. #10 - Filipino *servants*
Avi ,   hilltop, Israel   (08.27.08)
The author was referring to Filipino *servants* walking behind their Muslim masters, carrying their bags for them etc.
24. Tourism vs Society
John ,   Paris, France   (08.27.08)
I don't like the tone with the one the article is written. Sure, Jews must beware that the Holocaust doesn't happen once more but the analysis put through before is a little too paranoid. I am much more concerned about the number of veils worn by French muslim women than the number of wealthy muslim being on vacation and shopping. Working for a luxury brand, I can tell you that a boutique will reply always by a 'yes' to any of your requests : was it for respecting the torah or the coran. It's my point of view at least, I respect yours.
25. Hypocrisy....
Bukhair ,   London, UK   (08.27.08)
Septimus, don't you think it's a bit ironic that europeans are complaining about muslim colonisation after the long and brutual colonisation of arab countries, and specifically north africa by france and italy? Also don't you think it's a bit ironic that italians, who have immigrated to almost every major economy are complaining about other people doing the same to them?
26. Branch of Middle East?
berlonski ,   Germany   (08.27.08)
In my eyes this simplistic article demonstrates much more an "African and Middle Eastern" way of thinking than you ever will find it in Europe - at least in serious newspapers. (Sorry, dear Africans and Middle Easterners!)
27. 15 Erica- Move to Mecca dress as a Jew then write back
Yitzi ,   Israel   (08.28.08)
28. The better jake...make that joke!!!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.28.08)
Hey Jake, you all knowing, enlightened person you. Let me ask yuo this...how come you are sticking up for the most racist, intollerant religion iin the world? I t is a sad day when we start tolerating intolerance!!!
29. Diversity
Fair   (08.28.08)
This article has an unfortunate but clear racist undertone. An article warning about an increase in shoppers wearing Jewish religious attire in European capitals would rightly be condemned as racist - and so should this one.
30. From A Spanish Newspaper
Yisraeli   (08.28.08)
Great Article From A Spanish Newspaper in the Wake of the Muslim Cartoon Issue (*) This is a translation of an article from a Spanish newspaper written by a Catholic Spaniard before the "Danish Cartoon" exercise. All European life died in Auschwitz By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez(*) --------- I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth: Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world. The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned. And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride. They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts. And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe. original:http://www.gentiuno.com/articulo.asp?articulo=1865
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