Rightists disengaging from Israel
Daniel Doron
Published: 01.09.08, 17:44
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. American foreign policy is a mess
Ken Besig ,   Israel   (09.02.08)
I would wager a good part of the problem faced by American conservatives regarding American government foreign policy is that there doesn't seem to be one. Or whatever foreign policy there is is confusing and inconsistent rewarding American allies and enemies equally and randomly. And it isn't just Bush, it is also Clinton and his team that created this mess by trying to be all things to all peoples and ending up being nothing to anyone. Much like Israeli foreign policy under Olmert and Livni come to think of it!
32. Isolationism
Dan Schwartz ,   Sayreville, NJ   (09.02.08)
Calm down, Daniel: You're conflating the support Ron Paul received from the anti-Iraq war and anti-Big Government crowds with what many of his followers idea of how we should deal with Israel, a close ally. Just hang on: Team McCain-Palin will be sworn in on January 20th. You should be more concerned -- No, make that very worried -- that on January 20th we don't hear "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear..."
33. Rightists disengaging from Israel
Unfamiliar perhaps with the details of American conservative politics, Daniel Doron ("Rightists disengaging from Israel") reads too much into a single book. Among conservatives, or "Rightists" as Mr. Doron prefers, Israel enjoys a consistently high level of support. By distinction, the Cato Institute is not conservative but libertarian and neoisolationist as to foreign and defense issues. In polar opposition to American conservatives, Cato would drastically cut American defense spending and curtail foreign military conmmitments and interventions. With drastically reduced military power, America's current support for Israel would be insustainable, and so Cato argues against support for Israel in the first place. Oddly, the liberalism of most American Jews leads them to the same policy choices as Cato: a reduced American military; an aversion to the use of military force; and an unwillingness to support America's interests and allies though military power. Why do American conservatives favor Israel as they do? Conservatives recognize that Israel is a democratic ally menaced by terrorists and dictatorships. In addition, for a great many faithful Christians, Israel is invested with a moral and religious purpose that is comprehensible to Christians. Libertarian arguments against Israel have little sway against such considerations.
34. To #28. Stop Burying Your Head.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (09.02.08)
You say :” It's the beginning of diplomatic solutions to problems between Israel .. “. My dear, there will be NO solution -- AS LONG AS the Arabs think that the Land of Israel is Arab land !! So my dear, stop burying your head in the sand.
35. #19, You are living a fantasy and a lie
Rich ,   Toronto, Canada   (09.02.08)
If you believe that 911 was done by just Arabs. 911 was an inside job perpetrated by people in the US government and the Mossad. Do some research and you will find the truth, which is the signature of G-d. Iran has never attacked any country, and that behavior goes all the way back during the time of the Romans. How will Jews in Israel get peace when their "Mafia" government only want's blood and war? You talk pretty tough living in America. But I'm more concerned about Jews living in Israel on the front lines. I'm not ready to sacrifice any more Jews for some murderous ideology.
36. "World Citizen" #3, You have never been right about anything
Jake   (09.02.08)
ever, at any time, and furthermore, merely by calling yourself "world citizen", you have no right at all to speak about the national priorities and decisions of individual nations. You are nothing but a pathological Jew-hating, Israel-baiting buffoon, foaming at the mouth, masquerading as some kind of universalist/humanist do-gooder, regurgitating discredited canards and nonsense. Your opinions are of no interest to us, nor to anyone of substance, because they are always wrong.
37. Rich #35
Brod ,   USA   (09.02.08)
You seem to have wallowed yourself in the cesspool of Islamist-Jihadist crap regarding 9/11. In your demented mind you would think that Bin Laden and Mohammad Atta and their thugs are CIA and Mossad.
38. But where do you live, hypocritical #28?
Jake   (09.02.08)
Don't act like you have any interest in anything other than Israel's downfall, either through diplomatic or military means. You know pretty damn well, that Israel recently offered a package deal to the Palestinians offering a Palestinian state on 100% of the land area they claim they want, which not only PA refused to negociate on but they mocked it. You want diplomatic solutions? Israel only today offered to withdraw from the Shebaa farms, while Hizbullah has said it will "liberate Shebaa and beyond Shebaa". Israel has offered to withdraw from the Golan Heights, but Syria has said it wants the land "up to Tiberias". You speak with a forked tongue about diplomatic solutions, because you know perfectly well that Israel is currently offering suicidally far-reaching diplomatic solutions which no reasonable government nor any sane future Israeli government would EVER offer, of which the Arabs are ill-deserving. The Arabs are merely holding out for even more suicidal offers, while refusing to offer any compromises on their part. They think time is on their side. But BE WARNED. If the Israeli government is incapable of offering the Israeli people security along with "peace" and continues to be "tired of winning" in the face of an inplacable venomous enemy, then eventually the Israeli people will change their leaders from one that makes painful concessions to one that can achieve peace through VICTORY.
39. #35. Sorry, who is living a fantasy and a lie?
Jake   (09.02.08)
9/11 was the typical handiwork of your Islamo-fascist heroes, which they were proud to have perpetrated and replicated in attack after attack on innocent civilians around the world, including against fellow Moslems. Your knowledge of history is laughable and pathetic, saying that Iran has no history of attacking other countries "since the time of the Romans". The Persians had one of the largest empires in history, both before and after Islam, and whenever they had a chance they extended it, such as the Moghuls in India. In fact the initial success of the Islamic conquests was due in large part to the fact that the Persian empire was too busy trying to expand its territory into Byzantium. Your redaction of history is ludicrous discredited codswollop. I am sure the "Jews living on the front lines" are in no need for your tender-hearted "worries" about their security. After all, with friends like you, who needs enemies?
40. By the way, Rich from Toronto, Canada
Jake   (09.02.08)
You are not only of weak character, rattling off discredited pathetic conspiracy theories so that you do not have to confront the truth, but you are also a hypocrite. Your country is one gigantic expanse of occupied, stolen land, occupied by force, territorial greed, and cultural supremacy of the strong against the weak, and remained a lynchpin for British imperialism for a very long time, and you know it. I wonder if you would dare to preach to Israelis and Jews from anything other than behind the comfort of your computer screen.
41. Don't worry....they are warming up the planes to bomb Iran
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.03.08)
as we speak. Iran is toast.....with a little bit of eggs....and so forth and so on. We haven't forgotten about iran.
42. World Citizen did a lot of drugs when he was younger.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.03.08)
He might still be using....we aren't to sure about his harmony with the Persians. Peace...Love.....Flowers....Hade Ashbury.......heck that was the 60's world citizen......now we know you are on drugs.
43. to 26
amal ,   jerusalem   (09.03.08)
thank you for share or thank you leave israil alone ..............i think sometimes you need the second thank you
44. #36 Jake -Calm Down Before You Have a Coronary
World Citizen ,   the world   (09.02.08)
So I'm wrong about everthing huh? I guess the US is swimming in gold (not fiat currency)? Everything is going swell for them in Iraq and Afghanistan? The US has all the oil and the Russians and Iranians have none? And Israel is not acting in a self destructive way? These are just the delusions of Jew hating anti-semite you say? Well then there must be a lot of us. You can read any number of anti-semites daring to question the foreign policies of the Israeli government. You see calling us those names doesn't scare us anymore. those names have been used so many times it has no effect. That is just one facit of the new paradigm I mentioned. Soon the world will be turned upside down. Make sure you are holding on lest you fall off.
45. Re: #15
Thundercloud65 ,   Oklahoma City USA   (09.03.08)
First Ruvy, Georgia attacked an enclave known to be supported and garrisoned with Russian troops, so yeah if you are that stupid don't expect America to add to your stupidity by enlarging the conflict. Second, I welcome the day when America no longer feels a morale obligation to financially support ungrateful parasite nations that endanger our citizens through their policies. Our support of such as you has made us targets with very little in return. Not an alliance to go down in the history books for sure.
46. 35# Are you just stupid or what?
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.03.08)
Do you and Charlie Sheen know how long it would take to prep the twin towers for an explosion, to drop both towers? Months! And everyone would notice it. The jet fuel superheated the steel beams, which let the upper floors collapse, and start a domino effect, with its weight falling on floor after floor, all the way down to the buildings substructure. These fantasies you live by, only come from real good drugs. Or are Canadians really this friggin stupid. CIA and Mossad did it....Live at Five. Canadian Style News you can believe.....but only if you're high.
47. #s 37,39, 40, 46, You guys are liars
Rich ,   Toronto, Canada   (09.03.08)
and misinformers of the truth. What do you have to gain by lying? If Jews will lie to each other, what does that say about moral integrity on the home front? There is none. The hateful talk coming from you people does not bode well for the good Jews in Israel.
48. Rich #47
Brod ,   USA   (09.03.08)
You sound more like an Islamist-Jihadist living in Canada than an Anglo-Saxon.
49. #44 You are a World Caliphate Citizen
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (09.04.08)
masquerading as an uninterested party until you gain full control and then all your talk about human rights is out the window
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