US: Jewish Army trainee says he was beaten
Associated Press
Published: 03.10.08, 20:28
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40 Talkbacks for this article
31. This recruit was stupid, he got into a public
Buick from Boca ,   USofA   (10.04.08)
pissing contest with a boot camp drill instructor. The item of contention doesn't matter. It could have been sunglasses, a girlfriend's panties, a keffiya, an old teddy bear, or a favorite security blanket. The bottom line... the kid didn't take an order, shitcan the wuss.
32. Cocaine and steroids has destroyed the youth in my country
Jerry Dutko ,   Bradford USA   (10.04.08)
Trash people who are jealous of the Jews. They may get in our army but you will NOT find them in the Pennsylvania State Police.
33. #23 A request for Jackie from Florida
Logic ,   Israel   (10.05.08)
Can you please post (i.e. retype or scan) some of his WWI diary entries on a blog or website? I and plenty of other history buffs would be THRILLED to read about his thoughts and experiences during the Great War. It would serve as a learning aid, a record of Jewish military efforts, and a permanent historical record instead of collecting dust.
34. Getting beaten up in boot camp is part of the experience.
Rivkah   (10.05.08)
At US Marine boot camp at San Diego the recruits are harassed and bullied incessantly by everyone it seems for the first week. THEN the new recruits are told to unbutton the top button of their battle dress fatigues and are told the reason everyong bullied them was because the top button unopened was the signal for them to do that. Then they get to do that to the next class of recruits who come in with the top button buttoned up. In the Russian Army, people are typically beaten to near death, to toughen them up. I remember the good old days when senior enlisted wailed the tar out of insubordinate juniors until Admiral Zumwalt made the US Navy more humane with his Z-Grams. Now there is little command and control with everyone trembling in fear of a word misspoken that will result in a court martial and career ruin. Oh, please, Mr. Private, won't you stand watch tonight if it doesn't interfere with your social life too much...It is sickening. It used to be a three section watch (16 hour shift every three days on shore duty), so sailors were ready for war at all times and were tough enough to take it. Now, it is 9 to 5 or I'll tell my Mommy.
35. 33 Logic: You might like these US Navy stories of Jews...
Rivkah   (10.05.08)
A Polish Jew named Pischek was picked on until he changed his last name to Arnold. He stayed in the Navy and became a Chief and his son Anthony Arnold became an O5 or O6 in the Medical Service Corps long after that. Solomon Pflugg got picked on and could not get promoted to Captain in the US Navy Medical Service Corps until he changed his last name to Flagg.
36. wait a minute here lol
incidents are not allowed by G-d, they are allowed by those humans whoa re in charge
37. antisemitism is alive and well
and that makes her right ?
38.  dejavu
i can't believe things liek that still happen in the us, my grqandmother said during ww2, that she would apply for job, under her real jewish name, and then apply for it with the same qualifications, on always only get the job , with the gentile name
39. Full of crap
jana   (10.07.08)
My husband is at basic training right now, in the same platoon as Pvt Handman, and he says this is all a lie. . They were battle buddies before Pvt Handman left from basic training. My husband had told me in his letters about pvt handman long before this incident; that he was not made out for the army and was looking for a way to get out. Men are men and another pvt and handman got into a fight for completely different reasons.
40. My Navy/Jew story (It's funny.)
Yishai ,   Florida   (10.12.08)
When I was in Navy boot camp one of my Recruit Drill Commanders (drill instructors) told everybody to take out their dog tags. He walked up and down the ranks looking at them all. When he finally got to me he said "HOLY SH!T, YOU'RE A JEW!?!" I replied, "YES PETTY OFFICER!" He said, "JESUS WAS JEWISH RIGHT!?!" "YES PETTY OFFICER!" I replied. "THEN WHAT'S THE PROBLEM!?!" He asked. Not knowing in what context he was asking me, beside the fact that I was in boot camp, I replied, "IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM PETTY OFFICER!" He laughed his ass off, and this guy never cracked a hint of a smile. That's one of my only incidents in the Navy other than the time a stupid redneck called me 'Jewboy" and I smashed his face into the side of his giant pickup truck.
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