'Jewish banks masterminded crisis'
Yonit Mozes
Published: 21.10.08, 20:26
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31. #24
i must commend you. your response to all these anti semites was brilliant. it defies logic that in our modern times and decades after the holocaust, pogroms and the elders of zion brochures, some nut jobs still believe in this far gone mystic jewish power over life and death. i believe this power they attribute to jews is a direct result of jealousy, intimidation, insecurity and a total dissatisfaction with one's life. when people are down and out and when they experience financial problems, it is always safe to point a finger at a common target instead of looking at the general picture of most of the contributors to our financial woes. the jew in history has always been the culprit and the accused, no matter if it was untrue or they never contributed anything to a disaster. it is a shame that in this dqay and age such anti semetic blah blah still exists. most of those who may have caused this financial collapse were not jews! and most of american money, billions and millions, is not in jewish hands. to begrudge jews for being financially successful because of hard honest work is anti semetic. to fault jews for their success is anti semetic. to accuse jews for anyone's tragedies is also anti semetic. it is amazing how much power people give a certain nation or religion that is only a minute percentage of the world's population. i wonder who will blame arabs who hold the world's greatest riches. could it perhaps be the arabs who are conspiring to bring down america? go figure!
32. #23 When a schmuck talks
Eli ,   United States   (10.22.08)
Funny that you should use the words magic and gullible, being that you come from a place (salem Mass.) Where they held the witch trials. You must have deep roots in that stupidity.
33. First people blame God, then they blame the Jews
Rivkah   (10.22.08)
to upset God. Zechariah the Prophet said the Messiah is coming at Armageddon to judge the nations for how they treated the Jews. So I don't think it sets well with the Lord to make the Jews scapegoats for problems created by sins of people and nations. Lee Bellinger's "American Sentenel Report" said there is so much personal refusal to be accountable that nearly 60 per cent of the housing foreclosures are from people who have jobs who can pay their mortgages but choose to stiff the banks because the value of the house fell. People are not trustworthy and its not just the Wall Street bankers who are the problem. Why are people so dishonest en masse? God and the Ten Commandments were taken out of the schools and courthouses. People grew up not understanding right from wrong and no one teaching most of them. Jews are such a small minority of people in the world, they could not possibly account for that much sin.
34. OK, lets all just admit it...
Daniel ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.22.08)
Its a huge conspiracy, and lets just admit that we Jews are actually ruling the world- I can't take all this secrecy anymore! Its great to be able to cut to the front of the line at banks and restaurants. Having to attend those World Bank and IMF closed meetings every week is a little tiresome, but at least we get to stick it to the Goyim! And the perks are fantastic, like traveling around in black helicopters, those frothy Christian and Muslim baby-blood martinis and all the hobnobing with world renown celebrities like Bill Gates and Bill Clinton (oh, you didn't know he was Jewish?) -and the supreme joy of not returning George Bush's phone calls. That tawdry bitch is such a whiner...
35. A thorough response to #14, #15, and #19
Tahl ,   Israel   (10.22.08)
#14 - The Jewish bankers worldwide have suffered greatly from this crisis. What sort of a "conspiracy" is that, to make themselves miserable? Also, harldy all bankers are Jews - the Jews certainly don't block any able-minded, intelligent gentiles from becoming bankers themselves. A good example of a terrible, irresponsible banker is the one who owned Bear-Stearns, Not a Jew. Also, the bankers in Iceland made the worst financial strategies and caused their entire country to become bankrupt right now. Of course none of them is Jewish. #15 - It looks like you haven't read the article here, or ignored its main point, and chose to respond on what you felt like. The discussion here has actually nothing to do with anti-Zionism. Rather, the article discusses pure, classic, old-school Antisemetic libels, that "Jews control the world" and even worse, that the world economic crisis is because Jews care for each others on expense of the gentiles. The fact that so many antisemites (or Jew-haters) now use the word "Zionist" is simply because it is a rather "clean", political-correct term, which paints the hate of Jews in a political camouflage which doesn't sound as racist as saying "Jew". But for all practical purposes, the meaning of "Jew" and "Zionist" to these people, is the same. However in reality, Zionism has NOTHING to do with these accusations we see here, as Zionism is simply the ideology that promised the land of Israel to the Jews. It would've been understandable had all the "anti-Zionists" blamed the Zionists on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But instead, the so-called "anti-Zionists" blame the world's Jews, mostly those who are not even related to Israel, on the world's economic crises, which as I said, have nothing to do with Zionism. Hence, your post is way off-base here. As for your sentence, "nothing wrong with being jewish, muslim, christian, but when those same people think they are the chosen few and all other people are below them" - you may mention the three main religions, but your real intention here is to say Jews. Well first, most Jews don't see themselves as superior. Second, even those who do, view this on a moral basis ("Or Lagoyim") and do not use this to do something against anyone else. In contrast to extreme Muslims who wage holy, bloody Jihad against the infidels, or Christian missionaries who try to convert the whole world to Christianity, and in some cases in the past, using torture and death threats. #19 - the Jews in the Federal Reserve do not control the banks, only the national fiscal policies, such as setting the interest rate. No one in the Federal Reserve advised the stupid bankers to give so much credit for people with questionable means of return. This is simply the American greed characteristic. Also, the Jews in the American economy did help it boom in the good years, only it's easy to remember them only when times go sour.
36. This just proves that all jews have to make aliya
Yerushalmi ,   Jerusalem   (10.22.08)
...and, of course, bring all of their assets to Israel. If they don't, survivors will end up suing swiss banks. Get out while you can. They will kill you all. Nazism wasn't an exception, but the rule itself. GET OUT NOW!!!!
37. Well, it would seem that anti-"zionists" have
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (10.22.08)
come out of the woodwork. 23, 20, 19, 18, 14... At least some are more honest than others, not trying to hide behind the "anti-zionist" label. Even the Ku-Klux-Klan have been using the word Zionism in their racist drivel. Newsflash, folks! Rewriting old anti-semitic hate drivel with the word "zionist" doesn't protect you. You're still saying that a Jewish cabal rules the world - only now it has some Christian friends. And really, not *all* Jews drink blood, only a few did, right? *eyeroll*
38. # 20
Bill ,   US   (10.22.08)
Don't insult our intelligence by telling us that when people refer to "Zionist" bankers they don't really mean Jewish bankers.
39. Well if Israel is so smart?
Tim ,   USA   (10.22.08)
And SOOOOOOO business wise? I guess they donot need any more of Our US Tax dollars. FAIR ENOUGH?
40. Your article
cg ,   ann arbor mi   (10.22.08)
I fail to see any actual denial or refutation of the claims of the so called anti-semites. Where's your proof they are wrong? I only see you don't like what they say - more proof to me of your desire to squash any truth that may out you.
41. Anti-Semites create Zionists.
Nick Sporek ,   Jerusalem Israel   (10.22.08)
Gee, I thought that it was the rising oil prises as well as people spending money that they don't have, along with global instability caused by Islamic terrorist that made the market what it is today. Oil makes the world go round, not diamonds.
42. #9: I think you missed the word "not" in my talkback
Global Citizen ,   Israel & USA   (10.22.08)
You are 100% correct - sorry my post did not make that clear
43. #39
Yerushalmi ,   Jerusalem   (10.22.08)
Fair enough. Actually in late 90es, netanyahu started a process to stop american military aid, we sure can do without it, and diplomatic price we have to pay for it is higher then the profit, but Clinton pressured him not to do it. I am sure israel can do better buying eurofighters for their market price instead of F-35 with F-22 price tag...
44. #40: If it weren't for the Jews
Global Citizen ,   Israel & USA   (10.22.08)
you wouldn't have a pot to piss in. All the culprits who caused this crash were non-Jews who bastardized the working systems the Jews set up to enable ignorants like you to get free money.
45. # 15 Guy in Burlington
Bill ,   US   (10.22.08)
Your interpration of the phrase "chosen people" is moronic. It doesn't entail anything beyond meaning chosen to receive the Torah. I don't see why a non-Jew would care.
46. #40
Elianah ,   Ramat HaSharon, IL   (10.22.08)
How do you deny something that is clearly a crazy and groundless accusation? You're suggesting that there's some sort of equal standing between these ridiculous accusations and truth. How do you refute something when any evidence to the contrary is dismissed as being part of the coverup and the conspiracy? If I insist that the sky is green with pink polka dots, would you even think it was necessary to prove me wrong? And, how would you prove me wrong if I were positively convinced that the sky is green with pink polka dots and that anyone who said otherwise was part of a vast Zionist conspiracy. You'd bring in photos of a blue sky and I'd dismiss them as fabrications and falsifications, as you trying to cover yourself in more lies. Likewise I could be convinced that YOU personally control global finance. How would you prove me wrong? With accusations this ridiculous, would you even feel a need to prove me wrong? So, #40, where's your proof that the sky is blue? That you don't control global finance? There are Jews in finance but they are by no means the majority and there is not some secret Zionist/Jewish global economic cabal.
47. What do jews and muslims have in common?
Benjamin Dover ,   U.S.   (10.22.08)
ONE word!!! AMEN, or how it was pronounced in Pharonic times AMON, or AMUN since vowels were interchangeable. AMEN is the most spoken word in human language... Native Americans believed that the more a persons name is said, the more powerful they will become... Public Relations experts agree... "NO such thing as bad publicity, as long as they spell your name right" Amen is a pagan god believed to have all sorts of funky mystical powers, and is literally known as the "Hidden one" Both religions sprang from different versions of what was originally known as "The Cult of Amen" which did, and has guarded certain knowledge since then...... People who are aware of this knowledge, and much more compiled over the years, that has been passed down, are known as the Illuminati or "Illuminated ones" They are considered to be human gods, and as per their actions... They act like gods, killing Millions of ethnic russians during WWI and WWII was the half-Hebrew Occultist Hitler, who was the darkest manifestation of these evil minds. killing hundreds of thousands of innocent non-jews in Israel, was Occultist George Bush!! see: Bohemian grove and next you have Obama who is using Neuro-Linguistic programming and his family ties with Dick Cheney(which his wife happily admits here) " the case for NLP is here YES, THESE elitist or freemason's or whatever magical and ever growing membership clubs that they fund or control.... U.N., C.F.R, the world bank, federal reserve, ..... ARE RULING the world, through these fronts Remember in LORD OF THE RINGS... The all seeing eye, of SERAMON!! JUST like the one on the 1$ IN REALITY that EYE, IS THE ALL SEEING EYE OF SOLOMON(SONS OF AMUN) or the illuminati... if people would only listen to the message Tolkien is sending!!! OR the eye could also be personified as KNOWLEDGE, LIGHT, WHICH IS WHAT KNOWLEDGE IS IN IT"S PUREST FORM.... or also your THIRD EYE!! These sadist are all too happy to leave hints, or slips, to the knowing eyes.. Many people in Christianity know this principle in LUCIFERISM as "hidden in plain view". This usually causes one who tries to speak out seemingly "crazy" or "irrational" because the reality is so far fetched from what is perceived as true.... Oh yes these are the dark spirits who use deceptions through knowledge, math, language, the arts, science to weave webs of deceit. all the while pointing out to those who know these, who their owner is.... want the full story!!! this starts in the future and works it's way back, and is not merely the basis for what i speak, which is based on much more than a youtube video but i can logically say... it's all true BECAUSE I AM A PAGAN MYSELF, i'm also an AMERICAN, and a son, and a decent human, who does not play try to PLAY GOD!!! If you've come this far just check it out!!! BUT REMEMBER ONCE YOU GO DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE...............
48. Hitler's War Against the Jews Continues
Mark ,   Boston   (10.22.08)
Hitler died but the war against the Jews is stronger then ever.
49. #19: I find your ignorance of economic systems reassuring
Shar ,   California   (10.22.08)
The fact that hatemongers like you don't understand how easy it is to cannibalize and undermine a free system means you're too lame to do it. Unless, of course, you're one of the many, many NON-Jews who are responsible for recent financial events, and you're here as some idiotic cover-up.
david   (10.22.08)
it's all about jealousy. surely jews excell in every field and that does make us the appropriate scapegoat. anyway, judaism should open itself to conversion more.
51. Zionist Bankers
Someone ,   Greensboro, USA   (10.22.08)
I don't understand the point of this article. Are you denying that what the blogs, especially "", say is true. I think that this rag is just a disinformation outlet. For whom do you work? The Mossad or the CIA? It makes no difference those organizations are in bed together. Do you r whining on your own time. Oh, this is your time. Silly me.
52. anti zionist speech
fred ,   chattanooga,USA   (10.22.08)
It's very easy to call someone a liar, or to defame them in your rant, but, where is your proof? documentation? gets worldwide news feeds and presents all sides of an argument. You, on the other hand, choose to use only lies and inuendo. Come on, do you think that anyone actually believes your bull any more?
53. #42, you're right, I apologise.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (10.22.08)
My mistake, should have reread the reply to make sure.
54. #35
Chucky ,   Olney, USA   (10.22.08)
Your views are one-sided, and misleading. Unless and until Israel stops it's genocidal war against Palestinians, many people will continue to blame jews for all the worlds ills. Your kneejerk reaction is to quickly cry Antisemite at every little thing that doesn't go your way. Israeli influence in U.S. affairs is off the chart, and frankly I see nothing positive done on behalf of the U.S. by Israel. One day we'll convince our leaders that the goyim have been duped by the Talmud reading Zionist pukes who are supposed to be "our best friends". Once the Christians find out what you really think of them, your party is over.
55. #47
Salvador ,   Here, Planet Earth   (10.22.08)
Jews and muslims have one thing in common more than anything else: Talking about the past. Muslims talk about the naqba and the crusades, jews talk about WW2, the holocaust, and mediaval persecution. They do it over and over and over again, generation after generation after generation.....
56. Jeff Rense blames Zionists
Mark ,   Boston   (10.22.08)
He claims the Zionists control world media and questions the truth of the Holocaust. He spreads hate and lies.
57. #47
BD ,   U.S.   (10.22.08)
History has everything to do with where we are now, here on this earth :) all of us, all of our prejudices, and all of our passions... Now if everybody knew the true history... then the present might be different. everybody knows the victors write the history books. To quote a man of great Integrity who just happens to have been jewish "All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." Albert Einstein
58. # 23 The blame lies closer to Home
larry ,   zefat Israel   (10.22.08)
Don't like the credit crunch? Try blaming your Fool of a president ,good ol' George Dubbya for the ruin of American,and by extension the world economy.After all,there is a sign on his Desk saying "The Buck Stops HERE".If you persist in blaming the jews for everything ,we will in the end give you a very good reason to blame us ,cappiche?
59. # 23 and # 40 Leave it to Professionals.
larry ,   zefat Israel   (10.22.08)
If ,indeed,you are both correct and jews control the Worlds Banks then you will be better off.After all,the money will be in the hands of Professionals.You can then sleep soundly and peacefully at nights in the comfortable knowledge that your money is being handled by those who know what they are doing.The other possibility of course is simply that your President Bush,with all due respect ,is truly incompetent in all that he handles ,domestic and foreign .Please feel free to blame the jews if it makes you feel better , we are here to serve.
60. # 52 Rense presents all sides of an argument?
Has he changed his format in the last 5 minutes?
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