US will continue to lead
Ofir Haivry
Published: 30.10.08, 17:41
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1. Why thank ye, Mr. Haivry
Cameron ,   USA   (10.30.08)
You spoke some truth. All the whining & spite on the planet will not alter the reality & presence of the US. We are here today, and we will be here tomorrow.
2. And if Obama wins?
redmike ,   Tel Aviv   (10.30.08)
I went to bed thinking about the 30 minute infomercial that aired across network and cable television last night and woke up believing that I finally understood what Obama really wants. He doesn’t want to be just another President of the United States and he really does want to bring about enormous changes! If elected, he would want to reign like Putin! Very few Americans understand what life under a Putin like regime would be like but members of the “New Party” that helped Obama and others to rise through the political ranks know exactly what it means and they have worked for years to bring about its implementation. Russia supposedly has Democracy and most Russians will tell you that they have one, but did the power behind the throne change when Dmitry Medvedev was elected last March? In 1787 a Scottish professor by the name of Alexander Fraser Tyler wrote about the fall of the Athenian Republic which occurred more than 2000 years ago. "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship." "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith From spiritual faith to great courage From courage to liberty From liberty to abundance From abundance to complacency From complacency to apathy From apathy to dependence From dependence back again into bondage”. Do his words signal the end of a cycle for America? Mike http://obamalikeputin.notlong.com
3. Nope
Stu ,   west sussex, england   (10.30.08)
Wrong I am afraid, the usa is headed for a terrible downturn both financially and socially. Watch the Dollar in the coming months.
4. USA will still "lead" - off the cliff!
marlene ,   Philadelphia, USA   (10.30.08)
Lead? Yeah, right to armageddon. "This way please." - appease, send money, deny and do nothing.
5. redmike insight
Michael ,   Seattle   (10.30.08)
Your postings are always insightful.
6. God is greater
Salam ,   Palestine   (10.30.08)
Not America, and not anyone else.
7. America is finished!
Rich ,   Toronto, Canada   (10.30.08)
Now people in other parts of the world will get an opportunity to live good.
8. usa will continue to lead? don't be silly
yahn goodey   (10.30.08)
as soon as obama turns the usa into north america's version of zimbabwe what nation in its right mind would ever follow the usa again? goodbye america---you will soon now find out what it is like to live under olmert's twin brother hussein obama ?
9. America will survive curret political upheaval.
David Powell ,   Everett, Wa. USA   (10.31.08)
To #7 Rich in Toronto. What do you suggest . redistribution of wealth to all parts of the world. Why don't you put your money where your mouth. I wouldn't have anything to do with your failed government health system. America is not finished. We are now just getting started. To #8 Yahn have faith and be of good cheer, Obama is not going to be the next president. He is going down in spite of his national dog and pony show last night.Obama is a failure.
10. Britain continued to lead long after its world power
Rivkah   (10.31.08)
status diminished. Sadly, the prophecies in the Bible indicate that America will collapse after a war with Iran. America will become four nations: a lion, a leopard, a bear, and a seven headed, ten horned beast. Possibly those beasts refer to Germany, Red China, Russia, and the UN. The UN sits on seven heads or land masses (continents) and has divided the world into ten regions. Germany has bases in America in New Mexico (Holloman AFB in Alamagordo), half of Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, and a high command in Virginia as well as Luftwaffe pilots flying cover from air bases with American flags at the gates since the US government does not trust American pilots to shoot down hijacked airliners. Many nuclear warheads went missing this year from USAF bases and the Germans may have them. The Prophet Nahum said the Lord will use Assyrians (anciently they migrated to Germany) to attack Israel. Israel is America and Britain and the British Commonwealth, not Judah in the Middle East known as Israel. Manasseh (America) and Ephraim (Britain and Commonwealth) are about to get judged for sins unless they repent in a hurry. After Germany nukes "Israel" which is America and the British Commonwealth in revenge for WWII to establish the Fourth Reich, Russia and Red China will crush Germany so that it never attacks another nation, Nahum says.
11. 7 Rich: When America is attacked, Canada will be, too.
Rivkah   (10.31.08)
The Prophet Nahum says Assyrians (who migrated to Germany) will attack Israel. Israel in the Middle East is Judah, not Israel in the Bible. The Israel that will be attacked is Manasseh (USA) and Ephraim (Britain and the British Commonwealth). Germany wants to form a Fourth Reich and get revenge for WWII. It will get rather nasty since many nuclear warheads went missing from USAF arsenals this year and the USAF Chief of Staff got fired over that. Germans in America may have them since the German flag is flying over some bases like Hollomon Air Force Base in Alamagordo, New Mexico. The Germans have half of Fort Bliss, in El Paso, Texas; and the Germans have a high military command in Virginia. When I drove from California to Colorado a year ago to visit a sick girlfriend, all the people including the clerks at the hotels I stayed at spoke German or were German. Same at restaurants I stopped at. It was shocking. That was northern Arizona and southern Colorado. Something is coming to pass. And then Russia just claimed the North Pole area and wants Alaska and Canada for mineral resources and fresh water supplies. Believe me, when America collapses from invasion or nuclear attacks or economic collapse, the rest of the world will suffer, too. Germany is about to trigger WWIII, a worldwide nuclear holocaust in a chain reaction of nations. Nuclear winter will follow for months and crops will not grow in the darkness. There will be worldwide famine and disease and wars and deaths from battles. Entire cities will disappear as well as nations. Few people will be left alive to fight at Armageddon which comes after all that. If you think that will be living good, consider the pole shift that is imminent, too.
12. 3# knows the truth.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (10.31.08)
How can a country spend its way out of bankruptcy? We print fiat money to pay for the debts that we cannot afford. We will eventually hyperinflate when the cat gets out of the bag.
13. #7
be careful what you wish for. don't you know that IT IS BECAUSE OF AMERICAN AID THAT THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES SURVIVED TILL NOW? if america goes down, so will tons of countries that depend on her for aid and military help. so, how will these countries live good, as you say?
14. 10 cont'd: The reason I think "he who tears in pieces" that
Rivkah   (10.31.08)
Nahum mentions as the attacker on the Assyrians (Germans) who attack Israel in the latter days is Russia and Red China is that the communist method of operation in subduing a country is so brutal that "he who tears in pieces" is probably referring to communist countries or a particular communist country. Russians were so barbaric in attacks on German women in WWII, the women would ask to be killed. Gang rape and biting off the women's breasts was standard from what I have been told by women whose aunts and mothers and grandmothers were there. Germany will be so subdued, they will not attack another nation...ever. .
15. 13: America has given its surplus grain to other countries
Rivkah   (10.31.08)
and has little left for America if things get bad here. America is described in Daniel in the Bible as having a heart since the plucked wings from the lion indicate the separation of Britain and America in the Revolutionary War. Nations are described as beasts in the Bible. Only America is described as a beast with a heart. The world will miss that heart when America is gone. Perhaps that is why so many people in so many nations have propped up the US dollar, delaying the fall of the US economy by putting their savings into US dollars. They trust the American government and people to help others and to bring a blessing when that is possible. It is the people of the world who will preserve or allow to collapse, the US dollar since it is not backed up by silver or gold. It is backed up by the confidence of billions of people who are thankful for food and gifts and military defenses and medicines no other country in the history of the world has been so generous in providing for others who are not even citizens of America or ever hope to be.
16. Thanks, Ofir!
Robert ,   New Jersey, USA   (10.31.08)
...for reminding American Ynet readers of America's exceptionalism. Despite half of this country being under the thrall of the Manchurian Candidate Obama's spell, the US is still, as former President Reagan said, "The shining city on a hill." Your opinion piece spells out the reasons. They are partially tangible and partially intangible. In a world driven by nihilism propelled by envy and ideologies anathema to freedom and Capitalism, America's enemies seem to be in ascendancy. Within this country, the possibility exists that an agent of forces inimical to our way of life has managed to fool the sleeping populace, assisted by foreign money, to reach the precipice of power. Hopefully enough Americans will soon awaken the sleeping beast within and flush this monster before he forever extinguishes the beacon of this shining city on a hill.
17. after America abandons all its allies
daniel   (10.31.08)
who will still follow America?
18. America
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (10.31.08)
All of you negative talkbackers don't seem to know Americans. Most of us plod along, buy more s--t than we need or can afford, get fat on who knows what, and don't seem to care about too much of anything, that is until our backs get slammed against some wall and we wake up to the realization that our country and way of life are at stake. We survived the Great Depression, two world wars and more bank failures than we can remember. We may fall on our faces now and then, but we always get up, brush ourselves off and do better afterwards than we did before. Looking at the history of bank failures, we'll make it through this mess, too. Whom nobody ever mentions are the ordinary people who get rich from these crises, because they were frugal and now use their money to buy those foreclosures just as fast as they can. I can't recall a single house or apartment/condo complex that was ever torn down, because nobody bought it at some point or the other, meaning when the price got right. Bank closure histories: 2000-2007: 32 1990-1999: 925 1980-1989: 2,036 1970-1979: 79 1960-1969: 44 1950-1959: 28 1940-1949: 99 1934-1939: 312 Whatever disasters we occasionally bring on ourselves, I don't see a mad rush out of the US, although all of us are free to leave. Obviously and from here, the grass doesn't look greener anywhere else. Most of those who do leave usually come back, because once you're Americanized, it's just about impossible to give it up. As Tony Blair once said, "The true value of a country is based on how many want in and how many want out," and according to that, we're doing just fine.
19. re:david powell-yes faith says all will end well
yahn goodey   (10.31.08)
but you/we might have to endure a leader that hates the usa first just like judah is presently enduring a won't go away pm that hates us also?
20. USA to Lead
Valdi ,   USA   (11.01.08)
Yes, it would be nice if America would start to lead again - in deed, there is no body yet who could lead the West, but the leadership America showed over the last decade no one needs in the future. As long as you will not find wisdom within the country, the will be no leadership internationaly.
21. How Will Jews control China
John ,   LA   (11.01.08)
When China does become the most powerful country, how will the jews control it? Is it not as difficult as it looks? please help me out, i'm really intereseted
22. to all you not so well wishers...
DANNY ,   America   (11.01.08)
There is only one thing in my opinion that will put an end to Americas Greatness. That is the Rapture of the Christian Church. Islam will see it's answer to obtaining world dominance and will plunge headlong into that trap laid before the foundation of the world, in trying to remove Israel from the Land God Swore to give them. Like fish on a hook they will come... Sorry Israel the USA will no longer be supporting you and hard times are ahead, But remember God has you as the apple of His eyes and He will preform all He has Promised.
23. it is not in one day or one night
hania ,   jerusalem   (11.01.08)
the openion is still what the one think it is not the true or the tight idea ... sure the bellieve has a role in our openion mainly in our philosophy .. god say in the anciant people destruction was in one day or three days or six days but i think after moses the destruction is by the time but the base is the same corruption leads to destruction but the time is not in our calculations .this is from the believe not the openion
24. 21 John: They will learn that catastrophic weather judgments
Rivkah   (11.01.08)
will happen if they mistreat Israel as assessed in the book by John McTernon, "As America Has Done to Israel." But like the USA, Red China and a few other Far East nations will not learn and will send a 200 million man army to the Middle East, the book of Revelation warns, if Red China is one of the kings of the East which it must be. That massive army will be destroyed along with the armies of the Anti-Christ in the Valley of Jehosephat at Armageddon when their blood will be to the horses' bridle. Horses and soldiers walking may be an indication of what life will be like after World War III. Before that, Russia and Moslem nations listed in Ezekiel chapter 38 will attack on horses. Right now, the WEU is forming cavalries that can invade without being detected by radar. The WEU is the military arm of ten nations of the European Union which has many more nations than that in total. But only ten are involved in the military aspects which includes Germany which should stand up the hackles on anyone's neck. Many nuclear warheads went missing from USAF arsenals this year (USAF Chief of Staff was fired) and German Luftwaffe and military bases in the USA may have them. Yes, there are military bases in America with a German flag at the gate! The Fourth Reich is rising and some scholars believe Germany is about to trigger World War III by attacking Israel (USA, Britain, British Commonwealth, and possibly Judah which is Israel in the Middle East.) Red China will meet its Waterloo at Armageddon.
25. What will the US continue to lead an to where?
redmike ,   Tel Aviv   (11.01.08)
The US is financially bankrupt and European countries are printing more and more money, and we have yet to see the negative effects. The US economy was built on debt and it collapsed and you now have the insane reality of companies like GM losing money on every car they make. The US has no influence over Iran and other terror states and if Obama gets elected he will not want to lead in the same way as previous presidents. He has provable communist and jihad connections at the highest levels and the following contain facts and not slurs. http://jihadconnection.notlong.com/ http://obamafarleft.notlong.com What will the US lead? A Europe that will soon have Muslim majorities? Venezuela? OPEC? We know that leftist journalists outnumber the rightest ones by around fifty five to one but they still had a job to do and they didn't do it. There is even a letter in Forbes today entitled 'A Message From The Mainstream Media' wherein the journalist expresses remorse that he and his colleagues failed to do their job. Ofir Haivry makes no mention of where a man like Obama will attempt to lead the 'world' but the question begs an answer. And as for America maintaining its 'charateristics' take a look at this .. http://fairnessdoctrine.notlong.com/ Mike
26. 7 Rich cont'd: Retired US Army Colonel Elmer Jim Ammerman of
Rivkah   (11.01.08)
Dallas, Texas, said in a speech to the Prophecy Club of Topeka, Kansas, you can purchase (The Imminent Military Takeover of the USA) that a US Senator told him that there are a million foreign troops in CANADA, three million foreign troops in America, and one million foreign troops in Mexico; but that the Senate was "keeping an eye on it". Ammerman nearly fell off his chair. When Germany (called Assyria in the book of Nahum in the Bible) attacks Israel (America, Britain and British Commonwealth), there are FIVE MILLION FOREIGN TROOPS mostly from European Union nations IN NORTH AMERICA! who will mop up and take over North America after cities are nuked. This is real. And THEN there are the prepositioned troops and terrorist cells from many nations already in America with the Islamics having Pakistani nuclear weapons that are in America now and that radical Islamic websites are saying are about to be exploded in American cities like New York City, Washington, D.C., Miami, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Paint your home with NO BURN PAINT and put rolling metal shutters from QMI on the inside of doors and windows...NOW. Sunrider has a meal replacement called Vitashake you can mix with a glass of water. Put 300 gallon backup water tanks in your garage with spigots at the base. Put 75 gallon back up water tanks in the attic connected to faucets and toilets. Put ten drops per gallon of water into the holding tanks in the garage to keep the water bacteria free for ten to 15 years. Isaiah 26:20 says to go into your chambers and stay there until indignation is overpast when the world will no more bury its dead. Watch always and pray that you will be found worthy to escape the things that will come to pass.
27. to rivkah
yaron ,   california   (11.02.08)
please start taking your meds again. you're sounding dangerously delusional. a good day and life to all
28. 26 Rich, cont'd: The Vitamin O stabilized liquid oxygen is
Rivkah   (11.02.08)
what should be put into tanks that hold water to keep it bacteria free for many years if the water just sits there. It is ten drops per gallon. The least expensive I have found is at www.rgarden.com .
29. 27 Yaron: The Lord rebuke you.
Rivkah   (11.02.08)
30. 18 M. Hartley: Good post, but the critical time of
Rivkah   (11.02.08)
reference would be the number of banks that closed in 1929 and 1933 which are not listed. The stock market crash was in 1929 and the Great Depression began in 1933. Comparing what is happening now to any other time in history is not as relevant as the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of 1933. A third of the people in the country were out of work in the Great Depression.
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