European politicians sail to Gaza
Published: 07.11.08, 21:14
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38 Talkbacks for this article
31. No 4: its ignorant rightwingers are really dumb
Kim ,   Australia   (11.08.08)
If it wasn't so serious it would be tempting to just laugh at ignorant, bigoted and racist right wing Zionist such as commentator No 4. from the USA. Firstly, No 4, there is no "oil" in Gaza, so they have no oil to trade. Secondly, Israel is carrying out a siege of Gaza, so even if there was oil, they would not be able to trade it because Israel is blockading the regioin and refusing to allow trade in and out. Thirdly, there is now massive unemployment in Gaza because of the siege. Everything from the building industry to agribusiness has been forced to close. Israel gunships patrol the sea and fire on fishing ships, devasting the fishing industry. Fourthly, Israel as a signtory to the 4th Geneva convention and other human rights conventions is responsible for Gaza. Fifthly, "collective punishment" is a war crime under this conventions which Israel has signed, so it is illegal for Israel collectively punish the population of Gaza by cutting electricity, fuel which impact on water pumping etc.
32. Congratulations Free Gaza Movement! You're an inspiration!
Kim ,   Australia   (11.08.08)
Once again, congratulations to the incrediable activists of the Free Gaza Movement. If we want to really be inspired by people who can change the world, then we should be looking to the heroes of the Free Gaza Movement. Its them who will change the world, not Barak Obama, John McCain or any other simpering politican.
33. UK MP Claire Short
simon ,   London   (11.08.08)
This person stands up in public and suggests that Israel has forfited the right to exist. This person returning from Israel made statements that Israel gasses Palestinians but then had to retract her baseless comments. Claire Short would never let the truth get in the way of her hate for the Jewish State
34. “Poor inhabitant of Gaza”.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (11.08.08)
When Israel pulled out of Gaza, the world waited to see what the Palestinians would make of it, as a prelude to their having a full state including the West Bank. The first thing the Palestinians did was smash all the greenhouses the settlers had built, instead of using them to aid their economy. Then they turned Gaza into a mini-terror state, launching a war against Israel that continues to this day. And now they wonder why life in Gaza is so wretched, when it could have flourished. To those who say we should not isolate Hamas: Hamas isolated itself, with its aggression not only against Israel but also against other Palestinians. When the aggression will stop, the isolation will stop. But the aggression will never stop as long as Palestinian extremists continue to enjoy support from their self-righteous cheering section, which has chapters all over the world and in many universities and trade unions as explained at :
35. 31 - how is it a siege? they have a border with egypt
facts are fun ,   tel aviv   (11.08.08)
While I concede that Gazans have no oil, what they DO have is a border with an independent Arab nation, NOT controlled by Israel, who purports to support their struggle. Why, then, can they not export and import via Egypt? Is it because Egypt has gotten angry at their weapons' smuggling as well? Additionally, the smuggling is able to get explosives and guns into Gaza, but magically not medicine. Can you explain how it is Israels' fault that the Palestinians choose to import guns rather than butter. Finally, why is Israel responsible for providing electricity and fuel to Gaza? The Gazans called for autonomy (hence the disengagement). Do other autonomous regions receive fuel from groups with whom they are at war? No, if other autonomous regions receive anything at all, it's from the international community. But, hey, let's notice that the Palestinians get more int'l aid than all other refugee groups in the world COMBINED. So why can't they use that money to buy fuel? Oh, right, because they're too busy buying rockets to launch at Israeli CIVILIANS. Rationally, explain to me how the Gazans are blameless in this scenario. Try it. The operative word here is rationally, which might make it harder for you.
36. #35 They do have oil off the coast.
Vlad ,   USA   (11.08.08)
However, in their never-ending desire to kill more innocent Jews they are hardly interested in building the new society.
37. The most needed health items
Raphael ,   Netanya   (11.08.08)
needed in Gaza: CONDOMS. Did the naval Euroclowns bring some?
38. Good job Politicians!
Bhaskar Mittal ,   Canada   (11.08.08)
But Israel, You should not waste your time. Policians must be from those parts where muslims are many. So votes can be increased. Smart Politicians!
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