Iran executes citizen convicted of spying for Israel
Dudi Cohen
Published: 22.11.08, 09:37
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31. #20
so, you claim that terrorists do not hide between women and childre. yet, you wrote in your post that the terrorists israel targeted and had to target WERE IN A BUILDING WITH WOMEN AND CHILDREN....this is what you said in your post. si, if i was to debate you logically, then you just agreed that terrorists DO USE THESE INNOCENT CIVILIAN POPULATION AS FODDER AND HUMAN SHEILD. israel on the other hand provides safety for its innocent civilians. the army doesn't go into building knowing they will be bombed by terrorists. the army operates from bases far far from israeli civilians as to minimize casualties and to never put the civilians in the line of fire....unlike what YOU SAID THE TERRORISTS DO WHEN THEY CONSISTENTLY GO INTO AND OPERATE THEIR TERROR AMONGST SCHOOL YARDS, CIVILIAN HOMES IN WHICH THEY MEET AND STORE AMMUNITATION AND EXPOLOSIVES, CIVILIAN HOMES IN WHICH THEY DIG TUNNELS UNDER THE EARTH AND STORE EXPLOSIVES, CIVILIAN HOMES ONTO WHOSE ROOFS THEY TERRORISTS DRAG CHILDREN OFF THE STREETS AND PUT THEM ON THE TERRORIST'S HOME ROOF TOP KNOWING THE IDF WILL TARGET THE BUILDING AND THAT THESE "BABIES" WILL BE DEAD. so, you said it yourself...the terrorists are inside civilian homes and know that israel will target them. why then will they endanger their brothers and sisters knowing the repercusions? because they want to. for them it is a propaganda tool to show the world that the israeli army targets civilians on purpose. doing so absolves the terrorists of their crime and responsibility regarding the tragedies they cause. life and death has no meaning in their culture. they invite death. otherwise, they won't operate right smack in civilians areas such as blowing up the american school in gaza, sending mortar shells and katyushas from school play grounds, building tunnels and storing dangerous explosives that many times exploded underneath civilian homes, calling it a work acceident, yet blaming the jews for the tragedy. if they want to fight fair, wear uniforms (according to the geneva convention rules of war. otherwise you are a terrorist and not a military person), fight against the enemy far away from the innocent civilians and make sure you never store ammunition, guns, explosives, dangerous flamable liquids right inside civilian homes, on their roofs and under the wooden boards of the home. your argument is ludicrous and benign. you show no coherence at all, but venomously blaming the targeted population in israel responding to terror.
32. 20 - sorry you can't read
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (11.23.08)
1 - didn't say who is more brave, just that terrorists are cowards for not identifying themselves (sure they dress up for their show-off parades, but for fighting they blend into the crowd and fight from there). 2 - no, your terrorists repeatedly say those things AND do them, israelis don't. 3 - no, check out your al qaeda buddies (and hizbullah in lebanon) killing civilians in iraq at a rate palestinians could only dream of. and palestinans have killed more palestinians in recent years that the israelis have imagined. 4 - israelis restrain themselves with excessive rules of engagement. for you it's a lie but, then again, you don't know the facts of what goes on here. and imagine what would happen if israel didn't restrain itself. 5 - show ONE instance when israel didn't express regret for civilian deaths. and, while you're at it, show ONE instance when your terrorists expressed regret. palestinains want "freedom" from the "brutal" occupation, why don't they seek an agreement? 6 - there's your answers. i notice your "degree of civilization" silence on all of my questions. i'm not holding my breath waiting though.
33. 20 - teach us all what civility is
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (11.23.08)
to keep it simple and short, without confusing my simple mind with complicated explanations, here's some yes/no questions for you: 1 - palestinains deliberately target civilians, yes or no. 2 - palestinians are justified in their actions against israel, yes or no. 3 - at times palestinians regret killing israeli civilians, yes or no. 4 - if israel put down her weapons, palestinians would do likewise, yes or no. 5 - hamas wants peace with israel, yes or no. 6 - hamas wants all palestinians (men women and non-muslims) to be equal and have the same rights, yes or no. 7 - palestinians killing each other is not as bad as israel killing palestinians, yes or no. 8 - building settlements is just as bad, if not worse, than suicide murder, yes or no. 9 - the aim of the PLO is to give the palestinians a homeland in the pre-1967 territories, yes or no. 10 - palestinains would do ANYTHING to get out from under the "brutal" occupation, yes or no. i'm just curious how my beliefs fall short of being as civilized as you. and since you demanded answers from less-than-zero-civilized me, not answering these simple yes/no questions is an admission by you that you're a perfectly civilized loser.
34. 20 as i expected
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (11.23.08)
loser you are.
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