UN: Support Palestinians' rights to self-determination, statehood
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Published: 24.11.08, 21:11
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31. Secretary-General failures
steve ,   london, england   (11.25.08)
Ban Ki Moon is a wimp. My GOD man! You are the Secretary-General of the UN and you pander to their outrageous claims to sovereignty over Israel's land. When will a UN Secretary-General stand up to them and condemn them for the criminals they are? The UN has spent more effort and General Assembly and Security Council time on the Middle-East than any other part of the world. None of the UN's Secretary-Generals have condemned the Palestinians as the chief culprit to blame for their failure to achieve Statehood and independence. The vast majority of Palestinians (and Arabs) want to murder Jews. It is as plain and simple as that. You are another failure as a Secretary-General if you don't make them realize that they brought the humanitarian crisis upon themselves. They have themselves to blame. If Israel had not squeezed them as we have done over Gaza the IDF would have been engaged in more and more violent retaliatory strikes against them. They have been deprived of arms and ammunition. It is because they want such things that they are not independent in a State of their own.
32. Wierd i thought their biggest failures
Danny   (11.25.08)
would be something like Darfur, Congo or Rwanda. Or possibly a country Mr Moon has heard of.... Korea.
33. ridicilous
smith   (11.25.08)
60 years of deprivation? 60 years of war started by arabs... 19 yeay of deprivation when Egypte and Jordan take control of gaza and west bank. even more: 800,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes.. yeah yeah yeah.... Does Ban Ki-moon is convert to islam?
34. Palestine Equals Auschwitz Borders
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (11.25.08)
13m Jews worldwide, and 13m arguments. Isn't it about time, that all Jews, from the most secular to the most Orthodox, from the US to Israel, unite, and stop fighting among ourselves. Then we could, with right thinking Christians, defeat people like this moron, who cannot even stop the fighting in the Congo, yet wants equality for the so-called Palis (an amalgum of former Syrians, Egyptians, and others and their offspring). I ask, why did not Arafat agree to a state at Camp David. He had it in his hands. He knew the right of return was a killing demand. Why was Hamas made a govt, knowing their stated goal, the deaths of millions of Jews and destruction of Israel? Why did the UN stop the Lebanese War, which would have taken out Hez, once and for all, freeing the Lebanese gov't and ending their seige of northern Israel? The blockade, can anyone imagine the US keeping the border open while rockets slamming into San Diego? How come the Egyptian side of the border isn't mentioned? But again, unless we Jews unite and combine, all our rhetoric is for naught. I am a proud Conservative Jew. Both parents were Jewish. I am a life-long Zionist and not ashamed to admit it. I am an activist, and pity anyone who stops me. I am a member of the NRA..and voted for McCain. I wish more Jews owned a 12 emulate David in the Bible, not 500,000 Jews that walked into the "Work Makes Free" sign overhead. Yeah, right., free to be gassed or shot, with no opposition. Hitler, Arafat, Abbas, Assad, Ahmad...all with the same intent.
35. I have questions for Ban
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.25.08)
In the time period of 1945-1948 over 25 million people because refugees. How many are considered refugees today? The answer is 7.5 million, and those are all 'Palestinians', out of the original 420,000 that the UN counted in 1948. How many of the 25 million have a right to return where they were? The same numbers as above. How many did the UN help? The same number as above. Are we seeing a pattern here? I think so.
36. A repeated lie…
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (11.25.08)
The greatest Middle Eastern success in public relations opinion-shaping in the last forty years has been the Palestinian self-definition of themselves as a separate people and as victims of Israel and the West. The entire world, it appears, has been convinced. Europeans and many Americans, not to mention members of the Muslim umma, trip over each other offering sympathy and buckets of money to the Palestinians. The United Nations makes unique arrangements for the Palestinians, and numerous UN bodies devote themselves solely to the needs of the Palestinians. And those same Europeans and Americans, and the members of those UN organs, risk apoplexy in their violent denunciations of Israel - Israel the bully, the oppressor, the colonialist, the racist - for thwarting the Palestinians. …Goebels would be green with envy. As for the truth :
37. PLO strategy.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (11.25.08)
Ho’s chief strategist, General Giap, made it clear to Arafat and his lieutenants that in order to succeed, they needed to redefine the terms of their struggle. Giap’s counsel was simple but profound: the PLO needed to work in a way that concealed its real goals, permitted strategic deception, and gave the appearance of moderation: Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand. Arafat as well as Abbas were excellent pupils as explained at :
38. #18. funny the same could have been said poland was Israel
sami ,   son of yaffa   (11.25.08)
39. ignorance
tom ,   toronto, canada   (11.25.08)
can the secretary general of the united nations be so ignorant of history?! "arab palestine" was set aside by the brits and renamed "transjordan" in 1923. that has always been the one and only arab state of palestine (which received 78% of the land of palestine). his claim also flies in the face of the facts, such as the fact that any form of political independence was never discussed while gaza and the west bank were fully under arab rule, from 1948-1967. odd, that such "political aspirations" didn't exist then. and it's equally odd that these "palestinians" refused to even apply that term to themselves prior to 1964, because it had always meant a JEW from palestine (aka occupied judea), as far back as the time of jesus. and how does the secretary general explain the fact that the arab refugees from palestine are the ONLY group of refugees in the last 100 years who have been prevented BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE from resettling? the jews expelled from arab lands resettled, the ethnic germans resettled, the hungarians resettled, etc. and not only have they been prevented from resettling, but they have even invented new human rights: the hereditary status of "refugee", and the right of return, neither of which has ever existed for any other people on earth. is he truly this ignorant, or is this just another un charade to demonize israel?
40. S.Korea
Jin Uk ,   S.Korea   (11.25.08)
I used to be proud to be S. Korean. Ancient Chinese proverb: Give Arabs more states, invite more wars!
theviper311 ,   Hymie Town   (11.25.08)
before 1948 the area known as PALESTINE was inhabited by several groups. there were arabs, christians and Jews. at that time when anyone referred to the palestinians , they were referring to the Jews. arabs were referred to simply as arabs as were the indigenous christians. also, there was no division of the land now known as the west bank. if you refer to the national geographic magazine of december 1944, page 722, Judea and Samaria are clearly labeled. you may also want to note that the Golan was ceded by the english to the french who at the time had the mandate over syria. in other words, the Golan was originally part of the english mandate and therefore part of what was once known as palestine and now is the state of Israel. that is history my friends. i did not write it. it was already written.
42. One State Solution Only
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (11.25.08)
43. Palestinians Statehood
Millicent ,   Israel   (11.25.08)
So give them their own State,but first shore up the borders between our two countries,let Israel have nothing more to do with them and let their Egyptian and Jordinian brothers supply them with their needs such as food, fuel and electricity since the Palestinians hate Israelis so much and try to kills us at every chance with homicide bombers. Let those Arab/Muslim brothern for once take care of their own and stop making it Israel's job to supply those that would destroy us !
44. Palestinians in a state.
Talula ,   Israel   (11.25.08)
Yes, we all agree the Arabs need their own state (Jordan LOL!). That's a no brainer. What involves applying thought, is much more difficult. Namely, where, and what and how. The Palestinians right to self determination was infact exercised when they voted in Hamas to represent them. Hamas have since taken the Palestinians from the edge to the outter limits of no return. And while Mr. Ban KiMoon is obsessing about the Palestinian's plight - he should also give some thought as to how Israel will be protected from a body of misfits that want to see its complete annihilation. More lip service from the UN losers.
45. Israel offered
David ,   RI   (11.25.08)
to improve their living conditions by building housing for them, but the UN & the PA said no. Actions speak louder than words.
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