Owner of disputed house in Hebron clings to property rights
Efrat Weiss
Published: 26.11.08, 19:26
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23 Talkbacks for this article
1. To this self-identified settler: Yes, you are an invader!
Palestinian   (11.26.08)
2. Stay in Hebron, remember the 1929 killings by arabs.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (11.26.08)
3. At a time of multiple security threats and economic downturn
Tracy W   (11.26.08)
one wonders why is the government wasting time and resources fighting against Israelis who happen to live in a house that they bought and paid for. If there's any kind of apartheid in Israel, it's against Jews, who cannot live in or even visit certain areas of the country. There was a recent case where a Jew, whose family has owned a property in E. Jerusalem for decades, is unable to evict Arab squatters because police say they don't have manpower to do the job. There are illegal Arab squatters all over the land and yet the government does nothing about it. But the fact that Jews are still living in ancient Hebron seems to bother the government to no end. Apartheid, indeed.
4. Arabs are the real settlers not the native Jews!
Palestiniansareamyth ,   USA   (11.26.08)
Ynet has to stop using Arab propaganda against the Jews!
5. Judea and Samaria are part of Israel
6. To number 4
jj   (11.26.08)
There are many Palestinian families in Hebron who have been living their since ages and who happen to be at one point Jews but have converted throughout the ages. What you call Arabs are people who descende from the Semitic people of Palestine. They are the real owners of the land not converts to Judaism who are coming from all over the world to settle in the Palestinian land.
7. #1 This "settler" as you call him...
Etoile ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.26.08)
Is a direct descendant of the 1929 Hebron Jewish community. You know, the ones the Arabs massacred. Yet according to you, he has no claim to a house he legally bought in Hebron? You are simply an example of how the Palestinians do not want a state, but simply want to see all Jews dead.
8. wow this is so off page...
a real Israeli   (11.26.08)
If this Jewish American had bothered reading the court ordered issued by the Israeli Supreme Court he would learn that the real issue is that this transaction did not go through the civil administration of Judea and Sumaria. Had he bothered to follow the rules set forth by the civil administration of Judea and Sumaria he wouldn't have gotten caught up in a legal battle with the State of Israel or the IDF or the Palestinians. Thing is I am sure that in the United States when this Jewish American purchases property there he follows the rules!
9. Land of Israel
Brod ,   USA   (11.26.08)
Abraham is right. The Land of Israel is GOD-given to the Jews and belongs to the Jews. GOD has restored Modern Israel in Ancient Israel-The Land of Israel in the 20th century as a Fulfillment of His Covenant to Israel 2500 years ago. Jeremiah 31:1-17, Ezekiel 36:24-38, Ezekiel 37:21-28, Ezekiel 39:27-29, Amos 9:14-15. No mortal should dare tamper with GOD's Restoration of Modern Israel in the Land of Israel. It is time the Leftists to know the GOD of Israel. The Islamist-Jihadists must stop usurping the Land of Israel from the Jews. They should return to their historic homeland in Arabia where they originated in the 7th century.
10. Why settlers
Jackie ,   Florida   (11.26.08)
I wonder why whenever anyone wants to denigrate Jews in Israel, they use the term Jewish settlers. Don't we all realize that, to the Arabs, anyone living in Israel, from the Galil to Eilat is a settler and therefore a potential target/
11.  It is sad to notice that most peoples are simply not ...
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (11.26.08)
It is sad to notice that most peoples are simply not well informed… The historical and political truth about our rights and legitimity is unquestionable The Jews have the right to build and live freely in their country. We have modern political rights dating back to the First World War: "After World War I, the borders and countries that today make up the Middle East were created - Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. Modern Israel was created the same way! The countries of the world charged Britain [in the San Remo Resolution of 1920, based on the League of Nations and Balfour Declaration] with creating a 'national homeland' for the Jewish People, based on the 'historical rights' of the Jews, and calling for Jewish immigration and settlement here. Only a quarter of the land, including Hevron and Shechem, originally designated for the Jews by the League of Nations, was left for us. The historical and political truth about rights and legitimity can be read in its 5 parts at :
12. Legitimacy : Israel and the 22 Arab League countries.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (11.26.08)
It should be remembered that in 1918, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France were handed 5,000,000 square miles to divvy up and 99+% was given to the Arabs to create countries that did not exist previously. Less than 1 % was given as a Mandate for the re-establishment of a state for the Jews on both banks of the Jordan River. In 1921, to appease the Arabs once again, another three quarters of that was given to a fictitious state called Trans-Jordan. (Jack Berger, May 31, 2004.) The total for all the 22 Arab League countries is 6,145,389 square miles (SM). By comparison, all 50 states of the United States have a total of 3,787,318 SM. Israel has 8,463 SM, about one-sixth of that of the State of Michigan. Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan are Muslim but not Arab and are not included. World Arab population: 300 million; World Jewish population: 13.6 million; Israel's Jewish population: 5.4 million. More at :
13. jj #6: You cannot have it both ways
Steve   (11.26.08)
"Palestinian" Arabs claim to be the descendants of the ancient Canaanites and thus the aboriginal owners of the land of Israel. Canaanites were not Semites. Canaanites are the descendants of Ham and Canaan, the people Noah cursed. Now then Hagar (Sarah's handmaiden) the Egyptian was the daughter of Mizraim, the son of Ham. Noah cursed Ham and Canaan. This is why God told Abraham to take your son, "your only son whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah...." In other words, Ishmael was not a legitimate son nor the legitimate heir. Ishmael did not receive the inheritance. Isaac received the inheritance and Jacob was the son of Isaac. You can explicate until you are blue in the face jj, the Muslim Arab people are not Semites and they have no right to the land of Israel. Only the sons of Jacob are entitled to this land.
14. nowhere else on earth
tom ,   toronto, canada   (11.27.08)
the situation in hevron is remarkable: 1) it is against the law, in the palestinian anarchy, to sell property to a jew, punishable by death. this blatantly racist law has not been challenged or protested by any group, not even the so-called human rights advocacy groups. this law is upheld by the same palestinians who have the nerve to call israel "racist". 2) a man who buys a house (or in another case, has owned a house in hevron since before the 1929 massacre) is prevented from living in it, simply because he is jewish. again, this blatant racism doesn't even raise the eyebrows of the many so-called civil rights groups. 3) an israeli court rules against the man's rights to live in his own house, bought and paid for, with registered title. clearly, the same court has not ruled to prevent arab purchasers from living in their houses, so this ruling would seem to be discriminatory. why is an israeli court discriminating against the legal rights of jews? unbelievable!
15. I'm no right winger and I DON'T think God cares about....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.27.08)
real estate. But when this guy buys a house and can't decide who lives in it, it makes my blood boil. There is no contradiction between Jewish rights and Palestinian rights in Judea and Samaria. Both peoples have rights there. HE BOUGHT THE FREAKIN HOUSE!!!!
16. Barak - get of the pot
Ussishkin ,   Tel Aviv   (11.27.08)
This man is not above the law. The Minister of Defence attempts to cheat the Israeli public with promises that he has no intention of carrying out. That is why this man thinks he can flout the law and the authority of the State of Israel. Either impose those laws on him and every other settler who breaks the law or declare these people outlaws and treat them accordingly. Either they are law abiding Israeli citizens or they are not. And if they are not they are criminals. They should be treated as criminals.
17. hurray for Morris
larry ,   chicago   (11.27.08)
It is about time someone stands up to our wicked government. Such a group of wicked anti-semites that we have not seen since WWII. Let Justice Prevail.
18. #2 Bunnie Boy - Stay in LA like a good Jew
Avi ,   Ramat Gan   (11.27.08)
gee thanks for the advise and support from moral head quaters in LA. Sorry what was that about 80 years ago ?
19. Morris Abraham should leave Palestine
Lea ,   Ramat HaSharon   (11.27.08)
And go back to America and leave the Palestinians to live their lives on their land. As he states, it was a real estate deal? Oh really? Lets face he is only here in order to provoke the Palestinians and when it all gets a bit to much he`ll go back to USA and get on with his life. Unfortunately the Palestinians cant.
20. Hey Americans, go home!
JJ ,   Jerusalem   (11.27.08)
21. #8: so does he get his money back?
Adam Eliyahu Berkowi   (11.30.08)
That's not really the issue, though I do appreciate your elucidating the subject. There was a political agenda here, on both sides. Unfortunately, your ignoring this causes equal suffering on both sides. A jew may not purchase land, even in areas that are entirely okay for Jewiuh settlement, even by the absurd standards of the present government. And the court wioll hear no evidence supporting the sale. And Arabs may not sell land that legally belongs to them. That is a real problem for an arab house owner whose main euity is his property. In this case, the court supported and stregthened Hamas terrorizing their own people.
22. Why quote the bible in a property dispute ?
David ,   Australia   (12.02.08)
I am amazed by the bizarre thought processes of anyone who invokes their religious scripture as a basis to take over another person's country. This stuff is just fairytale BS to everyone else. If this American had a genuine motive in buying this house I would have sympathy. he clearly does not, he is running a radical agenda to further expand Israel's borders so when the music stops "his" people have more land. Why the hell should everyone else bail you fundamentalist settlers out - you are just as bad a the Jihardi terrorists. I wish we could lock you all up in a room with a good supply of baseball bats and give evolution a nudge along.
23. Is the Lord a Propagandist?
Mary ,   USA   (12.02.08)
G_d gave Isaac and Jacob the land. That arab people of Ishmael and Essau would also multiply is not the argument, as G_d said that would happen too. He specifically gave the tiny Israel land to Isaac and Jacob's people. He chose that, He had his reasons. Ask Him why. Read why. There is the blessed and there is the chosen. G_d blessed both arabs and Jews with multiplied families, but appointed one to use to record and preserve and spread His Word and through whom the Messiah would come. This is a sobering fact, not something for Israel and Jews to gloat about, as the human condition is grave. We see His appointment of the land to Israelis is with purpose; His purpose. No one can destroy G_d's purposes, not gentiles or arabs or rebellious people of any nation, islamic terrorists, muslim extremist terrorists, anyone no matter how angry. We see the efforts, but stand in His purposes and intend to see His purposes carried out, Jews and believers of the One G_d alike. So be it.
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