Opinion  Ron Ben-Yishai
Why India? Why Now?
Ron Ben-Yishai
Published: 27.11.08, 18:17
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31. #6 Typical Spanish Antisemitism from child of Inquisition
Liliane ,   Brighton, UK   (11.28.08)
#6 Your racist antisemitic comment is so typical of the Spanish who are the children of the Inquisition. Now return Andulasia to the Arabs.
32. #23 Really?
CEK ,   The US of A   (11.28.08)
Are you really comparing the US of A's wars of liberation to islamic terror? Really? Name one people that have been liberated by islamic terrorists? Where do you live? Syria? Iran? Saudi? Such open and inclusive countries those are! And when our soldiers take a life in war they do not scream Jesus is Lord! How many times have islamic terrorists screamed allah akbar before killing children? Your people CELEBRATE child killers!! Like that Khuntar (sp) who is big hero for killing a child! Religion of peace is really the religion of death!
33. Clarification
CEK ,   The US of A   (11.28.08)
I do not feel that all Muslims are bad or that they all support terrorism. I have VERY strong opinions about terror and I am very vocal about those opinions.
34. To Pepe#6. A HAPPY Person Can NOT Hate Others.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.28.08)
You say :” The world is getting tired of your religious crap, which is the root cause of misery and conflict.” When Mrs. Rivkah says in #3 ‘when nations forget God:’ – she is right for telling the fact. Pepe, it is NOT ‘religious crap’ ! UNLESS the human inhabitants of the world becomes interested in RE-ESTABLISHING his/her relationship with God (i.e. the Supreme Lord) -- he/she will continue to be an UNHAPPY person. UNLESS one sees every living entity, once again EVERY living entity, as the sons/daughters of God, the Supreme Lord, (and thus sees that each one of us are related to each other) -- violence will continue. And as long as violence continues -- one can NOT be happy. And happiness is the one thing that EACH one of us seeks -- us meaning you and me. BTW happy people does NOT become terrorists -- it is the unhappy ones that does. That Islam religion, more specifically Wahabbism, is breeding so many terrorists -- shows that something is VERY wrong with the ‘practitioners’ of that religion !!! BTW real religion is meant to make the practitioner a happy person, and a happy person can NOT hate others. Only FOOLS have feelings-of-hatred towards others.
35. To JPS#22. See HIM As A Person.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.28.08)
You say :” This attack could very well be intended to try and provoke a nuclear confrontation between the two ..” Just yesterday the Pakistani Government told India to eliminate together terrorism. So JPS, to speak of ‘nuclear confrontation’ is quite a farfetched thought. Whether there is danger in the world or not -- each one of us SHOULD pray to YAHWEH, the Supreme Lord, in order to know HIM (i.e. YAHWEH, the Supreme Lord). Unless we know HIM (i.e. YAHWEH, the Supreme Lord) and thus see HIM as a Person, more correctly as the Supreme Person -- we are wasting our lifetime on planet Earth.
36. #19 Please...
CEK ,   The US of A   (11.28.08)
Basically you are saying that Muslims are as developed as Christians were 1000+ years ago, am I right? If so many Muslims object to terror why don't they arrest some terrorists? Sure you see some arrested when they threaten the various dictators in the middle east, but rarely do you see them arrest terrorists that kill Westerners or Jews. Why is that? Why do the Iranians have billboards celebrating terrorists that killed Jewish children? Why?
37. #18 and ignorance
ben Ish   (11.28.08)
I think ignorance is the greatest killer of mankind. A self-imposed learning disability that billions of people parrot back simple-minded homilies that do nothing make sheep of nations. LETS REVIEW RELIGION AND WAR US vs Iraq: geopolitical threat of Saddam acquiring and distributing RBC weapons, and Oil/economic reasons. Rwanda: Hutu vs Tutsi reprisal for perceived political assassination. Kosovo, Chechneya, Balkan wars etc., ethnically motivated geopolitical nationalist pro vs anti communist/capitalist ideology towards independence & statehood. Vietnam: US vs Russian expansion Korea: US vs Chinese expansion WW2: German expansion WW1: perceived assassination of Ferdinand American civil war: liberal democracy vs. republic issue American revolution: national independence from England. Europe 1600-1800: wars of accession, land, and independence. Rome 300BCE to 800AD: nationalistic expansionism, and conquest for the sake of conquest. Greece see "Rome" above. Even the Islamic vs Jewish problem has more to do with land, than religion. If Jews would just go away, they could worship somewhere else (like Alaska or Antarctica I guess). The Arabs don't really care, they just want the land, and for Israel to go away. That accounts for BILLIONS of casualties, almost entirely based on nationalistic expansion for economic reasons, to gain land and power, often directed by charismatic leaders followed by people who fail to think critically. So, excuse me, but did you want to compare the "Crusades" to 4,000 years of greedy, power-hungry megalomaniacs leading and murdering simply because they can? Ghengis Khan? Hannibal? Vikings? Did they conquer in order to convert the masses? You can blame the Crimean war, the Crusades, and maybe some of the Ottoman/Persian conquest on religion, but that is a LAUGHABLE comparison to the true motivation to war: MONEY and POWER. And in fact, where there is a religious reason involved, it is STILL driven by leaders struggling for POWER over the masses of morons, because you make it so easy to do in the first place. I am sick and tired of people turning off their brain and blaming religion for no other reason than that is what they WANT to believe. It is a lie. The true problem is money and power and the access ignorance of the masses gives to insane leaders to acquire it.
38. Why India why Now
Roxy ,   Israel   (11.28.08)
Because this is the start of something bigger, this attack has all the earmarks of Al Quida involvement.It is meant to terrorize the Indian and international community,it is also a way to temporarily get world attention off the Iranian Nuclear desires so that they can work on their bomb aspiration unnoticed. The world must stand united in the fight against terrorism and take the fight to the enemy,and keep fighting them until they are no longer in existance. These people don't want peace with their Western neighbors they want to rule your country under Muslim Sharia law! They want everyone Muslim simple as that! This is not about getting back Kashmire in India, or Palestinian lands radical,Muslims consider the whole world their land and they will try to force everyone to conform to their thinking or die simple as that!
39. Why now?-Why yesterday?-Why tomorrow?
chop-chop   (11.28.08)
The current blood bath is only part of a global picture that mankind ,stubornly, refuses to acknowledge. Terrorists are able, capable of slaughtering, maiming, bombing,men,women,children,by coordinating "their operation world wide". The weapons, the technology,the money, comes from "us" the not so smart people and many rotten Govt leaders. We, the good guys are too stupid to recognise it. Most terrorists are free. Those incarcerated are "protected" by antiquated laws, defended by smart lawyers (who make $ millions-our money)and by stupid judges with outdated verdicts a la "Jean Valjean or Dreyfus farce,while terrorists accomplish their "mission" in the name of their blood thirty god. I always get a kick from the boring standard reply from world leaders ..." we strongly condem..blah,blah,blah", while the thugs smile in unisson and plan their next massacre. Planes, tanks, missiles,cruisers are worthless junk today. Terrorists are making a mockery of it. Fighting fire with fire is a very old and reliable concept. We, the free world should unite (like THEY do) track them down relentlessly, kill them. The obvious benefit is that dead, THEY can no longer kill. WORLD, when are you going to wake up? PS: If Israel had 10.000 coffins (or a big hole)the prisoner's release scenario would non existant.
40. As usual, no condemnation from Islamic or Arabic countries!
Nethanel ,   Jerusalem   (11.28.08)
This eerie silence just gives them backing for more future attacks. As long as self-criticism is not part of the Arabic and Islamic culture, there will be no peace in the region. Ask the women in Saudia, Christians in Iraq, Kurds in Syria, Arabs in Iran.
41. #15 Rami, you're the one wrong
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (11.28.08)
1) You've just proven how propaganda can influence those who hold preconceived notions and bias. Conspiracy theories are just that - conspiracy theories. 2) Where do you get this stuff? Based on the conspiracy theory mentioned in 1? The attack showed expert coordination and careful planning - that doesn't happen fast. 3) The Christian holiday of Christmas begins in less than a month - thus, the author is quite correct. You, on the other hand, mention a holiday celebrated only in specific regions (US and Canada) which is nowhere near as important and symbolic in the religious sense. Few people in Pakistan even know Thanksgiving exists - the same doesn't apply for Christmas. 4) A secondary target at best. The main targets were the major hotels. 5) Only partially correct on Iraq - there are foreign militants there from other places, not just Pakistan, and they don't constitute a majority. You're quite correct on Afghanistan and Kashmir, though.
42. To CEK #32
It is obvious from your talkbacks that you hate the Muslim faith. I am not going to respond to your ignorance, but want to tell you that Islam did not spread the way you are saying. Many people converted to Islam willingly because they saw it as a sound faith and left their pagan religions. The population of Indonesia, which is the largest Muslim country in the world, became Muslim by will.... No armies went there!
43. To jb #29
Observer   (11.28.08)
The word Palestinian was used to call anyone who comes from the Land of Palestine irrespective of his religion, since at least 600 B.C. Herodotus the father of history used the word Palestine, and the word Palestinians. Finally, I think many Jews would agree that they are settler in this land and came from elsewhere, to take over the land from the people who have been living there.
44. 39 chop-chop: The current definition of a terrorist in
Rivkah   (11.28.08)
America is anyone who has commited a misdemeanor, even a traffic violation. What does that mean? It means anyone in America can now be arrested without a warrant on misdemeanor charges. Maybe you think that is progress, but I think it is terrorizing citizens by the government that is becoming more rogue every day. Former Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Craig Roberts calls it the American INjustice system. But to you, the loss of laws and protections is okay. Pal, the thugs have AK47's and when the guns are taken from the people to protect themselves with, only the rogue police and military and criminals will have guns. That is not a world I want to live in. Benjamin Franklin said those who give up liberty for security deserve neither. Where ever there have been the most stringent gun laws, that is where the highest murder rate is. Having everyone eligible to carry a concealed weapon is a deterrence to crime and terror attacks. When terrorists attack a building, a few people with concealed weapons on them can often stop the attack.
45. To Muslim#23. Your History Education Is Narrow.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.28.08)
You say :” USA killed more many people, … than any other country in the world “ Dear Muslim, regarding the above you are WRONG !! Hitler started the Second World War, so you should blame Hitler for the 55 million deaths during that war. But instead you blame USA for that. That is disengineous towards America. Stalin was responsible for 20 million Russian deaths during his tenure -- not including the Russians deaths of World War Two. Dear Muslim, it seems to me your History education is narrow (probably only educated in Muslim history) -- as such, you sound like a narrow-minded person !!! BTW problems in the world are created by NARROW-MINDED persons !!! So dear Muslim, get an education -- otherwise, you are wasting your life BIG time !
46. you got it right
Iftah oppenheimer ,   UK , london   (11.28.08)
I totally agree with you
47. #23 - What land did Jews "steal"?
5th generation ,   Israel   (11.28.08)
48. # 43 The fact is that
Shlomo   (11.28.08)
This land belong to us the jews. This land belonged to the jews. This land will belong to the jews no matter what you say or will say & you & billions like you can not do anything about it & if you dare then you will be SORRY & wished you had left us live in peace in this small piece of land, ISRAEL OUR HOME. So go & start Observing the crimes that the Muslims are commiting for no reasons around the globe. salam
49. #43: "I think you Jews would agree..." How big a jacka's RU?
Global Citizen ,   Israel & USA   (11.28.08)
50. #44-Rivkah's definition of a terrorist?
chop-chop   (11.28.08)
In your utopian vision thugs have AK47? Citizens do not call the police for protection?-- They do not call the army for help in case of a flood, storm or other calamities?--This is not a world you want to live in?,well you are welcome to depart from it, no questions asked. Every State in the Union is free to decide if it wants a gun law or not -- how is that for democracy. And anyone born to kill, should not be allowed to live.... unless YOU can convert him. This is democracy as well.
51. To Muslim#42. Difference Between Religion And Faith.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.28.08)
You say :” Many people converted to Islam willingly because they saw it as a sound faith .. “ Dear Muslim, the Islam religion was FORCED UPON on the conquered people by the Muslim conquerors. The conquered people did NOT accept it willingly. Those who did not convert to Islam had to pay jiziya-tax -- Muslims didn’t have to pay jiziya-tax. By introducing this jiziya, the Muslims have proven that Muslim-rule was MAFIA rule. Mafia rule means -- either you pay or you die. So dear Muslim, this is not exactly, what one would call, an enthusiastic, happy conversion. BTW there is a difference between religion and faith. Religion means to re-establish your forgotten loving relationship with the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Person. THIS is real religion. Faith can be changed -- today you believe this, tomorrow you believe that. But religion is something else. THAT’s why there is a difference between religion and faith. Faith evolves into terrorism and hatred towards others. Real religion educates one to see the equality of mankind.
52. The word THUG comes from a Hindu sect that murdered hundreds
Freethinker   (11.28.08)
of people in the early 19th century and offered human sacrifices to the goddess Kali. The British army eventually exterminated them and they simply no longer exist. This is a perfect example of what will become of Islam once the 5 billion non-Muslims realizes that it is nothing more than a dangerous, bloodthirsty sect like the thuggees. A couple of hundred years after its elimination, the word 'muslim' may survive, like 'thug', as a term to describe someone who is derangedly aggressive and violent.
53. #42
CEK ,   The US of A   (11.28.08)
It is hard to respect a religion that is used to justify mass murder or just plain old murder. Do you agree with honor killings? I mean, how can we be expected to respect that? I would be glad to let everyone believe what they want, but it seems that islam is not about letting people believe what they want. How many Jews or Christians can openly profess their religion in Saudi for example? Why is islam so intolerant?
54. What India and Israel have in common?
Ali ,   los angeles   (11.29.08)
Occupation---dating back to the last century first of all--there is no justification for this barbaric act--or similar barbaric acts of terrorism--for those who say that muslims dont condemn this..you are mistaken--here in america the leading muslim organizations have all condemned these acts. second of all--i am not going to get into whether or not supporters of israel think that the west bank and gaza are occupied, it is accpeted internationally that they are. third of all---the indian occupation of kashmir is very brutal. indeed it is occupation and a lack of hope in both palestine and kashmir that leads to extremism. unfortunately, lack of any meaningful progress in terms of peaceful dialogue in resolving the outstanding occupation issues that resulted from imperialism by the british in the last century has led to a rise in extremism and violence. condemning islam as a religion by some of you nuts is just a pathetic excuse. the only true way to achieve peace is to see the injustices that are committed on a daily basis in the name of nationalism---by india or israel...and realize that it is brutal and barbaric as frequent terror attacks. yes..unfortunately many muslims are engaged in these barbaric attacks, yet it is not the religion that is to blame---it is the fact that the muslim world is in political and social chaos from external forces....ie occupation and imperialism...and internal forces ie dictactorships and religious extremism...that is to blame. when citizens of the world realize that every man, woman and child have the same rights and dreams as they do, then we can shed our inherent biases and live together in harmony--- peace
55. #54: "shed our inherent biases" - your post SCREAMS bias
5th generation ,   Israel   (11.29.08)
But if you would like to get into the issue of occupation, history says Muslims were the occupiers of early Israel, causing the diaspora. And while you're promoting your beloved religion, know that many of us have actually read the Quran, and know that it is (1) full of anti-Jew diatribe because (2) WE resisted violent attempts at spiritual hijacking, and yet (3) it still mentions more than once that Mohammed intended for Israel to belong to us. So anyone who disagrees - including you, apparently - is no less an "unholy" "infidel" in the "prophet"'s eyes.
56. #54 Poor poor Arab victims
CEK ,   The US of A   (11.29.08)
Here we go... it is "occupation" that justifies and explains terror attacks. It is not racism or typical islamic intolerance that leads to terror. No way. LOL. So when iran hangs a mentally handicaped little girl from a crane and leaves her body to hang, is that because of "occupation"? Or when Lebanon celebrates the release of a man that smashed the head of a little Jewish girl, is that because of "occupation"? How about when an American Jewish man thought he would go to Iraq to help the people there and got rewarded by being beheaded on video, was that because of "occupation"? It am sick of hearing Arabs/Muslims cry about the injustices commited on them when they are so brutal and murderous!
57. They caught one single terrorist alive
Rami   (11.30.08)
Olmert's been on the phone all day negotiating for his release.
58. #43 You confuse several histoircal facts.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (11.30.08)
Firstly, you have confused Herodotus of Halicarnassus with Thucydides. The latter is the one credited with being the so-called Father of History. Thucydides kept himself to facts and facts alone, wheres his successor Herodotus mixed in fable and myth, a horde of secondhand and thirdhand reports, and... amusingly enough... never mentioned Palestinians. Not even Philistines, at that. And Philistines, unlike Palestinians, were rather more familiar in the region. There are several historical mentions of them, from Israel, Egypt, and other regions of the nearby Mediterranean - they were sea raiders, you see, until they were forced to settle in the Gaza region of then-Cana'an by one of the Pharaohs who saw that once defeated, it was best to tax them rather than kill them. Further historical reading for you would be Josephus, just in case you wanted to know about the history of the Jewish kingdom, its defeat at the hands of the Roman Empire, and just who named the land "Palestine" to spite the defeated nation. We're not settlers, Observer. This is our homeland. That the so-called "natives" preferred war to coexistence is their own problem.
59. Religion, Science and Terrorism
Shaan ,   Chennai, India   (11.30.08)
I find that an initial discussion on terrorism in this forum has degraded into a fight between religion and terrorism.Proponents of religious faith in the west are quick to denounce science and at the same time atheists use science as a front to attack religion. As far as I know, most of the past and present day scientists do believe in God, but they may not believe in specific religious texts. Belief in God is important, not belief in specific religious texts which portray certain communities or countries as sinners who deserve punishment. A word about Islam - Most Muslims say that Islam is a peaceful religion, but still we see terrorism being justified by them saying that injustices are being committed in Palestine, Kashmir etc. These people are convenient to ignore the history of Kashmir/India, which was predominantly Hindu before Muslims came as invaders. Even Persia was invaded and converted to Islam and the Parsis had to find refuge in India. Incidentally, the Taj Mahal hotel is owned by the Tatas who are Parsis. Their forefathers had migrated to India from Persia at the height of their persecution by the Islamists.
60. To Ali #54. Muslims Conquered And Occupied.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.29.08)
You say :”… the Indian occupation of Kashmir is very brutal.” Jammu & Kashmir were Hindu Kingdoms for more than 2800 years (since 3100 B.Chr.) till around 250 B.Chr., when the Emperor of India (which included present-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangla-desh) became a Buddhist. From that time on Buddhism became the state religion of the whole empire, including Kashmir. From 630 AD onwards Kashmir again became a Hindu Kingdom till 1349 AD, when the Muslims conquered and occupied Kashmir. In 1819 AD Kashmir became part of British-India. The British Empire sold Kashmir, for a huge amount of money, to Maharaja Gulab Singh in 1847 AD. Although at the time of partition (in 1947 AD) Kashmir’s population was 77 per cent Muslim -- that doesn’t mean that Kashmir (which includes Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) is the property of the Muslims. Dear Ali, to conclude, how come the Muslims are bent on stealing lands? They (i.e. Muslims) want to steal Judea & Samaria and Kashmir from their REAL OWNERS. You say :”every man, woman and child have “ human rights. Ali, human right does NOT include stealing land from others !!! When the Muslims give up this stealing-mentality, then we can “live together in harmony”.
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