Report: 5 hostages found dead in Chabad house
Published: 28.11.08, 16:06
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73 Talkbacks for this article
61. TO #45
Tikvah ,   USA AND ISRAEL   (11.29.08)
Your ignorance is obvious!
62. Tears and Bombs
Mark Smith ,   Indiana, USA   (11.29.08)
I work hard every day, to make this world a better place. I will no longer sit quietly waiting for good to prevail over evil. The Islamic terrorists must be stopped and the only way to deal with them is to destroy them. May the terrorists be snuffed out, tortured and massacred.
63. wake up People!
jess mcclure ,   fontana , ca   (11.29.08)
i was brought up baptist , but today i would glady fight alongside my jewish brothers to defeat this army of extreme muslims who have gone beyond any realm of social decency. God is on the side of right , and right will prevail.
64. I agree with you Bill Foonman
kd ,   boston, maryland   (11.29.08)
You make sense with your statements, as I have personally experienced the same kind of BS from practicing muslims. Saying stuff like Sadaam was a great leader and he died in honor. Well they all think he died in honor, while the other half still honors his great achievements of mass-murders.
65. 37
Leah   (11.29.08)
It appears there are no depths to the levels you and hatefilled people like you will sink to. No compassion or respect for the dead because their Jews? After, reading your posts and that of other European's spewing your antisemitic rants all the time it is becoming more clear to me all the time why the Holocaust happened in Europe over 60 years ao.
66. Moscow Theatre more than Munich; Next chapter coming
meir elazar   (11.29.08)
The Indian commando operation was not the bungling Germans of Munich but the Russian commandos of Moscow bent on killing the terrorists as their primary mission over saving the lives of the hostages. Based on the fact that Moishi was covered in blood, it is likely that the parent were dead from the beginning and nothing could have saved them. But the most important thing is the mindset of Indian leadership that was apparent in what drop the counter terror operations. The next chapter begins by gathering the terrorist captives and remains of the dead terrorists. The ones alives will be excruciatingly tortured until they divulge every detail about the leadership, weapons suppliers, transportation, trainers, Imams, Madrassas, Mosques, and every detail that led up to this terrorist attack. The dead terrorists will also be identified. Next the Indian army should send the elite commandos to the training centers, Mosques, Madrassas, and every home of people involved in the attack and with machine guns and artillery blazing launch an assault that takes no prisoners. It is clear that possible and effective solution is a total "root canal" eliminating the entire terrorist system and community. The price paid by the organizations and the entire family of the terrorists must be so high that no terrorist would ever want to think of being the reason that his entire family was eliminated. NOTHIING LESS AGAINST THESE ANIMALS WILL ALLOW CIVILIZATION TO BE SAFE.
67. Meir Elazar , should we follow your ideas too ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (11.29.08)
And what would happen if we do ?
68. #67 Charles, Qassam would not terrorize Sderot and Shalit wo
Meir Elazar   (11.29.08)
#67 Charles, Qassam would not terrorize Sderot and Shalit would be freed. But first I wait for the Israeli population to have the final word and Olmert, Tzipi, all of Kadima and Barak will be history. Olmert should go to jail for life kicking and screaming as they drag him from his office. But just as Intifada 2 caused Arik to be elected, we need a strong leader who will give Gaza and Ultimatum that ALL Qassams stop immediately as we amass all tanks, Nagmashim, mortars, etc. on the border. With the first Qassam, we begin a massive indescriminate Qassam like bombardment of Gaza, stop all gas, UN shipments, electricity, etc. Nothing resumes until Shalit is safely returned. With the next Qassam launches, we begin a major offensive, destroying massive sections used for smuggling and rocket launching. With the 3rd phase of Qassam rockets, we completely destroy Gaza and permanently eliminate the constant terror by driving them totally out. But the message has to be announced first, loud and clear. Terrorism will not be tolerated and you will lose everything if you do not stop the terror and find a way to co-exist.
69. Updates and Corrections
meir elazar   (11.30.08)
The final tolls I read say that 10 terrorist murdered 195 people of whom approximately 16 were non-Indians and approximately 300 were wounded. The families of all these victims and the extent of the losses will never be fully documented. Tactically one major reason for the high losses was that the commandos were not stationed in this major city but had to mobilize, fly 2 hours to get to the site, unload, and prepare. In all 6 long fatal hours elapsed before the counter-assault began. 9 terrorists were killed and one Pakistani terrrorist (poss. with British citizenship) was caught alive. I expect that he will wish he were dead as he suffers from every form of sadistic torture imaginable to extract every piece of information about planners, command chain, suppliers, transportation, etc. leading to all of the future retributions and counter-attacks against everyone engaged in this operation. Remember "Wrath of G-d" operation that killed everyone envolved in the Munich massacre. SOME SUGGESTIONS TO TB'ers 1. Show respect to the Indian commandos who risked their lives to kill all of the terrorists 2. Remember that India too suffers horribly from Arab/Moslem terror (remember train bombings). 3. Remember that the vast majority of the casualties were Indians and we must mourn their losses with ours. 4. Remember that India is a pluralistic Democracy and the fate of Jews in India is better than any other country in that region. 5. I, for one, will not attend a minyan in Ghetto Hebrew and cannot tolerate the rape of Sfat Hakodesh by most of the orthodox hippocrits. But this is not a time during Shiva to engage in some of the discussions I have read here. 6. For responsible Moslems who have expressed condolences during this horrible incident, Shukran W'Allah Ma'akum. Yes, I have studied Arabic and believe in knowledge, analysis, moral, and ethical behaviours along with responsible actions. Islam is being hijacked by Moslem extremists who carry out actions which are clearly against the Quran and Shariya. It is time for Moslems to be heard loud and clear and to join in the fight against terror. If you do not speak out loud and clear and make your position known, then you will see how you too are cast in the wide net as shown by TB'ers here and are no longer distinguishable from the terrorists. 7. There will always be the brainwashed stupid Arab/Moslem who is incapable to logic, denies the facts, and will believe in fantasies and Myths that the Mossad did it, or the Israelis and Zionists are responsible for all the terror of the world. If it weren't for the Israelis, Moslems and Arabs would not have to commit all the attrocities to blame on the Jews. These sick sick animals are beyond hope and deserve absolutely no consideration what so ever. 8. And finally we have our Rivka's who have their personal anti-Jewish agendas to promote and exploit the misery of others to sell their sick and warped ideas. They often have their answers prepared long in advance and sit and wait for a question even if their answer has nothing to do with the question. They will always ramble on irrelevant garbage that no one is interested in. But democracy offers them the freedom to do so. 9. And at least I no longer have to suffer from the hardcore Anti-Semites that gather at Ha'aretz like vultures and flies on a dead carcass. This disgusting lots waits for every opportunity to attack Jews, Israelis, etc. There is far more decency and morality in houses of ill repute than Haaretz. If you do get there by accident, please take a long shower afterwards to rid yourself of the filth.
70. Why would the troops leave the building smiling
vikas panwar ,   delhi   (11.30.08)
they NSG came out happily to keep their morale up. As they explained later. They came out happily from TAj hotel also after finishing the terrorist.
71. Meir
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (11.30.08)
We are not Russia that can intervene in Georgia and South Ossetia without any problems . They do it , Europe and the USA say there are'nt right , and that's it . Would we do it ......? We should of course do something , but we can't do everything we would like and as you correctly suggest .
72. Charles pt. 1
meir elazar   (11.30.08)
First of all Russia has the same problem with the Chechnyan Moslem terrorists (Moscow Theatre and Beslan examples). There they have no problem going in and killing all the terrorists irrespective of how many other lives might be lost. They also were fighting against the Taliban in the 70's but unfortunately USA was suffering from their incompetent Carter (USA's Olmert traitor imbecile) and did not cooperate to take out the Taliban. USA now inherited the Afghanistan problem as Russian sit back, sip vodka, and laugh at the USA. At the same time Russia is supporting Iran's nuclear efforts along with other terrorists behind closed doors. Furthermore, Russia is pretending that the cold war is over while continuing its espionage efforts against the USA. On the other hand USA is plague with the incompetence of the FBI who are one step below the Keystone cops. The FBI screwed up the Atlanta Olypics blaming Richard Jewel who was the actual hero. For his efforts they ruined hs life. They could not find the unibomber for decades until the brother turned him in. They totally screw up the anthrax investigation from beginning to now. Critical FBI personnel are totally out of touch with the rest of the world and other cultures. Some FBI I have encountered personally encountered are liars and totally incompetent. This severely hampers the USA role in being effective against world Arab/Moslem terror. In short the major powers are not able to effectively combat terror. Coalition sound good and look good on paper but Bush Sr. totally screwed up Gulf War I allowing the Republian Guard to escape. In the ened Bush lost and was defeated. Saddam won against the coalition and survived. .
73. Charles pt. 2
meir elazar   (11.30.08)
India was not properly prepared and must learn the lessons for next time. The big lesson here is that in the final analysis each country must defend itself and not rely on others. This then brings us back to your question. Israel must first clean house and put Olmert in jail, Tzipi in the aviary, Barak out to pasture, and all of Kadima in the Tel Aviv garbage dump. We must find new responsible and competent leadership and fight the terrorists full force. Raed Salah must join his compatriots Rantisi, Yassin, etc. Israel must not let a single UN truck in for a full week after any Qassam rocket attack and cut gas and electricity. Israel must regain control of Philadelphi Road and the border to stop smuggling. Israel must increase dramatically their counter offensives against Qassam launches and every other terrorist act instead of risking IDF lives to protect PALs who would hand out candy if an Israeli were killed. This is a war for survival and must be treated as such. The sooner it is won, the better. Dragging it on for another century and allowing the terrorists of Gaza to think that they even have the remotest chance of destroying Israel is wrong and must stop. If they decided that this is Milchemet Plishtim, then lets get it over. Finally, the greatest external threat is Iran and their proxy Hezbollah. The problem here is that the Monkey is thumbing his nose at the world and racing towards nuclear weapons. Once Israel could bomb the Iraq reactor and that was proven the correct course of action in Gulf War I. We could do it again in Syria and get away with it. But Iran is more problematic. I fear that they will launch a nuclear attack against us and we will have to hope that our Chetz of USA Patriots can do their job bring down the missile over Syria. On the other hand we will have to retaliate in ways that Iran never dreamed and destroy all of Iran killing millions. There is no choice in the matter when that day comes. In the meantime Hezbollah has re-armed an is stronger than they were in 2006. The next time they test us, we must have proper leadership, preparations, and win the war decisively. This time we will have to gain control of a massive buffer zone in South Lebanon and not allow the UN back again. I hope that this answers your question.
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