Nobel peace laureate urges Mideast focus for Obama
News Agencies
Published: 10.12.08, 15:20
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13 Talkbacks for this article
1. why israel so special for him?
fish israel   (12.10.08)
Why not look at Zimbabwe, there's already an outbreak of cholera there? Why not worry about N. Korea? There're many places around the world where people die in scores, hundreds, thousands daily and nobody cares. Everyone's pre-occupied with Israel only and her so-called victims in Gaza who look like they really need a supply of Slimfast there. Why are thousands of people in the world denied justice by do-gooders whose only aim is to bash Israel?
2. "All conflicts can be settled"
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (12.10.08)
This quote by Ahtisaari is true, but not in the way he meant it. The conflict with the German or Japanese regimes of the 1930s and 1940s was settled, but not by peaceful means. Sadly, sometimes there are conflicts where, because of the nature of one of the sides, can only be resolved by conflict and resolve. The Finns who struggled for their liberty from the Soviet Union should know this.
3. Few contribute to Wars more than Nobel Peace Prize Winners
USA   (12.10.08)
Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Jimmy Carter. Very few created so much instabilty and chaos around the world, than these guys.
4. conflict resolved
lawrence ,   Philadelphia, pa, US   (12.10.08)
The only resolution which the muslims will accept is the dstruction, or conversion, of Jews and Christians. They weant the elimination of Israel not peace with Israel. Did this guy study under Chamberlin? If one side wants a war and wants to distroy you, no matter what, then there will not be peace unless you let them. I wouldn't advise it.
5. You cannot TALK with muslim terrorists. It's either kill,or
be killed.I for one ,   will not be killed!!   (12.10.08)
6. shame on you Ynet
masjnoe ,   nijmegen netherland   (12.10.08)
YNE hes not published the core part of the interview, look for the clip and the interview on bbc news. In the most important part he says that us must begin to criticize the crimes of srael. this is good also for israli people. one can see that the uncondditioal support of the usa is not working in favour of the people of israel and the live is very tough in israel. so YNET shame on you. you are not a good news broadcaster but paradigmatic and not relyable. shame on you.
7. Low intellectual standards these days.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (12.10.08)
But, of course, Mr Ahtisaari, isn't stupid - his idea is that Israel give in to any demand, any concession, take any risk, & if need be, cease to exist as a Jewish state, all for the sake of "Peace" ...... Blinded by political correctness, he cannot imagine that the conflicts in the Middle-East have another origin than the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It couldn't possibly be a certain ideology, which for reasons of political correctness, must remain anonymous. Mr Ahtisaari has developed a great skill at selective viewing, unable to notice or draw any less -than -politically correct conclusions from events. Intellectual honesty, of course, is not required of Nobel Prize winners.
8. Are you finnish(ed?)
Gideon Reader   (12.10.08)
You bet he's finnish(ed). Another Putz that does not get that you cannot make kissy face, pattycakes with folks who are trying to murder you. Yes, you can bribe them for a short while, but never hope to change the minds of the mindless. Any discussion with the opposite team is sort of like discussing dating techniques with Ted Bundy, or favorite Beatles musical arrangements with Charlie Manson. I guess it can be done, but it is NUTS to do so. One of the trials of 1-Being a target of these serial killer 'slamically impaired psychos. 2-Having people like the Kadimacrats representing the victim's side. 3-Not being allowed to slap the crap out of bigmouth fools like Ahtisaari is he is given credit for having vision or braians or something. Do not forget he is in the company of Arafat, Carter, Al Gore, and a bunch of mentally and morally impaired douchebags.
stude ham   (12.10.08)
two places in which US policy have been tragically disastrous... and are continuing to be disastrous. israel, on the other hand, managing very well with the mess created by hamas and fatah, must be used as a distraction from the horrendous iraq/a'stan tragedies, and from the really stomach wrenching realities of nuclear priming persia. let yet another nobel prize idiot. join colleague arafat.
10. Says it like it is
David ,   Haifa   (12.10.08)
None of the feedbackers here seems to have read or heard the ( whole ) speech by Mr Ahtisaari. Unlike many peace'seekers' - and unlike most 'supporters' of either Israel or the Palestinians - he stresses the importance of a comprehensive approach to the conflict: "If we want to achieve lasting results, we must look at the whole region." He does not exclusively or specifically blame any of the parties involved, nor does he say that either Israel or the Palestinians has to give in more than 'the other'. I do not see why anybody would be offended or angered by his words, unless he or she has an interest in perpetually contininuing the conflict.
11. The Land of Israel is Jewish.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (12.10.08)
Arabs should accept that just as Ire-Land is the Land of the Irish and Eng-Land the Land of the English and Fin-Land the Land of the Finns, the name Eretz Yisrael means the Land of the Israelis. The identity of the land is the same as the identity of the nation residing in it; therefore, the Nation of Israel, the Jews, cannot be an occupier of the Land of Israel. The Crusaders named the land “Kingdom of Jerusalem.” The Arab occupation did not have a name for the land; it was referred to merely as “southern Syria.” For 1,300 years, the land had no identity in the absence of the Biblical Jewish nation that identified itself with it. No one claimed ownership but our nation. This is the entire story. The Arabs demand that Ehud Olmert transfer the land free and clear of Jews. As long as there are Jews in Judea, that place cannot not be called by its false name – “Palestine.” The only thing that stops the cadre of traitors from transferring our land to the enemy, already at our gates, is their inability to uproot the settlements. Those communities halt the wheels of destruction as explained at :
12. Coexistence is a myth.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (12.10.08)
Coexistence is one of the great myths that western liberalism has created. There has never been coexistence and there never will be. There is only individual coexistence. Communal coexistence does not exist. The myth of coexistence takes itself from the belief that the opposite of ethnic riots and killing must be that the two communities lived in 'peace'. But this is predicated on the false idea that just because nothing is happening that therefore things are peaceful. Coexistence in the Middle East is one of the greatest myths. And the myth of the Jewish-Arab coexistence is no exception as explained at :
13. #6 And what about the crimes of the muslims against Israelis
Shlomo ,   Migdal, Israel   (12.10.08)
Or better yet, what about the crimes of muslims against their own as well as other nations around the world? It seems to me that if you KILL the cancer(muslim terrorists),the rest of the WORLD will get healthy and vibrant again. And no, the whole world is NOT siding against Israel. Don't be deluded by what is coming out of the UN. The loudest voices coming out of there to punish Israel is coming from who? Oh yeah that's right, other MUSLIM nations. So go peddle your half truth on a muslim website. There will be just as many other loons as yourself who will give you a high five and make you feel ohhhhh so important today.
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