Steep increase in rocket fire despite 'truce'
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 16.12.08, 00:31
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5 Talkbacks for this article
1. "Security Establishment": you can do better than this
Me ,   US   (12.16.08)
I would very much like to see a graph that plots the number of Palestinian terrorist attacks (including rocket attacks) carried out against Israel each month since before the Disengagement. Simply saying a few words about this year vs. last year is quite useless in this age of visual media. The words need a picture to make them "travel". On the internet, a simple picture is worth much more than 1000 words. A simple picture will appear all over the blogosphere and the media. A simple picture can remind everyone that while the media ignores what is going on, Israeli civilians are under continuous bombardment from mortars and rockets. Most people, seeing no news stories about Sderot, think that the terrorist activity from Gaza has paused, and without this context, many do not understand why Israel reacts as it does. They're wrong. A simple chart can show them that Hamas and its friends have never actually stopped attacking Israeli civilians. Not even once. You can't delegate the creation of such a chart to bloggers, because you don't even provide a single, up-to-date data feed for them to use as the basis for this kind of thing. If anyone else agrees with me on this, please say so.
2. Sarky meter in stuck on full
Gideon Reader   (12.16.08)
Balderdash! What nonsense. Of course there is no increase in attacks against from Israel from Gaza. You fools. Don't you know that "Disengagement" cured all of that little animosity. What with cash gifts. Food, fuel and medical supplies, and prisoner release "gestures", surely PEACE is around the corner. Just after prosperity.
3. duh
eric ,   usa nyc   (12.16.08)
of course there is a increase in fire from hamas..israel is not fighting back lmao......sad
4. Hamas should be crushed now!
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (12.16.08)
The lull in Gaza, like the Oslo Accords with Mr Arafat, is proving to be a fiction, but the Israeli government doesn't understand that yet, and neither does the world. There will never be a "good" time for fighting Hamas. The ability of Hamas to inflict casualties is small. If we can eliminate Hamas, now is the time to do it. Six months ago was much better. As to Hamas grip on Gaza consult :
5. There never was a "truce".
Laura ,   Israel   (12.16.08)
There never was a "lull" either. The terrorists only gave themselves more time to smuggle in ton upon ton of weapons and explosives. And Barak gave them the cash to do it.
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