UN official says Israel attacked during lull
Associated Press
Published: 30.12.08, 07:47
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50 Talkbacks for this article
31. To Terry First we can discredit them by showing....
The Business   (12.30.08)
That the organization is based entirely on racists notions of favoring one group over another, also because of it giving a special definition to Palestinian refugees. But Jewish refugees from Arab countries, peoples in the Burma region, Tibetans in India, and Burundians in Tanzania have all been left out, even though with exception of the first have been left as generational refugees.
32. un official says israel attacked during lull
debbie ,   israel   (12.30.08)
What a load of crap this article is. Can anyone explain why the UN and the world in general is always on the side of the "bad guys?" Why do they always protect and sympathize with the killers and terrorists? Haven't enough innocent people around the world been murdered already by these Moslems or Islams or whatever they're called? I think that Israel has now served notice to the Arabs and the world, that the Holocaust was the absolute ever last time that one and a half million Jewish children will be slaughtered, without the world blinking an eye or raising a voice in protest. Also that statistic of 62% of Israelis condoning the IDF attack in Gaza is way off. The overwhelming majority of people here support this attack and the ones who don't are only scared of world opinion.
Hebrah Louis ,   win   (12.30.08)
Really, what else would one expect from this karen Abu Zayd, commissioner of the UN Relief and Works Agency? This rig is certainly going to be biased against Israel, so let's put this one on ignore and can we take a more sensible response please. Thank you very much! Next?
34. It must be frustrating to be Palestinian
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (12.30.08)
To paraphrase: Try as hard as you may to look like the victims, when in reality you are either terrorists or supporting terror, atrocities and genocide against Israel and Jews. The differences between the palestinians and the israelis can be settled rather quickly and end the decades of violence and hatred, but there is no real political will on the Palestinian side. Israel has a proven record for its desire for Peace: it has reached peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan/ A similar peace process was almost to be concluded at Camp David when the Palestinians got half of Jerusalem (from Barak, no less!) and their were also ceded a serious part of the Jewish land - namely the West Bank. Israel also left Gaza for good. But that was percieved as a weakness and instead of building their own country, the Palestinians decided to try and destroy Israel. Hamas wants Israel destroyed...this wont happen. Israelis are not like some of their arab brethren. By years of attacking Israeli civilians with thousands of mortars and rockets, you have made the people hungry for protection, and angry, and that which does not kill you only makes you stronger. The palestinians want the Israelis to disappear and Israel to be "wiped off the face of Earth" force or by fake 'agreements', and that is just not going to happen. Rather than continue to terrorize Israel by killing Israelis through mortars, rockets and terror attacks, Palestinians should realize that the other side is part of humanity (and Middle East too), and once you humanize your enemy, and become empathetic and compassionate to their needs and desires, peace can be achieved. Palestinians should stop their incitement in their media and schools and stop glorifying DEATH and MURDERING of JEWS! I read the comments of people posting talkbacks, and encouraging the continued bombing of Israel and terrorizing its citizens as if is truly going to change anything. All it does is create more resolve to end Hamas and Iranian control over Gaza and ensure a future WITHOUT violence. Israel cannot be destroyed neither through terror and wars nor by political plots. I had hoped Palestinians realized that by now but apparently Palestinains would rather see their neighbors dead than building a future for themselves and their children. What a shame. It must be frustrating to be Palestinian - to be betrayed by your own "leaders", brainwashed by blood and war-mongering barbaric terrorists, raped by their acolytes and hated by ALL ARABS worldwide. It is time for you to throw away your apparent love for self-destruction you've indulged for decades, kick out and hang your treacherous and corrupt 'leaders', reach a true Peace WITH Israel and build a future for yourselves.
35. #31 The Business
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (12.30.08)
We have little or no leverage at the UN. The deck is stacked. We do not control the international media (anti-Semitic propaganda notwithstanding). The media presents the UN in a totally false & misleading manner - rare is the article describing the UN as a cesspool of corruption & mismanagement. It is hard to get the message across although it's certainly worth trying. But we don't have to cooperate with UNRWA in any way. Let them understand that we have teeth & can bite back.
36. #31 Ali - read your post: You're just another one too
Australian Guy   (12.30.08)
Unfortunately, I never saw your posts condemning the incessant rocket attacks on Israel. I suppose I must have missed them? You're entiltled to your opinion , but many , many people also oppose your point of view. We see you and your kind as hypocrites - Jew haters. Its just something you cant help.
37. This is just desperate stuff from the UN
Ronald   (12.30.08)
What a disgrace this organisation is. This woman is so obviously biased - its palpable. Very disappointing and I suppose we'll see more of it.
38. ooomm shmoom
Chris ,   Los Angeles,USA   (12.30.08)
I doubted this lull story from the beginning of the article, but I knew my initial suspicion was right when the U.N. person said "I think they saw that Hamas had observed the truce quite strictly for almost six months, certainly for four of the six months." That quote is complete BS. I remember in the first week of the ceasefire seeing news stories about rockets hitting southern Israel from Gaza. WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK THEY WERE VIOLATING THE CEASEFIRE AND ATTACKING ISRAEL.
39. UN official says Israel attacked during lull
Friend of Israel ,   UK   (12.30.08)
LIARS! LIARS!! Liar of negative moral values!!! The UN is anti-Israel, anti Christ . When the time comes the God of heaven that the UN has been defying like Goliath of Gath (Gaza) will answer for Israel in a way which will make this present israeli campaign llook like a play. You will see.
40. typical UN garbage!
John ,   USA   (12.30.08)
41. #30
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (12.30.08)
Well, just answer this: if the Palestinians really wanted peace, why did they walk into Gaza, when we stupidly handed it to them on a plate - and destroy everything? They could have had a fairly thriving economy there by now. Instead they destroyed anything and everything we left and then set up their rocket factories. When will you and the rest of hte world learn that we will NOT sit down under rockeet fire foreever. The Arabs are toostupid to learn the lessons of history.
42. UNWRA Exposes UN's collusion with terrorists ,   USA   (12.30.08)
The US,Egypt,EU, etc.should lodge a complaint/resolution against UNWRA, withhold any and all funding, and explain it is precisely such lies that exposes the UN as a defunked, irrelevant, outdated organization . There must be an investigation into their activities, support for terrorists, distribution of donations, etc.
43. i am leaving this country
leaver ,   liars   (12.30.08)
our leaders do not keep their promises to us, do you expect them to keep their promises to the enemy? They promised to stop rockets now rockets threaten a million civilians!! i am outa here
Fabio ,   Italy   (12.30.08)
UNRWA is frightened by the possibility of losing the money they squander, with the end of no more BMWs and high-class villas!
45. Let your chidren into your bunkers
Max ,   Israel   (12.30.08)
Why do these radical leaders hide in the bunkers with their rockets, and not women and their children instead of these so called freedom fighters. that every time they are attacked they are the first to hide and leave these so not important eople they represent to die for their beliefs.
46. Ali #30
gedaliah   (12.30.08)
We are not victims anymore. the last time we were victims was in Europe 60 years ago. We will not be victims again. We will fight back with all of our power. the differences between the palestinians and the israelis cannot be settled rather quickly and end the decades of violence and hatred. There is no real political will on either side. This is because it is not a political war. This is a war from Islam to the west. This is a war of ideologies. This may be hard for you to understand being completely out of the loop living in LA. Lets hope this war doesn't make it to you. We in Israel are fighting to make sure that the war doesn't come to you. "israel wants the palestinians to surrender...this wont happen. the palestinians are not like some of their arab brethren." Never has these words left anyones lips. We demand rocks stop falling on schools and homes of civilians. This demand is a basic human right. We are not asking too much now are we? "by months of blockading gaza, you have made the people hungry, and angry, and that which does not kill you only makes you stronger." The blockade was initiated when Hamas was voted into power, killed or jailed its Fatah brethren and then shot rockets indiscriminately into Israeli towns. "the palestinians want the israelis to force or by agreement, and that is just not going to happen." They deny the Jewish Homeland to Jews. They want all Jews Dead "rather than continue to kill each other (mostly israelis killing palestinians), each side should realize that the other side is part of humanity too, and once you humanize your enemy, and become empathetic and compassionate to their needs and desires, peace can be achieved." Israel kills more because we are able to aim at the attackers and kill them. The arabs kill less because they indiscriminately shoot off rockets at schools. Only reason they don't kill more is not lack of trying. encouraging the continued bombing of gaza is truly is going to change the reality on the ground. Your post shows your ingnorance of the middle eastern manatality. In order to have peace with your enemey you must creat a deterance. Now if we get Hamas out or not, the next time they shoot rockets they are going to thing twice about it. There is no talking with a society that teaches to hate and kill at the age or 2. there is no talking to a people who hate Jewish children more than they love their own. there will be no peace until three generations pass with education reform. You open up a textbook from the PA/Hamas....tell me that you would think that they are prepared to talk. there is a reality here that you just are not aware of. I wish all the world was a innocent in thinking as you.
47. UNRWA - the UN office for "privileged" refugees
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (12.30.08)
For those who don't know, UNRWA is that special office created by the UN to provide support only to Arabs who left Mandate Palestine and all their future generations. All other refugees worldwide have to rely on the UNHCR whose mission is to resettle refugees. Not UNRWA. They're there to keep the conflict brewing. Virtually all its employees are local Palestinians, so comments like those reported from this group shouldn't surprise. The irony is that when UNRWA was created, these people weren't called Palestinians. In a sense, they helped create this "people".
48. leaver&Zionistforever say they leaving-Ill get them a toofer
Alan ,   SA   (12.30.08)
49. Say what?
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (12.30.08)
"What we understood here (was) that there was a 48-hour lull to be called, and this was called by the Israelis," Abu Zayd said. "They said they would wait 48 hours. That was on Friday morning, I believe, until Sunday morning, and that they were going to evaluate." So they think that we agreed to yet another 'lull' doesn't mean that we did, it just means they are stupid. Oh shit a redundant statement if there ever was one.
50. a 48 h pause
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (12.30.08)
For firstly to allow humanitarian aid to enter gaza . And waiting what the hamas response would be . Well we had'nt to wait a long time , friday 60 quassams and other projectiles were falling in Israel . They received another response Saturday .
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