Peres: Israel not fighting Palestinian population
Roni Sofer
Published: 30.12.08, 11:04
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31. #23
Talula ,   Israel   (12.30.08)
At least we have products to sell. And I'm sure we'll survive if people stop buying Israeli products. And BOO HOO I'm devastated that you have stopped buying Israeli products. I'm amazed you bought them in the first place. Thanks for your past support though HA HA HA HA! You clearly don't know how many Israeli products you use each day without even knowing it, you Loser. A question for you now: What do they make in Gaza? apart from rockets and a load of trouble? Hmmmmm!!! Answer: A BIG FAT NOTHING. They are a waste of space and all they do is cause trouble. I think you should start reading talkbacks in the daily newspapers in the UK. You’d be astounded and shocked to find out exactly how many Brits don’t want you there either. Happy shopping!
32. I understand perfectly.
Avi   (12.30.08)
1) they hate Jews. They are not a nationalist or Islamist movement, designed to create a viable Palestinian state. They are a genocidal movement, designed to murder Jews. This is how they operate. This is who they are. This is who they have always been. 2) they currently serve for Syria's interests, and al-Assad wants to continue all kinds of terrorism against Israel, just as a nice hello from Damascus, because, you know, al-Assad exists through threats against his own people, against his neighbors, against his "allies". That's how he operates. This is who he is. This is who he has been since he succeeded his thuggish father as the godfather-president of Syria.
33.  There are tow groups in this conflict
Sarah ,   USA   (12.30.08)
Perhaps you need to become more aware. Both sides are responsible. Why do people like you see that Hamas is responsible for part of the violence? I believe you show emotional arrogance in your words. Israel has a right to protect her citizens form suicide bombers and missles. I am an informed person and I will not boycott Israel.
34. Hamas
Sarah ,   USA   (12.30.08)
Please Hamas wants to talk to Israel . What universe are you living in? They want to destroy Israel. If Hamas wants to be heard why don' they communicate in a civilized way. Suicide bombers are no way to communciate..
35. The "Palestinian population" elected Hamas.
Matt C ,   Canada   (12.30.08)
Pretending that Israel is fighting Hamas but not the Palestinians in Gaza does not help. Hamas was elected democratically in Gaza and only days ago mobilised hundreds of thousands of supporters in a show of its popularity. In order for Israel to make informed decisions, and to inform Israel's allies of the truth, it must be said that Israel IS fighting Gaza's population, which has shown overwhelming support for terrorist Hamas. If Israel pretends that Hamas is some group with only minority support, then that will lead to the unavoidable question, "why punish all Gazan Palestinians for the behaviour of a terrorist minority"? Israel's behaviour in Gaza can only be understood by others by telling them the blunt truth that Hamas is supported in its twisted ideology by most Gazans.
36. #23 Boycott
Talula ,   Israel   (12.30.08)
And just so you know - You are supporting Israel by using your computer. The Intel Pentium chip was developed in Haifa. Opps!
37. To the nice dutch, 30
Another Guy ,   Barcelona   (12.30.08)
You are wrong and misleading. Hamas never wanted to talk to anyone. They said from day one that they would never recognize Israel and its right to exist, as you probably don’t either. Hamas’s fundamental goal, its slogan, is the complete destruction of Israel. They once said that even if talks were an option, they would have had only a temporary objective to maintain the calm as they get stronger and amass arms and emmunition. Every ceasefire held since then, if one can refer to them as such, were means to an end, permitting them to get stronger without being “harassed” by Israel. Don’t believe everything the media tells you, most of it is biased and unilaterally inclined. Curiously, the same media doesn’t tell the story of a Palestinian rocket hitting and killing Palestinian civilians, that in an interview where a Gaza citizen said “May Alla burn me together with my house, may alla burn Israel and Hammas”, the last two words are mysteriously cut out by editors, that when Al Jazeera asks a small girl in an interview who is to blame for what happened to her house, her answer never reaches the audience (which according to the very Al Jazeera reporter was “Hammas”). You are defending a very dangerous, extreme, organization. With a country full of Arabs, it’s not a surprise. By the way, Holland is not considered to be one of the most attractive countries in European eyes either, with its strict immigration policies (you should watch the news in other European channels, looking in the mirror is sometimes necessary).
38. Not one person in the world..
François ,   Montréal   (12.30.08)
Please exclude me. Where does this guy get his information.
39. #23 Chanalau, Tova, London, UK
You are an honorable person. A person with conscience. God bless you.
40. Hamas will find the power to defeat the evil
Yiddy ,   london   (01.05.09)
To the person who wrote about the people of gaza: 'They voted for hamas so the basiclly deserve it'... firstly you don't have the RIGHT to say what you did, these people will take back there land back off you.... don't forget you forced your way in.... and they will force you back out.... or crush your soldier that you support.... in the mean time your soldiers can kill those heaven-bound brothers.... the martyrs.
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