Gazan doctor: People dying due to lack of equipment
Daniel Edelson
Published: 31.12.08, 00:39
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31. shame on you
Amir ,   Jordan   (12.31.08)
I am very sorry, to read your comments. I thought Israeli people had something against Hamas, now I know it is a race issue, where even a little palestinian child not being treated because of the lack of medication is a bad person. Anyways, I wish the world can read your responses, so they can be assured about who you really are, because lots of them are still having doubts. Americans think that you are cute people that are mistreated by everyone. God has his ways of showing the truth one day.
32. Experience with Israeli aggressiveness?
Talula ,   Israel   (12.31.08)
They've clearly never spoken to an Israeli doctor that was on duty after a suicide bomber struck. The stupidity of these people, supposedly doctors, knows no boundaries. They are so blind and unaware. How can that be?
33. Sorry, its not our problem anymore.
Steve   (12.31.08)
34. Simple Rule of cause and effect
meir elazar   (12.31.08)
HAMAS saw what happened after they kidnapped Shalit. Stupid Nasrallah kidnapped Regev and Goldwasser on 3 weeks laters starting the Lebanon 2 war and later admitted that had he know what the Israeli response would be, he would not have done it. All said, HAMAS has rocketed Israel relentlessly knowing that the day would come that Israel would have to do ANYTHING to stop the rockets. In prisoner exchanges, PALs have set the exchange rate to one Israeli is worth 1000 PAL prisoners. Well we believe that each Israeli terrorist victim should result in the death of 1000 HAMAS terrorists. Each HAMAS rocket launched at Israeli civilians should result in 1000 Israeli missiles killing Hamas operatives and destroying their infrastructure. Hamas hides behind their civilian population and is responsible for their casualities along with ours while we try not only to protect our civilians but theirs as well although I strongly question how many are "innocent" and I certain would not care about theirs one iota as long as they don't care about ours. The only solution is to hurt HAMAS and Gaza so hard and so bad for so long that they abandon terror, accept Israel, and begin to explore ways to co-exist. Right now their Charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the murder of all Israelis and Jews. They are uncompromising in this. They only use the ploy of a Hudna to re-arm and regroup but not as a solution for coexistance. Until there is a dramatic change in Gaza and the rockets stop, we have every right and intention to prosecute this war in the most effective and painful way possible to HAMAS and Gaza terrorists, civilian and otherwise.
35. Hope I live long enough to see Israel get what it deserves.
Chanalau, Tova ,   London, UK   (12.31.08)
Nothing more, nothing less: simply its just deserts.
36. I wonder why there are shortages....
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (12.31.08)
...when over the past few years the EU and other do-gooders have poured billions of dollars into Gaza. Funny that in all this time there has been absolutely no improvement in the infrastructure there - no new schools, clinics, hospitals, roads etc. Oh, could it possibly be that all that money went on buying arms and weapons? And what did they do with those weapons ? Aim them at us, of course. And why have we held up supply convoys? Well, why should the drivers get shot at and attacked. The average pali just whines in the street - go rise up against your leaders and demand better conditions. Oops, I forgot - they'd probably shoot you. Well, you elected them, now live with the consequences.
37. #31 Shame on you too!
Talula ,   Israel   (12.31.08)
PALESTINIAN children have been treated in Israel - only last week two girls were injured by an Idiot terrorist whose rocket misfired - they were brought into Israel for treatment. The borders are CLOSED now. Hamas knew the borders would be closed if war broke out down south – they KNEW there would not be enough medical supplies to help save lives – it didn’t stop them firing rockets daily into Israel daily. It’s strange, don’t you think, that they have around 2,000 rockets but NO bread, NO flour and NO medical supplies – but they have exotic animals in the zoo? All smuggled in by tunnels. Pity the tunnels were not used for humanitarian aid. It’s abundantly clear that Hamas do not care about the Palestinians – their actions are not consistent with thugs that care. They wanted to show the Palestinians how tuff they are – but look what has happened. They only have themselves to blame. Anyhow, enough of that I have a question for you: Why don't you take the Palestinians? Jordan is rightfully their home - and why is it that the Palestinians that do live there, are kept in refugee camps and are not allowed to integrate into Jordanian society? Why is that? Ahhhhh very easy to spew out hate against Israelis when really, you could help them more than anyone, but you chose not to.
38. No. 13
Your utter lack of knowledge about Israelis is absolutely stunning. Far from being religious fanatics, the overwhelming majority of them are secular. In fact, in a worldwide survey on the subject of the role of God in people's lives, the two groups who said God plays the LEAST role in their lives were South Korean Buddhists and Israeli Jews. In fact, I'll bet that Polish Catholics are a hell of a lot more religious than Israelis are.
39. Got to love the way Palestinians
turn tragedy into pornography. Too many "paparazzis" for a nation that should be building itself, eh?
40. Reporting like this...
Kev ,   London   (12.31.08)
...get Israelis killed. It is that simple.
41. to 13: your comment is useless
bruno ,   bouxwiller france   (12.31.08)
why do you write something if you knowingly are not interested in understanding the causes of the situation?
42. #35
Ilana   (12.31.08)
I don't think you will, sorry. Peace is still a long way off. The palestiians need to wander 400 years in the desert to be ready for peace.
43. Lies. Gazans Dying Because They Ceaselessly Attack Israel
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (12.31.08)
44. Perhaps Gazans...
Kev ,   London   (12.31.08)
...will think a little more carefully next time they tick that little 'Hamas' box.
45. War
Jenny Donovan ,   London   (01.16.09)
I am a medical student from England. This is the first time i have seen this news website. At first i was intrigued to see the Israeli people's reaction for once. After having read the article ,which I admit I had first contemplated that it thought would be bias, however was suprised to find it rather neutral in actual fact. So instead of going back to my revision i decided to keep reading. So now i have reached post 36 and am truly astonished that some of you have posted such heartless comments. How can you seriously go to bed at night with a clear conscience and think that its the Palestinians' fault for not having medical supplies. Do you not think that this occupation could be the actual reason and perhaps 20 days of constant bombardment. If the same thing happened in Tel Aviv or London for that matter and 5000 dead and injured within 20 days occured, i'm pretty certain the NHS would be literally struggling to cope despite the decent infrastructure. Please take a little time to consider your points clearly, because your government has put shame on your country so dont you the people reflect this.
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