Gaza op: 29 casualties in one family
Ali Waked
Published: 22.01.09, 21:50
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31. #16
do you mean like the prophet muhamad who entered all cities around the world, raped, pillaged, killed, murdered, stole and debased and humiliated all the "infidels" who didn't agree to convert to islam or who opposed them????? the same propeht that has stolen the religion of the jews and christians (because islam is only 1500 years old, you know)...that same prophet whose barbaric armies with swords killed millions of people, invaded their countries and raped and stole their women, forced them to convert or die??? you mean the same prophet and barbaric religion which spreads hate and violence, backwardsness and primitivism around the world for a thousand five hundred years???? shame on you and your religion. your arab people are primitives. they are not dignified by any means. they have a history og=f violence, murder, theivery and pilaging other people and cultures and subjecting them to humiliation, death and destruction. you mean that prophet, the pedophile prophet that calls the people of the book apes and pigs and vows to kill anyone who doesn't accept islam as their religion. just imagine if all of us accepted islam!!!! you know where we would have been now??? in the 7th century.
32. ynet, stop publicing this propaganda crap
33. #31 Islam says: don't mind the ignorant
observer   (01.23.09)
34. #22 your threats?!? LOL boisterously
Saul ,   Barcelona (soon ex-)   (01.23.09)
So, we haven't seen nothing yet, you say. Well, your Hamas buddies promised a "graveyard" and "open gates of hell" for the IDF before this op. Perhaps, you and your genocidal friends should be more specific to the Gaza people exactly whose "graveyard" it would be and who would end up falling into the "gates of hell" But wait, if we "haven't seen nothing yet", are we going to see nothing in near future? So, while Hamas may threaten more "graveyards" and "gates of hell" for the Gazans, and you promise nothing for us to see...oooh, we are all shaking...
35. No. 22 immorality?
Saul ,   Barcelona (soon Ex-)   (01.23.09)
Well, here we have another self-appointed "voice of the world" preaching morality. May I ask, how you have arrived at such a position? What do you know about the ME conflict, other than the horrible images repeated ad-nauseum, propaganda from anti-Israeli media and libelous claims from the Arab supporters? Have you thought beyond the images? Have you used logic, criticism, historic perspective (from more than one source) to evaluate the messages? Do you have at least a rudimentary grasp of psychology, logic and rhetoric, as related to propaganda? Do you, even for once, consider that you are being manipulated? If not, you are just a dupe, albeit a very smug one, and your opinion is worthless. Turn around and listen to the Hamas and its supporters. Let the substance of their message sink in. Now, tell us about their empathy, morality, good intentions. Tell us about the calls for peace with Israel, tell us about apologies for the children killed in the sui-(homi-)cide bombings, the lives of more than a million civilians under constant threat from their rockets. Where is the Arab version of Peace Now? Where are the speakers recognizing the rights of Jewish people to self-determination in our only ancestral land? No, roger, the immorality and evil you detect is emanating from you and your ilk. It is your selective ignorance of the situation, your belief in propaganda and the "rightness" of what you perceive as "the majority of world opinion" (might makes right, eh?) How do you know what the "majority world opinion" is? Do you feel like you have enough of an unbiased sample to infer what it is? I do not believe you do. You are simply willing to buy various canards, hook line and sinker, and repeat them uncritically. Indeed, it is YOU who displays complete absence of empathy, reflected in your "disgust" (again, "majority world opinion": uncritical sticking with "majority" is the first sign of a cowardly imbecile, dear roger) Yes, there are many innocent victims in Gaza. Our hearts go out to them and we truly regret what they had to suffer. The truly innocent, however, will remain silent, for their words would be an indictment to the Hamas murderers. The spokesmen will be Al Samounis and their ilk, well known stalwarts of the Hamas regime, whose "testimonies" will be changed and twisted, to tailor more of the Al Dura and Jenin-types of libelous canards to get your self-righteous blood boiling. As in the past, these, too, will all be debunked in a few weeks, once a thorough and objective investigations are completed, but the "moral pundits" of the "majority world opinion", such as yourself, will miss it, as usual, too busy chasing the next anti-Jewish canard. YOUR blindness is truly breathtaking.
36. No. 33 observer? parrot more like it
Saul ,   Barcelona (soon Ex-)   (01.23.09)
Islamists have never been found guilty of exercising too much critical thought. Parroting, however, has apparently reached its apotheosis among your ilk.
37. #9 - Settlers did more for peace than avg citizens
William ,   Israel   (01.23.09)
You laugh but the settlers who live in the West Bank and lived in Gaza did very important things for peace. They brought awareness to the rest of the Jews' homeland, they plowed the way for average citizens like me to visit Hebron and pray (where before we were shot at regularly), and they put pressure on Pals to work for peace. In 1967, Arafat shunned Israeli offers of WB/Gaza for peace and vowed to continue destroying Israel. Then the settlers began moving in and soon he changed his tune, knowing the facts on the ground are moving away from Pal favor. And, consider the stories of many locals who worked well with settlers and even shared resources. You won't see this in the media where settlers are demonized for the actions of a few. The people who kill the chances for peace for your own Hamas - those who declare co-existence a crime against the Koran.
38. #19 is abolutely correct
William ,   Israel   (01.23.09)
I am suspicious of this article and it bothered me for a few days. I realized after reading other articles of the same story that it was changing. The guys who went into Gaza were Golani and Paratroopers - some of the best, most well-trained and disciplines in the IDF. Killing civilians or unarmed people is not their MO, which is why it took so long to go a couple of meters in Gaza City. My vote is on the Hamas dressed in IDF uniforms in order to place blame of our soldiers. They have the uniforms and tried to infiltrate our forces already. Plus, the son of a Hamas leader admitted these and other tactics on Fox News already.
39. #21 - Roger - apologize and be human
William ,   Israel   (01.23.09)
Moron, your very post is lacking in intelligence and information. Do you see Israelis handing out candies at Arab deaths and crying "Death to Arabs?" - no, but you do see Arabs do that for Jewish deaths. Why would the IDF apologize for adhering to the laws of weapon use in a war?? That's stupid. If you hate the use of phosphorus bombs, call the UN and demand the Intl body change the laws. They did it already for land mines (which Hamas and Hizbullah still use) and are considering banning cluster bombs. Now you seem to take the story as absolute truth, while the rest of us have seen the lies made for the media by the Pals. Hamas NEEDS to have atrocities and high civilian count in order to win world opinion. Your myopic perspective gives them enough validity in distortion of facts - because you eat it up without question. And that is the REAL concern for the future of humanity.
40. #27 - Observer - Hamas always had the capability
William ,   Israel   (01.23.09)
just because we didn't see 40km rockets before didn't mean they didn't have them ready to use. No one imports massive arms and builds underground networks, including rocket launching pads, unless they plan to use them to attack. It was just a matter of time and I applaud the IDF action which forced Hamas to reveal its hand earlier. We always speculated their weapons but couldn't prove it. Now we showed how ruthless Hamas is and what a danger it is to the Middle East. Although nuts like you in the street support them, the leaders of the world (sans Iran, Syria) do not and secretly are working to castrate them.
41. Hamas propoganda
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (01.25.09)
Hamas lives on blood ,the more blood the better,they lied before and they are lying now,they are planting their lies on fertile ground with people like Roger # 21 and the international anti Israel orchestra,who are always willing to except palestinian statements as nothing but the truth, no questions asked.
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