Saudi prince says US ties at risk over Mideast
Published: 23.01.09, 08:04
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31. obama must tell the arabs you dont try blackmail me
zionist forever   (01.23.09)
Like a wild animal the sauidis have smelt blood and they are now moving in for the kill. They know Obama has fallen in love with the islamic world and is turning on Israel so they are now playing on that and trying to blackmail the US saying our reations will be strained if you dont use American muscle to force Israel to play by our rules no negotiation. This deal also opend the doors to dream up their own diplomatic initiative everytime they want Israel to do something or stop doing it wants or force it to do something. We are setting a precident here which will allow the arabs to dictate Israel foreign policy ... they dream up the terms they tell the US enforce our will over Israel & because it has allowed itself to become overdependent on the US diploamticly & militarily if they start flexing their muscles Israel will be under preasure to accept arab demands. The whabis are trying to dictate the model the Middle East will take into the 21st century Israel is gradualy finding itself surounded by more and more enemies. The arabs are talking with one voice. The Europeans have had no love for Israel for decades and thats getting worse now France has fallen in love with Assad and are talking about recognising and talking with Hamas. The US is now run by a president whose first speech after being inagurated was to reach out to the isalmic world and has already set up envoys to deal with the Middle East. We need to start looking for closer cooperation with our other allies like India and even try improove relations with Russia considering we have 1 million Russians it for the first time in history gives us a loud voice. China wants to be our friend but the US is making trouble to block it. The more friends we have the more influence we have in world affairs.
33. Ha! Empty squall & PR for the Islamic lands.
Cameron ,   USA   (01.23.09)
Both countries have eachother by the stones, and the Saudis never forget this for a moment. Oh, the oil must flow, but, the ONLY source of real, guaranteed security for the Sunni/Wahabi contol of the holy Islamic sites is the US. Only the blue-eyed infidels ensure that the Sunni Arabs remain in control of Mecca & Medina. The Persians have always yearned to seize control of those lands for ideological and economic reasons, and only the US can prevent those ambitions. It is a threat that never ends, and never will. We are forever joined at the hip because of oil, raw economics, and security issues. We both despise eachother on a no. of levels, but we are truly "brothers" who cannot escape our mutual strengths and weaknesses. We are both trapped by Reality & Fate. irony, and then some.
34. to #2 Frank, Canada
Objective reader   (01.23.09)
You wrote: "So Arabs are threatening to attack Israel once again. I have no problem with that. Hopefully, the Right will be in power and will use nukes against these scums. Frank , Canada (01.23.09) " How about this ? "So Jews are threatening to attack Arabs once again. I have no problem with that. Hopefully, the Right will be in power and will use nukes against these scums. "
35. alternative energy - sooner the better
dori   (01.23.09)
36. Time to wean ourselves from the Oil Teat
Rod ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.23.09)
Cheers ! We're far better off without those Wahhabist dogs anyway.
37. like 1973 Prince
38. ihope so #23
Palestinian USA ,   Jerusalem   (01.23.09)
regime change in KSA and Egypt ... we would welcome the change ..would you ...?? it will be all out war there will be drawn to fight gerilla war at several front ...will wait for you to get out of your borders and then eat you for lunch just like in Gaza or lebanon . those regime are the ones who protect Israel for now .. just imagine if the Rafah Crossing was open!!
39. Yeah, baby! Bush is gone...
secede Texas & Okla. ,   from socialist USSA!   (01.23.09)
so now the "Masters of the Oil Cartel" will start yanking the chain! Mr. Obama, the current occupier of the Oval Office is about to meet "the resistance"! Will he be up for it? Will American East Coast Jewish Democrats rue the day they ever voted for him? Stay tuned! Time will tell!
40. Clue, most in US hate or dislike Arabia
David ,   Boston, USA   (01.23.09)
We see it for what it is, an exporter of hate. Hopefully under Obama we can finally get off foreign oil. I whole career has been in energy efficiency and alternative energy. I know what I am talking about. It is possible, as long as there is the will to do it.
41. Empty Suit
RickD ,   USA   (01.23.09)
The only jihad will be the Iranian jihad to steal the Saudi oil. Who will defend the Saudis against the Iranians when the Iranians come for the Saudi oil? The Saudis know that the only one to defend them will the same one who defended Kuwait from the Iraqi marauders in 1991. The Saudis are barking in their burquas if they think they can blackmail the US.
42. Two things: Legacy + Preventing Suffering
ZS ,   USA   (01.23.09)
1) As for the "sickening legacy" left by the Iraq war, maybe the prince should ask the Iraqis before speaking on their behalf. Are they "sickened" by the fact that they no longer have to worry about Saddam slaughtering them for speaking out against him? What is sickening about the fact that the man who threw a shoe at a visiting head of state, instead of being summarily executed, was instead arrested and must receive the due process of having a hearing in a court? 2) As for saying that Obama must take steps to prevent further suffering of Palestinians... Does the Prince actually think Obama will be able to stop Hamas from launching rockets or mortars any more effectively than Israel could? ...does he think Hamas will say "Well, I was about to launch a rocket, but since Obama told me not to, I will stop myself from doing it." Israel has to go on the PR offensive NOW. They must do the preliminary work to let the world know that after witnessing what has just occurred in Gaza, if any more rockets are launched, the world must immediately condemn the launchers as people who do not care about Palestinians, and who are murderers of Palestinians, and that there is no excuse to vilify or scream against Israel. Israel should not wait for the next rocket to go on the PR offensive.
43. In other words the price of oil needs to be higher
Steve from Raleigh   (01.23.09)
Why didn't you say that, moron?
44. Without U.S. protection?
Sidney ,   USA   (01.23.09)
Who will keep the Saud family in power? They are hated by everybody in the Arab world?
45. Where was his highness when Bush was in Power?
Moise   (01.23.09)
If I remember, his middle age kingdom regime was covering Bush and his administration of with expensive gifts and bribes to save his regime. Too late Mr. Turki, you have no business threatning Obama administration what so ever.
46. LIES
Sean ,   Montréal, Québec   (01.23.09)
I have read the English translation of this letter and Saudi Arabia is requested to break its silence on the massacre in Gaza. It was not requested to enter into a jihad. It is sad that lies become justifiable for a supposedly higher moral goal. That of demonizing Iran.You are sowing fear. Your harvest will doubtlessly be bountiful!!
dp   (01.23.09)
who are they fooling
48. Saudi Prince...
Knightarm ,   New York, USA   (01.23.09)
US (along with the rest of the civilized world) must liberate itself from black gold? (more like black filth) that we're addicted to...the sooner the better. And the "special relationship" with the Saudis? Aren't they the ones who taught the 19 hijackers and the millions of others to hate the West? Once we're liberated I trust Saudi Arabia and its Opec buddies become useless havebeens and havens for Camel drivers again.To all our friends and enemies alike: "NEVER AGAIN" !!!
49. The House of Saud Is Trying To Save Itself
World Citizen ,   the world   (01.23.09)
The Saudi royal family wants to stay in power but radicals in Saudia Arabia are gaining strength because of Israel's criminal actions against the Palestinian people. The same thing is true in Egypt and Jordan. Egypt is a powder keg about to explode. Mubarek is 80 years old. Think he will live much longer? Think that the misery two billion dollars the US government gives his corrupt regime is going to satisfy the Muslim Brotherhood? Jordan has a hugh Palestinina refugee population. Think they like seeing what you are doing on the West Bank and Gaza? The Israeli press may shelter the Israeli people from the images coming out of Gaza but I can assure you that those terrible images are being broadcast around the world. While you may be celebrating your "victory" over Hamas the rest of the world is seeing white phosporus bombs and mangled childrens bodies. Israel has lost the war of world public opinion. Ten thousand PR firms and one million pro-Israel web bloggers aren't going to change that. Things will never be the same again.
50. Sever relation with Saudi Arabia
Brod ,   USA   (01.23.09)
America should sever relation with Saudi Arabia because of 9/11 and for being the Chief Sponsor of Islamist-Jihadist terrorism around the world. The Saudi wolves should stop intruding in israel's internal affairs. Israel has all the rights in the world to develop their liberated biblical and historic homeland.
51. Arab schizofrenia
Robert ,   New York,NY   (01.23.09)
Saudi king blamed Hamas for Israeli reaction,now blames Israel for reacting! Now plays the blame game, as usual, Palestinian suffering is due to the "settlements". Saudis forgot they expelled 300000 palestinian Arabs when Arafat supported Saddam for invading Kuwait, collective punishment against their own bethren.Tipical Arab style, part of their psychopathological behavior.
52. Already threatening Obama, hmm?
Zvi   (01.23.09)
How to win friends and influence people. Not.
53. Wrong time for Saudis to pull this BS
David ,   Los Angeles   (01.23.09)
It's the US that preserves the reign of the House of Saud. With oil prices at a big-time low, and a new President in the White House seriously determined to reduce oil dependency (along with fossil fuel use), these guys had better behave!!
54. Saudis love Hamas
Hector ,   USA   (01.23.09)
With their vast empty land mass why don't the Saudis invite the Hamas fanatics to live in Saudi Arabia.
55. Saudia Arabian Chutzpah
Douglas Miller ,   Detroit, USA   (01.23.09)
The ruling family in SA has long felt that America is it's lap dog, that sits, rolls over and begs at their commands. If America's new administration had any self-respect, dignity or patriotism they would tell those jerks to shut and go back in their corner
56. The oil era is ending!
Arie ,   BaGolan   (01.23.09)
With the push for alternative fuel vehicles; with more and more states mandating electric and other vehilcles; with the rise of vegetable based alternatives; solar technology improvements: the era of our dependence on the islamonazis is quickly coming to an end. What will the arabs live on then? I guess they can always sell sand!
57. Bring back Saddam Hussain
zionist forever   (01.23.09)
If he was still their naighbor the whabis wouldn't be making so many threats. American weapons would be much more important than playing tough and telling the US not supporting our demands will strain US / Saudi relations. We need to start spending big on developing practical alternative energy sources that can be used worldwide if we are ever going to tell the arabs to go swim in their oil because we dont want it and won't let you use it as a bargining chip to get things out of us.
58. take away the oil: would be just another 3rd world toilet
Nudnik   (01.24.09)
Even with the oil. Not much chop either - primitive mentality glossed with the best money can buy , its still excrement.
59. "Special Relationship"-my a--..
Steve ,   SF-usa   (01.24.09)
Unlike the enabler Bush, we find the Saudi Regime despicable with no human or religous rights. We hold them responsible for 9/11 since 14 of the murderers were brainwashed, criminal Saudis. Reform your govt or stay out of our countries-you're not welcome here anymore. 3,000 innocent civilians burned alive in 2 hours while you handed-out candies-stop your hypocritical whining. Next time you attack us, we will bring the terror home to you. As long as you're a front for violent, intolerant wahhabis-you will remain an enemy to us. You want Jihad? Bring it on Turki-you will lose everything including your gold toilets, oil and slaves.
60. Saudia Arabia retoric is weak
Milo Perez ,   Tijeras/USA   (01.24.09)
Let's see who's loyal to whom. king fasil is not a friend of the USA nor Israel. He would turn on the USA and Israel if given the opportunity even if Israel did not protect it's borders in "Cast Lead" Oil baron are on the losing end and they know that their dominance on petro-dollars are a thing of the past. If the saudias even dreamed of an advancement against Israel, their fate would be sealed and blown to kingdowm come and their lil kingdom would be dust under our feet. fasil, get your facts straight and your loyalities in order before you make such omnious warnings. Islamic radicals only want you for a pillow and after their rest, would dominate your country. U know this to be true and your blowing a awful smoke-screen that only endangers u poor country.
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