Aid workers fear Gaza's kids will become 'easier prey for extremists'
Associated Press
Published: 25.01.09, 23:01
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42 Talkbacks for this article
31. Dear Terry
Joe ,   Boca Raton   (01.26.09)
Escuse you but their much more suffering than Israelis only respoind to their being relentless in teaching their children to kill all jews. You know that there are muslim Israelis and cristhian Israelis that are part of the Israeli parliament. It is obviously not what you point it to be. Jews can not set foot in Gaza if not armed to the teeth. They give them food, money, electricity, parts, supplies and medical care all for free. (I mean to the gazans and people in the west bank) So that is what you get for bitting the hand that feeds you. You are nothing but a bigot. their pain and suffering they have earned well and with a lot of hard work at hating and trying to exterminate the Jews. So no, no ms Bigot, they did not cause the Holocaust, neither they will. And is not that they do not want to, is that they can not. Bye bye bigot birdie
32. Yeah all that hate learning in school and Kid's shows
on TV had no effect ,   bullcrap!   (01.26.09)
33. #9...Well said. I totally agree.
Ash ,   USA   (01.26.09)
34. #9 Terry you are great
MK ,   USA   (01.26.09)
I could not agree more with what you said. The sad thing is that the solution to the ME conflict is so simple: get back to the 67 borders and the game is over. The whole Arab world would have peace with Israel in a matter of day. But nayyyyy said the bigots. I guess peace is so boring that both Hamas and Israel are enjoying this bloodshed so much. IT IS SICKENING.
35. sure it wasn't mickey mouse's teaching about joos
from hamass#loe ,   TV?   (01.26.09)
36. #9 you are spewing arabist propoganda
jaytee ,   usa   (01.26.09)
Israel defends itself against 8 years of shelling, reasonably engages a racist enemy who is bent of the murder of Jews and Israelis and Pals are traumatized enough to hate Israel? What a bunch of crap. They hate Israel because they are fed antisemitism for breakfast, lunch, dinner and school. They loathe Jews because their parents need to continue this hatred, because without it, their lives have no meaning. Israel is central to their raison d'etre and if the Pals give peace a chance, they will become just another arab people. They will lose their uniqueness. The Pals are certainly responsible for current persecution of Jews. They have absorbed Nazi propaganda and have used it to full advantage. They by and large are a vengeful people intent on Israel's destruction. There are almost no voices of moderation. Perhaps it is just simpler for you to see the Jews as the scapegoat again.
37. OH those extremists
Of course! ,   Israel   (01.26.09)
Of course palestinian children and general population are traumatized- with those Hamas extremists offering them as sacrifices and endangering them at all times- if those Hamas leaders dont care for their lives- how can we expect them to care for their well being, welfare, etc
38. israeli psychologists say
that the gaza hamas shelling israeli southern towns, innocent civilians, mom, babies, children, schools, kindergardens, etc... for 8 LONG YEARS INDISCRIMINANTELY also caused severe post traumatic disorders in its children and adults. israel shelled gaza for three weeks. hamas shelled israel with 8,000 rockets indiscriminantely for 8 LONG YEARS. YOU DO THE MATH!
the hatred the palestinians in gaza feel for israel has been learned a long time ago, prior to this necessary operation. it is learned in every home on every tv program. it is learned in their school texts. it is learned in every mosque during the vile friday prayers where death to jews is a common speech. it is learned in every t.v. program hamas puts on its islamic children program channel in the strip. please, no excuses. these children would have learned this hate without any operation at all.
40. mr. ging and the un
you may want to fill these children's lives with lessons on human rights and real education rather than their islamization and terror teaching by thugs like hamas. however, know that no matter what aspiration your good project has, it will never come to fruition if hamas thugs controll the strip, the tv prorams, the parents, the un and its facilities in gaza and the academic texts of the school as well as the nature of vile preaching in every muslim mosque in gaza where the vilest and most radical and most hateful and violent messages are broadcasted to one and all in gaza. if you want change, eradicate hamas, institute real academic education in gaza (if you want these children to become docs and lawyer instead of thugs and terrorists), change the nature and information in theor school texts, eliminate hateful and violent death messages in mosques each friday, hold hamas responsible for thievery, violence, corruption and vile indictrination of the young and finally, stop, stop, stop financing gaza and its leadership without holding them accountable for their spending, their actions and their mistakes. this is just for starters. the palestinians in gaza have gone downhill way way way prior to this operation by israel. AND YOU KNOW IT!
41. Suffering
Talula ,   Israel   (01.26.09)
An immediate ease to the children's suffering would be: If Hamas was allowed to rearm and kill every Israeli - and for billions of dollars to be poured into Gaza for them to live happily ever after. But that’s just not going to happen!! There are millions of children around the world who live day in and day out under constant threat, fear and suffering. No-one seems to care about them. Palestinians want to position themselves in the highest position of the distress’o’ meter. And are STILL using children in doing that. But the fact is, all that has happened in Gaza, hasn’t happened over the last few weeks since our military operation. It happened LONG before then. They simply want to amalgamate the two. They didn’t have squat in Gaza before, and they have even less now. But that’s the price to be paid for continually provoking a larger and far superior State. Seal up the crossings and be done with them.
42. Associated Press rescue Hamas - but how do the kids see Hama
bob kirk ,   Los Angeles, USA   (01.26.09)
Associated Press to the rescue for Hamas. Yes the kids are traumatized as are the Israeli kids. The difference is that Hamas, Islamic Juhad and PRC chose to fire missilies into Israeli towns knowing that Israel must respond in some way. For the terrorists the goal is to create and sustain hatred in every generation; as arafat said 'we will create a generation of revenge' and so they do. However Israel must respond with strength. The UN's John Ging and AP never ask why Hamas did this to their own children. I wonder what these Gaza kids would answer if asked why Hamas brought war on them. This question, I'm sure, is never asked by the Palestinian counselors. The reporters are the PR for the terrorists. Wow!
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