In the name of God
Shamir Yeger, Gal Einav
Published: 02.02.09, 00:59
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31. Lies and Slander
Moshe ,   Petach Tikva   (02.02.09)
Stating, "Soldier, I hope you get to die for Kiddush HaShem”, reflects an extremely unjewish idea, that is not supported by one out of a thousand Jews, religious or secular. I went to an Israeli yeshiva for one year, and I am 100% certain that no one "wishes" others to die in "Kiddush HaShem." Writing that sentence here as if it reflects an accepted traditional, religious Jewish approach, is loshan hara (slander). To spread such malicious gossip in a major newspaper is to commit a feinous crime against a large segment of Israeli society. I would not be surprised if they had made this quote up, because in all my years of Orthodox, religious, traditional education I have never once heard someone express a statement like that. And, I would be shocked if any traditional Jew were to state that.
32. Poor blind boy-
Dani' El ,   SF USA   (02.02.09)
You have no idea why you survived to write your article do you? Or why there is any Israel at all. Wake up! Lord, for the sake of the fathers and your Holy Name, forgive him. All glory to the Holy One of Israel!!
33. Ungrateful & yet so (secular) Israeli
russel ,   tlv   (02.02.09)
34. Understanding Israel as Jewish
David Klein ,   Israel   (02.02.09)
Ouch, the comment "there was complete separation between their private world and military position" sums up the article. Private world, i.e., Jewish and Jewish values? Should not be part of our national (military) persona? Israel and the Israeli mlitary are NOT like those of other countries, they are Jewish and must continually strengthen their Jewish identity, otherwise there is no reason for existance. This is our strength and rejection of who we are is our weakness.
35. What??
Yosef ,   Jerusalem   (02.02.09)
i dont get it? what is it that youydislike? that there are religious people in the army or that we are killing palestinians and their children? if you dont belive that your in a jewish country and a jewish army then why dont you move to palestine? there you will not be fighting in a jewish army or living in a jewish country, you might not be able to eat pork or dress immodestily but at least there wont be any "jewish" religious coersion! religious emiseries around our highly classified maps are a problem? are they going to go to HAMAS and pass along the info?? why should we allow you to take a look at these maps? maybe you have a vested interest in assisting HAMAS afterall they will abolish judiasm in israel then you will be able to live in peace, or will you?
36. To Moish
David ,   Haifa   (02.02.09)
First of all, if anybody is ungrateful here, it is you. You should thank these men for risking their lives and leaving their families in order to protect what is dear to all of us, religious and secular. You do not have to be anti-religious to believe and understand that religion should not be forced upon any of us, and definitely not on soldiers. These soldiers are right, if we start to fight holy wars there will be hardly any difference between us and the enemies that we face. Bob Dylan ( and in Hebrew Yonathan Geffen and David Broza ) sang a beautiful song about this.
37. Every barrel has a few rotten apples
Ilan ,   Ariel   (02.02.09)
38. Another anti religious story.
Mark ,   Maale Adumim   (02.02.09)
Yet another anti religious Ynet story. I received many letters from mothers telling the stories about their sons when they returned home. It seems that many soldiers ran to the army Rabbis for blessings. Many soldiers who never in their life put on Tzizit for the first time did, the four cornered garment with strings, that there were not enough and religious soldiers took theires off and gave them to the men. Rabbis drove with the men on Shabbat to give them extra spirit during the fighting. May be this is why the reported "Rachel " game to the doors of houses to warn about the booby traps that were inside as reported in your paper.
39. Religious interference
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (02.02.09)
This article is disgusting In the pro-Hamas protests in Tel Aviv where Yeger and Einav were called war criminals and worse, there were no religious people. Some of the 9 soldiers who died In "Cast Lead" were religious and "settlers". If Yeger and Einav really served in the army, they should go back to basic training. In the IDF you learn that you don't stab your fellow soldiers in the back.
40. totally right
t ,   usa   (02.02.09)
thanks for speaking up!!!!
Arab Agnostic ,   Arabia   (02.02.09)
42. Where were the secularist supporters?
Yitzchak ,   Elazar   (02.02.09)
Are the writers of this, just frustrated that only religious people came to the bases to offer support? Where there no secular people who came to offer support give the soldiers something as a gesture. The fact is, in times of trouble etc people do return to their faith. Instead of knocking what people do, just appreciate it and accept that for you it did not interest, but maybe for others it gave them the extra boost.
43. I wish I could be
RobertK ,   Jerusalem   (02.02.09)
confident that secular Zionism is still a potent force. But, though nonobservant myself, I have to admit that it's not. The proof is in the facts. There are no more secular-Zionist settlement movements as there still were decades ago; young secular Israelis don't get together to start a moshav or kibbutz in the Galil or Negev or Golan out of Zionist commitment. And the disproportionate numbers of religious officers and combat soldiers speaks for itself (the secular kibbutzim still have a high proportion of combat soldiers, but no longer of officers). So the Zionist intensity is now concentrated in the religious-Zionist camp. Everyone who cares about Israel and considers himself a Zionist should think about this and draw conclusions. The Jewish people are not strong without their tradition--not in Israel either. L'hitkarev--while of course respecting people's right to their own conscience and values.
44. Religion
Mohammad ,   Jordan   (02.02.09)
One of the best descriptions about religion came from Sigmund Freud (who was born to Jewiish parents). Religion, Freud believed, was an expression of underlying psychological neuroses and distress. At various points in his writings, he suggested that religion was an attempt to control the Oedipal complex, a means of giving structure to social groups, wish fulfillment, an infantile delusion, and an attempt to control the outside world. In his book "Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego" Freud said : "A religion, even if it calls itself a religion of love, must be hard and unloving to those who do not belong to it." I am wondering when are we going to learn that religion is a pure devil. It causes violence, hatred and irrational behaviour. Looking at the talkbacks, i start to believe that Arabs and Jews are very similar. They perfectly match and they deserve each other.
45. To Infantry reserve soldiers:
Lior ,   Israel   (02.02.09)
I want to first thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for your service. You can never know how grateful I am to you! It is obvious there is a clash in this country between the left and right. I understand you have choices to be deeply religious, somewhat religious to your individual beliefs or secular. No one can take those choices from you OR tell you, you are wrong for them. Having said that what you are indeed blinded to is the far left in this country literally spit on you as you walked into battle. They rallied against you and our country and took quite obvious sides with those who wish to destroy us in a world where no one understands our plight. Yes, that was their choice as was the choice of the religious to come in their own way and offer you some solace. However, they were there to offer support and comfort to you while the far left was inciting in the most salacious of ways against this country and in essence your service to it. Please know I am not making excuses for the ultra religious and if you perceived their offending you I apologize. But make no mistake, this country is our country, right or wrong and when our people seek to give comfort to our enemies they are the devils not the "black hats" who at the very least even if you do not agree uphold the Jewish faith. Our Jewish faith. In the end war is war. Anyone who comes to bring aid to those potentially giving their young lives even if you do not agree with their methodology should not be criticized. The moral equivalence of silence to those who go against this country in harmful ways and being angry with those who were there for you both in their hearts and prayers show you have a lot to learn. Open your eyes. You do not need to embrace their beliefs for that is your choice, but please understand when you walked into battle there were two very different sides, one which acted completely against a moral code of nation and one which embraced you. If this comment even reaches one soldier who gives even the smallest pause for thought there is hope.
46. Can you look at it another way?
Shoshanna ,   Israel   (02.02.09)
Firstly, thank you for protecting my family and my country. I read your article with sadness. I think it is important you understand that for many, I believe most, Jews, this land was given to us 4000 years ago- otherwise, why are we here amongst millions of enemies? Why not Canada? Its nice and quiet there. It is no coincidence that your commanders are religious or that 4 of the 10 of our men killed in this war were religious- completely out of proportion to the numbers in the population. We fight with belief and conviction- not sometimes if our western ideals allow us to support 'this' war- but always, knowing that we defend Jews from the desired extinction others hope for us. Many derive great strength from those who came to pass out the things you despise. If you don't like it- pass them on, but why remove strength from so many others? Those that took the time to come and support you are to be espoused? Why? They were there to support you, unlike thos in the cafes... I prayed for your safety as did my children, we still pray for the recovery of the soliders- does that offend you too? I draw strength from the many more articles I've read from soldiers thanking the people for their support. And of course no one wants you to die Al Kiddush Hashem - but rather to live that way. With love- A fellow Jew I'd be happy to hear from you
47. a war of miracles...
issak of vienna ,   vienna   (02.02.09)
You must be blind not to have seen the Hand of G-D leading and protecting our brave soldiers in this fierce war! A war of house to house battles, were you had to take special care of not harming civilans, snipers behind womenand children,behind every corner and window! The casualties on our side, as sad as it is (for each and every soldier hurt or killed, is a tragedy) is unnaturally low. Why don`t you open your eyes and see the obvious.....?!
48. No. 3 Ellen
NYC Girl   (02.02.09)
I can vouch for the fact that there ARE atheists in foxholes. My grandfather, who fought in World War II in the Battle of the Bulge, was one of them as was my Israeli father-in-law who fought in the Six Day War. Yet, somehow, I can't imagine they were the only ones.
49. That's why the IDF was so successful
Ryan ,   Jerusalem   (02.02.09)
You cannot divorce the Jewish people from Torah. The reason the IDF was so successful in Gaza is because of the Jewish people's faith and trust in G-d...there is no other reason.
50. interesting
j   (02.02.09)
is there a hebrew word equivalent to "jihad"? pretty scary article. leaving aside the politics of this war, religion has no place in the war room i havent looked at the other talkbacks, but im 100% that at least one (very original) person said "there are no atheists in foxholes". let soldiers pray where they want and with those who want to pray, but all this talk of "righteousness" and angels flying with the troops sounds dangerously close to "in the name of allah" and "holy war".
51. #49
j   (02.02.09)
oh really? i suppose it had nothing to do with superior firepower, higher training, flak jackets, f-16s, military strategy and planning, an efficient medical section, armour, artillery, etc. yes. it was the torah and jewish faith in god that did it. sure.
52. Zvi - MY son DID FIGHT
Alon   (02.02.09)
and I am very happy that he had with him the Angels and the Torah and anything and everything that could help protect him. If you don't believe - fine - use the tanks. What is wrong with this idiot author that he rejects the possibility that God Himself accompanied our soldiers? What is wrong with this man that he can't handle the prayers of others and the faith of others. So, he doesn't need it - well, bully for him. To compare, to dare to compare this with the glory of Allah and death taught by the Arabs is not only insulting, it is hateful and stupid. Once again, YNET just wastes space on an anti-religious moron who can't stomach the idea that there is anything other than a gun protecting Israel. Idiot...just an idiot!
53. #42 The secular supporters weren't allowed
ordinary guy ,   Israel   (02.02.09)
into any bases. Only black-coated holy MEN who don't contribute to the defence of the nation are allowed freely into bases and given access to classified material. The rest of us unholy men and WOMEN (shock, horror!) send our care packages, host lone soldiers etc without making a song and dance about it. As for hoping that a soldier should die for "kiddush hashem" is a total desecration of all Jewish values. We were given the laws of the torah with the explicit command that we should LIVE by them, implying that we should not die by them. We are not fanatical muslims rejoycing in death. If unfortunately a Jew does die in the defence of the Land and the faith then it is of course kiddush hashem but to hope for it is perverse. Bear in mind the words of General Patton which aproximately read (obscenities removed and male includes female) None ever won a war by dying for his country; wars are won by making the enemy die for his country.
54. A Rabbi Pep Talk for The Boys
Panda Bear ,   Omaha USA   (02.02.09)
It sounds to me as if the Rabbi was just wanting to give a spiritual pep talk to the boys before they went out onto the field. I don't think the intent was to missionize anyone. I would have used different bible stories than Rabbi Rontzki, though, to encourage and guide IDF soldiers. My experience is most people want to know G-d, they want to believe there is a G-d, and most take comfort in their spirituality and knowing there's something beyond themselves and this world that they can lean on in times of trouble. Maybe that other soldier in your unit felt they could rely on that abstract figure more then they could rely on you. Maybe they were too polite to say otherwise. Its flattering that you felt you could rely on your unit, but not every soldier may be as confident in their units fighting abilities as you. I know I can rely on G-d more than I can rely on my own family when I need help. My brother was in the US Navy and he did not fear the Iraqis, but friendly fire. I don't think any one has to fear a Jewish Holy War. Even a good deal of religious Jews are not that holy. It is not like holiness is running amok in Israel and it would be a miracle if it did start to run amok. There are a good deal of Haredi that could find improvement in the area of Chesed. Reform and Conservative Jews could be more tolerant of Orthodox Jews and vice/versa. And then there is the concept that in order to have a Jewish holy war, Jews would have to be of one opinion before they would even move on it. Who would be the Rabbi in charge of deciding such afterall? G-d is still G-d, even if you don't acknowledge Him. G-d might even shake things up for you in your life so you might down the road decide you no longer are going to be a secular Jew but a religious Jew. Who knows, you might even become Haredi without even a single other Jew missionizing you to do so. Maybe Moshiach will come and open your eyes to a whole other reality than what you see now. I was secular for a season and then after a few of those G-d in My Face type moments in life, I made some changes in my thinking. It might happen to you, too.
55. Jews can be martyrs as well
Cynic #2   (02.02.09)
I just don't know how many virgins they can have in heaven. What's the difference between these rabbis (who incidentally don't have to fight) and Khaled Mishal of Hamas. Both bought tickets for Israeli (soldiers) and Palestinians to go to heaven paid for no less than the USA, the Jewish Agency and Iran! God Bless.
56. Re: #24 Kav Z'chut
Papa Dudjya ,   Brooklyn, NY   (02.02.09)
Me think what Mr. Gronenberg states is correct and to the point. Kol hakavod, and am yisroel chai! pyter/GOK
57. #44:Mohammad,Jordan
JC ,   USA   (02.02.09)
Sigmond Fraud also wanted to have sex with his mother. He also was a sexual deviant to the highest degree. I wouldn't quote harlots like him to support your arguments. Unless of course you are a homosexual and sexual deviant as well. YHWH tells us to love our enemies. Mohammad tells you to kill them. Don't you dare equate the two as the same. May YHWH open your eyes to the TRUTH.
58. How many seculars sent gifts?
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.02.09)
Where are the seculars who prepare gift packages for the soldiers and include little booklets of Chairman Mao's saying, the great writings of Shulamit Aloni, and little inspirational tracts by Noam Chomsky? Oh right, they out there giving aid and inspiration to the ENEMY to kill us.
59. Sorry Shamir and Gal
Tony ,   New York   (02.02.09)
With your freedom of choice, you are entitled to believe whatever you want. But you have to know that this is a Jewish army and G-d has a place in it. If you do not believe, just don't listen to it, but don't make other miss out on this privilage.
60. In the name of God
Jeff ,   USA   (02.02.09)
Jew's don't missionize to Jews, but they were trying to instill a sense of pride, meaning and determination in the Jewish soldiers. It looks like God was with the soldiers. Look at the results!!!
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