Survey: 31% of Europeans blame economic crisis on Jews
Published: 10.02.09, 18:42
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121. #111 Lisa
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (02.11.09)
Lisa, so there is 0.2% Jews of the Swiss population. That would make about 2,500 Jewish kids under the age of 14 years going to school. In other words in a school of 500 kids there should be 1 Jewish kid. If, for instance, there are some Jewish schools incorporating say a total of 1,000 Jewish kids. There would then be 1,000 schools with no Jewish students at all. Where do these kids interact with Jews? And in their adult life? Since 1/3 of the Swiss Jews live in Zurich, this becomes an even more secluded issue. In other words, even Switzerland, which was one of the very few European countries not affected by the Holocaust, would not qualify for Jewish influence on personal level. By the way, how did the Swiss banking scandal concerning the hidden (stolen) Holocaust funds affect the feelings of an average Swiss towards Jews?
122. To nr 115 - Justine - you provide no proof
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.11.09)
And your statements dear Justine are no more or less factual than mine, because you are not delivering any facts or proof either - putting your sharp tongue and rhetoric aside. Why I care about Polish anti-Semitism? Let me ask you a counter question: Why do you care about Jews/Israelis hating Poles? You have not responded to my question. You are flatly wrong Justine. Jews were easily killed in Poland because most Poles cooperated with Germans against the local Jewish populations. You claimed that you are not an academic. In that case, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, because you are trying my patience. If you and Chris are not academics, it could explain why you can't handle simple mathematics regarding the Jewish intelligentsia in Germany before 1939. And why is Jewish anger towards Poles legitimate but not Polish anger towards Jews? Because Jews haven't slaughtered, massacred and discriminated Poles for centuries nor did Jews put Poles in ghettos for centuries. It is the victim that has the reason to be angered - not the perpetrator. And why I am angry with the Polish people? Because I sincerely hope that Poles will one day be punished for their wrong doings against Jews. Criminal acts must be punished. Poles are criminals and must be treated accordingly.Warsaw ghetto existed in Warsaw for Jews - there was no Polish ghetto in Israel - ever. So we Jews/Israelis have perfectly legitimate reasons to hate Poles. Poles do not have legitimate reason to hate Jews, because Jews haven't done Poland anything. So, you know I couple of Jewish morons that want their Polish passports back? Data please. How many are they? And why is it that there are only 5000-8000 Jews left in Poland if Jews are so eager to return? And why should Jews live in Poland? Israel is the home of the Jewish people - not Poland. I happen to know many Poles that believe that Yoshua Ben Yoseph was Polish. And everyday day in Polish churches and everyday on "Radio Maria", Poles spread anti-Semitism. And this happens today in present day Poland. And if Polish anti-Semitism is a marginal phenomenon, then why does Swedish, Danish, Israeli, American newspapers report of Polish anti-Semitism? Regarding concentration camps in Poland: When my grandmother and her older sister survived the Holocaust and went back on the country road to their home city in Poland looking for relatives and survivors, a Polish man on the country road asked them in Polish: "So hasn't Hitler killed all of you yet?" Yes, there was a high concentration of Jews in Poland, but there was also a high concentration of Jews in Russia. Why is it that most of them survived? Poland was near to Germany - neighbors -and easily accessible and with a huge Jewish population. But 1/3 of the Poles were not annihilated in the camps. In fact German soldiers even used Poles to hunt down Jews in Poland, so if Poles are to be equally victimized, you have to answer this question: why did the Germans not kill 1/3 of the Poles and why did Hitler accelerate the killing process of Jews towards the end of WW2 but not against Poles? Jews and Poles were put in concentration camps - true. But 90% or more were Jews. And Jews were put in camps because they were Jews. Poles were put in camps because they were either Polish resistance fighters, homosexuals or communists. But the vast majority of the Poles lived in their cities - untouched by the Holocaust. Jews lived all over Europe - why did the Nazis transport them from Italy, France and so on to Poland? There is no data that proves your point dear Justine.
123. Another response to Justine
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.11.09)
I am ranting against Poles for the very same reason that Poles are ranting against Jews in Polish newspapers. After all, if Poles in Poland can hate Jews, then obviously Israelis in Israel can hate Poles - so what's your problem dear Justine? You don't like equal treatment dear Pole? I know you play dumber than you are - but your interest in Jews does not explain why other Jews would have to be interested in you and/or your Polish nation. Taking interest in Israel does not mean that Israel takes interest in you. The only interests I have in Poland is its destruction - nothing else. And it pisses me off that Poles still today are spreading perverted and disgusting Jew hatred. And hatred pointed to me is of my concern - it is none of your concern - so get out off my face. That is why I am doing the "ranting". You on the other hand, claim to be a Pole in Canada - what does a Pole in Canada have to do with Israelis/Jews in Israel being angry with Polish anti-Semitism expressed in Polish mass media? And why did you leave Poland if you love Poland so much? And why do you play so surprised that Jews hate Poland? What did you expect? After all, the article is about European anti-Semitism - in Spain, Poland and other European nations. When will you Poles finally behave like human beings and not like monsters? When will you Poles finally apologize for 1000 years of Polish anti-Semitism?
124. #121 Stefan
Lisa ,   CH   (02.11.09)
Exactly- not all European grow up with direct contact- Switzerland is not alone in this respect. I bet, the majority of Europeans have never talked to a Jewish person- so how can one conclude that 31% of Europeans are anti-semitic? That is my point. This survey is a gross generalisation and totally out of proportion considering the way the questions are worded. re banking: in my family/town/area- as far as I could tell- they did NOT take the banks side, you can bet. Not only Jews had a hard time getting their money. Everybody, including Swiss have to jump through hoops to access money that is not their personal account- and then the withdrawal is limited.
125. Another response to Justine
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.11.09)
"You are wrong again. I heard this statement many times, but it does not change the fact that it has no basis." You call a blank assertion data, Justine? Claiming something has no basis doesn't mean it has no basis. You accuse me of providing no proof, yet you do exactly what you accuse me of. If you would be correct, you would refer to Nazi German documents as to why to build concentration camps in Poland. You would also refer to documents regarding Polish sentiments for Jews before, during and after WW2. Very few Jews managed to escape Europe during WW2. But only in two European countries did Europeans stop mass destruction on Jewry: Denmark and Bulgaria. Both nations resisted the Germans in their filthy "ambitions" to kill Jews. Why is it that most Bulgarian and Danish Jews survived despite being invaded? They even blocked German soldiers from approaching Jews and Danes even said "We are all Jews", making it impossible for German soldiers to find Jews.Use your head Justine. Only because Poland was invaded by Germans, does not mean that Poles could not hide Jews. And most of the time they didn't - because if they did, Germans would not find. In order to kill Jews in concentration camps, Germans had to know who is a Jew and where do the Jews live, and Jews clearly were hiding from the peril. So the question is: if many Polish Jews were hiding, how could the German soldiers that have never seen or been to Polish cities before find the Jews? It does not mean that Poles could not give the Jews a cultural camouflage and publicly resist German anti-Semitism. German soldiers looking for Jews is not the same thing as German soldiers finding Jews. The German soldiers could not possibly watch every town, city, square, block, house and building - they would require cooperation with the local population. When you uphold law and order in normal and civilized countries, the police cannot by itself find all criminals - it requires the cooperation with the locals. But in this case - a criminal German state cooperated with criminal Poles to kill innocent Jews. Jews were concentrated to eastern Europe. Correct. But it does not mean that Eastern Europeans could not resist German anti-Semitism. You are in a state of denial. How do you explain Polish ethnic cleansing of Jews in 1969 - 2 years after the 1967 war? It was quite recent Polish act of anti-Semitism - AFTER WW2.
126. Another response to Chris
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.11.09)
Yes it is painfully obvious that you haven't understood an iota of what I've told you. And then you put this smug smile on your face pretending to understand something. Do you dear Pole understand the difference between "population" and "intelligentsia"? If a country has 50 million people, does it mean that 50 million people are academics? Of course not. Maybe 5 million, or 2 million or 1 million or 0.5 million people are academics. For example: more than 30% of Israel's population is academic. But about 9-15% of the Swedish population is academic. Now, there are 15.000 Jews in Sweden. Most of them are academics. It means that Jews are a tiny minority in Sweden but Jews have a higher PERCENTAGE of academic people than ethnic Swedes. And despite the fact that Jews in USA constitute about 1.5-2% of the TOTAL USA POPULATION, the Jewish PERCENTAGE of American academics at American universities vary between 20-40%. It MEANS that Jews are OVERREPRESENTED IN THE USA. Jews were ALSO OVERREPRESENTED IN NAZI GERMANY, due to Jewish brilliance. And you don't have to be an Einstein to understand that even if all Jews of Germany were academics, they would still constitute a small percentage of the total German population, due to the fact that there were few Jews in Germany. I merely stated that Jews constituted 50% of the German intelligentsia, WHICH HAPPENED TO BE A TINY PORTION OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE due to the fact that Jews were few in numbers and Germans had a small minority of intellectuals. Do you get it dear Pole?
127. #124 Lisa
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (02.11.09)
Somehow you are saying exactly the same thing I am, but getting the opposite answer. The questionnaire listed a number of questions that are generally seen as having basic anti-Semitic connotations. If you change the word "Jew" in the questionnaire to "Swiss", you will get different answers. Have a look what is the percentage of responses with at least three questions answered with agreement. This absolutely means that these persons have an anti-Semitic undertone in their way of seeing the issues. It does not mean that they would be ready to stage a Holocaust or even to support or allow it to happen. Nevertheless, they are anti-Semitic in their mind setting
128. to Alexander
Justine   (02.12.09)
You have a knack for writing superfluous posts. Number 117 is irrelevant. "Primitive" is not a term in social sciences, it's a value judgment. You cannot prove that a nation is primitive no more than you can prove that a nation is ugly. So unless you redefine that, the whole discussion is pointless. In any case, you don't have to be a university professor to not be primitive, so stop boasting about the number of academics in Israel. If you have education in mind, there are other stats too. More young Poles enroll and graduate from university than young Israelis. And BTW, in Poland one does not have to be academic to understand simple mathematics. You seem to suggest that it's different in Israel, which probably explains your confusion with Chris' argument ;) If you want to prove something about Poles, talk about Poles not about ancient Jews. It's IRRELEVANT. Mesopotamia or Egypt were civilized even before Israel, does it mean that Egyptians or Iraqis are forever more advanced than Jews? And a couple of unrelated things. There are sizeable Jewish communities in Ukraine, Argentina, Brazil…why aren't they scientific and technological hotspots? The number of Israelis who obtained Polish citizenship is 1200 in 2004. I have no more recent data. As for anti-Semitism in the internet, it's misleading. Look at talkbacks on Polish sites regarding (catholic) religion. They are often so rabidly anti-religious and anti-clerical, so full of insults towards the church, the clergy and even John Paul II, that you could never guess it's such a religious country.
129. to Alexander 2
Justine   (02.12.09)
So you (you personally) hate us. You've proven that all right. The part that I do not understand is where you try to justify it. If you hate somebody, have the courage not to ask the target for validation. It's weird, and you won't get it. No matter what you say, it comes down to the fact that you hate and scorn millions of people who never personally wronged any Jews. It's not different from other hatreds, including anti-Semitism. What puzzles me in Jewish hatred of Poles is its irrationality. It probably makes some sense on emotional level, but not intellectual. In truth, for most of its history Poland was a relative safe haven for Jews and no other country in the world ever tolerated a Jewish community that amounted to 10% of its society. Holocaust came from outside, and yet, many Jews seem to blame us more than the Nazis. It's not based on reality; it's based on willingness to blame. They hate us first, and then they look for arguments. Let's look at some of those. There is a HUGE difference between 2000 (number of Jews in Denmark) and 3,000,000 (number of Jews in Poland). Unlike Poles, Danes could smuggle their Jews out of the country yet Zegota saved more Jews than all Denmark. Most Polish Jews never had an occasion to even try to hide among Poles. They were locked in ghettos before the final solution was decided. They usually did not try to avoid it because Germans killed those who were found outside when for a while, it wasn't clear that they would kill those inside. When time came, Germans, Latvians and Ukrainians could easily round up Jews who were already in the ghettos. German occupation was longer and infinitely more brutal in Poland. There were actions in Warsaw when German soldiers searched entire areas, street after street, building after building, flat after flat to find Jews. There was nothing like this in Denmark, nor Bulgaria. The debate boils down to a couple of points: Holocaust was entirely a German idea, Poles were responsible for a very small percentage of the deaths and the overwhelming majority of Poles never killed nor denounced any Jew. Those are facts. Read Paulsson (Secret City – an excellent book about Jews hiding in Warsaw), Gilbert, Wistrich, Ringelblum and other Holocaust historians. Even Jan Gross, who is not exactly pro-Polish, states explicitly that Germans would have killed the overwhelming majority of Polish Jews INDEPENDINGLY of Polish attitudes. It's not Poles who wiped out Polish Jewry. Read this article. You can hope for whatever you want, including our destruction. What would you gain from destruction of countries that in the present state of affairs are relatively pro-Israeli, I don't know. I can only remind your representatives do not necessarily agree. In his last trip to Poland, YOUR PRESIDENT, Simon Peres, said that Poles were not responsible for the Holocaust and that Poland is Israel's friend.,7340,L-3531780,00.html,7340,L-3533120,00.html And Israeli firms invested billions of dollars in Poland. Sorry...
130. to Alexander
Justine   (02.12.09)
And there is also this. Page 2 and 14 in particular.
131. Justine...we get it...u like the "different jews" who agree
with you....hmmmm...the good
132. Justine...u twist the data
truth   (02.13.09)
the are more Poles than must compare percentiles....
133. 111...discusing religion is not rude in America
134. Hi Lisa, very good
bruno ,   swiss border   (02.13.09)
considerations. chapeau. i like your last sentence in post 105. kind regards
135. truth - no I don't
Justine   (02.13.09)
If you refer to education statistics, that's exactly what this graph shows - percentages. It's based on data here where all the methodology is explained. My sentence should have read "higher percentage of young Poles". Sorry.,50&IF_Language=eng
136. to #131
Justine   (02.14.09)
I assume people are good until proven wrong. I do not assume that people's disposition towards my country determines their goodness ;) though it definitely colors my reception of them. Thus "whom I like" "who agrees with me" and "good" may not be synonymous. Various configurations are possible.
137. Genius at 65
Greg ,   LA, USA   (02.14.09)
"Considering how their collaboration among eliminated Polish Jews in the Holocaust" What do you mean 'collaboration'? I thought the Poles were annihilating the Jews on their own, in Polish Concentration Camps..?
138. re 77
Greg ,   LA, USA   (02.14.09)
"and yet 20% of Nobel Prize Winners are Jews" Rubbish. How far would those Jews go if they didn't decide to integrate with the host nation and rely on fellow countrymen's support? Tell me, Mr. I-am-so-smarty-Jew, how many Jews from pre-war Poland who decided to lock themselves in the ghettos won the Nobel Prize? And YES, you locked yourselves in the ghettos, you alienated yourself, 90% of Jews in Poland didn't speak BASIC Polish, for it was not kosher to mix with the beasts (gentiles). THIS is one of the reasons WHY it was so easy for the Germans to find you. So don't give me this crap that Jews were being so smart, because without the host nation and its peep's support you could have achieved a kaka. -- "You "forget" that Jews come from Israel - not from Poland" Is that so? You apparently forget who paved the way - POLISH Jews. -- "Yes, Jews are hated by Europeans - but so are Poles." Thanks to whos dirty propaganda, I should ask? -- No, I am done, don't wish to read other of your BS. You're a waste of time.
139. 88 & 32
Greg ,   LA, USA   (02.14.09)
Well said? That's a big BS. When the Christianity is gone, due to Jewish-Leftist-Political-Correctness, guess WHAT will fill this void in? ISLAM. Jews will die first, then the rest of Europe will follow. You, Jews, don't see the BIG PICTURE or chose NOT to see it. You, along with atheists and all sort of leftist morons will cause the downfall of all of us.. During last holocaust, thousands of Jews survived hidden in monasteries and churches. Think, and think TWICE, how many mosques will offer you similar asylums during NEXT holocaust...
140. TRUTH, the dude at 92
Greg ,   LA, USA   (02.14.09)
"Poles are the butt of jokes world wide" Really? Yet without this 'butt of jokes' your ilk would have seized to exist ages ago. So, more respecct here. "sit quietly while murdered by you " Now, WHY are you lying? Does it give u a hard on, to blatantly spit on THE country thanks to which YOU ARE ALIVE? Does it? "We DO NOT want credit for your successes nor your failures! " I am SO FINE with that - so leave Poland and the Poles alone ONCE AND FOR ALL!
141. Mr. I-am-smarter-than-you at 108
Greg ,   LA, USA   (02.14.09)
"Your response indicates that it is you and not me that is confused and a non academic." No, and no again! It only indicates she is highly anitsemitic scum! How COULD SHE NOT agree with you in the first place?! What a nerve! Justine, you antisemite, shame on you!
142. Anti-Semitism and Reality
Donna ,   Bham, USA   (02.15.09)
I seriously think that when the something like 25% of the multibillionaires in the world are Jewish, the Federal Reserve is run entirely by Jews, Banks are predominantly run by Jews....and yet they are not more than 2% of the world's population - you have to admit that jealousy is a natural problem. And suspicion too. Because, while the Jewish people may have marginally higher IQs than other groups overall - that doesn't account for the domination. And how can Jews dominate sooo much if anti-semitism is soooo rampant. That doesn't really add up. If I were an anti-semite, I would boycott anything Jewish. I am not, so I don't. But you have to admit that even though I don't buy into conspiracy theories - It LOOKS like there is some sort of conspiracy - just on the face of it.
143. #77
Donna ,   Bham, USA   (02.15.09)
Don't you think that your unbelievable arrogance and your scathing derision of other countries' people actually fuels anti-semitism. I hope most people know that most Jewish people aren't arrogant assholes like you who think that God loves you best. What a racist you are.
144. NO-ONE answered "Jews talk about the Holocaust too much"!
Michael J ,   London, UK   (02.15.09)
ynetnews is reporting this research wrong. For example, the headline of article seems to suggest that if you asked 31% of Europeans for the cause of the economic crisis then they'd respond "It's the Jews!" That's just not the case. That's not what people said. The ADL survey questions were poorly-enough phrased to make it possible for poor editing on your part to allow your readers to get that impression. Like Chinese whispers. And the survey didn't report even one person as saying that "Jews are not loyal to their country" - that's not a question that was asked. Most inflammatory? The ADL asked people to agree or diagree with the statement that "Jews STILL talk about the Holocaust too much". That question states that the ADL believe that Jews USED TO talk about the Holocaust too much. All they're asking is whether Jews talk about it as much as they used to. How could you answer that if you believed that Jews talk about the Holocaust just about the right amount? Or if you believed that the amount you talk about the Holocaust is not related to your jewishness - so SOME Jews still talk about it too much but others probably don't talk about it enough? Antisemitism is a serious problem. How can we fight it effectively if you make up the facts about it? Apart from your poor reporting, have a look at the original paper ( and see if you agree that this article is based on poor research. 1. Europe isn't placed in context. The ADL sponsored similar research in the USA in 2007 ( A comparison of the results shows broadly more antisemitic responses in most European countries than in the USA - but the results vary widely across questions and across countries. For example, on the question "The Jews are responsible for the death of Christ", there were significantly more antisemitic responses in the USA than in all but two of the European countries. Overall, Britain, Germany and France (the countries that tend to be vilified in the USA as becoming increasingly antisemitic) are shown to be generally about as antisemitic as the USA. And in particular, responses in Britain are significantly less antisemitic for almost all questions than in the USA. 2. Antisemitism isn't placed in context. Other research, such as that by the Pew Research Center (, shows that European views about other groups have also deteriorated in recent years. 3. The list of questions is biased: a significantly different list of questions was asked of Americans. Had Europeans been asked to respond to the positive statements about Jews that Americans were given, such as "Emphasis on importance of family life" and "Contributed much to cultural life" then a different picture of European views on Jews may have emerged. 4. The wording of specific questions is biased. In particular, asking for responses to the statement "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust" assumes that Jews USED to talk too much about the holocaust in the past. Well, if the scientist asking me is saying that Jews used to talk too much about the Holocaust, and I hear Jews I know talking as much about the Holocaust as they ever did - then they must logically still talk too much about the Holocaust. In addition, respondents are put in a spot because the questions don't make clear whether we're talking about Jews in general or about some people who just happen to be Jews. If a respondent answered that "a little blame should be put on Jews for the financial crisis", reasoning that some people responsible for the crisis were Christians, some were atheists, some were Muslims, some were Jews, and so on - then that would qualify as an antisemitic response.
145. 31%
Adam ,   Poland Eurabia   (02.15.09)
I wonder what perecentage of Israeli will give similar answers to those kind of directed questions. Combaining Arabs with Meretz electorate will give similar result. Alexander is giving here a clear blood libel against us but I won't waste time on him as i don't discuse with unreformable rascists and bigots. Greg don't feed the troll and don't justify the agenda of ADL which is living from finding out new antisemities every day. Marco of Spain STFU you're just a tool of muslim-anarchist allience which main goal is destruction of Christanity and Islamic reconquest of Spain and Europe. Remeber today the people of Saturday and tommorow the people of sunday. BTW I wonder why his antisemitic and antizionist rants are permitted here? Maybe he's the kind of European this site wants to see?
146. Barney Frank
Robin ,   USA   (02.18.09)
Barney Frank may or may not consider himself Jewish, but, know your enemies and your friends. The Congress of the US votes for Israel, almost unanimously, whenever there is a call for support or against the PA or Hamas or Hezbollah. I would never vote for Frank, because our politics are polar opposites, but, he does get credit, as do the majority of those in Congress, when it comes to befriending Israel.
147. No sound of reason here
marko ,   helsinki, Finland   (03.15.10)
Hey, let me also declare my superiority as all g*d damn idiots here! It seems that religion truly does not divide us apart what comes to talking rubbish, jew or non-jew. We fins are direct descentants of Ukko, who is the only true g*d and therefore we are mighty chosen! Nobody remembers Ukko anymore but that is going to change when he lands with his reindeers from the heaven! You will all see! 8P
148. Not Jews. Zionist behavior
Ehud ,   NY, USA   (03.15.10)
Religion is irrelevant in this issue. It's hateful behavior that has earned "Jews" this reputation, rightly or wrongly. You fix the state's belligerent behavior, especially those considered to be rabid Zionists, and you'll see less criticism that israel is a rogue pariah nation run amok. The behavior, people, focus on the behavior. Nobody cares what you believe, it's how you treat the weakest among you that shows your true nature. Where were all the good israelis? Tell me? Having a picnic overlooking the slaughter and tipping bubbly with each flash of banned weapons, that's where. If it was bad for S. Africa, it's bad for Palestine too. Behavior, folks, behavior! Brings bad consequences.
149. What were the actual questions asked?
Bernhard ,   Switzerland   (03.15.10)
I live in Europe (Switzerland), and I've never seen or heard anyone here blaming "the Jews" for the financial crisis, or just hating Jews in general. That 31% figure seems way off... Makes me wonder if they asked any leading questions, or questions that didn't really match what they were counted as. A leading question might have been "Do you believe any of the following people were partially responsible for the financial crisis? [List of Jewish bankers, some of which actually were responsible alongside their non-Jewish counterparts]" -- with an answer of yes counting as "the Jews are responsible". Similar question: "Do you think Israel overstepped its bounds in the Gaza war?" -- with an answer of yes counting as being an anti-semite, even though that's a valid view that happens to be shared by quite a few Jews. Tweak the questions correctly, and they'll result in the statistics you'd like to show...
150. All you religious fanatics..
American ,   Anywhere, USA   (03.16.10)
Are in for a very big surprise. You all claim to be right, which means you are all wrong. When we, the enlightened humans have decided enough is enough, you will see. For we far outnumber you. And you will kill each other off, leaving only remnants for us to fix. Each day, you collectively bring us all closer to the freedom humankind deserves: the freedom from religious indoctrination of hate.
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