Peres tasks Netanyahu with forming government
Aviad Glickman
Published: 20.02.09, 15:10
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31. I think half Kadima will defect to Likud.
Mayne ,   Little Rock, USA   (02.20.09)
I think Labor will Join Likud. I think that will be a stable government with a defendable point of view. I think the USA has dropped Israel as a strategic ally and uses Israel to test weapons in the battle field. I think what people call radical Islime is headed by weapons manufacturers representatives parading as Imoms.
32. #14, "P.W. Botha"? LOL! Pathetic post
Jake   (02.20.09)
because they way the Palestinians are going, they will not even have Mugabe, let alone an Mbeki.
33. bibi as PM
sas ,   israel   (02.20.09)
we go back to the 90s. the man only speaks war and never peace.
34. Presidential monoply over democracy
observer   (02.20.09)
Peres, alone, is going to decide who will be the PM. That will secure for Israel conquering the French and Britons' allegations that the Entebbe was staged; by choosing the convenient Big Brother. Over the Orwell's Ministry of Truth, three slogans read: "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," "Ignorance is Strength.
35. It's so weird
Aidan ,   NY NY   (02.20.09)
just 12 years ago, Peres lost to Bibi in the elections and now Peres is the president, granting Bibi the right to form government. Crazy Israeli politics.
36. You can't pop a balloon on top of a womans head.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.20.09)
She's looking through rose colored glasses again. Land for everything is her motto. doesn't stop terrorism or hatred of Jews.
37. To 17 Nj USA
Sami H ,   Beitlahia   (02.20.09)
You can say what your foolish mind think. Any way you are in NJ USA... very far from the battle field. Israel cannot dare any new invasion any where!!. However if the extreme rightist just try to strike , the respnse will be horrible to all residents of israel. That is exactly what we really don't want . Please shut your mouth and better keep silent.
38. To 6 Florida USA
Sami H ,   Beitlahia   (02.20.09)
......again the comment comes from jews of USA. Very far from the battle field and have no idea of the real hope of all civilians, jews and arabs, for peace. We are not fearing from any type of leaders in israel, however the future extreme rightist government will show the whole world the reality of zionism and the real face of the jewish state.
39. #14, #20, and #33
David H ,   Marietta USA   (02.20.09)
First #33/SAS: There is no peace now, if you haven't noticed. Nor was there under Olmert/Livni. If they don't teach you this is Israel any longer, Arabs DO understand strength, if nothing else. Strength has not been seen in Israel for quite some time-Lebanon was a fiasco (albeit, not a total fiasco), and Israel quit bombing our cousins in Gaza a bit too soon. #20 Ami: It would be great to have Netanyahu as an American leader, but for pretty obvious reasons, that is not about to happen. However the American dog has been wagging the Israeli tail since 1967. You can see the great peace breakthroughs that has resulted with this great leadership... Other than the Carter brokered 1973 Sinai disengagement, you haven't done too well on the political or military tract for the past 35 years. Or haven't you noticed? It is time for real change on the world scene, not warmed over, failed socialism (which the US seems to be slobbering over lately). #14: Israel = South Africa? To paraphrase one of America's greatest Presidents (gag if you like), is South Africa, and its average citizen, the average Black better today than it was under Apartheid? I mean in terms of city crime and murder rates, a 25% AIDS rate, a President who claims the HIV virus is not the cause of the disease, flight of capital/white population out of the country? I'm sure you think it is better, but that is a standard, pre-programmed knee jerk reaction. Regardless of liberal mind set, Israel is not South Africa,either the one of yesterday or today. Bibi is perhaps Israel's only hope for long term survival.
40. a liar
richard ,   holland   (02.20.09)
allthough he is a liar which is scientifically proven, he is the best option for Israel. Go for it Bibi. But please do what you promise...
41. Livni will not receive the generosity of Bibi from Kadima
Jake   (02.20.09)
Netanyahu is offering Kadima an unlimited number of posts in his government, and an unprecendented offer of equal partnership. Tzipi should take the offer, because if she goes into opposition, she will be be ousted by her own party, Kadima, which is a spin-off of the Likud and much of which has an affinity for Likud. Kadima will then join the coalition. If Tzippi is looking for allies in the Left once she is in opposition, she needs to understand that she is fresh out of friends. There is no "Center-Left Block" by any stretch of the imagination. The Arab parties are boycotting her. The Left parties, Meretz and Labor, failed to endorse her for Prime Minister. Barak does not see Livni as a partner in the opposition. Livni's meteoric rise occurred entirely at his expense. Barak, rightly, sees Livni as a political thief riding the wave of popularity of the Gaza operation, which was his baby, not her's. And, rightly, once Livni is in opposition, Barak will work tirelessly to undermine her, and Kadima won't come to her aid. In short, Netanyahu's offer is is an offer Tzippi cannot refuse.
42. #11 Pensions?
Jim4Jews ,   Walnut, USA   (02.20.09)
A pension is worth nothing if you are not alive to enjoy it. The UN and IAEA have just declared THEY WERE WRONG about Iran's capability to produce nukes. They will have them MUCH sooner than the UN/IAEA 'misled' the world to believe. Pension? Phfft!
43. #25
Jake   (02.20.09)
Marcel, whether Jewish or not, is 100% right. The groveling stadlan/ghetto Jew mentality has brought upon us nothing but disaster. And calling foul on this kind of attiude is not "antisemitic", but the most philosemitic advice one could give.
44. best news.
David ,   USA, exile   (02.20.09)
I live in the US so I guess I should get Sami's, #37 permission to speak but I will try it this once and beg his pardon. Now, what I would like to say is, the best news of all is, NO MORE OLMERT!
45. To David 39 USA
Sami H ,   Beitlahia   (02.20.09)
..."Bibi is perhaps Israel's only hope for long term survival" ...David. Again and again this is the comment of an american jew!! Be sure that the extremist israeli will lead this state directly to the hell. ...and your fate in USA will be in danger!!!..
46. To 40 Holland
Sami H ,   Beit lahia   (02.20.09)
In fact BIBI is an excellent! liar. A liar leading the state of israel could be the best representative of astate build up on lies ...historic lies!!
47. #30 - You dare mention SEN Byrd?
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (02.20.09)
Brave of you - The only man with chutzpa enough to attempt a filibuster of your fuehrer shaman bush. Well he is old, he apologized long ago and he instead of retaining his hate and fleeing to the republicansatzgrupen after the civil rights movement he reformed his ways and stuck it out unlike that old bigot Strom Thurmond (YESHU) succeeded by the equally worthless Lindsey Graham. I am here in good ole xitian identity state of Tennessee with the worthless racist Bill Frist and Shiksa Marsha Blackburn and that idiot in KY Mitch McConnell and after the NY Post Published that cartoon by Sean Delona I was listening to a comment directed to REV. Al Sharpton. This comment directly quoted from the deplorable REV. Buckner H. Payne (may he rest in the Valley of Hinnom) founder of Xitian Identity and Pre-Adamite Theurgy/theology and his Vanderbilt university cronies, I came to a realization or epiphany; I am in the eye of storm of pure Rasha (Evil) and although I know the days of avarice, salacious hate mongering and influence wielding of the Dominionist/republicansatzgrupen are waning I grow weary so,,, I am asking - why don't you just come here and save us both some time and I will just kick your pointy hat wearing a**..
48. Michael , Haifa , if you have to ask, you
Joe ,   Ohio, USA   (02.20.09)
can't afford it.
49. A Netanyahu government
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (02.20.09)
Copied from Stratfor, a political intelligence service. I cannot provide a link, because it is a subscription service, but here it is, cut and pasted. Summary Israeli Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Feb. 20 accepted a request by Israeli President Shimon Peres to form Israel’s next government. The political horse-trading continues, but it is now up to Israeli Foreign Minister and Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni to decide whether Netanyahu will have a strong grand coalition capable of making big policy moves or a split government that would have to spend the majority of its time fighting for its own survival. Analysis Israeli President Shimon Peres broke with tradition Feb. 20 and asked Benjamin Netanyahu, the chairman of the center-right Likud party, to take the lead in forming the next Israeli government, despite the fact that Likud did not come in first in elections held Feb. 10. Netanyahu already has secured the support of another party — the far-right nationalist Yisrael Beiteinu — which gives the Likud/Yisrael Beiteinu bloc 42 seats in the 120-seat Knesset. That is much more than the election’s actual “winner,” the centrist Kadima, which took only 28 seats. After receiving the invitation, Netanyahu immediately called upon Kadima and the center-left Labor party to join him in a grand coalition government. There are 12 parties in the new Knesset, which is in the normal range for Israel. Because of the proliferation of political parties, most Israeli governments tend to be weak, barely functional affairs of four parties or more. In such arrangements, the smaller parties excel at holding the government hostage over their pet issues — issues that often result in the budget going wildly out of proportion or end up sabotaging Israeli foreign policy. Netanyahu knows this better than most. He has been prime minister before and had such squabbling bring down his government; he has also been finance minister, forced to find a way to balance the books despite the coalition. As a result, Netanyahu would prefer a relatively compact coalition with as few parties as possible. To achieve this, he really only has to get Kadima on board: a Likud-Kadima-Yisrael Beiteinu coalition would have 70 seats, nine more than a majority. But the chances of that happening are relatively slim. Kadima and Yisrael Beiteinu have practically polar opposite positions on the issues of the day in Israel — primarily over the degree to which Israel should compromise in order to achieve a peace treaty with Syria. And if he cannot strike a deal with Kadima, Netanyahu will have to hammer out a broader coalition of at least five parties to get the necessary majority. He would once again spend his term as prime minister dealing with all of the instabilities and inefficiencies that have marked his previous terms in government. Should Netanyahu fail to get Israeli Foreign Minister and Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni on board, he also will need to balance between a right-wing coalition at home and a United States that is moving toward diplomatic engagement with Iran. There already are concerns within the Jewish state about how the Obama administration’s push for improved relations with the Arab/Muslim world will affect Israeli national security — a perception that is only going to get more intense if Netanyahu is unable to form a broad-based government.
50. 12. Dave read Marcel again...he is not self hating
truth   (02.20.09)
he is right on...we can never forget that it is our strength that keeps us has never been our fears and capitulations.
51. considering the 1996 election
Asaf Golan ,   Sugar Land   (02.20.09)
now Peres is handing Netenyahu the government on a silver platter.
52. Flush Kadima and Labor in the toilet together with..
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.20.09)
..Meretz and the Arab parties. Those parties have nothing to do in Israel. But patriotic Zionist parties do.
53. #37 no one believes you
catherina israel   (02.20.09)
don't want the israelis to suffer from a horrible response? why then permit rocket attacks for 8 years on israelis? israel shall do what it must, despite arab imagination
54. Hey, Sami #38, Dream On, buddy
Jake   (02.20.09)
"We are not fearing from any type of leaders in israel, however the future extreme rightist government will show the whole world the reality of zionism and the real face of the jewish state." What about Hamas, that rebelled against PA and took over the Gaza strip by force, throwing Fatah officials from buildings? You think that Netanyahu is cut from the same Islamofascist mold? He is a true statesman, trying to form a broad centrist govern, not an "narrow extreme rightist" one. And on Sunday, Tzipi will fold and join the coalition. When are Hamas and Fatah going to resolve their difference peacefully, let alone with Israel?
55. #46, and yet Clinton finally placed all the blame on Arafat
Jake   (02.20.09)
It is true, that during his term, Clinton did not trust Netanyahu and gave Arafat the benefit of the doubt. However, at the end of his office, Clinton realized his mistake, and placed 100% of the blame for failure of peace on Arafat. Clinton told Arafat: "I am a failure. And you have made me one."
56. #24, "Barack Obama more popular in US than Jesus"
Jake   (02.20.09)
Well obviously, because Obama is the new messiah in town. Supply and demand has ensured that commemorative Obama memorabilia items sell like hot cakes, which seems to give the economy a bigger shot in the arm than the economic stimulus package ever good. GM's in trouble? No problem! They can launch a Special 2009Commemorative Edition Obamobile. Sales will hit the roof. Treasury is running into dire straits? No worries! It can mint a special commemorative edition Obama Silver Dollar. People will start spending their hard-earned paper money just so they can get Change they can believe in.
57. 14. thanks Amos...everytime a
....(.hmmm, I don't use the type of language necessary here)...a _____ like you is positive we're about to be destroyed, we come back stronger. Am Israel Chai
58. u guys really need to reread Marcel
he's right...
59. 37/38
Truth   (02.20.09)
Zionism is the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish's a beautiful thing. Sad but salient truth: Jews want peace Most Arabs want Israel Am Israel Chai P.S. I want peace just not the kind that comes to you after you have killed me and mine...
60. do not get to change truth with a lie
TRUTH   (02.20.09)
Bibi is no extremist...he is a patriot, a Zionist, which is the only hope for Israel and the Jewish people. The Hamas, the PA, the Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Saudi name but a few are the extremists...who want to steal the ONLY Jewish nation on the planet from the Jews. No matter how many times you: Sami, repeat your lies, your lies will NOT become truth.
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