Jewish Scene
Judea Pearl: Jewish university students fear for their safety
Published: 01.03.09, 13:00
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36 Talkbacks for this article
31. #30 - let me clarify
Samael ,   California   (03.03.09)
I know that the Jewish religion does not hold with "turn the other cheek"; unfortunately, American Jews are being raised that way anyway. That's my main point. Regarding your point on Christianity, I have to disagree; given the danger of Islamic religious intolerance which threatens both Jews and Christians, it has never been more important to focus on Jewish-Christian relations. We can argue about the supersession doctrine, but in the end, like you mentioned, life is the most important thing. Our mutual struggle against the deadly threat of Islamic extremism should supersede theological debates. To put it simply: you may not like Christians - that's up to you - but they're our allies now.
32. To AY_Lamb
Sarit ,   Israel   (03.03.09)
It is true that some anti-semitism has its' source in religion, but it also has to do with jealousy. Many anti-semites are jealous of the Jews' successes in many fields, especially the financial one.
33. Re#22-You Are Incorrect
Christy ,   Boston, US   (03.03.09)
You State "Within Conservative (word choice - conservatism in US doesn't abide a separation of church and state see xitian identity movement or positive christianity in nazi Germany or british israelism)" 1. I've been part of what would be called Conservative Churches in the US for decades. I've NEVER heard anything mentioned about abolishing church and state. The Identity Movement, which I've read about is considered a non-Christian cult, at best, It's *Not* considered part of ANY Conservative church. Same with British Israelism. I have no idea what positive Christianity in Nazi Germany was. I *do* know that many Christians were persecuted by the Nazis because they refused to allow the state to control their churches. It seems that what you refer to as Conservative, today's Christian Conservative Churches would place in the loony tunes far right. Conservative, when used to describe Christian Churches, defines ONLY how the Church regards The Bible. It doesn't necessarily mean conservative politically. It simply means how one interprets the Bible. Your point #2 - your army experiences - The US Army is NOT a branch of any Christian Church. You can bring a case against the US Army, if these things happened to you. If they happened to me, I would certainly seek legal recourse. You said " The Supersession beliefs ..." 1. I have NO IDEA what the Supersession beliefs are. You said ".... (Islam and Xitianity) are wholly and completely unnecessary and are therefore anathema to Judaism." I don't doubt you feel this way. I'm not going to stop being a Christian because this belief offends some people. You said " So put out the word in all Xitian temples don’t harm the innocent like Mar Pearle - I am “the real deal” direct your malice to me. Please." 1. I don't have malice towards anyone. I would never fellowship with Christians who did. Just because I've stated that some of what you've stated bears NO relation to my reality is not malice. I was providing what I have witnessed as fact. Where you get your information I have no idea. I wanted to state what I have seen and heard in my 30+ years of being a Christian and being involved with Christians. In the US today, I know of no greater supporters of Israel and the Jews than the Conservative, Evangelical Churches. (Conservative here meant as a non-political term.) I would like to point out that its on many politically Conservative &/or Independent Blogs that you can find bloggers dedicated to recording what happens to Israel and the Jews in the US. These blogs are a great antidote to the anti-Israeli mainline news organizations. One such blog, with a tremendous archive, is 'Little Green Footballs' -
34. #31 and #32 for the umpteenthmillionth time
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (03.03.09)
I have no problem with either Muslim or Christian in any of their various forms and actually I even admire Unitarian Christians to a certain extent and Sunni Islam is extremely provocative as well. Christians read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers and other Sefer from T"N"K and Muslims study Tawrat. What I DO NOT do nor, do I believe it prudent for any Jew to do, is to approach the supersession dogmas in a manner that is docile, apologetic, obligatory or subordinate: why??? ans: AY_L is a disgusting arrogant uppity Yid? WRONG correct ans: AY_L has studied the sequels (out of civic responsibility) and AY knows that their adherents are incapable of timidity or passivity in their devotional practices. They don't LIE or obfuscate; look in their sacred texts; their world is divided into believes and unbelievers and guess what Jews are the worst they (the Jews) are refusniks. Antisemitism is therefore protean (it reflects any random negative penchant on any random day). Any Jew that engages in islamophobia or hurls disparaging pejorative epithets or engages in discriminatory behavior or mimics any of these gentile ways is simply validating what they consider the necessity of their supersession displacement doctrine. Simple Christian dominated American opinion - "Our resources are being sapped and energies wasted because the 51st State (Israel) won't conform with international human rights standards and we (America) must always sacrifice for their (Israel's) survival, Israel needs slapped down and slapped down hard" Dr. Chin instructor and prominent DOD psychological "profiler" instructing at Phoenix academy. “Look at any incidence of violence around the globe throughout history and either at the source or contributing to it you will find the Jew” Ahrun Gandhi (Hindu practitioner) Nobel Peace Award recipient and fellow at Christian Brothers University Nashville, TN USA. You must try to understand Christianity and Islam must conduct Enculturation or if you prefer I use the descriptive “immersion Assimilation” their culture and societal paradigm is premised and predicated on an unintentional, pure, righteous and innocent ascendency and evolution which was rejected and inhibited by self-righteous, conspiratorial and perfidious Jews. For crying out loud, pick up any American English Dictionary and look up the word Pharisee = Hypocritical. We must not as a community expect to proceed without holding certain truths as self evident it is simple if you want to reject the “Bris” and take up the ways of the ways of the Nations, then “DO SO” but, for the love of humanity do not apologize or demure for those taking up “the yoke of Torah”.
35. #33 - Christy you are tone deaf and incapable
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (03.03.09)
of comprehending a thorough and accurate understanding of my perspective. This isn't your fault however, I would recommend that you scoot on over to your local book store and pick up the book "Jesus the Pharisee" Hyam Maccoby AKA: Jacob Neusner or anything from Yeshayahu Leibowitz or Holy Blood Holy Grail Michael Baighlent. As far as the US military is concerned and (I am not even sure why I am complimenting your lunacy with a response) but, I never said they were a non-secular Xitian Denomination, what I said is - as an institution they are legally mandated with the authority to take life by any means really available as the condition warrants and instead of basing decisions off fact and science the authorities are basing decisions on a sort of dogmatic theological eschatology that espouses violence and contempt. Mandatory in care packages sent to soldiers is media from the 'Left Behind' series of 16 best-selling novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, dealing with Christian dispensationalist End Times IMAGININGS. Look quite simply "you are incorrect" but, accuracy isn't an obstacle to Gentile intellectual endeavors just "hang in there" keep studying and you'll be alright. Also I do believe the international criminal court needs to examine the conduct of the Bush Secretariat and Councils for the premeditation and execution of various inhumane atrocities premised on evangelical interpretations. If America and the rest of the international community can engage in the circumspection of Israeli combat operations I fail to see why the actions of the violence prone christian establishment can't be equally examined? What do think? oh I am sorry you are probably too busy watching that comedy "The Passion" ha!!! I never laughed so hard in my life - it almost makes multiple deployments to Iraq worth it just to be forced to watch the funniest movie ever with my jolly bible thumping pork eating isa freak comrades.
36. #33 - Christy - One final point because
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (03.03.09)
apparently I have a masochistic tendency. To state that "conservative" "traditionalist" "fundamentalist" or any other descriptive you wish to employ for the various streams of christianity don't pursue political goals and objectives or to deny they have complex and multifaceted political operatives (even under the guise of secularism aka Neo-Conservatism) is ridiculous in the extreme. Please read "With G_d on their side" Esther Kaplan you can make this leap to true awareness I know you can I have faith. The leap I wish for you to make is simply the cessation of murder, distortion and consumption or the pious subtle advocacy of those in the name of your water walking man god.
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