Jerusalem terrorist a married father
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 05.03.09, 19:59
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42 Talkbacks for this article
31. tractors terror and olmert
mohson   (03.06.09)
A legal analyst opined that any israeli would be in jail by now, and that only olmert's status and legal friends have delayed his indictment. More relevant is Olmert military weakness, cowardice and lack of logical thinking. He says look, give them a state on all the land and they and I will be happy, knowing full well that as hamas says, it will not be the end of their demands. Hamas wants to undo 48. Olmert's fear makes him concede. He is the last person who should be negotiating for israel on security. And Livni, while braver than olmert is simple-mindied and lame. She parotts olmert. Israel will have to talk to hamas and make a long-term lull. Fatah is corrupt and not credible. Hamas, while given to lying is more disciplined and logical to talk to. Livni thinks they will disappear and that abbas can deliver on his end of a deal. The only thing that keeps israel whole is the IDF in the west bank. Don't kid around with the facts. And now hillary clinton, another condi rice, totally ineffective.Olmert is responsible to some degree for these tractor incidents as the arabs see him as so weak.
32. #25 arabs & druze were occupied by others and never had
self rule ever befor   (03.06.09)
33. #8
but more and more of you die every day because of your so called ressistance. if you want to continue this ressistance, maybe there will be nothing left after q100 years in gaza. your choice.
34. #28 your talkback is BS
Leon ,   Melbourne   (03.06.09)
Have you seen the video of the the attack? Unlike the other TERROR attacks, this TERROR attack was caught on video, so there can be no DO GOODERS protesting this guys innocence. If you have you may need glasses or a grip on reality. If you haven't I can describe it to you or give you a link to the footage.
35. #28
hmmmmm! you forgot a tiny detail here, mt friend. this so called bmw drove at high speed RIGHT INTO A GROUP OF ISRAELI SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS IN JERUSALEM. this was not a traffic accident at all and was investigated fully . there wasc also a mine in the bmw, just like there was a koran in this present car of this terrorist. no matter how many excuses you may find to protect the intent of this individual, it is a known fact that some of you would rather blow yourself up to kill one jew or israeli. your brothers are doing a very good job all over the world with blowing themselves up, unfortunatelly killing also muslims in the process. this incident is no traffic accident because the body of the other palestinian who rammed his bmw into the israeli soldiers and injured them did it fully concious of what he was doing. the hospital medical team found no brain damage and no alcohol in his system and for sure, not a heart attack. so, why did he do it if not to kill and maim. you, my friend have nothing to fear driving near idf and police cars in israel if you do not make a habit of ramming into soldiers and jews holding a koran and a mine. if any israeli will do this ramming of his car into any palestinian, he will be put in jail with a very heavy sentence. the reason this person was shot is because, unlike someone that truly looses control of a car or a tractor, this individual continued and continued his assault and went after the bus after he rammed into the police car and went after it again to try to overturn it. then he proceeded to the bus. this is not a person loosing control of equipment. it is a terror aTTACK IN FULL FORCE and yes, he needed to be taken out before he caused any further death and destruction. what do you want, to talk to him???? while he is going after your throat?
36. #25
it's your choice. have hundreds of your ressistence fighters die or seek peace and coexistence. your choice! also, the definition of an intelligent person is to learn from past mistakes. most smart intelligent people make one mistake and learn not to repeat it. otherwise they are knowin as stupid and imbecilic and moronic. this aptly describes the palestinians who have made the same mistake for 100 years. no brains!
37. Quality of life whose better
tea masn ,   marjayoun   (03.06.09)
live in fear and face hell in both lives or live in hope and enjoy it in both lives its win win situation for those brave enough to hope and lose lose for those who lives in fear
38. #8 Your "resistance" Keeps you from Freedoms enjoyed in 90's
David P.   (03.06.09)
you'll never see them again because you've declared your intentions and made clear your commitment to our destruction. We will not be fooled again, no foreign government will ever be able to push Israel hard enough to compromise our security, nationally or internationally.
39. #8 Transfer of which population?
You say: 'we built checkpoints, we raised a fence, we tried Oslo, nothing but population transfer works.' Then, there is something fundamentally wrong in Israel's policies. Israel tried to oppress and ignore Plaestinians for decades in vain. Palestinians are there and will be there. But, if you really insist in population transfer then the one who is causing the problems since 1948 should be transfered, look in the mirror. As long as occupation continues, nothing can give Israelis peace of mind and security, not checkpoints, not the fence, not the wall.
40. To Dani #26. Good Points.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (03.06.09)
Good points, Dani. Now let’s see how Noor will respond.
41. terrorist
sad ,   nyc   (03.06.09)
the owner of the tractor?????? no one worries about this???????? maybe they belong behind bars???????
42. #25 Palestinians come begging for work
Cynthia ,   USA   (03.06.09)
This terrorist supported his family from a job in Israel. Then look what he did. He shows his appreciation by terrorizing the streets of Jerusalem in order to become a dead shahid. Then Palestinians complain when they have no work and walls, checkpoints and border crossings keep them out of Israel. Give the work to Israelis.
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