Kadima, Labor don't rule out unity gov't
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 13.03.09, 20:47
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1. Rotation to nowhere
Brod ,   USA   (03.13.09)
Unity should be considered but there should be no rotation of PM. Doing so, will be reverting to square one to Livni's path of Leftist Appeasement which is not shared by the vast majority of the masses. In the past, the Islamist-Jihadist states use war to wipe out Israel. They failed. Now, they are using a new kind of war, that is, the use of Taqiyya-to deceive and manipulate the West to help them usurp Israel little by little until Israel becomes a tiny enclave that they can easily eliminate in a future war. They are also waiting for the fanatics' nukes in Iran to accomplish their evil intention. Ergo, the intention of the dark forces have never changed. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel. Their Charter, School Textbooks and Maps clearly show this. In view of this, Israel's survival depends on its GOD-given strength not to succumb to the path of Leftist Appeasement of giving away more and more of its liberated GOD-restored biblical and historic homeland to the wolves and tigers of the region. Israel must say NO to those Islamist-Jihadist and AntiSemite forces whose goal on Israel is still the same as it was during the Holocaust with Hitler and Al Hussieni incinerating 6 million Jews in their Gas Chambers. These dark forces will continue to go after Israel to achieve their ultimate goal of eliminating Israel. Hence, Israel must remain strong in defending and protecting itself against these Satanic forces.
2. Going through the motions
Gideon Reader   (03.13.09)
Nah! I simply do NOT see Bibi with a political death wish; peppered continually by skirmishers from his rear, and swiming with an anchor named Zipperette the Incompetent, challenging his every decision, playing moralistic martyr, making secret (or NOT so secret deals without his approval or knowledge) and planning to undo everything done as soon as the PM'ship folds over to her. That is NOT going to happen. This is Likud showing the decency flag; making every single last and next to the last attempt to have a unity government. That the incompetent and political malpracticing Kadimacrats; those Kakistocratic, serial losers of every major and most minor entres since they came into being, will never kosher their leftist infested souls and actually try to do something on behalf of the nation and it's citizens. It is NOT in their nature.
3. 'leftists'
Al ,   Ashkelon, Israel   (03.13.09)
Brod, #1. You and others like you constantly blame the leftists. There are almost no leftists of any influence any more. Was Begin a leftist, or Sharon, or indeed Bibi who gave away Hebron? Or Olmert? They were all weened on the same rightist, Revisionist theology. And so was Zipi Livni. I suggest you change your strawmen, and see the facts. A Likud, Kadima, Labor coalition is the best arrangement for Israel now. And that is not a 'leftist government by any stretch of the imagination.' Bumper- sticker demagoguery will not help. Realism will.
4. Livni is blind and greedy
Michel   (03.13.09)
Is there anyone there to explain it to her. The first comment is entirely correct Give love cooperation and technology to the region. and nothing else. Shame on the world for being so nasty to a miniscule country and people who never hurt anyone else.
5. Unity government
Helen ,   Maalot, Israel   (03.13.09)
Clarity at last! A unity government with Likud, Labor, and Kadima could sideline the extremist parties, deal with existential threats to Israel and change the current system of government/elections. If Netanyahu can pull it off, he will go down as one of Israel's true "leaders."
6. II A constructive vision
Michel   (03.13.09)
Work on a politically loose Economic Union with Jerusalem as its capital but not a 2nd state. Make the disputed territories special business development areas for the Union and cooperatively develop these regions into the most economically advanced regions in the ME. This is safe for Israel and honest to Pals.
7. likud, avoda and kadima?
nate ,   canada   (03.13.09)
i wish it were april fools. what a joke.
8. only the religious parties are different
why bother voting ,   for these clones?   (03.13.09)
9. As long the Shas is not in I will support this unity
e.m.Jordan is Palest ,   s.f   (03.13.09)
Say no to party of prostitutions.
10. Will the Likud right-wingers behave like poodles
Marcella   (03.13.09)
and follow Bibi wherever he goes, when chooses to go with Kadima and Labor? And will Israelis do anything abou it? This is a tragedy for Israel, a travesty of democracy.
11. this is exacaly what i want to hear!
brooklyn USA   (03.14.09)
these three need to be together, it is exacaly what israel needs, to make peace and i think it would be a great government to make progress with obama! hope it works out and israel beitnu and shas are left out
12. Al #3
Brod ,   USA   (03.14.09)
There is a great difference between giving an autonomy over a small town and giving the wolves Israel's liberated, GOD-restored biblical and historic homeland to set up a Taliban state with their rockets pointed at Israel's heartland.
13. Yes, yes, yes, please do it!
Vered, Israel   (03.14.09)
The Israeli voters obviously wanted Livni AND Netanyahu. Give us what we want! If they can bypass the Religious groups and form a unity government, this could be the LAST time we have to watch the painful coalition horse-trading process! They could pass electoral reform and give us true democracy. Could you imagine Pres. Obama having to arm wrestle with Ralph Nader before he could govern? Let's stop the system whereby we have to cave in to the demands of the resoundly defeated before a government can form. It doesn't matter about the Palis. They will ALWAYS shoot themselves in the foot. Livni and Bibi shouldn't use their disagreement over them to stop us from moving forward in every other way.
14. another day in !@#$%^&
captianzanax ,   kiryat 8 israel   (03.14.09)
(Every country has the government it deserves.)
15. The best coalition would be: Bibi, Livni and Liebermann
Alexa   (03.14.09)
16. The best option
Steve   (03.14.09)
The best option is a government made up of Likud, Kadima, and Yisrael Beitenu. This is the best option for a number of reasons: 1) It is secular. No giving in to the demands of the Ultra-Orthodox. No spending billions because Shas wants to. No forced observance of Shabbat. 2) It is stable. Such a coalition would not have its stability threatened by smaller parties with disproportionate power. 3) It is still centre-right. Likud and Yisrael Beitenu will prevent Kadima from making massive concessions and getting nothing in return.
17. Kadima - no, Labor - maybe
Leonid Karpilovskiy ,   Israel, Ashdod   (03.14.09)
No coalition is acceptable with those who want to divide Jerusalem and give up the Golans. Rotation with the capitulants? - Never in the life. Be strong, Bibi!
18. Livni's dream
Brod ,   USA   (03.14.09)
to exclude all the Right Wing Parties in her imaginary Trio is unrealistic and an insult to the Right Wingers and the millions of voters who form the vast majority of the voters who voted for the Right Wing Parties. Her formula is myopic and will be disastrous for Israel. The Right Wingers should remain resolute and strong in ensuring that Israel will never fall on the pathway of Leftism-Appeasement that the nation has rejected.
19. unity government
colin   (03.14.09)
Now that livni and barak have seen that BIBI can arrange a controlling governmnet without the leftest way they have come off the pedestool and come crawling to get some seats in the next knesset.They do not want for the people of Israel but do not want to loose the perks ,favours,corruption and egonisism that comes by the seat. The public are only pawns in the calculation of power.Barak will not be able to live if he is not minister of defence and MINISTER OF EVICTIONS. Barak hates jews more than the arbs.Livni wants only to be photographed with celebrities link Clinton To hell with Israel The media is the importent system
20. Leftists Brod
Al ,   Ashkelon Israel   (03.14.09)
Brod, you missed my point. It is always the rightists who give back territory. Remember Sinai? Who returned that land which was "an integral and eternal part of Eretz Yisrael"? Who gave back our G-D given Hebron? And of course Gaza. Only the right is strong enough to return land--when it is a last resort. So stop bashing leftists --they don't influence anything, but they are as patriotic and love Israel as much as anyone else. Don't cause more hatred than already exists.
21. #16 Steve, I disagree
Jake   (03.14.09)
What's centrist about Kadima, when Livni said that even Jerusalem was on the table, that her only red line was the right of return, that otherwise the Arabs could get anything they asked for if it led to "peace". Your fear of the Orthodox is misplaced. How can you equate the money demanded by the Orthodox to the loss of Jewish land. What's the price for Jewish land. No forced observance of Sabbath? Sheesh, I've known much worse things than that. Any government that includes Kadima or left of Kadima means the surrender of land, including Jerusalem. Eastern Jerusalem is just about in PA hands now, thanks to Livni.
22. To #21 and #16: Netanyahu will put Jeruslem on the table!
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (03.14.09)
Steve is right. We all know that Jerusalem is already divided and you cannot suppress a people indefinitely. Yes, this is "leftist talk" and I am a "rightist" but also a realist. It didn't work forever in South Africa and the then Rhodesia and won't work here either. The "right" have to face the facts that we do live in a hostile world, maybe even more hostile to Israel than ever before, and we have no alternative to making very painful concessions. Bibi, knows this and if he says otherwise he is not tell the truth. As for a government with Shas, they will sell their mothers out for a few billion. Your memory is very short, Jake, if you have already forgotten that Shas brought down Livni firstly because of NIS1 billion, secondly because she is a woman and thirdly because she refused to kiss the B..t of the Grand Ayatollah Yosef! As for your "thanks to Livni" remark, well, to the best of my knowledge she has been PM yet so how can you blame her for something she hasn't done? If you want to blame someone for given away our land then blame Bibi. He gave away Hebron, the corner stone of Judaism and the burial place of our forefathers! Jake, just as it is your right to "dig in" it is our right too to live as we please and not subject to religious coercion. The problem with "digging in" is economic, military, tourism, employment and the survival of our country. Just think what UN Sec Council sanctions would mean to us all! The US did not veto over Gaza. Obama wants to talk to Hamas. Need I say more?
23. #22 David - I have a fundamental difference with Realists
Jake   (03.14.09)
1) Realists' timid mentality. They don't seem to understand that they live in what should be a sovereign country, and that neither the US nor the UN has the right to tell you what your borders should be. Even fifth-rate countries find the gumption to stand up to the US once in a while. But Israel, with all its nukes - to say nothing of its ancient civilization and land title written on the Bible - dares to raise its voice to its master. 2) Yes, it's a hostile world, but it's been hostile to Jews for thousands of years, when Jews were not called oppressors but they were called other nasty names. And they were killed by the millions. All that, David, before there was modern Israel. The fact that we have a country to call ours, where we could be our own masters if we wanted to, drives them crazy! So nothing that you do will satisfy your enemies, except your complete demise, when there's no more Israel, and when there's not a single Jew left in the world. So after you've given up all you are ready to give up, David, they'll be asking for more, and the hostility in your neighborhood is going to increase, if anything, because they'll smell weakness and fear and timidity. Giving up land won't buy you peace. That's for sure. Which leads me to my next point. 3) What do you think will happen in areas of Israel with a large proportion of Arabs? Will the Triangle have to go next? Haifa? Olmert uses the Arab population in eastern Jerusalem as an excuse to give it up. Well, if we are to follow his reasoning, Israel will have to give up a good number of cities which are already more than half Arab or getting there. See what I mean? 4) I'm 100% secular, and therefore not a fan of Shas or any other religious party. But I don't see their demands as something that can compare to the demands made by the Arabs. Why be so sensitive to religious coercion but so amenable to US coercion? Particularly when the stakes are much greater when it comes to foreign interference. The religious parties have inflexible and very shortsighted views. They don't seem to realize that at this junction there are existential threats to Israel that matter more than getting more money for their constituencies. I wish they'd understood that, but they don't. So, we have to live with it. 5) I mentioned Livni because she was in charge of peace talks with the Arabs, very secret talks. Nothing was supposed to be leaked to the citizens about the future of their land. And while she denied that Jerusalem was on the table, Kadima was establishing facts on the ground and, as you say, Jerusalem is already divided for all practical purposes. But that didn't have to be that way. It was the Jews who did it by not enforcing residency laws and by allowing Arabs to take over Jewish-owned buildings, and so on. That happened during the Kadima government, the same one Netanyahu has been courting. 6) And I'm not a fan of Netanyahu, although I think the guy had tremendous potential, which he continues to squander by leaning to the left. He has the skills, the intelligence, the experience to stand up to the US and the pathetic UN, and tell them what needs to be said. Instead, and in spite of the heavy right-wing vote, he continues to pander to the left. Why? Perhaps there are pressures put on him, as there were on Sharon and many other right wing leaders who betrayed the population. The list is long. Anyway, sorry to carry on this long. So, in a nutshell, I believe that things could be done differently and, in spite of the yelling and screaming by the UN, the boycotts, the name calling, after two or four years, Israel would be welcomed back into the fold. And if not, you guys are resilient and smart and self-reliant. You'd make it and you'd do it with pride and self-respect.
24. Al #20
Brod ,   USA   (03.14.09)
The Sinai was part of Egypt in ancient time even during the reign of King Solomon (960-922 B. C.). Ancient Israel stretched from Ezion-geber in the South all the way up to present day northern Syria in Tadmor and Sidon in the north west. (See Map 54, "A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History, Holman Bible Atlas, by Thomas V. Briscoe [1998]) President Sadat made an effort to make peace with Israel by traveling to Jerusalem and meeting with Israel's leaders. And Sadat sacrificed his life for making peace with Israel when he was subsequently assassinated by Islamist-Jihadists. Hebron is a small town and is not a state. It was the Leftists who later formed Kadima that forcibly removed Jews from their homes and lands in northen Gaza. Sharon thought it would bring peace to Israel. Had Sharon seen the effects of what he and his fellow Leftists did in uprooting their countrymen from northern Gaza, he would have regretted it and would never again repeat the same stupid mistake! The Right Wingers will defend Jerusalem and the Golan from the wolves. Whereas the Leftists are trying to surrender them to the wolves. This is the great difference between the Leftists and the Right Wingers.
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