Israel needs PR ministry
Adi Mintz
Published: 22.03.09, 18:17
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. liberate liberate liberate liberate
Ypip ,   Canada   (03.23.09)
32. #4 close down Haaretz
John Williams ,   Ogden USA   (03.23.09)
Jews are known to be kind people. I am not jewish but beleive this. I had a jewish violin teacher who was not rich in the 1960's who epitomised everything jewish. What is happening today in the middle east is very sad. There is so much information that cannot be dismissed as anti zionist or anti semetic that it really should be addressed. Suggesting that Haaretz be banned would accomplish what? There is something wrong, either you have become so paronoid or have lost your way biblically, I don't know. The Palestinians are people just the Jews who were herded into Ghettos in the 30's. Make peace now, if you do the world will protect you.
33. PR ?..not in the 21st century .
Fadi ,   Beirut   (03.23.09)
even with 3 PR ministers will soften your criminal actions . camera ,PC pictures and last week soldiers confessions ,kind put a led on any peace efforts and any sense of coexistence .. home demolitions in east jerusalem . your soldiers were given direct orders to spit in the food crossing to Gaza...and some of your soldiers (snipers ) were ordered to aim at pregnant palestinians ..a 2 for 1 scenario . all i know ..you will not be accepted as a neighbor ..let us see how long you can live by the sord befor we crake your shell up . you spit in our food and then you ask Abbas to negotiate peace .. i don't think he dares now after the Alarabya Channel tonight broke the news to the world about spitting in Gaza's food and the snipers story tonight .. i hope the egyptians will have your next FM for lunch ....man they are waiting for him . ....you are the prohits killers ..we are not going to worry here about few civilians ..or spitting in our food . the world will never blame us to retaliate .
34. Israeli PR
Felix ,   Tel Aviv/Toronto   (03.23.09)
the reason Israel's PR stinks is.....the Israeli attitude. You want to get your point across to the US, Russia and other players, on a populist level, stop with the "i know it all" and "we know better than everyone else" attitude and understand the psyche on the audience that you are trying to appeal to. there isn't enough space in these posts to explain how much needs to be done for "hasbara" to make a real dent in the outside world's perception. And believe me, the people that would be chosen, most via "protectzia" would not be the best for the job, but hey....c'est la vie en israel, correct?
35. Media Development Center
Laura ,   Zichron Yaakov   (03.23.09)
I just submitted a proposal to an Foundation to perform these very activities being discussed, and more! Perhaps this could someday turn into the Ministry of Communication. For now, we have to begin - anyone who is interested please email me at lzali36@gmail.com. Also, if you care, do as I have done and join the foreign ministry volunteer team and Giyus.org. Best Regards, Laura
36. PR
frank ,   israel   (03.23.09)
There are various problems with this. Every israeli who speaks a little english feels qualified to speak for all. Knessett members should not be allowed to speak to the press. Only authorized persons who are trained to speak should be allowed. We have no idea how it looked when during the war we had the Army Spokeswomen interviewed and she really couldn't string three words in english together. What an embarrassment. We also need to counter the idea of actually saying something. We have a history of silence for the sake of the majority. This is stetile think and we are an independent nation with all the rights of such and we should be utilizing same rather than hiding and pretending. We can no longer be afraid of speaking but we must have trained, professional, spokespeople and this does not include friends of knessett members but real professionals....
37. Yes.. But
Ami Isseroff ,   Rehovot Israel   (03.23.09)
Israel has an image problem, but it cannot be solved by a Propaganda ministry. Propaganda ministries are known to produce propaganda, so nobody believes them. Besides, the best and most famous propaganda minister, J. Goebbels, is dead, so whom did you have in mind for the post?
38. #32 Why close down Haaretz?
Burndown Haaretz   (03.23.09)
Because Mr Williams, despite you believing there's "so much information that cannot be dismissed as anti Zionist or anti Semitic that it really should be addressed" the simple facts are most of it is indeed anti semitic and clearly anti Zionist, or else it already has been addressed, investigated, investigated again, debated, argued but at the end of all of it, people like you still believe there must be something to it. Is there something to the United Nations ignoring Darfur or Somalia or Tibet and passing Human Rights resolution after resolution against Israel other then the fact that the majority sitting on that particular council happen to be Arab or Muslim countries? Why no debate on Darfur? Why all the focus on Israel? And how about all those boycotts now being demanded in western Europe of all Israeli products? Why no boycott of Russian oil when they invaded Osettia, none of China, in fact I'm not aware of any boycott campaign except that of Israeli goods and sometimes as happened in France and the UK, Jewish shops are attacked. Is that not Anti Semitic? Do you ever wonder why all the noise is made about Gaza when for years rockets were fired IN THE HOPES of killing Israelis. But that was never important. Israelis know that had rockets been fired into a Brit or American city, the source of that rocket would have been obliterated by US or UK military and no one would have anything to say except congratulations. As for Haaretz and why it should be closed? Haaretz may as well write for all those english speaking newspapers, blogs, websites etc where all the anti Israel material is immediately used in the same manner as Ahmadinejad uses the Neturei Karta to show those who still haven't formed opinions about the Israel/Arabs issue how "Jews themselves don't want Zionists" as he points to his Jewish friends. Enough of this, and people have begun to believe that "Zionists" are today's Nazis and have taken an entire people and displaced them without any cause. When that is challenged, needless to say the revisionist history books written by Jews of course are taken out and read for all those who have any doubts about the evils of Zionism. Haaretz is a daily serving of the revisionism and has become the useful tool of choice for all the leftist media serving daily helpings of anti Israel propaganda. The agenda of the Haaretz "journalists" like Hass and Levy are to bring down the Jewish State. Perhaps they do so to be accepted by their Leftwing friends who by now are rabidly anti Israel bordering on anti Jewish at this point. And so Amira and Gideon continue to drive home how different they are from the Israeli or Diaspora Jew that supports the Jewish State. Whatever the reason, they are a main supplier of anti Israel material writing story after story with little or no evidence, but gets used as absolute fact by all our enemies. Haaretz is no longer a newspaper, but an opinion magazine and should be seen as such. Let everyone use Haaretz for the purposes of bashing Israel, as long as everyone understands what they are and what they're not. They are NOT a legit news organ anymore but merely a mouthpiece for the same hordes that rampage through London streets screaming to send us back to the gas. That's who Haaretz speaks for these days, and everyone ought to know that.
39. Anyone needing a 'PR Ministry' must be doing something wrong
Khalid ,   Gaza City   (03.23.09)
40. PR
DaveS ,   New York City   (03.23.09)
Actually, Israel's PR works perfectly fine in the US. Israel has managed to convince almost all members of Congress that it slaughters civilians only because Hamas makes it do so. Israel put the people of Gaza on a starvation diet for years with barely a peep. I would not worry about the strength of Israel's PR, Mr. Mintz. Did it ever occur to you that many people, at least outside the US, criticize Israel because of its monstrous policies? Perhaps people call Israel "baby-killers" because the IDF kills babies.
41. Not a PR issue
Ali Ziad ,   Washington DC   (03.24.09)
just fix your moral compass. PR could never fix the image of a rapist or a murder.
42. #40 Dave makes the article's point. Everyone read his post.
Burndown Haaretz   (03.24.09)
So you can see the delusion these people suffer from. The IDF kills babies? Probably not anymore then any other military and certainly not by design. The Russians killed 2000 people in S Ossetia in 3 days. Does anyone think someone like Dave even cares aout Russians, Georgians ? No of course he doesn't. Nor does he care about Darfurians or Tibetans. Dave and the millions like him care only about Israel and while they will tell you its about the Palestinian "resistance and fight for their lands" we all know its only about Jews and the fight for THEIR land. Dave and his minions care about what Jews do, say and the fact that in 2009 we defend ourselves and that is what Dave's friends hate. The combination of their ignorance and the massive PR coming from Paliwood have squashed all facts from this debate. Dave proves the author's point and the argument for establishing a ministry for public relations to fight this insane ignorance and hate plus the massive amount of money that supports the big lie which as you can see so many have swallowed gleefully
43. Like fixing the image of an honor killing Ali?
Nashville Katz   (03.24.09)
44. Israel needs PR
David Mitzner ,   Ebensfeld, Germany   (03.24.09)
Yey,Yes, I have said that all along. The Arab PR is big and has a large impact on public opinion. Politicians everywhere act on how the people vote and the people vote depending on what they beleive and they believe what the press tells them! Let me know if I can help!!
45. Just cut the diplomatic language
Hannah ,   Auckland   (03.24.09)
Arabs shout 'massacre, war crime' and Israel couches its responses in gentle diplomatic language. We need more people who can talk like Ahmadinadonkey.-time to call the cat a cat and cut the flowery talk.
46. Agree with 22 Ros, London
Mona ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.24.09)
Couldn't be more agree than with the author of this article. And I really find the idea of a TV-channel like Ros suggests. Now there is an opportunity to act!
47. "Israel's Media Star Chambers":
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (03.24.09)
The above-captioned article, written by Carolyn Glick, just appeared in JPost. It was, as usual with her, a brilliantly articulated piece but extremely disheartening. What's the use of continuing to oppose Arab propaganda and western antisemitism when the voices against Israel originate right here in our own media? These voices are then heard internationally and taken as gospel by the reading and viewing public no matter how poorly researched and how lacking in objectivity. We are our own worst enemies. And who are the "we"? Those descendants of the Ashkenazi who grew up and had instilled in them such an overwhelming sense of shame and embarrassment over being Jewish. And an ancillary effect of the Holocaust was to instill within many survivors and especially their descendents a further sharp sense of Jew hatred. Israel itself is full of such distorted personalities. Much of the media in Israel is populated by such Jews whose main preoccupation is to be accepted by the Gentile population and they are willing to sacrifice the land of Israel (in the guise of justice and fairness) in order to achieve such personal psychological comfort. Add to this the facts that these journalists are intelligent and articulate and that Israel's open democratic system allows them to reside here and make a living here and you have a deadly nexus (as far as Israel is concerned) which permits the gradual destruction of our country from within. In back of the media component is the decidedly anti-Israel approach of our higher education social sciences faculties plus the the personalities within our judicial system and it's unfathomable how we really do survive. Demonizing Israel is a national habit of the older Ashkenazi population (excepting the Russians from 1990 on) both in Israel and in North America as well. Although I am in favour of a television channel devoted to Israeli life and politics, I am disheartened by the immense challenges dwelling within our Jewish socieities (Israel + American)as a whole.
48. #18 the usual self-loathing leftist blabbering
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (03.26.09)
Get it into your head - your ideas and your self-hating ideology are history, gone, passe, hopefully out for good in our country. Just like your pathetic basketball team and their demolished arena whose name you're carrying. You represent a very minute, marginal minority. The 3 mandates Meretz got, prove it well. Yet, for such a minute minority, you people are sure very vocal... Once you and your your radical leftist ilk would finally wake up, and realize who we're dealing with here around us, and finally silence your big mouths - it would save half the work for a PR ministry - of undoing all the damage you people cause to this country.
49. PR Ministry
John Prescott ,   Llangorse Wales   (03.28.09)
Impossible to agree more. The lack of continuous and professional PR is losing us support worldwide, and especially here in the UK, more so in the USA. I read somewhere that Netanyahu will allocate $2 million for such. This is derisory, you need to spend at least 100 times that and NOW. The new American admin, is turning away form it's support, and the Israeli point of view is either absent or taken up amateurishly by Mark Regev, who seldom makes the points well. J.R.Prescott Wales UK
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